SA Annual Report 2022-23

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Emily Peltier, Photo of artwork produced by LGBTQ2S+ Youth Mural Jam led by artist, Monica Wickeler

We Bring Artists to the Community and Community to the Arts. Scarborough Arts, a not-for-profit charitable organization, serves the Scarborough community by developing, delivering, and promoting innovative arts programming and cultural initiatives in collaboration and partnership with the community.







20 OUR PROGRAMS 2022 -2023

Patrons viewing artist Niya Abdullahi's "tey zilabasaam ay", Metakinesis Scarborough Arts' 38th Annual Juried Exhibition. Photo credit: Daren Valdez Visuals





It brings me great pleasure to update you on the continued success and progress of Scarborough Arts (SA) as we embark on the 2023-2024 and 2024-25 fiscal years. Despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,the rising cost of living, and ballooning inflation, our organization has remained steadfast in our commitment to serving the Scarborough community through dynamic, accessible and low-barrier arts and cultural initiatives.

Message from the Chair, Board of Directors

Over the past year, SA has continued to fulfill its mission and mandate, and has also ventured into new initiatives aimed at stimulating local economies, bringing people “back” to civic life amid-COVID-19 recovery and rebuild efforts, focusing programs and services on community arts, health, wellness, and mental health, and supporting the livelihoods of both emerging and established artists. Our 2022-23 endeavors, including the City of Toronto Main Street Innovation Fund and the Government of Canada - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario funded project, Culinary Everywhere! Food Tour Guide Training Program, The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) funded COMMUNITY+Connects roster of programs, the New Horizons for Seniors (NHSP) Cooking Up Feminism! Program, and the EAST: H.E.A.R.T. LGBTQ2S+ Yr 3 Mural Project, and many more, have yielded exceptional results. And, we’ve been fortunate, through the OTF Resilient Communities Fund and New Horizons for Seniors programs, to access capital funding to invest in technological infrastructure to support our programs, staff and communities with items such as drawing tablets and stylus’, laptops and cameras, software such as Adobe Creative Cloud and project management software, and accessories. IIn terms of notable impacts in 2022-23, the first cohort of the Culinary Everywhere! Food Tour Guide Training program saw 10 graduates working in pairs to integrate public art, local architecture, cultural learnings, and local food hotspots into five food, cultural, and neighborhood tours. This initiative has not only promoted local communities' re-engagement with public activities but has also contributed significantly to

economic development and recovery for local businesses. We are currently in the process of developing long-term programming and funding models to scale up this successful program. And, we have continued to experiment with Food, Public Art and Neighbourhood tours - including fun and engaging Night Tours with artist talks by Mariam Magsi and Gordan Sumanski at Nuit Blanche Scarborough - to bring people directly to the food, culture and public artworks that illustrate why Scarborough is a suburban and cultural tourism destination of choice. Our success stories extend beyond programs to community partnerships. Despite the SA office remaining closed for flood repairs and AODA renovations, we eagerly anticipate reopening at 1859 Kingston Rd. as a fully accessible community art, cultural, and resource hub. We are thrilled to be transitioning our almost 100-year-old office building into an arts and cultural Hub thanks to the generous support of the City of Toronto, Arcadis, JM Dixon General Contractors, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). Through the OTF Resilient Communities Fund grant, we are acquiring much-needed computers, film and photography equipment, and digital software that will be publicly available in our new Maker’s Lab (our former Boardroom) when we reopen our offices. As we move forward, we are excited to announce an intensive strategic planning and operational revitalization period starting in early 2024. This project, involving community consultations and implementing sustainable development and operational models, aligns with our commitment to continuously evolve to meet the changing needs of the local community. In 2023-2024, we are thrilled to share our objective to vision forward the organization with the support from the Red Cross, United Way Centraide, Community Foundations of Canada, and the Government of Canada through the Community Services Recovery Fund. The "Sustainable Roots” program, developed by our Administrative & Operations Coordinator, Amanda

Singh, will be gaining momentum in Q1 and Q2 of 2024, and will involve strategic planning, community and partner outreach, and fund development initiatives, as well as enhancing our hiring and staff retention practices, team productivity and excellence, and enhancing Human Resources supports. The community, artists, volunteers, partners, and members will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Scarborough Arts through facilitated surveys, focus groups, 1-on-1 discussions, and arts-facilitated community consultations. We’re really excited to see what this process brings, and are hopeful for the future of arts and culture in Scarborough. To support these initiatives, we are actively undertaking a roster of fund development activities. We aim to diversify our funding streams, focusing on building unrestricted assets to strengthen our Staff and Board teams and meet the evolving needs of the local community. In this endeavor, we invite more volunteers to join us in gaining hands-on skills in arts administration and cultural management particularly in community outreach, program support and facilitation, art program moderation, and public event and festival engagement. You can sign up to volunteer and get involved on our website at Together with you, our most valuable asset, we eagerly look forward to making 2024 a year to remember for the arts in Scarborough. Sincerely,

Suman Roy

Chair, Board of Directors


As I step into my sixth year of service at SA, I am thrilled to share the extraordinary journey of growth and innovation that has defined the organization since my arrival in 2018. I extend my deepest gratitude to our dedicated Staff and Board members for their tireless efforts in pursuing our mission: to serve the Scarborough community by providing meaningful arts and cultural programs, services, and advocacy opportunities. A special thank you goes to Emily Peltier, Faith Rajasingham, and Amanda Singh, members of our incredible team who have worked tirelessly over the past year to ensure our programs and services are delivered with unwavering compassion and dedication. Their commitment to serving the local Scarborough community day in and day out is truly inspiring, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing the incredible work they will continue to do in the future. I also want to express my heartfelt appreciation to our Board of Directors for their steadfast support in guiding our operations and pushing forward the organization's vision throughout the year. Your dedication and strategic insight have been invaluable to our success.

