Community of Practice Poster 2

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Envisioning a Community of Practice for


An Environmental Stewardship CoP made possible by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council would help bridge institutional gaps.

Barriers to Effective Environmental Stewardship Invasive Species Control | Cultural Barrier English ivy is a problem in many urban forests, forming a ground cover that prevents the growth of native woodland wildflowers. Especially in urban forests, re-invasions of English ivy from adjacent residential properties is common. The mobilization of the scientific knowledge involved in the control of ivy requires the roperties additional step of community engagement to prevent ivy on their properties from undoing the restoration of urban forests.

Stream and Riparian Restoration | Behavioural Barrier Restoration of stream bank (riparian) vegetation for songbird habitat adjacent to residential housing developments can be compromised by predation by domestic cats. This is especially a problem if birds are species at risk. Yet technical knowledge informing best management practices for restoring such habitat is rarely effective if practitioners lack the social skills needed to change the behaviour of residents adjacent to the project.

Climate Change | Institutional Barrier Climate change has led to drier conditions in many grassland communities, munities, resulting in fewer wetlands. Restoring the wetlands sometimes involves locating them on land protected by the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Such conflicts in land use need to be resolved, especially when it comes to habitat for species at risk. Ecologists can identify the best sites and how to restore a wetland, but many lack the policy and dispute resolution skills required. Similarly, water licenses guiding the amount of water that can be withdrawn from wetlands for farming can be outdated and inappropriate for present day priorities in dealing with endangered species. In addition, coastal communities’ responses to rising sea levels sometimes include constructing retaining walls. Such hard edges, however, reduce habitat for certain species and often create erosion problems along other areas of the shoreline. For more information visit the Stewardship Centre for British Columbia: | 1.866.456.7222 Layout | Britton Jacob-Schram, Photography | Simone Rochon,

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