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Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of South Carolina PO Box 210008, Columbia, SC 29221 800 Gracern Road, Columbia, SC 29210 803-731-9460 803-772-6425 (fax) e-mail: IIABSC Staff G. Frank Sheppard, AAI, CAE President ext. 23, Rebecca H. McCormack, CPCU, CIC, AAI, CPIW Vice President ext. 14, Anita J. Trevino Director of Communications ext. 29, Beth Chastie Director of Administration & Finance ext. 17, Charlene Bernotas, CISR, ACSR Agency Administrator ext. 22,
Message from the Chairman of the Board
Message from the National Director
Spotlight on Kathy D. McKay, CIC, CPIW New IIABSC Chairman of the Board 10 Rep. Mike Sottile - Tackling Tough Issues in the General Assembly 12 CE Compliance: An Agent’s To Do List Before May 1 14 Insure Your Future with InsurPAC 16 Spotlight on Young Agents - Levi D. Crawford, AAI 18 Your Best Asset: Your People 22 111th IIABSC Annual Convention Recap 26 Tools for the Successful Agent of Tomorrow 36 2010 Big “I” SC Spring Conference 40
Elaine Mikell Meeting Coordinator ext. 16, Mary A. Ellis Education Coordinator ext. 12, Jeanette Bloss Education Coordinator ext. 11, Pat Fetner Receptionist ext. 10, Lee Ruef Director of State Government Relations South Carolina Agent & Broker is the official magazine of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of South Carolina and is published four times annually. IIABSC does not necessarily endorse any of the companies advertising in this publication or the views of its writers. Articles and information published in this magazine may not be reproduced without written consent of the IIABSC. South Carolina Agent & Broker is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art or photography. The publisher cannot assume responsibility for claims made by advertisers and is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contributing authors. For more information on advertising, Contact Jim Aitkins Blue Water Publishers 22727 - 161st Avenue SE Monroe, WA 98272 360-805-6474 fax: 360-805-6475
3ODFLQJ %RQGV LQ 'LI¿FXOW 7LPHV IIABSC Calendar 44 2010 Board of Directors and Executive Committee 46
Advertiser Index
AequiCap Program Administrators 21 Bankers Insurance Group 43 Builders Mutual Insurance 31 Burns & Wilcox 3, 5, 48 Capstone Underwriters 38 Edwin M. Rollins Company 7 FastSnap 13 GUARD Insurance Group 29 Hanover Excess & Surplus 19 Installment Discount Corp. 37 Insurance House 11 J. M. Wilson 43 Jackson Sumner & Associates 17
Johnson & Johnson Montgomery Insurance Preferred Specialty Prime Rate Premium Finance ProVision Underwriters South Carolina Agent Network Southern Insurance Underwriters Southern Cross Underwriters Summit Marketing Services TAPCO Underwriters The National Security Group Universal North America
24, 25 13 47 29 31 23 2 23 37 15 41 9
Cover Photo Credit: (Dreamstime: Annebritt576). The image is a close-up of ice crystals on a window, but also serves as a great reminder that while the Upstate will undoubtedly get a few ice storms, South Carolina is the place to be in the United States during the winter. It is that reason, along with Florida’s ever-increasing tax and property insurance costs, that seasonal homeownership in South Carolina is rapidly growing, just from the snowbirds alone. Big “I” Markets offers Seasonal Homeowners and Vacant Dwelling non-standard homeowners in their personal lines products list for South Carolina. Members, you do not have to register for Big “I” Markets to see product details, just a valid username and password.
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IIABSC Chairman of the Board Kathy D. McKay, CIC, CPIW
t is a great honor to be the Chairman of the Board for the South Carolina Big “I.â€? Even more so it is a huge responsibility WR OHDG WKH RIÂżFHUV DQG GLUHFWRUV RI RXU LQGXVWU\ RUJDQL]DWLRQ I have been involved with the Big “Iâ€? throughout my career – working on committees, teaching classes, publicly speaking to groups or media, communicating with legislators, serving on the Board, and now as Chairman. Involvement is important to me professionally and hopefully allows me to give back to the industry that I love. In the coming months, our association will continue to work on the numerous challenges and issues that face independent agents these days. We will continue to work with other groups to make South Carolina attractive and competitive for new insurance markets. We will continue to work with the Department of Insurance and State Legislature to provide sound and adequate regulation for consumer protection while not VWLĂ€LQJ LQVXUDQFH FRPSDQ\ LQQRYDWLRQ DQG FRPSHWLWLRQ :H ZLOO continue to provide information, training and resources so that independent agents can compete and grow their businesses. If you have ever heard me speak to a group, then you no doubt already know that I have a very strong interest in helping independent agents “tell our story.â€? Let’s face it – in today’s world, the insurance industry is often portrayed as the bad guys. The public perception is often that insurance is overpriced, companies (and agents) are rich and greedy and hardly ever pay their claims, agents are incompetent and the government may be able to do better! Public perception comes from a lot of places – TV commercials for trial lawyers looking for business by bashing insurance companies, media reports that ignore or distort the facts, personal experiences of insurance customers that exaggerate what really happened and the President of the United States when advocating his proposal on health care reform. We even hear it from industry competition when some companies promote going direct – insinuating agents are not worth the money! The industry also gets judged during catastrophes and disasters. The media spotlight really shines after a major event and all too often focuses on the small number of disputed claims 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER
Telling Our Story and losses. And let’s not forget the news about AIG during the economic meltdown last year. So what can we do? First, we need to make sure we ARE being professional – ethically treating our customers and prospects with trust, integrity and respect. Agents that abide by the IIABA Code of Ethics and the Trusted ChoiceÂŽ Pledge of Performance demonstrate to their customers fair, professional and ethical conduct. Don’t just say what you will do – DO IT! 6HFRQG GRQÂśW DSRORJL]H IRU EHLQJ LQ WKH LQVXUDQFH EXVLQHVV Take pride in the security and peace of mind that you provide your customers. Over time, and especially in times of need, they will come to understand that your agency does provide a valuable service that allows them a lifestyle and freedom they could not otherwise enjoy. 7KLUG VSHDN XS :H VKRXOG QRW OHW RXWVLGH LQĂ€XHQFHV VKDSH the perception of the insurance industry. Arm yourself with facts – and share those facts to customers, prospects, friends, family, and neighbors in any opportunity that arises. Don’t be shy about letting the public know how important the insurance industry is to our economy. How is the Big “Iâ€? going to help? :H ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR SXEOLFO\ SURPRWH WKH EHQHÂżWV RI XVLQJ independent insurance agents. We will continue to promote the Trusted ChoiceÂŽ brand – tying the brand to local independent agents and educating consumers on the professionalism that comes from dealing with Trusted ChoiceÂŽ agents. We will continue to work with the SC Insurance News Service and other industry groups to increase public awareness of insurance issues. We will continue to work on improving the regulatory and legislative environment in ways that promote consumer FRQÂżGHQFH DQG HQKDQFH LQGXVWU\ FRPSHWLWLRQ It might not be easy; it might not be welcomed, and it most FHUWDLQO\ ZLOO EH FULWLFL]HG %XW LWÂśV WLPH WR JHW WKH PHVVDJH RXW – tell your story!