Message from the Executive Director

As we take a moment to pause and reflect on the invaluable contributions of our Board, I want to acknowledge the rich wealth of knowledge and expertise our Treasurer, Ashish Shah, has provided the organization over the past four years. We extend our sincere congratulations as he embarks on new and important work supporting the non-profit and charitable sectors focusing on the urgent need to respond to the housing crisis, while continuing to build his already distinguished career as a Senior Manager in KPMG’s Risk Consulting practice. Your commitment to our organization has been instrumental - and personally, you have taught me so much in our time working together and we have no doubt that you will enhance any organization or initiative you choose to invest in. We wish you the very best on your journey, and we are grateful for the impact you've made during your time with us.

In the past year, our commitment to enriching the cultural tapestry of Scarborough has manifested through an array of dynamic programs and initiatives. Here's a snapshot of our accomplishments from the 2022-23 fiscal year, and a sneak peek at the exciting offerings we have in store for 2023-2024: Snapshot 2022-23 Engaged 10 new Tour Guide Trainees in the Culinary Everywhere! Tour Guide Training Program supported by the Main Street Innovation Fund; saw over 60+ guests attend tours, visited over 25+ restaurants in east Toronto neighbourhood and Scarborough, and had a waiting list of over 250+ people who wanted to attend (tours sold out within a day!) As part of ArtworxTO #LocalDiscoveries and Cultural Hubs EAST programs, we delivered our first ever By Way of Community - A Scarborough Symposium, featuring a host of community leaders and visionaries all shaping the arts and cultural landscape in Scarborough. With over 100+ attendees, a delicious lunch catered by Aleppo Kebab, and beautiful contemporary and classical music by the Odin Quartet, this event was one for the books! Our EAST: H.E.A.R.T. LGBTQ2S+ youth program was incredibly successful. Led by youth leaders, Jega Delisca, Sky-Ravinn Ffrench and Rainee Nelson, this program culminated in a mural launch celebration showcasing the artwork, Things That Go Bump In The Night, developed by youth participants, and facilitated by local artist, Jared Olsever. We are so proud of the work you have done! And, so much more! Snapshot 2023-24 Developing Strategic Planning, Fund Development and Community & Partner Engagement strategies in consultation with the community Exciting new COMMUNITY+Connects programs featuring new works by 7th Generation Image Makers, Wave Art Collective, Madura Siva Nandakumar, and Krysal Kavita Jagoo!

More innovative Food, Public Art & Neighbourhood Tours and Night Tours exploring and promoting Scarborough’s rich culinary and geographical heritage And, even still - much, much more! Looking ahead, I am thrilled to extend an invitation to you - our most important stakeholders. Your input is invaluable, and we want to hear your thoughts as we envision the future of our services, programs, and advocacy initiatives in Scarborough for the years to come. Your perspectives will shape the path forward, ensuring that our endeavors remain deeply connected to the needs and aspirations of the local community we proudly serve. In conclusion, I’d like to give a “Big Up!” to each member of our remarkable team, our dedicated Staff, Board of Directors, Volunteers, Artists, Funders and Partners, and - most importantly - our local community for being the driving force behind Scarborough Arts' success. Together, we will continue to inspire creativity, foster community engagement, and leave an indelible mark on the vibrant tapestry of Scarborough. Warm regards,

Derek Spooner Executive Director


Strategic Plan & The Year Ahead Strategic Planning

Fund Development

Current Status

Current Status

SA is gearing up for an intensive strategic planning phase supported by the Red Cross, Community Foundations Canada, United Way Centraide, and the Government of Canada, through the Community Services Recovery Fund. Strategic Planning is crucial to every aspect of our programs and operations, and dedicated initiatives this year will drive our organizational priorities into the future.

Next Steps In 2024, we will be reaching out to our artists, communities, and partners for direction and input in shaping SA's future. We will be engaging the public in visioning sessions, community consultations, surveys, 1-on-1 discussions, focus groups, and community arts engagements. The goal is to drive SA into a new era of arts and cultural facilitation and community impact in Scarborough, addressing the community's needs for the next 5, 10, 25 years, and beyond.

