One-on-One: Matthew Clancy on Club Life Since joining Scarboro in 2079, member Matthew Clancy has delved into club life head-first along with daughter and golfing partner Sophie. The recruitment specialist currently sits on Scarboro's Members hip Committee, and graciously agreed to an interview in the Bistro last month. Carlos Verde (CV, The Nineteenth): Matthew, let's start at the beginning of your Scarboro journey: when and why did you join SGCC? Matthew Clancy (MC): I was originally a Clublink member at Emerald Hills, a lovely course with three nines. But it was an hour-plus north of the city in good traffic, and too arduous to travel there and back. Basically, it was an 8-hour day and not as family-friendly as I wanted it to be with my daughter and wife. I was looking for a great club that was close to us in the Beaches. One of the reasons I joined here was the history, the tradition, but
COVID hit the next year, so I played a lot of rounds in 2020! CV: You've become involved pretty quickly here, with committees and participating in men's events. How was that integration process? MC: I found that from general membership all the way to leadership, it's very open. I'm an engaged person, I like to participate. I saw an opportunity to engage, was accepted, and from there it was great to work with people that are brighter and smarter than me in the industry - and become a part of my new community. CV: In terms of giving back to the Club, what are you doing currently to help Scarboro? MC: I'm on the Membership Committee, chaired by Jim Di Giacomo and participate with (President) Stuart (Bowden) and (Membership Manager) Jessica (McGoey), along with Jamie Levey. We cover anything to do with membership numbers,
also the connection with (then-Sales and Marketing Manager) Scott
segmentation, where we are with membership pricing, and policy
Hay. That was very important, he was open and friendly
development like dress code. Typically they're two-hour meetings
with no hidden agenda and I felt like I wanted to join. CV: When exactly did you join? MC: I joined at the end of 2019, got one round in, and then
where a lot gets covered. CV: In terms of the golf experience here, you're pretty symbolic of the new member here at Scarboro. Under 50, making it more of a family experience. Give us an outline of the direction you want to see the Club move in the future? MC: Great question. Definitely a family-first type of guy, Sophie my daughter is 10 (and) involved in all three golf camps, as well as lessons with Matthew Peavoy. My wife is also interested in joining. I found the Club's been great at creating a buddy system for the young girls, and I believe there's about 150 juniors so there's a great opportunity for them to get the social aspect too. Family-friendly, great amenities, and hopefully the chance to add more amenities in the coming years - which would make it even more advantageous to somebody looking for that full family experience. CV: As somebody that joined just before COVID, and just before the Club rocketed into a wait list position, do you feel like you got in the door at the right time? MC: I was fortunate on the timing, but the Club was at a point in its membership cycle that it needed to position the value at a different level. Now that the Club is full, that supply-demand changes moving forward. Huge score, for me, I love this place and am glad I got in when I did! CV: In terms of the golf itself, what is your favourite hole and possibly favourite memory as well out on the course? MC: Oh wow, favourite hole? Hm. Second hole, the Par 3. It's typically 200 yards and a little downhill. I hit a slight fade, so it fits my eye and can usually put a 5-iron on the green - I usually produce decent on that shot, so that's probably my favourite hole because the results are there! Favourite memory is tough, but I think it was the Men's Closing Tournament this year. The 10th hole, versus the Pro, I beat Brad (Milligan) and think I won $500 in Club credit. That's a fantastic memory!