%CNN Or visit us at:
National Director John R. Braddy, CIC, AAI
he annual Best Practices Study originated in 1993 as an initiative to help independent agents build the value of their most important asset, their agencies. The annual study is conducted by our national association along with Reagan Consulting. Over the past 15 years it has examined top performing agencies from across the country. By doing so, the Big “Iâ€? hopes to provide member agents with meaningful performance benchmarks and business strategies that can be adopted or adapted for use in improving agency performance, thus enhancing agency value. IIABA retained the principals of Reagan &RQVXOWLQJ WR FUHDWH DQG SHUIRUP WKH ÂżUVW VWXG\ of The Best Practices of the Leading Independent Insurance Agencies in the United States. Today, the annual updates continue to provide important ÂżQDQFLDO DQG RSHUDWLRQDO EHQFKPDUNV DQG WKH VWXG\ LV UHFRJQL]HG DV RQH RI WKH PRVW WKRXJKWIXO effective and valuable resources ever made available to the industry.
Are you a Best Practices Agency? For participating agencies, inclusion provides the prestigious status of “Best Practices Agencyâ€? and RSHQV WKH GRRU WR PDQ\ EHQHÂżWV ,Q VL[ 6RXWK Carolina agencies were named a Best Practices Agency. The purpose of the study is to compile the
IIABA Best Practices
operating statistics of the country’s leading agents and brokers. The agencies included in the annual VWXG\ PXVW ÂżUVW EH QRPLQDWHG IRU SDUWLFLSDWLRQ E\ an insurance carrier or IIABSC. The industry-wide nomination process is conducted every three years. However, agency names can be submitted anytime during the three-year cycle, although new nominees are allowed to participate only at the start of a new cycle. The next study cycle starts in 2010. 1RPLQDWHG DJHQFLHV DUH WKHQ QRWLÂżHG DQG invited to participate. If they choose to do so they PXVW VXEPLW GHWDLOHG ÂżQDQFLDO DQG RSHUDWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKLFK LV DQDO\]HG VFRUHG DQG UDQNHG objectively for inclusion in the study on the basis of operational excellence including growth, SURÂżWDELOLW\ SURGXFWLYLW\ DQG ÂżQDQFLDO VWDELOLW\ Get Nominated Participation in the Best Practices Study has become a prestigious recognition of the superior accomplishments of the top insurance agencies LQ HDFK RI WKH UHYHQXH VL]H FDWHJRULHV VWXGLHG ,I you believe your agency has what it takes, but has not been nominated, contact Frank Sheppard at IIABSC ( ( ) to make sure your agency is included. You may also submit a self-nomination form. Visit the Best Practices section of (“Uncover Industry Best Practicesâ€?) for details.
A wildfire changed their lives. But not their minds. This is my insurance company.
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Universal North America Insurance Company is rated A - (Excellent) by A.M. Best & Company. Insurance products are issued and underwritten by one of Universal North America’s insurance companies: Universal North America Insurance Company or Universal Insurance Company of North America. Issuance of coverage is subject to underwriting review and approval. Products may not be available in all states. © 2009 Universal North America.
A few things about IIABSC’s new Chairman of the Board
.DWK\ ' 0F.D\ &,& &3,:
‡ CIC Designation
‡ CertiÀed Professional Ins. Woman Designation
‡ SC Dept. of Ins. CE Advisory Board member Awards: ‡ IIABSC Committee Leadership Award – AAMGA Achievement Award
‡ Charleston Ins. Woman of the Year
‡ SC Ins. Woman of the Year ‡ Boss of the Year LQ Former: ‡ CISR Board of Governors for National Alliance of Ins Education member ‡ Board of Directors member for Johnson & Johnson, Inc. ‡ Independent Ins. Agents of Greater Charleston ofÀcer ‡ SC Association of Insurance Women ofÀcer ‡ Professional Insurance Agents of SC ofÀcer
The ęrst thing you need to know about the new IIABSC Chairman of the Board is she does NOT like to sit still. Kathy McKay is enthusiastic, energetic and always on the go with everything she is involved with – whether it is family, business or the Big “I.� That passion and energy can only beneęt the association as she makes history by being the ęrst woman to lead the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of SC. No one is beĴer prepared to step up to that task. Kathy started her insurance career in 1974 as a Commercial Lines CSR with the Joseph P. Riley Agency in her hometown of Charleston. From that point, she has steadily embraced independent agent opportunities in sales, service and management until 1995 when she started the agency she owns today – McKay, Stelling and Associates in Mt. Pleasant. Her career – before and aĞer she became an agency owner – is ęlled with honors, leadership roles, insurance designations and professional accomplishments. You can see some of the highlights listed at leĞ. Kathy McKay has never relied on “enough is enough� – she continues to learn, train and educate herself on
the latest issues and opportunities that can help her agency serve their clients at the very highest level. She also shares what she knows with fellow independent agents as a certięed instructor on agency management issues, agency errors and omissions, commercial and personal insurance coverages and all segments of the Accredited Advisor of Insurance (AAI) designation. Don’t be surprised if Kathy solicits YOUR help and involvement in an association mission or activity – it’s her nature. She has ambitious goals for the Big “I� – more involvement from SC agent members, improved consumer awareness about independent agents and improving the public image of insurance generally. The second thing you need to know about Kathy? She has two of the most charming, independent and beautiful daughters anyone could hope for – Kadi and Sam – and each of them inherited their fair share of characteristics from Mom (a real GOOD thing)! One ęnal thing you beĴer know about Kathy – she is a HUGE Clemson Tiger fan. We’ll let Kathy tell you where that ranks on “need to know!�
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By Lee Ruef IIABSC Director of State & Governmental Affairs
Rep. Mike Sottile, R Tackling Tough T IIssues in the General
QHHG WR EH DEOH WR ÂżQG JRRG VRXUFHV RI LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ OHJLVODWLRQ that I question. “There are 124 House members, and you need to know them, because you cannot do anything by yourself. You need help from your colleagues. You also have to get used to the pecking order. Many things are done by seniority, like where you park and where you sit in committees. “My strongest impressions after one year are the broad range of subjects that we have to form opinions on and vote on. Unlike city government, I have to cast votes on abortion issues, crime bills and election laws such as the bill that would have required D SKRWR LGHQWLÂżFDWLRQ WR YRWH %\ WKH ZD\ , WKLQN WKDW LV D JRRG bill and needs to be passed. “The biggest thing we do is the state budget. It is now a huge $7.5 billion but smaller than the more than $8.3 billion the previous year. The budget is especially tough in tough times like we have now. We had to make some tough cuts and may have to make more next year,â€? Sottile said. “The key issues for me,â€? he said, “are growing the economy, jobs and education. We need to attract business, and one of things we have to do is improve our ports, in Charleston, Georgetown and the new facility in Jasper County. We have to prepare all our ports to handle the big ships that will be traveling to the East coast after the Panama Canal is widened. We need to be
! " !