Having identified a key organizational need to diversify funding streams - amid ballooning inflation and unprecedented cost-of-living increases across the GTA - SA needs to work even harder in the coming years to raise funds to continue supporting local artists, communities, and our staff and program facilitators in the longterm. Artists and culture workers need to eat; they need to be paid decently and equitably for their work; and they need to live in a city that they can afford. We will be actively seeking input from stakeholders on strategies to engage corporate, foundation, government, local business, and community prospects to facilitate the financial stability and development of arts and culture in Scarborough, and the sustainability of Scarborough Arts into the future.

Next Steps In the upcoming year, our focus is on building and activating a Fund & Organizational Development Strategy for both program and operational activities. The community will be involved in discussions around making strategies and connections that will ensure the sustainability and growth of our programs, foster long-term partnerships, support the livelihoods of local Scarborough artists, and continue to build SA’s human capital and reserves.

Scarborough Sign Mural, “Things That Go Bump in the Night”, EAST: H.E.A.R.T. program; photo credit: Emily Peltier


ONCA Compliance

Current Status

Current Status

In 2024, SA is anticipating a return to the renovated offices at 1859 Kingston Rd. We are excited to provide a more functional and accessible space to the public, with shared resources and space to create and gather. Plans include a gender-neutral washroom, a chair lift, widened doorways, button-operated doors, new flooring in the gallery, updated accessible wayfinding signage, a fully functional accessible kitchen, and a Community Maker's Lab. Next Steps SA will keep the community posted on construction updates, working towards creating a welcoming and accessible environment that aligns with our commitment to inclusivity. We hope to be sending you an Invitation to our Grand Re-opening soon!

SA is actively participating in workshops and legal consultations to prepare for the new Ontario Nonprofit Corporations Act (ONCA) legislation compliance requirements. The organization is working closely with Board and Staff members to ensure our By-Laws and policies are updated to abide by the new legislation. Next Steps In the coming months, SA will continue efforts to align By-Laws and policies with the ONCA requirements, ensuring a smooth transition for the organization by October 18, 2024.


Strategic Plan & The Year Ahead Community & Partner Engagement Current Status We will be setting strategic community and partner engagement objectives in 2024, and building a robust, long-term and high-quality outreach and engagement strategy. This plan will also consider sustainably sourcing both dedicated staff and volunteers to carry out outreach and public engagement activities.

Next Steps Working with artists, culture workers, partners, and community stakeholders, we will collectively create a Community & Partner Engagement Strategy, as part of strategic planning, and conduct research and community consultations to understand SA’s role and impact in the local community. We want to create a strategy that will continue supporting Scarborough’s arts and cultural communities, enhancing civic life through community arts programming, and collecting data to understand the impact of the arts on community health and wellness across the GTA.

Research Current Status Research has become integral to SA's programming and advocacy work. Collaborating with Dr. Andrea Charise and the Flourish Research Cluster at The University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), SA has received prestigious grants to investigate the impact of community arts practices on community health and wellness, LGBTQ2S+ youth mental health, and overall community vitality. Next Steps SA will continue its research initiatives, focusing on building a compelling case for community arts as a recognized discipline deserving of continued investment and attention by funders. Collaborations with the 6 Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) on joint fund development initiatives and data collection initiatives will further contribute to understanding the true impact of community arts on local Toronto communities.

As we embark on these strategic priorities, we invite the Scarborough community, our artists, volunteers, partners, and members to actively participate in shaping the future of Scarborough Arts. Together, let's make the next 5-10 years a transformative period for arts and culture in Scarborough.






Audience Members

Volunteers Engaged

Public Performances and Exhibitions

692,870+ Engagements With Scarborough Sign

Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to get involved:

Artists Engaged




Youth Employed/Mentored




Seniors Engaged


Wards Served

Message from the Program Team

The Scarborough Arts Program Team has been working as a “dream team” over the 2022-23 fiscal year, bringing new partnerships and programs to the organization, increasing our programming results and impacts, and continuing the foundational work the organization has maintained in Scarborough for decades. When we reflect on the programs and community partnerships we have built, we are filled with pride and gratefulness to work for such an incredible community of vibrant, creative talents! This year, we would especially like to thank our exceptional program staff, project staff, and co-op placement interns for their dedicated work in providing essential program delivery support, frontline customer service, community engagement, and outreach.

panels hosted by artists and community leaders highlighting Scarborough’s excellence, community, and creativity while addressing the region's urgent needs for arts and cultural workers. Hosted at the Scarborough Civic Centre, this day brought audience members together to learn about preserving culture, identity, arts hubs, and the health and wellness impacts that community art can provide—the day concluded with a Keynote address by renowned and beloved Scarborough artist, curator, and community advocate, Anique Jordan. Community connections and networking were fueled by catering from local restaurant, Aleppo Kebab, with beautiful instrumental performances by the Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra’s Odin Quartet.

Over the past year, we have been fortunate (given the loss of our office building at 1859 Kingston Rd. in January 2022 due to a flood and subsequent AODA upgrade renovations) to have the partner and community support to provide arts and cultural programs directly in the community. We want to extend a special note of thanks to The Ontario Heritage Trust, who generously offered much-needed community arts program space at Doris McCarthy’s former residence, Fool’s Paradise. Located on the iconic Scarborough Bluffs, Fool’s Paradise is an ideal, serene location for hands-on artistic and creative programs. We hosted our Ontario Trillium Foundation-funded COMMUNITY+Connects workshops En Plein Air Painting with Raoul Olou and Botanical Illustrations with Marjan Verstappen on-site, as well as hosting in-person workshops for our EAST: H.E.A.R.T. youth leaders and participants. This was a unique experience where artists and participants painted in the calming peacefulness of nature, the exact location where Doris McCarthy herself would have painted in her lifetime!

