2009 Annual Report Global Action for Children

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Annual Report 2009


As a voice for the world’s most vulnerable children, Global Action for Children mobilizes government support and community action so every child has the chance to grow up safe, healthy and ready to thrive.

Who We Are A Powerful Voice for Vulnerable Children As a voice for the world’s most vulnerable children, Global Action for Children (GAC) mobilizes government support and community action so every child has the chance to grow up safe, healthy, and ready to thrive. At GAC we believe investing in the world’s children is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. Children are the cornerstone upon which communities devastated by poverty and disease can rebuild. That’s why investing in a child’s education, health care and well-being is the smartest thing we can do to foster the future stability and growth of their communities and ours. Since our inception in 2003, GAC has filled a critical role in Washington, D.C., by being the only independent, non-government funded advocacy organization solely focused on ensuring the world’s most vulnerable children receive the services they need. While primarily focusing our energy on U.S. government policies and funding, GAC also impacts the policies of the world’s wealthiest governments through strategic advocacy campaigns focused on the G8 and G20, and with multilateral agencies such as UNICEF and UNAIDS. By not accepting any government funding, GAC is consistently positioned to lead bold advocacy efforts on behalf of children, and our NGO partners often rely on us to convey information to Congress and the White House that is considered controversial. This independent, fearless voice is critical to ensure that children receive the lifealtering support they need and deserve.

A Letter To Our Friends 2009 was a busy and successful year for Global Action for Children (GAC). Our team traveled across Kenya and witnessed the impact our advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. had on the lives of highly vulnerable children. We began our important work educating and inspiring stakeholders about the efficacy and importance of underutilized and new vaccines to treat the leading causes of child mortality worldwide. We held countless meetings with members of Congress and coalition partners. And we took our first step to mobilize citizens across the country to become powerful voices for vulnerable children. The biggest winners of 2009 were, of course, the children and families we serve. Sometimes it’s not easy being a child in our world. Children who live in the midst of poverty, disease and conflict are vulnerable to traumas and hurdles that no child should encounter. But life doesn’t have to be like that for this generation, or the next. The gap between what the world is doing for our children and what needs to be done is wide, but solutions exist. And thanks to the support of our friends and donors, lives are being saved every day. In this report you’ll learn more about GAC and our important work on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable children, meet a family in Kenya that is thriving thanks to a U.S.-funded program, and hear more about our successes and our vision for the future. Finally, we invite you to join us as we raise our voices to ensure every child has what they need to not just survive, but to thrive. Dr. Paul Zeitz Chair, GAC Board of Directors

Real Lives, Real Stories, Real Success In October 2009, I had the great pleasure of visiting many families in rural Kenya on behalf of GAC and our supporters. We heard so many positive stories and met so many families I could tell you about, but one family, one story, sticks out in my mind. The first thing Monica told me when we met was, “Please tell your government, tell the American people, ‘Thank you’ from me. ‘Thank you for giving me back my grandchildren.’” We were sitting in her two room mud house perched on the top of a steep hill with her husband, their seven-year-old granddaughter, Brenda, and fiveyear-old grandson, Hezron. “My grandchildren were dying, you see.” A few years earlier Monica’s daughter had passed away from HIV and her grandchildren were living with relatives. Unbeknownst to her new family, Brenda’s mother had transmitted the virus to her daughter—and she was suffering badly. Without medication to treat the disease, opportunistic infections were weakening her small body. Monica’s grandchildren, Brenda and Hezron, were barely alive when she rushed them back to her small village of Homabay, Kenya, and enrolled them in an orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) program offered by her local Catholic Diocese, and funded by the United States’ President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). With PEPFAR funded anti-retrovirals (ARVs) to keep Brenda’s HIV at bay, along with medical support for both Brenda and Hezron, school uniforms so that they could attend school, early childhood development interventions, and seeds for the family to grow a nutritious garden, Brenda and Hezron literally came back to life before their grandmother’s eyes. And they were not the only ones. From 2004 to 2009, PEPFAR provided $19 billion to fund global AIDS programs in fifteen countries hardest hit by the AIDS pandemic. To date, the lifesaving program has provided antiretroviral (ARV) treatment to more than 2.4 million men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS and cared for more than 4 million children who are orphaned or affected by AIDS.

