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Welcome to the new South Carolina Lawyers Weekly

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COVER STORY: CAROLINA CONFLUENCE p5 | The addition of ‘big law’ and national firms opening in the Carolina has fueled growth in the legal industry LETTER FROM THE EDITOR p3 | Welcome to the new South Carolina Lawyers Weekly

DOG DAY IN COURT p8 | Service dogs play a vital role in reducing anxiety

COMING FULL CIRCLE p12 | From humble beginnings to South Carolina’s top attorney, Adair Ford Boroughs has overcome obstacles 5 QUESTIONS WITH p27 | Doug Kim dishes on all things intellectual property CAROLINA PARALEGAL NEWS p21 | ‘A Total Wow Moment’ p22 | Overheard At The Water Cooler’ p24 | Q&A: Mckela Simon p25 | Q&A: Cassandra Furtick LAWYERS IN THE NEWS p17 | A roundup of personnel news at North Carolina firms VERDICTS & SETTLEMENTS p19 | The latest results on South Carolina legal action

NEWS LETTER FROM THE EDITOR A new-look South Carolina Lawyers Weekly

Welcome to the new-look South Carolina Lawyers Weekly.

You might have heard (or read) about the relaunch of your trusted source for legal industry news. I’m proud to unveil it here, in the following pages.

The reimagined magazine-style format allows for crisper design and more space to dig deeper into issues and trends that affect legal professionals across South Carolina. You’ll notice an example of this in reporter Haviland Stewart’s cover story about the increase in law firms in the Carolinas.

Legal life is more about litigation and poring over rulings in preparation for a case. Lawyers have lives. That is evident from Stewart’s feature on Adair Ford Boroughs, who has risen from a humble background to occupy the top attorney spot in South Carolina.

We also like to explore unique stories making a difference in the legal industry. Such an example is Stewart’s feature on Courthouse Dogs, which provides professionally trained canines in prosecutor’s offices, child advocacy centers and family courts.

Each issue will also feature a Q&A with a notable attorney. In this issue, it’s Doug Kim, an intellectual patent attorney with Kim Lahey & Killough Law Firm based in Greenville, who also chairs the Innovation and Intellectual Property Committee for the South Carolina Bar Association.

Rest assured, you’ll also find verdicts and settlements here, just like in prior versions of SCLW.

This evolution isn’t limited to our print edition. We’ve increased the urgency of our digital offerings, with enhanced e-newsletter features and prioritized coverage. Opinions also will take a new life online.

All of these changes are with you, our readers, in mind.

We’re always interested to hear what you think. Feel free to drop me a line about the changes: what you like, what you don’t, how we can be better.

Welcome to a new era of legal industry journalism.

Jason Thomas is the interim editor of South Carolina Lawyers Weekly. Reach him via email at jthomas@scbiznews.com.

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