8 minute read


President’s Review


会长 新加坡中华总商会

Roland Ng San Tiong

President Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

2020年,新型冠状病毒疫情肆虐,恶 化成全球公共卫生危机,对我国民生 和经济造成严峻挑战。作为本地华商 最高领导机构,总商会在过去一年来 马不停蹄地参与抗疫和支持政府振兴 经济的工作,包括号召商界筹款、捐 赠物资、投身志愿服务;以及协助多 个商团向政府反映行业挑战,促进劳 资政沟通协调,稳定经济。

风雨同舟 共抗疫情

二月,新冠疫情在中国有愈趋严重之 势,本会号召商界为受疫情影响的中 国社群提供援助,成功筹得124.5万 新元。善款交由新加坡红十字会送往 中国。

随后,本地出现社区感染,政府将疫 情警戒层级从黄色升至橙色后,大批 医护人员投身抗疫前线。本会也呼吁 商界捐赠医用口罩和防护服。本会连 同新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡 航空公司,向前线工作者赠送含消毒 免疫洗手液、口罩等的“感恩有你” 礼包。多名董事和会员也投身抗疫行 动,例如亲手为客工进行拭子检测。 本会还邀请新加坡诗人陈志锐博士创 作现代诗歌《勇敢如你》,向前线医 护人员表达敬意与感激。 受疫情打击,各行各业都面临巨大压 力,例如订单流失、现金流压力紧 绷、复工复产举步维艰等。许多企业 急需援助。阻断措施实施以来,我们 继续通过网络座谈会的形式,与会员 分享如何有效应对疫情、调整业务、 数码化和善用政府援助计划等,全年 举办一共177场网络座谈会。本会一 年一度的旗舰活动“中小型企业大会 暨资信商业大会”也首次转到线上举 行,在四天内进行了18场论坛和座谈 会,共有55名嘉宾前来进行分享,吸 引了5426人次参与。

因应疫情,总商会中小企业中心加强 与政府机构、金融界和专业顾问的合 作,更有效地协助企业解决财务和营 运困难。中心全年提供的商业咨询与 协调案例超过5000起,比去年增加了 30%。中心主办了30多个线上线下研 讨会,并特别增设冠病疫情课题分享 系列,帮助企业应对疫情。

总商会管理学院今年表现亮眼。学院 及时调整授课方式,积极开展在线课 程让学员居家工作的同时,也可以提 升技能。2020年,学院提供了超过 1200班次的课程,共23,128名学员参 加。虚拟课堂让学院能够同时提供更 多班次,使学院营收创下纪录。学院 在2020年推出了WSQ旅游专业文凭 (会场管理与营运)和WSQ零售专业 文凭(电子商务(全渠道))两个新 课程,除了传授专业技能外,也教导 学员如何应对疫情形势新变化。 为了深入了解疫情对商界造成的影 响,本会一年一度的《商界意见调 查》,特别就商界在2020年所面临 的挑战和业务状况展开调查,共收集 到1025份会员商家的反馈,为历来最 多。调查结果供贸工部、财政部、人 力部及新加坡企业发展局参考,以助 政府制定政策,协助商界应对疫情。 此外,本会也因应疫情之下急速转变 的营商环境,向会员商家展开了七次 快速调查,及时地向政府反馈商界的 最新情况。

以促进政、商界新一代领导携手并进 为使命的青年商务委员会,在这一年 邀请了人力部长杨莉明以及贸工部兼 教育部高级政务部长徐芳达,就政府 推出的经济援助配套、疫情期间的人 力管理等课题,与青年企业领袖在网 上对话。为鼓励年轻人发挥创业精 神,青商会还联同丰树集团举办了 “丰树-新加坡中华总商会春到河畔 编程马拉松创业竞赛”,共收到24份 由大专院校学生提交的商业企划书。 三组年轻创业者的创新点子脱颖而 出,赢得机会在春到河畔活动展示和 售卖商品。

九月,哈莉玛总统莅临商团中心,与 本会董事进行闭门对话会。哈莉玛总 统对本会在疫情期间给予商家支援表 示赞赏,并且肯定本会在促进商团和 商会与政府合作的努力,以及协助 商家应对挑战和转型所扮演的重要 角色。