The good news is that our programs are working, but there is still more to be done to ensure all children like Brenda and Hezron receive the vital care they need. Together we can make that happen. On behalf of Brenda, Hezron and Monica, thank you for your support. Leila Nimatallah Interim Executive Director/Policy Director—GAC

GAC in Kenya, 2009

History of Success Causes of child deaths:

pneumonia malaria


neonatal causes

Neonatal causes - 37% Pneumonia - 19% Diarrhea - 17% Malaria - 8% Measles - 4% AIDS - 3% Injuries - 2% Other - 10%

Global Action for Children has consistently used our voice to speak out for children in influential arenas. Everyone from leaders in the White House to readers of The New York Times has heard what we have to say about investing in children. As a result of our advocacy strategies, millions of the most vulnerable children around the world are now receiving the support they need to grow and thrive. Caring for 4 Million Children Impacted by AIDS

As Congress prepared to launch the multibillion dollar President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in 2003, child advocates grew concerned. Orphans and vulnerable children, who pay a terrible price for the AIDS epidemic and yet have little access to care and support, were being overlooked. To give a voice to these children, 20 nongovernmental, faithbased and student groups pooled their expertise and grassroots networks. The coalition’s aim was to persuade Congress to dedicate 10 percent of PEPFAR funding to support orphans and vulnerable children in areas hardest hit by HIV/AIDS. Many viewed the effort as a long-shot, but we believed that a united voice on behalf of children could bridge all ideologies. We were right. Congress dedicated 10 percent of total U.S. global AIDS spending to the care and support of orphans and vulnerable children, and even inspired lawmakers in the United Kingdom to do the same. To date, this funding has provided care and support for four million children. Shortly after, with the support of a grant from the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, the coalition became Global Action for Children. Since then, GAC has been incorporated into an independent nonprofit with successes that impact millions of children.

Inspiring a Holistic Approach to Child-Focused U.S. Aid

Because lasting improvements for children rely on a comprehensive and coordinated strategy, GAC took another giant step—envisioning such a strategy, crafting it into legislation and then advocating for its successful passage on Capitol Hill, in the media and with concerned citizens. The landmark Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005 authorized the first-ever comprehensive strategy to address the challenges faced by the world’s orphans and vulnerable children. Now commonly known as Public Law (PL) 109-95, GAC continues to support its success by representing the U.S. nongovernmental organization (NGO) community on the Interagency Working Group to ensure that programs focused on orphans and vulnerable children are comprehensive, coordinated and effective. Because of this critical legislation we can now track funding targeting children. At the end of fiscal year 2008, seven U.S. government agencies were supporting 2,044 projects to assist vulnerable children and their families in 113 countries.

Expanding Support to More Children in Need

When PEPFAR came up for reauthorization in 2008, GAC helped secure the retention of the critical 10 percent set-aside to support the health, nutrition and education of orphans and vulnerable children. But because not only children immediately affected by HIV/AIDS are at risk, we also inspired Congress to broaden the definition of “vulnerable children” to include all vulnerable children within a highly impacted HIV/AIDS community, regardless of the cause of their vulnerability. By successfully expanding the definition for “vulnerable children” this new legislation’s goal is to support five million children between 2009 and 2013.

In 2009, GA C Po licy Di rector Le ila Ni mata lla h rep res ented great er civ il society at th e relea se of th e St at e of th e W orl d’s Va ccine s an d Im mu niz at ion report alo ng sid e lea de rs fro m th e Worl d Healt h Org an izatio n, UNICEF, Worl d Ba nk, Ce nte rs for Di sea se Co ntrol an d Preve ntion, an d th e Bill & M eli nd a Gate s Fou nd at ion.