CE Compliance: An Agent’s To Do list before May 1 5 Step One:
Renew license online, pay $25 license renewal fee through the Department of Insurance. This process must be done online, paper applications will not be accepted.
How: Go to ZZZ GRL VF JRY and click “SCDOI Online Services� under the banner. The link “Renew Individual License� is under the General Public heading. Accept the terms of use and follow the prompts. Renewal and payment is done in the same transaction. Fees may be paid by electronic check or credit card. If paying by credit card, a $1.43 processing fee will be added.
5 Step Two:
5 Step Three:
Check CE with Prometric. Even if you are certain that you have taken the required hours, recordkeeping errors sometimes happen! You need to be sure that Prometric, the SC CE administrator, has an accurate record of the classes that you have completed in the compliance period and any carryover hours from the previous period.
How: Go to ZZZ SURPHWULF FRP &( VFFHSURG and click “CE Services Online.â€? If you do not have a login account you will be redirected to create one Ă€rst. Click Or call Prometric directly at 800490-6551. CE requirements are 24 total hours of CE with 8 hours each in each line in which you are licensed, 3 hours of ethics and the remaining hours in either line.
Pay $15 admin fee to Prometric.
How: Go to ZZZ SURPHWULF FRP &( VFFHSURG and click “CE Services Online.â€? If you do not have a login account you will be redirected to create one Ă€rst. Click “Producer/Agent Individual Transactionsâ€? and follow prompts. You may also call Prometric directly at 800-490-6551.
5 Step Four:
After you have found out exactly what CE hours you are missing, go to ZZZ LLDEVF FRP and click the link to our Education Calendar. We have more than 50 classes scheduled from Jan. 1 to April 30, including a three-hour course with the DOI detailing the Producer Licensing and CE changes so you can be sure to keep your agency in compliance.
Coming in the Summer 2010 edition of SC Agent & Broker magazine: an explanation of the transition to birth Month/year compliance periods beginning Jan. 1, 2011.
:KDW KDSSHQV LI , GRQ¡W FRPSO\ E\ 0D\ " Your license will be considered lapsed, and all appointments and other licenses tied to the producer license will also lapse. After November 1, 2010 if you still fail to be in compliance with the above requirements the producer license and all other applicable licenses will be cancelled. :KDW GRHV LW PHDQ LI P\ OLFHQVH KDV ODSVHG" ‡ Producer cannot transact any insurance business until the license has been reinstated. ‡ All licenses based upon the producer license, such as an agency or brokers license, will also lapse. ‡ All producer appointments will lapse. ‡ Any business transacted while this license is lapsed shall constitute the unauthorized transaction of insurance business and will be subject to severe penalties. ‡ Insurers accepting business from an unlicensed individual will be considered to have violated the unauthorized transaction of insurance business and will also be subject to severe penalties.
,Q VKRUW \RX ZLOO EH RXW RI EXVLQHVV XQWLO \RXU OLFHQVH LV UHLQVWDWHG :KDW GRHV LW PHDQ LI P\ OLFHQVH KDV EHHQ FDQFHOOHG" The producer license, agency license and brokers license will be cancelled an cannot be reinstated. The producer must reapply for licensure, pay all applicable fees and pass all applicable exams in order to be licensed again. Any CE exemption/ reduction will be cancelled with no chance of ever getting it back even if you do become licensed again. 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER
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The U.S. Congress is constantly considering legislation that can potentially affect independent agents and brokers on issues including taxes, regulation, licensing, federal programs and much more. The success of the independent agency system today and down the road is largely dependent on staying active in the political process and encouraging others in the industry to do the same. PACs are one of the quickest and most effective ways to become engaged in this process. InsurPac is the federal political action committee of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers Association (the Big “I�). It is the largest propertycasualty insurance industry PAC in the nation, and is one of the reasons the Big “I� is routinely rated as a top lobbying group in Washington, D.C. InsurPac distributes 100% of its voluntary agent donations to U.S. senators, representatives and candidates for federal office. In making those disbursements it does not look at party affiliation; rather, it supports those officials who have been advocates and supporters of the independent agency system. As a result, the Big “I� and InsurPac have an impressive bipartisan track record in Congress and on the campaign trail. Consider the following: ‡
In the 2007–2008 election cycle, InsurPac distributed $1,631,500. Of the 241 races it supported, 222 won for a 92% victory rate.
In the 2005–2006 election cycle, InsurPac distributed $1,542,250. Of the 237 races it supported, 206 won for an 87% victory rate.
While victories such as these are impressive, they are not nearly as important as the relationships that are developed via InsurPac. Hundreds of fundraising events happen each week in Washington, D.C., benefitting members of the U.S. Senate and House. Big “I� federal lobbyists attend fundraisers
every day, carrying the independent agent banner and establishing relationships with key legislators and their staff. Just as an agent values his or her clients and works with them to develop relationships, the Big “I� Capitol Hill team works to maintain relationships with elected officials. While these relationships obviously don’t guarantee votes, they do provide opportunities to meet with key decision makers at the appropriate time and educate them on the agent perspective. The importance of PACs in the political and legislative process cannot be underestimated. The trial lawyers have used their $5 million PAC to stop meaningful tort reform. Realtors have used their $8 million PAC to raise their presence and become one of the most influential interest groups. The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors have used their $2 million PAC to push for federal regulation of life insurance. The Big “I� membership has always prided itself on political engagement, and the continued growth of InsurPac indicates the trend is not slowing down anytime soon. The 2008 calendar year was the eighth consecutive year that InsurPac grew, and it is on pace to set yet another record fundraising year in 2009. As of mid-October, InsurPac had already raised $830,000 and was within striking distance of the million-dollar mark. The Big “I� continues to be one of the most well-respected associations in Washington and it’s in large part due to the power of InsurPac. This political clout is apparent in the relationships the association and it’s lobbyists have on Capitol Hill, the reputation of the association as a whole, and the many times they are consulted by the administration and invited to testify before Congress on a variety of industry issues.
,VVXHV FXUUHQWO\ EHLQJ GLVFXVVHG LQ &RQJUHVV LQFOXGH federal regulation of insurance, other targeted regulatory reform, producer compensation, natural disaster insurance and reform (incl. NFIP), terrorism insurance, tax issues (including the depreciation of expirations), and we can’t forget the always talked about health-care reform that has ended up being only health-insurance reform. The IIABA Government Affairs team uses InsurPAC contributions to develop working relationships with Congress members and get their foot in the door for discussion when critical legislation is being decided. Contributions, of course, do not buy solutions to legislative debates; however, they do allow signiÀcant face time with elected ofÀcals.