Our core programs that have been foundational to our organization since its earliest days continue to impact artists in our communities decades later. Our 37th Annual Juried Exhibition and Big Art Book 8 curatorial concept, Chrysalis, spoke to resilience and transformation, something we have experienced significantly as an organization and community, especially over the last few years with the pandemic and changing socio-economic landscape. We want to give a special thank you to those who made this exhibition a success, including artist and writing jurors Esmond Lee and Yolanda T. Marshall, as well as DJs Gnanushan "Gnanu" Krishnapillai and Thevya Balendran, who created a specially curated Disco playlist of upbeat music from around the world! Congratulations to all Chrysalis winners and those published in the Big Art Book 8! Check out our SA Marketplace ( to support local artists by purchasing the Big Art Book 8 and more Scarborough Arts publications!

In October 2022, as part of our ArtworxTO #LocalDiscoveries and Cultural Hubs EAST programs, we hosted the first annual Scarborough Arts By Way of Community - A Scarborough Symposium. By Way of Community was a one-day symposium containing

We have strengthened our commitment to support the creative and professional development of all of our community members (babies and toddlers included!) through our COMMUNITY+Connects programs, supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund and Workman Arts with generous investment provided by the Slaight Family Foundation.

Through this support, we hired 14 local artists to deliver creative facilitations on various art forms for participants of all ages, from babies to seniors, with a focus on community arts, health and wellness, and mental health supports. All programs and workshop materials remain accessible to all who join, and reflect our dedication to reducing barriers in access to public arts and cultural programming. Our programming objectives continue to seek to address critical issues facing our community members, with a particular concentration on those most vulnerable in our community, including 2SLGBTQ+ youth and seniors. We continue to add to our growing collection of publications (containing delicious recipes and heartwarming stories) through our Healthy Arts for Seniors program Cooking Up Feminism led by artist, community leader and activist, Mariam Magsi. As a part of the program, senior participants got the chance to meet weekly online for 12 weeks to discuss and share topics related to intergenerational wisdom, cooking, personal lived experiences, health, and wellness, and familial recipe sharing and practices. This program culminated in developing a published blog and cultural cookbook which featured submitted photographs taken during cooking prompts in the workshops and that include written reflections on food, place, migration, identity and family. With the unwavering dedication and work of our EAST H.E.A.R.T. programming team, Jega Delisca (Youth Coordinator), Rainee Nelson (Peer Mentor), and Sky Ravinn Ffrench (Peer Mentor), this first-of-its-kind by and for 2SLGBTQ+ youth program at our organization has continued to provide necessary sexual health, creative development and wellbeing resources to 2SLGBTQ+ youth in our community, allowing youth to expand their creative horizons. The Year 3 Mural program culminated in a Scarborough Pride Launch event with the revealing of a brand new SCARBOROUGH SIGN installation, “Things That Go Bump In The Night,” developed by facilitator, Jared Olsever and painted by youth participants. And, we are delighted to announce


that this program will continue for another 3 years with generous support from the Toronto Urban Health Fund! This program has also played an integral role in SA’s research and advocacy activities. With support from Community Impact Consulting, YouthREX, and the FLOURISH Research Cluster of Scholarly Prominence at the University of Toronto Scarborough, we are actively and longitudinally measuring the impacts, results and outcomes of this program as a multi-sectoral initiative that bridges local service gaps, and connects tenets of community arts, youth health and wellness, and participatory action research methodologies in enhancing the vibrancy of local communities. The impacts of this program and research will continue beyond our organization, demonstrating the essential benefits of making room for 2SLGBTQ+ youth-specific spaces and programming in Scarborough, and beyond. We also had the unique opportunity to promote and support local businesses through community arts development. As part of ArtworxTO and in partnership with Eat More Scarborough Food Tours, we created the Restaurant Stories video series with digital resources featuring interviews and profiles of five local east end and Scarborough restaurants as part of the Culinary Everywhere! Food Tour Guide Training program. Restaurant Stories underscores the unique culinary and cultural offerings of Scarborough’s suburban food scene, profiling locally owned and operated restaurants: Chawk Bazar, El Venezolano, Sahan Restaurant, CASA Manila, and Ghadir Meat & Seafood Restaurant. These videos showcased the immense talent and community investment behind Scarborough’s suburban culinary industry, and supporting arts and cultural tourism activities outside the downtown core.


Lastly, our work would not be possible without you! Thank You to all our patrons, supporters, funders, volunteers, participants, Members, and Board and Staff who have made 2022-23 a success. We look forward to serving up high-quality, impacting, and fun programming again in 2023-24!