Health The fall of child mortality & the rise of survival 20m

A new world record: 8.8 million to go

GOAL Enable access to vaccines, nutrition and medical treatment so a child and her family can survive against diseases like pneumonia, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS and malaria. INVESTing IN cHILDren’S HEALTH

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U.S. investments in child survival programs climb

In 2009, more of the world’s children lived to celebrate their fifth birthdays than ever before. Fifty years ago, 20 million children under five years old died each year. Today, that number is down to 8.8 million kids. Although the numbers are dropping, far too many children die each year of diseases that are easily preventable or treatable. By increasing investments to ensure that more children than ever before have access to life-saving innovations such as vaccines to prevent measles, diarrhea and pneumonia, coupled with access to proven health interventions like antibiotics, zinc, exclusive breastfeeding and oral rehydration therapy, we can reach the Millennium Development Goal of lowering under-five child mortality by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015.



for CSMH worldwide

for CSMH worldwide



Whether these lifesaving investments occur or not depends largely on the support of governments that provide billions of dollars each year to fund programs that give children the chance to survive. In 2009, GAC worked to increase these significant investments by: • Urging lawmakers to expand funding for child survival and maternal health programs by working with key members of Congress on their annual “wish list” letters to the Foreign Operations Subcommittee chairs. As a result, funding for child survival and maternal health grew from $495 million in FY2009 to $550 million in FY2010. [see chart] • In October 2009 the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the World Bank released the State of the World’s Vaccines and Immunization (SOWVI) report. The report confirmed that more children receive their routine vaccinations each year than at any other time in history. At the SOWVI launch, GAC’s Policy Director, Leila Nimatallah, represented civil society at the National Press Club with representatives from WHO, the World Bank, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and UNICEF. Following the press conference GAC led a civil society call to action, collecting 50 endorsements from NGOs worldwide in support of expanding investments in child health. • In anticipation of President Obama’s new Global Health Initiative, GAC worked with other like-minded NGOs to provide concrete recommendations to the administration about how to incorporate the needs of children into the six-year, $63 billion plan.


2010 will be big year for aggressively campaigning for increased access to life-saving vaccines and health interventions that could save millions of children’s lives each year. The two most deadly childhood diseases, pneumonia and diarrhea, claim the lives of three million children under the age of five each year. The good news is we have new vaccines for their most lethal forms, but sadly, these vaccines are still only reaching a fraction of the children who need them. Education and advocacy will be critical to ensure all children receive these life-saving interventions. Advocating for these new vaccines coupled with already existing vaccines, antibiotic treatment, oral rehydration therapy, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and basic improvements in hygiene could save countless lives. And critical to any child survival program is the health, protection and support of a loving mother. Tragically, each year 450,000-500,000 women die due to complications during childbirth. Although these numbers are staggering, simple interventions exist to save these women’s lives so they can nurture their children and help them reach their full potential. Maternal health and child survival will be top priorities at GAC.

Pne u m on ia ta ke s th e lives of nearly 2 m illio n child re n ea ch year.

T h e p n e u m o co c ca l va ccin e wa s int rod u ced in R wa n d a in A p ril of 2009 t o f ig ht t h is lea din g kille r of chil d re n.


Education GOAL Promote early childhood development and quality primary and secondary education so a child can lead a healthier and more prosperous life for herself, her family and her community. INVESTING IN THE FOUNDATION OF A CHILD’S FUTURE