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111th IIABSC Annual Convention
2&72%(5 ² Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC
IIABSC National Director John Braddy, CIC, AAI gives the oath of office to incoming Board members and Chairman Kathy McKay, CIC, CPIW
IIABSC NaĆ&#x;onal Director John R. Braddy, CIC, AAI delivered the oath of oĸce to the incoming Board of Directors during their installaĆ&#x;on Monday night of the 111th Annual ConvenĆ&#x;on held October 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 in Asheville, NC. Kathy D. McKay, CIC, CPIW of McKay Stelling & Associates in Mt. Pleasant has been elected Chairman of the Board of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of South Carolina by the general membership during the annual meeĆ&#x;ng. StarĆ&#x;ng Jan. 1, she will be the ÄŽrst female Chairman in the associaĆ&#x;onâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more than 100-year history. W. Ashley Brady, CIC, of First Charter Insurance in Marion was elected Chairman-elect and Treasurer of the Board of Directors. Kenneth A. Finch, CPCU, CIC, CRM, AAI of Countybanc Insurance in Greenwood was elected as the Boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER
Secretary. Both were elected to two-year terms. Jules J. Anderson, Jr., AAI of Anderson Insurance Associates, LLC with oĸces in Charleston and Pawleys Island moved into the posiĆ&#x;on of Immediate Past Chairman. Three new directors were also elected to three-year terms on the Board of Directors beginning Jan. 1, 2010: Thomas M. Bates, Jr., of Herlong Bates BurneĆŠ Insurance in Greenville; David A. Cyphers, CIC, AAI, of SiÄŤord-SĆ&#x;ne Insurance in Clover; and Edward S. Spivey, CIC, AAI, of the Howard B. Smith Agency in Mullins. ReĆ&#x;ring directors Jack D. PuckeĆŠ, CPCU, CRM, CIC, ARM, AAI of Capstone Insurance Services in Greenville and W. Paul Eaddy, Jr. of Adams, Eaddy & Associates in Columbia were recognized for their service and dedicaĆ&#x;on to the associaĆ&#x;on the past three years.
James E. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Edâ&#x20AC;? Elliott, CIC of Correll Insurance Group in Gaffney was named the 2009 IIABSC Hayne P. Glover, Jr. Agent of the Year
Agent of the Year James E. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Edâ&#x20AC;? EllioĆŠ, CIC of Correll Insurance in GaÄŤney has been named the 2009 Hayne P. Glover, Jr. Agent of the Year in recogniĆ&#x;on for rendering outstanding community service and contribuĆ&#x;ng to the beĆŠerment of the insurance industry. EllioĆŠ joined the Correll Insurance Group in 1990. He earned his CerĆ&#x;ÄŽed Insurance Counselor designaĆ&#x;on 5 years later and was recently recognized for 10 years of educaĆ&#x;onal commitment as a CIC. EllioĆŠ has been a Rotarian for 29 years and is currently president of his local chapter. Elliot has served on the Board of Directors for several other important community organizaĆ&#x;ons. He is also very acĆ&#x;ve, serving as Treasurer, with the Providence BapĆ&#x;st Church. The Agent of the Year Award is named for Hayne P. Glover, Jr., to honor his many years of dedicated service to the IIABSC state and naĆ&#x;onal associaĆ&#x;ons. Glover, from Greenville, is the only South Carolinian to serve as the naĆ&#x;onal associaĆ&#x;on president. Glover was an outstanding example of service to his community as well as the industry, which are the criteria used to evaluate nominees for the award. The award was sponsored by Prime Rate Premium Finance in Florence.
Young Agent of the Year Columbia-area insurance execuĆ&#x;ve and Board member, W. Paul Eaddy, Jr., has been named the 2009 Young Agent of the Year. Part of the family business with his father and brother, Eaddy was named a State Auto PaceseĆŠer Agent early in his career and is a graduate of the Appalachian State University
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Left: W. Paul Eaddy, Jr., of Adams Eaddy & Associates in Columbia was named the 2009 IIABSC Young Agent of the Year. Below: R. Scott Moseley of Irmo Insurance Agency in Irmo was awarded with a 2009 IIABSC AAMGA Achievement Award for his work as the state InsurPAC chairman.
Robert C. Johnson (right) of Johnson & Johnson was named the 2009 IIABSC Industry Person of the Year. Accepting on his behalf were his brothers, Francis and Harry Johnson (Bottom).
Insurance ExecuƟves program. He also represented our industry on the Workers CompensaƟon Insurance Task Force for the South Carolina Hospitality AssociaƟon. Like any good agent, our recipient is acƟve in his community, coaching both Girls’ and Boys’ teams in a variety of sports. He has served on the PTO Board and several commiƩees of his children’s school, as well as a Sunday School teacher and Jr. high Youth Advisor for his church, Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC. Eaddy has been of great service to our associaƟon as well, serving a term on our Board of Directors and as Co-Chairman of both the Trusted Choice and the Young Agents commiƩees. The Young Agent of the Year Award is given to an independent agent, age 40 or under, who has rendered outstanding service to his or her community outside the Įeld of insurance and who has contributed to the beƩerment of the insurance industry. It is sponsored by Prime Rate Premium Finance in Florence.
Industry Person of the Year Robert C. Johnson, of Johnson & Johnson in Charleston has been named the IIABSC 2009 Industry Person of the Year. The award recognizes insurance industry representaƟves – other than independent agents – who have contributed greatly to the insurance industry in South Carolina. Johnson entered the family business more than 25 years ago at Johnson & Johnson. He was instrumental in developing the brokerage side of the company, which services many agencies in the state of South Carolina. Although the company has expanded to include addiƟonal states; the loyalty was strongly cemented to South Carolina and its agency force. Johnson was one of the Įrst to introduce technology to assist agents in raƟng/markeƟng surplus lines business. In addiƟon, when the agency force expressed interest in direct-bill policies through brokers, he came through. He also responded to our needs by oīering strong markets to both coastal
and inland agents, allowing principals to do their job without concern for invesƟgaƟng companies for Įscal inadequacies. Robbie lost a baƩle to cancer earlier this year. He was a great friend who will be missed by the insurance industry in South Carolina and by all of us who were fortunate enough to know him and work with him. Robbie’s brothers, Francis and Harry Johnson, accepted the award on his behalf.