Emily Peltier

Yours in arts and culture, Program Manager

Emily Peltier Program Manager

Faith Rajasingham Program Coordinator

The Scarborough Arts Program Team


Healthy Arts for Seniors, Cooking up Feminism with Mariam Magsi. Photo Credit: Gordan Sumanski

ArtworxTO #LocalDiscoveries - Eating Our Way Through Agincourt Food, Public Art & Neighbourhood Tour. Photo Credit: Nithursan Elamuhilan

Sky-Ravinn Ffrench, Jega Delisca, and Rainee Nelson at the EAST: H.E.A.R.T. SCARBOROUGH Sign Mural Launch. Photo credit: Last Name Lorde


Testimonials “We’ve loved profiling Scarborough’s amazing culture and arts scene via food with all of the tours that we cohosted with Scarborough Arts this year! We especially loved the opportunity to run a night tour in conjunction with Nuit Blanche to showcase our amazing nightlife and how art and food mutually reinforce each other!” Howard Tam, Eat More Scarborough - Partner & Facilitator - Culinary Everywhere! Tour Guide Training Program, ArtworxTO Food, Public Art & Neighbourhood Tours, Summer Tours, Night Tours

“I found the Healthy Arts for Seniors: Cooking Up Community! program at Scarborough Arts to be truly transformative for both facilitators and participants. We collaboratively fostered connections through food and creativity to enhance public health, proving that community programs are vital for holistic wellbeing.” Mariam Magsi - Facilitator, Healthy Arts for Seniors - Cooking Up Feminism! & Cooking Up Community!

“It was a dream to create a children's art workshop and exhibition series with Scarborough Arts. Scarborough needs and deserves more accessible art opportunities for families!” Kseniya Tsoy - Artist & Facilitator COMMUNITY+Connects: Imagination Station: Human pARTy!:

“Raised in Scarborough, I understand how important art programming for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals can be in fostering understanding, empathy, and inclusivity to celebrate diverse voices and perspectives.” Jared Olsever - Facilitator and Lead Artist, EAST H.E.A.R.T. 2020-23 - Year 3 Mural Program Scarborough Sign Mural, “Things that Go Bump in the Night”

“It’s been beautiful working with Faith and her team at Scarborough Arts! Thank you for promoting health and wellbeing among our residents, by allowing me to share the age-old knowledge of Yoga and Marma SelfMassage with our community.” Madura Siva-Nandakumar - Facilitator, COMMUNITY+Connects: Healing through Feeling; Healthy Arts for Seniors - Cooking Up Feminism! & Cooking Up Community!

ArtworxTO #LocalDiscoveries Screening of Scarborough (2021; Compy Films) with panel featuring Catherine Hernandez, Ellie Posados and Liam Diaz along with filmmakers, Shasha Nakhai, Rich Williamson, and KJ Pinto Neighbourhood Maps created by Daniel Rotsztain Driftscape Self-Directed Food, Public Art & Neighbourhood Tours Meet Me at the Plaza ArtworxTO Food Curation Promotional Video with Eat More Scarborough ArtworxTO - Cultural Hubs EAST By Way of Community: A Scarborough Symposium 7th Generation Image Makers Indigenous Youth mural on the Scarborough Sign SCARBOROUGH Sign Locations: Scarborough Food Security Initiative Scarborough Junction Community Farm Taste of Lawrence with support from the Wexford Heights BIA Scarborough Town Centre University of Toronto Scarborough Student Centre UTSC Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Taste of Lawrence WexPOPs by PlazaPOPs

Culinary Everywhere! Tour Guide Training Program led by Eat More Scarborough in partnership with East End Arts, Culinaria Research Institute at UTSC, Greektown on the Danforth BIA, and the Wexford Heights BIA Food, Public Art & Neighbourhood Tours: Everything But Greek on the Danforth with Laura Yiu & Sitanan Kai Wonghirandecha Feast on Lawrence East with Melissa Ayisi & Ugbaad Nur Scarborough Spice Tour: Wexford Edition with Sid Naidu & Hanna Mersha The Art of Spice with Ballu Thakur & Connie Tong The Evolution of the Danforth with Margarette Leandre & Bob Bown All that Is Golden Cultural Hotspot Signature Project Camila Wong at Chachi’s Chai Bar Destinie Adélakun at Baran’s Turkish Cuisine & Bar Myuri Srikugan at Vinushan’s Bakery & Catering, in partnership with Tamil Archive Project Sneha “Sun” Ravichandran at Minerva Tiffins


George Yonemori accepting his award for Metakinesis Scarborough Arts’ 38th Annual Juried Exhibition. Photo credit: Daren Valdez

All that is Golden Golden Mile Brunch Tour, a Signature Project of Cultural Hotspot 2022. Photo credit: Nithursan Elamuhilan