U.S. invests more in global education programs



for global education

for global education



Like child health, 2009 also saw improvements in access to education for children around the world. The number of primary-school-aged children who lack access to school has dropped from 75 million to 72 million. Clearly, many barriers still exist that prevent children from receiving a quality education, including an inability to pay school fees or buy uniforms, long distances to travel to school, disruptions due to conflict, or a lack of qualified teachers. GAC will continue to confront these challenges through our work in Washington to ensure that all children receive the quality education they deserve. Investing in the education of the world’s children is the smart choice for all of us. A quality education expands employment opportunities and gives people a chance to earn higher wages. Education, particularly of girls, also leads to better health outcomes for adults and children. And studies have shown that in conflict-affected countries, every additional year of schooling reduces a young man’s risk of becoming involved in conflict by 20 percent, creating a safer world for us all. Equally important is investing in a child’s earliest years, before they even reach primary school. Because of poverty, poor health, insufficient nutrition and deficient care, nearly 40 percent of all children under 5 in developing countries fail to reach their full development potential. Because most cognitive development occurs before the age of five, the smartest thing we can do is provide the right care, nutrition, psychosocial support and stimulation that children need to grow. Then when they are old enough to enter a primary school classroom, they will be ready and able to successfully learn.


In 2009, thanks to the leadership of House Foreign Operations Chair Nita Lowey (D-NY) and support from GAC staff and others, the U.S. increased its investment in global basic education by 32 percent, raising its support from $700 million in 2008 to $925 million. GAC joined the re-launch of the Global Campaign for Education-U.S. in the fall of 2009 and immediately got to work advocating to Congress and the administration for $2 billion to establish a Global Fund for Education, an initiative President Obama called for during his presidential campaign. On December 10, GAC participated in a nationwide Day of Action, gathering signatures from grassroots supporters for a petition later presented to President Obama urging his leadership on global education.


©UNESCO/Rene Edde

In the spring of 2010, the Education for All Act was reintroduced in the U.S. Congress. This far reaching legislation calls for a coordinated, comprehensive response to the global education crisis and envisions the creation of a Global Fund for Education. This multilateral funding mechanism would bring together donor governments, civil society and developing country governments and partners to create sustainable education plans for future generations of children. GAC will be busy building Congressional and public support to push this bill to the president’s desk, and then ensuring its positive impact on the lives of the world’s children.

©UNESCO/ Petrut Cali nescu

GAC has begun to sow the seeds of support for early childhood development progra ms, such as this one in Nepal.

GAC has also begun to sow the seeds of support for global early childhood development (ECD) programs so the youngest children around the world can benefit from programs like Head Start that are already working here in the U.S. ECD interventions are critical to the long-term success of education programs in the developing world. Currently, 200 million children entering school for the first time are unable to learn at their full potential due to malnutrition and disease. This epidemic of lost potential must be countered with strong nutritional support for struggling families combined with responsive feeding and early stimulation interventions, access to basic health services for mothers and their children, and early entry into pre-primary school programs so children are ready to learn when they enter primary school. Much work lies ahead in 2010 and 2011 to educate and inspire support for these critical ECD interventions.


Protection GOAL Create the support needed to protect children made extremely vulnerable by poverty, abuse or the death of a parent. SHINING A LIGHT ON THE MOST VULNERABLE CHILDREN

All children need to be protected. But some children who have lost a parent, live in abject poverty, or are surrounded by an environment of conflict and exploitation need extra care and support so they can grow to their full potential. And although it seems like these children should garner the most support and attention, they are often left out of the political discussion. These are the most vulnerable children, the hardest to find and the most difficult to reach. Their problems are complicated by the fact that many countries have no social sector support for children, and no record of where they go when their parents are gone. Police often see street children as gangs of criminals to be rounded up instead of vulnerable children in need of love and support.

By 2013, U.S. PEPFAR programs will support:

This is why our voice in Washington, D.C., is so critical. From the beginning our mandate has been to shine a light on these most vulnerable children. To bring their voices, needs and concerns to the halls of Congress so that even the smallest voice among us has a seat at the decision-making table.