AAMGA Achievement Award - IIABSC Outstanding CommiƩee Chairperson Irmo insurance execuƟve R. ScoƩ Moseley has been recognized for his outstanding service to the IIABSC. Moseley, president of The Irmo Agency as well as an IIABSC board member and chairman of the state-level InsurPAC CommiƩee, was named Committee Chairperson of the Year and recipient of the AAMGA Achievement Award sponsored by the American AssociaƟon of Managing General Agents. It would be virtually impossible to separate InsurPac from IIABA’s lobbying strategy. InsurPac is not a goal unto itself; it’s a means to the end of furthering agent’s issues on the Hill. InsurPac raises funds by asking for voluntary personal contribuƟons from independent agents and brokers throughout the country. By pooling these monies together, InsurPac helps elect candidates and re-elect members of the U.S. Congress who share IIABA’s business philosophy. While contribuƟons do not buy soluƟons to legislaƟve debates, they do allow members of IIABA’s government aīairs team signiĮcant face Ɵme with elected oĸcials. Through InsurPac, IIABA is allowed the opportunity to educate these members and develop working relaƟonships with them. Lobbying and a well-funded PAC go hand in hand, and thanks to ScoƩ ’s leadership and the hard work of his commiƩee, SC is a strong naƟonal example for PAC leadership.
Henry G. Turner Memorial Golf Tournament Winners (alphabeƟcal): CurƟs Bull, The Turner Agency; William Boswell, Capstone Insurance Services; Karen Epermanis, PhD, Appalachian State University; Todd HioƩ, American Modern Insurance Group; John Mulvey, Summit ConsulƟng; Charles Stephenson, Progressive Insurance.
Door Prizes At the banquet, Tracy Beerman, CISR, CPSR of Capstone Insurance Services in Greenville won the big Agent Drawing cash prize of $1,000. Nancy EllioƩ in Gaīney won the
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When your South Carolina clients get both their Workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Comp and Businessownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Policies from us, special discounts become available as well as consolidated billing. Call us to learn more about our underwriting appetite, which includes some coastal exposures. A- (â&#x20AC;?EXCELLENTâ&#x20AC;?) A.M. Best Rating
$300 Spouse/Guest drawing. Lee Ellis of Ellis Realty & Insurance Agency in Hampton won the Tuesday-morning secondchance drawing of $500. Brian White of Capstone Insurance in Greenville won a drawing for a free registraĆ&#x;on to next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event for him and a guest by compleĆ&#x;ng an onsite event evaluaĆ&#x;on form. Linda Harnage of the Turner Agency in Greenville won a drawing for a two-night stay at The Grove Park Inn by making a personal contribuĆ&#x;on to InsurPAC. John SchlaĆŠer, Associated Insurors; Dan Cooper, Capstone Insurance; Linda Ferrante, Encompass Insurance; RheĆŠ Sansbury, Associated Insurors; and Larry Joyner, CWS Insurance all won drawings for a ÄŽve-boĆŠle wine basket by making personal contribuĆ&#x;ons to InsurPAC. Other door prize winners included: Tim Baxley, Statewide Insurance; Rita Ballington, First
South Insurance Agency; William Boswell, Capstone Insurance Services; Larry Dodson, Jesse T. Reese; Charlie Dorton, Russell Massey; Ken DunneĆŠ, Peoples First; Ed EllioĆŠ, Correll Insurance; Ben Galloway, Peoples First; Frank Gibson, Lowcountry Insurance Services; Victor Jowers, Upchurch & Jowers; Bob Keiger, Rosenfeld Einstein; Fred Kornahrens, Eckert Agency; Theodore Mappus, Mappus Insurance Agency; Tracy Mau, USI Ins SoluĆ&#x;ons; Bob Moseley, Irmo Ins Agency; Tonya Thomason, David A CroĆŠs; Joe Upchurch, Upchurch & Jowers.
Special thanks to our event committee: %RQQLH ( &RRN Chairman John T. Cook & Associates, Myrtle Beach
7RP %DWHV Herlong Bates Burnett Ins., Greenville
/DXUD ' &RUQHOO Universal Ins. Co./Seibels Bruce, Columbia
&KDUOLH 6 'RUWRQ Russell Massey & Co., Columbia
'DQD ' *URRPH CIC CPCU CISR ACSR Peoples Underwriters, Conway
-RVK %RRWK Johnson & Johnson, Charleston
6FRWW 0DUU Premium Financing Specialists, Columbia
%DUELH %UDGKDP AIP CISR Bradham Ins. Agency, Conway
&RRSHU &DUWHU CIC Pinckney-Carter Company, Charleston
0DWW ( &RSHODQG C2G Capital Management, Summerville
-HQQLIHU 0 0LOOHU Carrie Johnson Insurance, Myrtle Beach
7RQ\D 6 7KRPDVRQ CIC David A. Crotts & Associates, Greenwood
-XOLH % 7XUQHU Turner Agency, Greenville
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By Angelyn Treutel ACT Chair
Tools for the Successful Agent of Tomorrow
7KLV DUWLFOH SURYLGHV LQGHSHQGHQW DJHQFLHV ZLWK SUDFWLFDO JXLGDQFH RQ KRZ WKH\ FDQ EHQHÂżW IURP social networking cost effectively to extend their marketing reach and improve client contact and service. The author outlines the sites and free online tools her agency uses; how she budgets her time spent on social web marketing; and how she ties in her social networking with the agency web site to create an integrated Internet presence and brand.
verywhere you go, it seems everyone is talking about social networking. What is going on, and what can it do for your agency? Social networking saves you money. As agents, we have a reputation for being rather frugal. Most of the tools available for social networking are FREE. All you have to do is invest a little time or enlist the help of an enthusiastic agency co-worker! With social networking, agents can reduce the cost of using print advertising. The market reach is phenomenal. Think about how many people read a newspaper in your home town â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in my town it is around 10,000. Then check how many people in your area use Facebook â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in my area it is 67,000!! Social networking is merely an extension of how agents have conducted business in the past. The successful agent of yesterday invested in a storefront and used community networks to develop referrals and prospects. Printed advertising abounded LQ QHZVSDSHUV PDJD]LQHV DQG SKRQH ERRNV %XVLQHVV FDUGV ZHUH used as a calling card and a convenient way to remind prospects KRZ WR FRQWDFW \RX RQ WKH RIÂżFH SKRQH $JHQWV XVHG SULQW PHGLD WR HPSKDVL]H WKHLU H[SHUWLVH DQG HQFRXUDJH FOLHQWV WR YLVLW WKHP LQ WKH RIÂżFH Wow, how times have changed! Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consumers want FRQYHQLHQFH DQG HYHU\WKLQJ DW WKHLU ÂżQJHUWLSV 6XFFHVVIXO DJHQWV 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER
DUH UHDSLQJ WKH EHQHÂżWV RI KDYLQJ DQ LQWHJUDWHG ZHE VLWH WKDW presents an outward face to the online consumer. This method extends the brick-and-mortar storefront and reaches out into the ,QWHUQHW PDUNHWSODFH 8VLQJ RQOLQH SURÂżOH SDJHV OLNH )DFHERRN (, Google (ZZZ JRRJOH FRP SURÂżOHV), and MerchantCircle ( helps drive consumers to your agency web site for a broader reach at any time of the day or week. Agents are able to provide more convenience to their clients and prospects by using customer portals, email, text messaging and mobile phones. The concept of networking may have shifted from being exclusively face-to-face to one of cyber-connections, but networking itself is something that all agents are very comfortable with, because agents are good at building relationships. Social networking allows you to connect with more contacts than would be humanly possible to meet in person. Plus, the connections increase exponentially with the ease of online referrals from one of your connections to all of their connections. And frankly, many modern consumers distrust print media when they are researching products. They prefer to obtain the opinion of a trusted peer group or from their own connections/friends. With social networking, agents have more opportunity to showcase themselves as a Trusted Choice and consumer advocate.
we VSHFLDOL]H in workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;comp
workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; comp claim can turn your clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s workplace upside down. But if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve placed them with Summit, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll turn things around againâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;fast. We effectively manage claimsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;while keeping costs down and morale high. And we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sacriďŹ ce service, timeliness or quality of care. Workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; comp is all we do. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a difference your clients recognize. After all, workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; comp isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just insurance. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an investment in the future of their company.