Programs Healthy Arts for Seniors - Cooking Up Feminism! with Artist Facilitator Mariam Magsi Workman Arts COMMUNITY+Connects Satellite Program BIPOC Disability Justice (Un)Learning Journeys with Krystal Kavita Jagoo Black Magical Writing with Ashley Gittens Chainmaille: Basics to Advanced with Laurie Poirier DIY Pulp Painting with Maneesa Veeravel Recipe for Love with Morgan & Maiesha [Zarin] Black Girls Film Camp! by Black Women Film! Makers in Motion with Scarbrite Collective EAST: H.E.A.R.T 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Program - Year 3 Mural Program Scarborough Sign Youth Mural “Things that Go Bump in the Night” designed and facilitated by Jared Olsever and painted by EAST: H.E.A.R.T. Youth Leaders & Participants SCARBOROUGH Sign Locations: Scarborough Food Security Initiative Taste of Lawrence with support from the Wexford Heights BIA WexPOPs by PlazaPOPs Scarborough Civic Centre 50th Anniversary Celebrations Albert Campbell Square


COMMUNITY+Connects Amigurumi: A Beginner's Guide to DollMaking with Chason Yeboah-Brown Botanical Illustrations with Marjan Verstappen En Plein Air Painting Series with Raoul Olou Healing Through Feeling with Madura SivaNandakumar Imagination Station Children’s Art Program with Kseniya Tsoy Jewelry Making 101 with Laurie Porier Painting with Thread: A Photo Textile Workshop with Ella Cooper Project Kids + Cameras with Diana Nazareth Rites of Passage: Storytelling with Earth, Body, Lineage + Spirit for BIPOC Youth with Shaina Agbayani Sustainable Resistance for BIPOC Folx with Krystal Kavita Jagoo Write your own Adventure: Video Game Design with Chelsea Woolley Culinary Everywhere! Restaurant Stories by Eat More Scarborough featuring: CASA Manila Chawk Bazar El Venezolano Ghadir Meat & Restaurant Sahan Restaurant


2SLGBTQ+ Youth Mural Jam! with Artist Facilitator, Monica Wickeler Community LGBTQ Youth Art Showcase with Rainbow’s Pride in Scarborough EAST: H.E.A.R.T. Pride Celebrations Scarborough Sign Mural Unveiling at Scarborough Food Security Initiative Eat More Scarborough Food Tours, featuring: ArtworxTO #Local Discoveries Tours: Eating Our Way Through Agincourt Tour Golden Flavours of the Golden Mile Lawrence Eats on Lawrence East Scarborough RT Stands for “Really Tasty” Tour Golden Mile Art & Food Tour North Scarborough Night Tour North Scarborough - TamilFest Tour Nuit Blanche Night Tour - Lawrence East, Golden Mile & Midland + Finch “All that is Golden” Art & Food Brunch Tour, a part of the Cultural Hotspot Signature Partnership program Imagination Station: Human pARTy! Children Exhibition with Artist Facilitator Kseniya Tsoy Imminent Visions documentary by Myuri Srikugan Chrysalis Scarborough Arts’ 37th Annual Juried Exhibition Project Kids + Cameras Children Exhibition with Diana Nazareth Scarborough Arts Presents! By Way of Community: A Scarborough Symposium 2022 Sustainable Resistance for BIPOC Folx Exhibition & Reading with Krystal Kavita Jagoo WexPOPs by PlazaPOPs SCARBOROUGH SIGN Installation

ADVOCACY, RESEARCH & COMMUNITY SUPPORT Community Arts Canopy Town Hall spearheaded by the 6 Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) Member Organization Local Arts Service Organization (LASO) Joint Fundraising & Data Collection Project - in partnership with WorkInCulture - Catalyzer Fund, Nordicity, KCI Philanthropy, and the Ontario Arts Council Member, North Scarborough Cluster resource sharing & community support Member, South Scarborough Cluster resource sharing & community support Publicly Engaged Scholarship & Education, University of Toronto Scarborough SoundLife Scarborough, Department of Arts, Culture & Media, University of Toronto “(Out)side The Downtown Core: A MixedMethods Research Exploration of Sustainable Community Arts-Wellness Programming for Scarborough's 2SLGBTQ+ Youth" research partnership project with FLOURISH Cluster of Scholarly Prominence led by Prof. Andrea Charise at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)


Zeni and partner celebrating the launch of the Healthy Arts for Seniors Cooking Up Feminism! Program at Cedar Ridge Creative Centre. Photo credit: Mariam Magsi

The Art of Spice Tour group photo, led by Ballu Thakur and Connie Tong, Culinary Everywhere! Tour Guide Training Program. Photo credit: Muryani

Message from the Treasurer of the Board: Dear Scarborough Arts Community, I am delighted to present the Treasurer's Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. In the face of a recent sense of economic uncertainty not only locally but more broadly, Scarborough Arts has once again demonstrated its commitment to responsible financial stewardship, ensuring that the funds entrusted to us are used effectively to support our community through the arts. Throughout this fiscal year, the Scarborough Arts team has continued to innovate and deliver impactful programming. Initiatives such as the Culinary Everywhere! Food Tour Guide Program, ArtworxTO #LocalDiscoveries and Cultural Hubs EAST activations as part of the City of Toronto’s 10 Year Public Art Strategy 2020-2030, COMMUNITY+Connects workshops, and the Healthy Arts for Seniors - Cooking Up Feminism! blog, cooking and photography programs, among others, have not only captivated our community but have also underscored our dedication to providing a platform for local artists to thrive.