会务检讨 President’s Review


本会多年来与中国交流频繁,保持良 好的关系,很多会员企业都在中国经 商投资。今年恰逢新中建交30周年, 本会出版画册《携手并进 继往开 来—纪念新中建交三十周年》,记录 新中关系的不同发展阶段,以及本会 为促进两国关系而展开的多项工作。 编委会从上万张珍贵的档案照片中精 心挑选出255张,以图文并茂的方式 展示。画册于12月在上海举行发行庆 典,活动通过线上线下双渠道进行, 多名两国政商代表出席见证。

本会也更加积极协助本地企业开拓中 国市场。受疫情影响,不少推展工作 都转移到线上。为了支持业务受影响 的餐饮业复苏,本会与美团点评共同 开展“食乐新加坡——从‘新’出发 品牌活动”,通过在线平台协助本地 餐饮企业打响中国市场的知名度。11 月,本会在位于上海的绿地全球商品 贸易港国家馆内设立了新加坡进口 馆,多达35个新加坡知名品牌和200 个展品进驻。这些品牌将以线下展 览、线上直播带货方式,通过各大社 交媒体亮相中国市场。 与商团协作克服行业挑战

本会致力于增进与商团会员之间的联 系,举办了11场商团会员交流会, 特别探讨在疫情下各行各业面对的挑 战,及如何协助行业转型升级。本会 也与贸工部旗下亲商小组合作,举办 了五次会议,与商团进行一对一谈 话,了解商团所面对的挑战并提供实 质的帮助。

为了促进本地商团的可持续发展,本 会也与企业发展局签署了商团中心2.0 的合作协议。在这项为期三年半,在 总金额约210万新元的计划中,我们 将协助本地商团落实行业发展和转型 的计划,及提高商团秘书处的专业 能力。


本会在疫情期间继续支持文教和社会 事务。今年二月举行的第53届悼念日 本占领时期死难人民祭礼暨全面防卫 日纪念活动,虽然因疫情缘故规模缩 小,但不忘历史教训、珍惜和平和体 会保家卫国之重要性的意义不变。军 人节集体宣誓仪式在新加坡武装部队 军事训练学院(SAFTI)、商团中心 和其他会场同步进行,并且在网上连 线直播。国庆庆祝会通过总商会面簿 专页直播,让本会董事、会员和公众 一起在线上庆祝,拉近距离。中秋庆 祝活动首次举办灯笼彩绘比赛,获得 35所学校热烈支持,共1万2500名 学生报名参赛,并邀请哈莉玛总统 献辞。 本会也一如既往地颁发奖学金,支持 品学兼优的学生完成学业。2020年共 有17名学生获颁奖学金。


2020年,虽然疫情给会务带来不少挑 战,但本会的各项努力均取得硕果。 我衷心感谢各政府机构、各国外交使 节、海内外合作伙伴、商会商团的支 持;感谢董事会成员的付出、指导和 支持;及感谢秘书处职员恪尽职守、 满腔热忱,努力实践总商会的使命!

黄山忠 新加坡中华总商会会长

Having been declared a “public health emergency of international concern”, the COVID-19 pandemic had severely impacted the economy and livelihoods in 2020. As the apex organisation of the local Chinese business community, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) played its part in combating the pandemic and supporting the Government’s efforts to boost Singapore’s economic recovery by rallying the business community to donate generously, contributing medical supplies and doing voluntary work. The Chamber also helped many Trade Association (TA) members to give feedback to the Government on the challenges faced by various industries, strengthening tripartite collaboration and stabilising the economy.

Overcoming the Crisis Together

As the outbreak worsened in China in February 2020, the SCCCI rallied the business community to contribute in helping the China community fight against COVID-19. A sum of S$1.245 million was raised in total, and the donation was sent to China by the Singapore Red Cross Society.

Locally transmitted cases were reported in the community subsequently. Many healthcare workers volunteered to work on the frontline in the fight against the coronavirus after the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level was raised from Yellow to Orange. The SCCCI urged the business community to donate surgical masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to show support for our frontline healthcare workers. Together with the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Airlines (SIA), the SCCCI distributed “Everyday Guardians” care packs containing items such as hand sanitisers and face masks to the frontline officers. Many SCCCI Council members and members also helped in areas such as conducting swab tests for foreign workers. A poem written by local poet Dr Tan Chee Lay titled “As Courageous As You” was published to pay tribute and express our appreciation to all frontline healthcare workers.