Summit includes Summit Consulting Inc. and its subsidiaries.
/ / Coverage available in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
Voncher Nantambu, CWCP Senior Claims Adjustor, Southeast Region
What do you mean you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t started using social netDonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let the desire to measure ROI stop you from getting working to make your agency better? You need to jump right in! started! There are many ways to measure the success of embracReady â&#x20AC;Ś Set â&#x20AC;Ś. GO !!!!!!!! ing social media. Using a free tool like Google-Analytics (www allows you to measure easily the impact [Editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Note: Angelyn participated with other industry leaders of your web site and your online advertising campaigns. The tool in an excellent panel on Internet Marketing at the ACT Special tracks site usage, which pages are viewed, how much time viewEvent held in September 2009. A podcast of this panel, as well as ers spend on each page, which search engines or other sites were a second one on enhancing agency productivity, is available at XVHG WR ÂżQG \RXU DJHQF\ ZKLFK NH\ZRUGV ZHUH XVHG WR ORFDWH] your site and more. Tools like Website Grader ( ) are available to evaluate objectively the effectiveAngelyn Treutel is Treasurer, Vice President, and Chief Informaness of your site against your competitorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and provide you with WLRQ 2IÂżFHU RI 7UHXWHO ,QVXUDQFH $JHQF\ DV ZHOO DV &KDLU RI WKH constructive ways to make it better. Agents Council for Technology (ACT). Angelyn can be reached Relevant and fresh content on your agency web site is critiat ACT is part of the Independent Insurcal, and the more partner sites that link to your agency site, the ance Agents & Brokers of America and its Web site can be found better. Sign up for local search on Google ( at For more information about local/add) and yahoo ( ACT, contact Jeff Yates, ACT Executive Director at jeff.yates@ +DYH \RXU VLWH OLVWHG E\ ORFDO SDUWQHUV DQG RUJDQL]DWLRQV OLNH 7KLV DUWLFOH UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV WKH YLHZV RI WKH DXWKRU DQG VKRXOG your local Chamber or church or business club. Keep your web QRW EH FRQVWUXHG DV DQ RIÂżFLDO VWDWHPHQW E\ $&7 site interesting for your clients and prospects. Consider using RSS feeds (automatic feeds of fresh news and content from another web site) and add a blog on interesting consumer and community topics. To leverage the time commitment required to maintain your social networking presence, you may want to consider a rotation schedule to tie all of your efforts together. On some frequency, update Facebook to share tips, use LinkedIn to keep up OUR ONTRACTOR ENTER with reading, topics, trips and profesJust make this simple sional networking, and use Twitter to communicate pertinent updates. Use connection: email for sending out newsletters and Contractors = Capstone offer chat/text messaging capability. Capstone = Contractors Each week, update your blog to add in)FSF XF DPOTJEFS BMNPTU BMM teresting stories and consumer tips. At DMBTTFT XF PGGFS NVMUJQMF least monthly, update your web site to QSPHSBNT NPOPMJOF PS QBDLBHF include news and events and be sure to PVS SBUFT BSF IBSE UP CFBU BOE PVS link to all of your social network sites DPNNJTTJPOT BSF WFSZ DPNQFUJUJWF to your web site to complete the cycle. Social networking and market#VU UIFSFÂľT NPSF ing put more tools in your toolbox and 8F QSPWJEF B XJEF SBOHF PG IJHIMZ give you a broader market reach for SBUFE DBSSJFST *O NBOZ DBTFT XF very little expense. Use your web site IBWF JO IPVTF BVUIPSJUZ UP JTTVF WR VXSSOHPHQW \RXU SK\VLFDO RIÂżFH QPMJDJFT BOE HJWF DSFEJUT $QDO\]H \RXU ZHE VLWH WUDIÂżF DQG PDNH upgrades to improve your close ratio. T 6NCSFMMBT BWBJMBCMF UP Use social networking as your virtual NJMMJPO business card to expand your commu%BMMBT t /FX 0SMFBOT t "UMBOUB T #VJMEFSÂľT 3JTL nity outreach, enhance your network1-800-582-4544 T $POUSBDUPSÂľT &RVJQNFOU ° ing presence, get more prospects and -BSHF TDIFEVMFT JODMVEJOH SFOUBM turn them into clients!
( #" )& (- &#)$ ' + -' " #!! (( (# $ " #( &' ' )& " ( ! ' # " " + .* " # " )'( ( ( #& #* & ' ,(- - &' )& & ( #"' $ + ( #)& $# - # &' ' #" - %) - #)& & ( #"' $ + ( #)& "(' $&#* " ( ! + ( $ &(" &' $ $&#/ ( ' & " $&# & ! " " + & + "" " + ' ( ( ( " ' & ( ! $# - " # '( #" " %)#( ' " " #&' ! "( " $# - $ $& "( " (# " ! + + ( )' (# - " ' #* & + - ( #)' " ' # $# - # &' $ " #" )' (# "')& ( & +#& #& * ' ( )' #" ( + ( +++ " ( #" ' )& (- &#)$ #! ;n\cc`e^ =`i\ Â&#x203A; C`d`k\[ ?fd\fne\ij Â&#x203A; DfY`c\ ?fd\fne\ij Â&#x203A; MXZXek ;n\cc`e^ C`]\ Xe[ ?\Xck_ Â&#x203A; GXike\ij_`g GifĂ&#x201D; k J_Xi`e^
NOW E! L AVAILAaBnt Vac g Dwellin
By Tammy Rife Assistant VP, Claims and Liability Management, Swiss Re
As an agent, your duties and responsibilities do not necessarily end once a bond is placed. Be sure to refer to your agency agreement for the ongoing duties you owe to the surety. If new information comes to your attention after the bond has EHHQ SODFHG VXFK DV DQ\WKLQJ UHODWLQJ WR WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDQFLDO VWDELOLW\ of your customer, report it to the underwriter. Remember, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always better to overreport than to underreport. If in doubt, send everything to the underwriter and have him or her make the decision. When defaults on a project start to occur the parties will turn to the surety for coverage under the payment or performance bond. The surety will investigate each claim to determine that the owner of the bond has defaulted and no other party is responsible. The surety will determine if payments need to be made or new contractors hired to complete the project. The surety will also investigate the reason for the default, and whether there were signs of problems prior to the bond being issued that the agent may have been aware of. If the agent did have prior knowledge, the surety will look to the agent and their E&O carrier to indemnify them. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;T.R.