Navigating through financial constraints and budget considerations, our team showcased remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness. Despite the industry's ongoing challenges, we remained steadfast in our mission, proving that creativity knows no bounds, even in the face of austerity measures.

As we reflect on the past fiscal year, we extend our deepest gratitude to our funders, donors, and the dedicated Scarborough Arts community. Your ongoing support empowers us to expand and refresh our arts programming, enriching the Scarborough community in immeasurable ways.

Scarborough Arts has reported a net loss of $48,793.00 for the fiscal year 2022-23. The organization has long been putting aside reserve funds to take small net losses in stride such as this, and this also represents spending executed to invest in the future success of the organization, particularly programming and facilities expenses. This comes after several consecutive years of positive net income and growing net assets a testament to proactive financial management and continued support from government funding. Scarborough Arts is committed to consistently right-sizing our programming in accordance with our funding capacity and community needs.

For those interested in learning more about Scarborough Arts' impact on the community, please refer to the rest of this annual report. We invite you to join us as monthly donors, as your support directly contributes to the cultural enrichment of Scarborough, while directly supporting local artists and cultural workers across the GTA.

Here's a snapshot of our financial performance: Total Revenue: $738.174.00 Total Expenses: $786,967.00 Net Loss: ($48,793) The majority of our revenue, 83%, continues to come from Public Sector Funding and Government Assistance, reflecting the sustained confidence and support we receive from our funding partners. Our commitment to fiscal sustainability remains unwavering. Fund development and diversification remain key strategies as we strive for long-term financial health. In 2023, we maintained a balanced allocation of expenses, with Program expenses at $513,737.00 (65%) and Administration at $273,230.00 (35%).

As I reflect on the past 4 years on the Board, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to meet, learn from and grow with so many amazing members of our community, both artists and those from Scarborough, and beyond. I would like to add as a final note that these financial results have been diligently prepared by our bookkeepers in concert with our amazing Scarborough Arts team, and audited by our external auditors, Hogg, Shain & Sheck. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the arts in Scarborough. Sincerely,

Ashish Shah Treasurer & Director, Board of Directors


Total Program & Admin Expenses for 2022-2023 Administration $273,230

Programming $513,737

Net Assets: 2022 vs 2023 2023

Loss of Exccess Revenue


Excess Revenue over Expenses for 2022-2023








Net Assets 2023

Net Assets 2022

$6 0 ,0 0 0

$4 0 ,0 0 0

$2 0 ,0 0 0


$2 0 ,0 0 0

$60 ,0 0 0


$40 ,0 0 0



Funders & Community Partners OUR OPERATING FUNDERS


EAST: H.E.A.R.T. SCARBOROUGH Sign Mural Launch cake cutting celebration at Scarborough Food Security Initiative. Photo credit: Last Name Lorde

Our Project Funders City of Toronto ArtworxTO ArtworxTO - Cultural Hubs EAST with special thanks for Jenn Goodwin, Jaclyn Quaresma, Joe Sellors, Kristine Williamson, and the Spoken Soul Collective Clark Centre for the Arts - Exhibition - Dear Queer Scarborough with special thanks to Julie Frost and Karen Harkins Cultural Hotspot - Signature Partnership 2022 - All That is Golden with special thanks to Andrea RaymondWong and Lori Diaz Main Street Innovation Fund PollinateTO Toronto Urban Health Fund (TUHF) - EAST: H.E.A.R.T. (Health, Education, Art Resilience Together) - 20202023 with special thanks to Shaleena Theophilus and Herbert Co Toronto Urban Health Fund (TUHF) - EAST: H.E.A.R.T. (Health, Education, Art Resilience Together) - 20232026 with special thanks to Shaleena Theophilus and Herbert Co

Our Operating Funders City of Toronto Ontario Arts Council Ontario Arts Foundation


2022-23 Staff & Board of Directors SCARBOROUGH CORE ARTS STAFF Derek Sponer, Executive Director Amanda Singh, Administrative & Operations Coordinator Emily Peltier, Program Manager Faith Rajasingham, Program Coordinator Sarah Alinia Ziazi, Marketing & Communications Coordinator PROJECT STAFF Ashwini Varatharajan, Program Assistant COMMUNITY+Connects Program Jah Grey, Project Coordinator - ArtworxTO & Cultural Hubs EAST Program Jega Delisca, Youth Coordinator, EAST: H.E.A.R.T. Youth Program 2020-23 Kiu Kiu Mak, University of Toronto Scarborough I.D.E.A.S Co-op Placement Intern Kyana Graham, Peer Mentor, EAST: H.E.A.R.T. Youth Program 2020-23 Mariam Magsi, Project Coordinator - Healthy Arts for Seniors: Cooking Up Feminism! Program Rainee Nelson, Peer Mentor, EAST: H.E.A.R.T. Youth Program 2020-23 Shennel Simpson, Youth Program Assistant Cultural Hotspot Signature Partnership Program - All that is Golden Sky-Ravinn Ffrench, Peer Mentor, EAST: H.E.A.R.T. Youth Program 2020-23