5 million children with care

In 2009, GAC focused on the ways government can protect children from the dangers of child marriage. We also continued to build momentum within the U.S. government to prioritize orphans and vulnerable children. Specifically: • GAC and others supported Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) and House Committee Chairman on Foreign Affairs Howard Berman (D-CA) to ensure that the House State Department Reauthorization bill included important language about preventing child marriage. It calls on the U.S. State Department to report on child marriage numbers in the countries with the highest rates of child brides, with the goal of pressuring the governments of those countries to enforce their laws against the practice. • GAC supported the crafting of legislation that dedicates 10 percent of funding from PEPFAR to orphans and vulnerable children. That means the U.S. will develop sustainable community programs and efficiently deliver services that will protect families, orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS. The goal is to reach 5 million children worldwide over the next five years. • In 2009, P.L. 109-95, which GAC helped to create, released its third report to Congress, highlighting the major progress in implementing the law that took place over the previous year such as the creation of the OVC Secretariat, which has been able to report for the first time on the number of vulnerable children served by the U.S. government worldwide. GAC provided oversight and supporting commentary on the report on behalf of the NGO community.


GAC will seek to secure funding for the P.L. 109-95 Secretariat so that it can more effectively coordinate the protection and support of vulnerable children worldwide. We will also seek to ensure child marriage prevention and education programs are incorporated into key U.S. foreign aid efforts, thereby reducing the number of young children married each year, giving them a chance to receive an education and improve their future prospects.

A fa mily in rural Kenya receives comprehensive support through the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - school uniforms, seeds to grow food, and medication and healthcare.

Community Partnerships Global Action for Children recognizes the influence and significant resources that community partnerships provide to global philanthropy. During 2009 GAC forged a number of new and exciting partnerships.

Ca ro li n a

Bu cci f

Geo rg e C loon ey fo r G A

or GAC M

ie c p r e t s on


Carolina Bucci, a global jewelry company based out of London, designed a special bracelet collection for GAC which was featured in the Harrods storefront as well as Vogue, Vanity Fair and other publications, yielding over $75,000 for GAC in 2009. Continuing with long-time partner North American Bear Company, GAC launched its first Fall Monster drawing contest. The North American Bear Company donated $1 to GAC for every drawing submitted to the contest. Advertised and marketed by Radio Disney, the contest winners had their monster brought to life in the form of a plush stuffed monster. Lastly, joining forces with Hasbro and GAC, George Clooney auctioned his autographed, one-of-a kind, special edition “Baby Zambi” elephant from the Hasbro Fur Real Friends line to benefit GAC. GAC is grateful for its alliances and the large impact they are having on children’s lives worldwide.


2009 Children’s Champions GAC hosted its first bi-annual awards luncheon on Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at D.C.’s Newseum. GAC honored Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT), Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and Representatives Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Betty McCollum (D-MN) with the GAC Children’s Champion Award for their outstanding contributions to improving the lives of orphans and vulnerable children around the globe.

C hil d re n ’s C

h a m p io n L u

n ch e o n

& Ja m r a g u L . n e S

e s H a ve n

These members of Congress were selected by GAC to receive the GAC Children’s Champion Award because of their steadfast support and leadership in passing the 2003 and 2008 U.S. Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria bills. Senator Dodd and Representative McCollum also led on the Global Child Survival Act and the Newborn, Mother, and Child Survival Act, respectively. Members Lugar, Boxer, Lee and McCollum also played key roles in the 2005 enactment of the firstever comprehensive strategy to address the challenges faced by orphans and vulnerable children worldwide, the Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005.

Financials Global Action for Children is pleased to provide financial information for the period of January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2009. The operating revenue for Global Action for Children comes primarily from grants and contributions from individuals, corporations, foundations and organizations whose generous support enables GAC to advocate for orphans and vulnerable children in the developing world. We are committed to being efficient, effective and responsible stewards of the contributions we receive. In fiscal year 2009, Global Action for Children recorded $486,451 in support and revenue. GAC spent the majority of its funding to cover operating expenses for core program areas. Global Action for Children’s management is responsible for the preparation and integrity of the financial statements as well as the systems, processes and controls that ensure timely and accurate reporting. GAC has an active Board of Directors, including an Audit Committee that oversees the organization’s financial reporting and audit process. The financial statements have been audited by independent certified public accountants. Complete copies of the financial statements are available by calling Global Action for Children at (202) 589.0808.