pen the newspaper, turn on the television or Google the word â&#x20AC;&#x153;recession.â&#x20AC;? The headlines are brimming with news about job losses, bank closings, foreclosures and government bailouts. The impact is being felt throughout the insurance industry, but nowhere more than in the surety bond arena. This may create additional pitfalls for agents who place bonds and will most certainly subject them to added scrutiny. As banks tighten their lending requirements and standards due to the home foreclosures, failing companies and credit card and loan defaults, insurance companies will be tightening their underwriting standards on bonds as well. Credit is one of the hottest commodities in the market. As the economy becomes unstable, the number of new construction projects dwindles. When this happens, opportunities for problems in the construction industry increase. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a spike in residential builders bidding on commercial and governmental projects for ZKLFK WKH\ÂśUH QRW TXDOLÂżHG DQG XQGHUELG GXH WR ODFN RI H[SHULHQFH *HQHUDO FRQWUDFWRUV PD\ KLUH XQTXDOLÂżHG VXEFRQWUDFWRUV ZKLFK can lead to poor quality work, delays and inability to pay their workers. All of this can lead to defaults on projects and claims 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER
presented against payment and performance bonds. During tough economic times, surety bonds become even more important to the construction industry, and the businesses and individuals that interact with it. Payment bonds guarantee that a payment will be made if the contractor goes out of business and stops paying its vendors or subcontractors. A performance bond will ensure that
the work will be completed. The underwriting process is a very important part of the surety business. As an agent, you can have a huge impact during the underwriting of a bond. As an agent for a surety, you have a duty to know the details of your agent agreement and abide by them. Many errors and lapses can occur during the application and underwriting stage of the bond. Make sure you have a current copy of the underwriting guidelines and that you and your staff are familiar with them. If you understand the suretyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Relax ... we can handle your hard to place underwriting guidelines, you will be able to assist them and your truck risks. FOLHQW WKURXJK WKH XQGHUZULWLQJ SURFHVV <RX PD\ ÂżUVW ZDQW J.M. Wilson has been saying yes to risks that are hard to place for over to determine your customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s experience in the construction 85 years. Use our online tools to speed up your process or contact one of LQGXVWU\ LI WKH\ÂśUH TXDOLÂżHG IRU WKH MRE WKH\ÂśUH ELGGLQJ IRU DQG our experienced underwriters. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll receive a response to your submissions within 24 hours and policies within 21 days. the bond theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re requesting. And if you decide you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t place a bond, make sure you clearly advise your customer that you will Ask us about: QRW EH SODFLQJ WKH ERQG DQG GRFXPHQW \RXU ÂżOH If you proceed with placement of the bond, make sure s For Hire Risks 1-100+ s Gas Haulers s Hot Shots s Garbage Trucks s Dump Trucks s Auto Haulers youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve gathered all the relevant information from your client s New Business Ventures s Problem Drivers s Tough Classes to present to the underwriterâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;i.e. the construction contract and DOO QHFHVVDU\ ÂżQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 7KH XQGHUZULWHU DOVR ZLOO need to know what coverages are required and if anyone else is (800) 595-0063 | to be named on the bond. During the underwriting process itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good to keep the lines of communication open and make sure to document all communications. Also, report everything to the P.O. Box 32065, Charleston, SC 29417-2065 underwriter and allow them to determine what information is important. The BANKERS INSURANCE GROUP underwriter is the person in the best position to determine if the surety is willing to write the coverage, as long as they have all the information. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s better to report all the information to the underwriter and have them decline the Bankers Insurance Group Introduces a new coverage than to have an E&O claim. If an agency is going to place Homeowners product. bond coverage, it should be aware of % % % % % % % its responsibilities under the agency
% % % % %#% % % % % % % agreement, as well as under the state % % %" % " % % % % law. The agency should be careful to % % % % % % $ % % % make sure it follows all the appropriate % %#% %" % % % % % % procedures and that all the actions are well documented.
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Disclaimer: The material contained herein is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or other professional advice. Please procure the appropriate legal or other professional advice and services to address your individual needs and circumstances.
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Calendar Dates are subject to change. For course descriptions and up-to-date calendar, see our Education & Event calendars at
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Hilton Head, 3 hrs Ethics
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Greenville, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
IIABSC Spring Conference, Columbia, TBD
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Columbia, 3 hrs Ethics
Surplus Lines Markets & Practices in SC, Greenville, 6 hrs. P&C
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Rock Hill, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
E&O Risk Management, Charleston, 8 hrs P&C or L&H
CISR Agency Operations, Columbia, 6 hrs P&C or L&H, 1 hr Ethics
CISR William T Hold Personal Lines, Greenville, filed for 8 hrs CE
E&O Risk Management, Rock Hill, 8 hrs P&C or L&H
Coverages, Court Cases & Chaos, Myrtle Beach, 6 hrs. P&C
Surplus Lines Markets & Practices in SC, Charleston, 6 hrs. P&C
Estate Planning, Charleston, 4 hrs. L&H
Business Income Mystery Solved, Hilton Head, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
Life Ins. Concepts for the P&C Agent, Charleston, 4 hrs. L&H
Business Income Mystery Solved, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Myrtle Beach, 3 hrs Ethics
CISR Commercial Property, Myrtle Beach, 7 hrs P&C
Estate Planning, Columbia, 4 hrs. L&H
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Columbia, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
Life Ins. Concepts for the P&C Agent, Columbia, 4 hrs. L&H
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Anderson, 3 hrs Ethics
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, N. Charleston, 3 hrs Ethics
William T Hold Personal Lines, Charleston, filed for 8 hrs CE
April 1
Estate Planning, Greenville, 4 hrs. L&H