Staff Photo, courtesy of Daren Valdez Visuals

CANADA SUMMER JOBS TEAM 2022-2023 Canada Summer Jobs Alysse Mills, Marketing and Communications Assistant Rainee Nelson, Program Assistant Shaun Fernandes, Program Assistant

2023-2024 CANADA SUMMER JOBS Aynsley Grealis, Administrative Assistant Laira Macapagal, Marketing Assistant Nawal Salim, Program Assistant Tomée Tzatzanis, Outreach & Communications Assistant BOARD OF DIRECTORS Suman Roy, Chair Ashish Shah, Treasurer Kesava Kumar, Secretary Mathura Karunanithy, Director Rodney Yip, Director Daniela Paolantonio, Director EX OFFICIO Derek Spooner, Executive Director SCARBOROUGH SIGN CREATIVE TEAM Victor Wong, Designer Marla Hlady, Advisor Greg Hefford, Consultant Kyler Jones, Engineer, Mirkwood Engineering SCARBOROUGH SIGN BUILD TEAM, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO SCARBOROUGH Victor Wong, Lorena Salome, Nabiha Rizvi, Claudia Wong, Louis Wang, Shirin Karoubi, and Patrick Atienza


Foundations Community One Foundation MakeWay Foundation Ontario Arts Foundation Municipal City of Toronto Delta Downsview Bingo & Gaming Wexford Heights BIA


Provincial Ontario Art Council Ontario Trillium Foundation - Resilient Communities Fund Federal Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, United Way Centraide, Government of Canada - Community Services Recovery Fund Employment and Social Development Canada - Canada Summer Jobs Employment and Social Development Canada - New Horizons for Seniors Program Government of Canada - Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario Media Partners Canadian Multicultural Radio CTV News NOW Magazine The Bluffs Monitor The Scarborough Mirror The Toronto Star Co-Producing Partners Black Women Film! Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, City of Toronto Clark Centre for the Arts, City of Toronto Eat More Scarborough Scarborough Civic Centre, City of Toronto with special thanks to Katheeshan Ramachandran and the Security Team

Scarborough Food Security Initiative Scarborough Town Centre The Reading Partnership The Wexford Heights BIA University of Toronto Scarborough University of Toronto Scarborough Workman Arts Community Partners 705 Progress Shelter Alien Art Market by Story Planet BEEKYN (Birchmount Eglinton East Kennedy Park Youth Network) Birchcliff Butterflyway Black Women Film! Cathedral Bluffs Orchestra Cedar Ridge Creative Centre Cineplex Entertainment, Scarborough Town Centre City of Toronto Clark Centre for the Arts Community Impact Consulting with special thanks to Parul Pandya and Sienna Pandya-James Culinaria Research Institute at UTSC Doris McCarthy Gallery Dr. Andrea Charise and Dr. Dirk Rodericks Driftscape App Self-Guided Tours East End Arts Eat More Scarborough Edgar Tam FLOURISH Research Cluster at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Greektown on the Danforth BIA Greenhouse Peace Theatre Guild Alive with Culture Guild Festival Theatre Linda Raeside Mary Fragedakis Michael Phan Myuri Srikugan Nordicity North Scarborough Cluster


Nuit Blanche Toronto Oddside Arts Planned Parenthood PlazaPOPs, with special thanks to Daniel Rotsztain & Brendan Stewart Publicly Engaged Scholarship and Education Committee, University of Toronto Scarborough Rainbows Pride In Scarborough, with special thanks to Rainbow Hunt Round Table Records Scarborough Bluffs Community Association (SBCA) Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities, the HUB Mid Scarborough Scarborough Civic Centre Scarborough Community Renewal Organization Scarborough Food Security Initiative / Feed Scarborough Scarborough Mazda Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra Scarborough Town Centre Scarbrite Collective SoundLife Scarborough, Department of Arts, Culture & Media, University of Toronto Scarborough South Scarborough Cluster Story Planet Tamil Archive Project Tarragon Theatre Taste of Lawrence The Ontario Heritage Trust - Fool’s Paradise, Doris McCarthy House The Reading Partnership - 360 Stories Program Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Trinity Square Video University of Toronto Scarborough Campus Partnerships Office West Scarborough Neighborhood Centre Wexford Heights BIA Whippersnapper Gallery Workman Arts, with special thanks to Amadeo Ventura, Raine Laurent-Eugène, and Azul Baez YouthREX

Local Restaurant Partners Aleppo Kebab with special thanks to Zakaria Al Mokdad Baran’s Turkish Cuisine & Bar CASA Manila Chachi’s Chai Bar Chawk Bazar El Venezolano Ghadir Meat & Seafood Restaurant Minerva Tiffins Sahan Restaurant Vinushan’s Bakery & Catering Toronto’s 6 Local Arts Service Organizations (LASO) Arts Etobicoke East End Arts Lakeshore Arts North York Arts Scarborough Arts UrbanArts


@ScarboroughArts @ScarboroughArts @ScarArts

1859 Kingston Road Scarborough, ON M1N 1T3

T: 416-698-7322 F: 416-698-7972 W:

Charitable Registration #: 1326 89704 RR0001

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