Resources Dedicated to Program Services

Orphans and Vulnerable Children General Programs 30% 28%

Thanks to our donors and partners for their support in 2009.

Child Survival and Maternal Health 42%

Other Income 2%


Investments 1%


Individual Donors and Corporations 15%

General Support 30% Programs 55%

Grants 82%

Fundraising 15%

Board of Directors Angelina Jolie, Co-Chair, Jolie-Pitt Foundation - Honorary Chairperson Angelina Jolie, a dedicated humanitarian advocate and philanthropist, is a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Co-Chair of the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, and an Academy Award® and Golden Globe winning actress. Dr. Paul Zeitz, Executive Director, Global AIDS Alliance - Chairperson Dr. Zeitz worked in Africa as a public health specialist for over 10 years, during which time he worked with the UNAIDS and the US Agency for International Development. He has also served as a consultant to the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Zeitz is a co-founder and the Executive Director of Global AIDS Alliance (GAA). Dr. Joanne Carter, Executive Director, RESULTS - Secretary and Treasurer Joanne Carter has been with RESULTS since 1992. RESULTS, an international grassroots citizen’s lobby, works to create the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty, and to empower individuals as advocates with their governments, the media and in their communities. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Ambassador Mark R. Dybul, MD, Co-Director, Georgetown University O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law Ambassador Dybul served as the United States Global AIDS Coordinator from 2006 to the end of Ambassador Dybul served as the United States Global AIDS Coordinator from 2006 to the end of the Bush Administration. In that role, he led the implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest international health initiative in history for a single disease. He currently co-directs the Global Health Law Program at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University, where he is also a Distinguished Visiting Scholar. Kul Gautam, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF In his long and distinguished career with the United Nations, Kul Gautam had extensive dealings with senior levels of donor governments, development agencies, NGOs and the corporate sector in policy dialogue, advocacy and resource mobilization. In addition to working with the highest levels of policy making at the United Nations (including the General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC and the UNICEF Executive Board), Gautam has decades of on-the-ground experience serving children and UNICEF in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Haiti and India. Kathy Kretman, Ph.D., Director, Georgetown University Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership Kathy Kretman has devoted much of her career to the development of leaders in the public and nonprofit sectors. Since 2001, she has created executive education programs that have attracted nonprofit and philanthropic leaders from across the globe. She is also Research Professor for the Georgetown Public Policy Institute, where she teaches public leadership. Susan McCue, President & Chief Executive Officer, Message Global LLC Susan McCue is a political strategist and founder of Message Global LLC, a communications and public affairs firm created in January 2008 to advance progressive campaigns, non-profit advocacy and activism, and corporate social responsibility in the U.S. and globally. McCue served as the Chief of Staff for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) from 1998 – 2006. Following her work in the Senate, McCue became the founding President and CEO of The ONE Campaign. Diana Aubourg Millner, Senior Foreign Assistance Policy Analyst, Bread for the World Diana Aubourg Millner directed Africa policy and programmatic development for the Pan African Children’s Fund/Save Africa’s Children, supporting orphan care projects in sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. She now serves as Senior Foreign Assistance Policy Analyst at Bread for the World. Richard C. Powell, Chief Operating Officer, Burson-Marsteller Rick Powell oversees Burson-Marsteller’s global operations and provides strategic advice to clients in the areas of corporate communications, issues management, crisis management and international affairs. Previously he served as managing director of Quinn Gillespie & Associates, a leading Washington, D.C. public affairs firm.


As a voice for the world’s most vulnerable children, Global Action for Children mobilizes government support and community action so every child has the chance to grow up safe, healthy and ready to thrive.

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