Life Ins. Concepts for the P&C Agent, Greenville, 4 hrs. L&H
Ruble Graduate Seminar (CIC), Myrtle Beach, 20 hrs CE
Workers Comp in SC, Charleston, 6 hrs. P&C
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Columbia, 3 hrs. Ethics
CIC Commercial Property, Columbia, 20 hrs P&C
CISR Commercial Casualty, Columbia, 7 hrs P&C
E&O Risk Management, Columbia, 8 hrs P&C or L&H
CISR Agency Operations, Myrtle Beach, 6 hrs P&C or L&H, 1 hr Ethics
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Hilton Head, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
Business Auto Policy Gaps & Exposures, Charleston, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Charleston, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
Business Auto Policy Gaps & Exposures, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
CISR Personal Auto, Columbia, 7 hrs P&C
Business Auto Policy Gaps & Exposures, Greenville, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Greenville, 3 hrs Ethics
CISR Commercial Property, Greenville, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Commercial Casualty, Florence, 6 hrs P&C
CISR Personal Residential, Greenville, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Agency Operations, Rock Hill, 6 hrs P&C or L&H, 1 hr Ethics
Business Practices & Procedures, Charleston, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
Employment Practices & Insurance Exposures, Myrtle Beach,
Business Practices & Procedures, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
AAI – 81A, Columbia, 7 hrs. P&C
Keeping the Agency Legal, Charleston, filed for 6 hrs. P&C or L&H
Surplus Lines Markets & Practices, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
Keeping the Agency Legal, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C or L&H
CISR Personal Auto, Charleston, 7 hrs P&C
Employment Practices & Insurance Exposures, Greenville,
Commercial Lines Nuts & Bolts, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
Commercial Lines Nuts & Bolts, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
Commercial Lines Nuts & Bolts, Columbia, filed for 6 hrs. P&C
filed for 6 hrs. P&C 24
filed for 6 hrs. P&C
March June
Coverages, Court Cases & Chaos, Greenville, 6 hrs. P&C
CISR Commercial Casualty, Bluffton/HHI, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Personal Auto, Bluffton/HHI, 7 hrs P&C
CIC Life & Health, Greenville, 20 hrs L&H
E&O Risk Management, Greenville, 8 hrs P&C or L&H
CISR William T Hold Commercial Lines, Columbia, filed for 8 hrs CE
CRIS Property Ins for Contactors, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Myrtle Beach, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
AAI – 81B, Columbia, 5 hrs. P&C, 2 hrs. L&H
DOI Producer Licensing/ CE Changes, Florence, 3 hrs. P&C/L&H
Workers Compensation, Greenville, 4 hrs. P&C
CISR Commercial Casualty, Charleston, 7 hrs P&C
Certificates of Insurance, Greenville, 3 hrs. P&C
Ethical & Legal Consideration for Agents, Rock Hill, 3 hrs Ethics
CISR Commercial Property, Columbia, 7 hrs P&C
CIC Personal Lines, Charleston, 20 hrs P&C
July 14
CISR Commercial Casualty, Greenville, 7 hrs P&C
Surplus Lines Markets & Practices, Myrtle Beach, 6 hrs. P&C
CRIS Liability Ins for Contractors, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
AAI – 81C, Columbia, 7 hrs. P&C
CISR Commercial Property, Charleston, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Personal Residential, Rock Hill, 7 hrs P&C
August 4
CISR Personal Residential, Columbia, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Personal Residential, Myrtle Beach, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Personal Auto, Florence, 7 hrs P&C
CRIS Workers Comp for Contactors, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
CIC Commercial Casualty, Columbia, 20 hrs P&C
E&O Risk Management, Myrtle Beach, 8 hrs P&C or L&H
September 1
CISR Agency Operations, Columbia, 6 hrs P&C or L&H, 1 hr Ethics
Surplus Lines Markets & Practices, Bluffton/ HHI, 6 hrs. P&C
CISR William T Hold Commercial Lines, Charleston, filed for 8 hrs CE
CISR Personal Auto, Greenville, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Commercial Property, Bluffton/HHI, 7 hrs P&C
CRIS Auto, Surety, CIPs & Misc. Lines, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
CIC Agency Management (days 1&2), Myrtle Beach, 20 hrs P&C
October 1
CIC Agency Management (day 3), Myrtle Beach, 20 hrs P&C
AAI 82A, Columbia, 7 hrs. P&C
CISR William T Hold Personal Lines, Columbia, filed for 8 hrs CE
CISR Agency Operations, Greenville, 6 hrs P&C or L&H, 1 hr Ethics
CISR Commercial Casualty, Rock Hill, 7 hrs P&C
CRIS Contractual Risk Transfers, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
November 3
Surplus Lines Markets & Practices, Columbia, 6 hrs. P&C
CISR Personal Residential, Charleston, 7 hrs P&C
E&O Risk Management, HHI, 8 hrs. P&C or L&H
CISR William T Hold Commercial Lines, Greenville, filed for 8 hrs CE
CIC Personal Lines, HHI, 20 hrs P&C
AAI 82B, Columbia, 7 hrs. P&C
CISR Personal Auto, Columbia, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Personal Auto, Myrtle Beach, 7 hrs P&C
December 8
CISR Commercial Casualty, Columbia, 7 hrs P&C
CISR Agency Operations, Charleston, 6 hrs P&C or L&H, 1 hr Ethics
E&O Risk Management, Columbia, 8 hrs P&C or L&H
AAI 82C, Columbia, 7 hrs. P&C
2010 Board of Directors
Executive Committee Chairman Kathy D McKay, CIC, CPIW McKay Stelling & Assocs Mt. Pleasant, SC Chairman Elect/ Treasurer W. Ashley Brady, CIC First Charter Co., Inc Marion, SC DEUDG\#¿UVWFKDUWHULQV FRP
Secretary Kenneth A. “Ken” Finch, CPCU, CIC, CRM, AAI Countybanc Insurance Greenwood, SC N¿QFK#HFRXQW\EDQF FRP
Immediate Past Chairman Julius J “Jules” Anderson, Jr., AAI Anderson Ins Assoc Charleston, SC
National Director John R Braddy, CIC, AAI Braddy Insurance, Inc. Dillon, SC
Directors Thomas M. Bates, Jr. (Tom) Herlong Bates Burnett Insurance Greenville, SC
R. Scott Moseley Irmo Insurance Agency Irmo, SC
Faye R. Bradham, LUTCF Bradham Ins Agency Conway, SC
Edward S. Spivey, CIC, AAI (Spider) Howard B. Smith Agency Mullins, SC
David A. Cyphers, CIC, AAI Sifford-Stine Insurance Clover, SC
James G. “Jay” Taylor, Jr., CIC Kinghorn Insurance Agency of Beaufort Beaufort, SC
Larry G. Joyner, CIC, AAI CWS Ins Agency Spartanburg, SC Charles Paul Midgley, Jr. Midgley Agency Bennettsville, SC 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER
Christopher “Chris” T. Tidwell, CPCU, CIC Tidwell Agency Lexington, SC
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of SC 800 Gracern Road Columbia, SC 29210
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Quotes at the Speed of Sound.
Alan Jay Kaufman Chairman, President & CEO
When it comes to protecting your clients, waiting days for a quote just won’t fly. At Burns & Wilcox we have the expertise to write and bind specialized programs with the speed only an internal underwriting department can provide. Do you have brokerage or specialty contract business needs? Don’t wing it. Turn to Burns & Wilcox – the specialty insurance MGA/wholesaler that soars above the rest. 252.726.8992 toll free 800.498.1600 fax 252.726.9484 Morehead City, 3OUTH #AROLINA !GENT "ROKER s 7INTER North Carolina