Businesses were under immense pressure and faced challenges such as decline in revenue, cash flow shortage and work resumption with strict safe distancing measures and needed help urgently to tide over the crisis. Since the implementation of circuit breaker measures, we continued to share with our members ways to respond to the pandemic, adjust business models, embark on digitalisation and tap on government support through webinars. In total, the SCCCI organised 177 webinars in 2020. The annual SME Conference and Infocomm Commerce Conference (SMEICC) Live 2020 had gone completely virtual for the very first time, with 55 industry professionals and experts sharing their invaluable insights over 18 online forums in the 4-day conference. It attracted 5,426 participants in total.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the SME Centre@SCCCI strengthened collaboration with government agencies, financial institutions and professional consultants to help businesses resolve financial and operational issues. This year, the Centre provided assistance in more than 5,000 advisory cases, a 30% increase compared to the previous year. More than 30 in-person workshops and webinars were held to help businesses face the challenges caused by the pandemic, with emphasis on pandemicrelated topics.

The Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of Business (SCCIOB) achieved excellent results this year, taking the initiative to adjust our training programmes to incorporate e-learning. The online courses organised by the SCCOB provided students with the opportunity to upskill themselves as they worked from home. In 2020, the SCCIOB conducted over 1,200 classes with the active participation of 23,128 students. Implementing virtual learning enabled the SCCIOB to conduct more classes simultaneously, which contributed to its record high revenue for the year. 2020 saw the launch of the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) Diploma in Tourism (Venue Management and Operations) and WSQ Diploma in Retail (E-Commerce (Omni-Channel)). In addition to professional capabilities, these new programmes also equipped students with the knowledge to handle and adapt to changes arising from the pandemic.

The SCCCI’s Annual Business Survey 2020 was conducted against the backdrop of a very challenging business environment due to the pandemic, with a view to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the business community. The survey garnered feedback from the highest number ever of 1,025 respondents, and findings were shared with the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), Ministry of Finance (MOF), Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Enterprise Singapore (ESG) to help the Government formulate policies that would support businesses amid COVID-19. The SCCCI also conducted seven quick polls to find out how businesses were navigating the fast-changing business landscape. As the situation evolved, the Chamber shared first-hand ground sentiments with the Government, helping affected businesses resolve issues.

With fostering rapport amongst the next generation of business and government leaders as its objective, the Chamber’s Youth Business Affairs Committee (YBAC) organised virtual dialogue sessions with Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo and Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education Chee Hong Tat. Topics such as Government support packages and workforce planning during COVID-19 were discussed. The “Mapletree-SCCCI River Hongbao (RHB) Hackathon 2020” was jointly organised by Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd and the YBAC to promote entrepreneurship among the young people, with a total of 24 business proposals submitted by the

会务检讨 President’s Review

tertiary students. The top three teams were given the opportunity to operate their own stalls at the RHB 2020.

In September 2020, a closed-door dialogue was held between President Halimah Yacob and the SCCCI Council members at the TA Hub. President Halimah applauded SCCCI’s efforts in helping businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. She also affirmed SCCCI’s important role in partnering the Government to support our businesses, as well as to drive transformation and build digital capabilities for the future.

Deepening Economic Cooperation between Singapore and China

Over the years, the SCCCI has built close relations with the public and private sectors of China. Many member companies have also ventured into the China market. The SCCCI published a pictorial titled Enduring Relationship, Forging Ahead Together: Commemorating 30 Years of Diplomatic Relations with China to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Singapore and China, capturing the journeys of Singapore and China through different historical periods since the establishment of diplomatic ties. A total of 255 photos were selected from more than 10,000 photos in the SCCCI’s archives, reflecting the Chamber’s efforts in promoting trade and economic development between the two countries. The book launch was held in Shanghai in December 2020 as a hybrid event, with many representatives of both countries’ governments and business communities witnessing the launch of the book.

The SCCCI also made greater efforts to help local businesses venture into the China market. In view of the pandemic, many promotion events were held online. To support the Food and Beverage (F&B) sector’s recovery, the SCCCI launched the “Dine Singapore” Campaign with Meituan Dianping, using the online platform to increase Singapore F&B brands’ presence in the China market. In November 2020, the Singapore Import Pavilion was launched at Shanghai’s Greenland Global Commodity Trading Hub (G-Hub). The SCCCI took the lead to facilitate 35 well-known Singapore brands and 200 products to exhibit at the Singapore Import Pavilion. These products would be displayed at the Pavilion and promoted in the China market via livestreaming.

Partnering Trade Association Members to Overcome Challenges Faced by Industries

Committed to building stronger relationships with its TA members, the SCCCI organised a series of 11 engagement sessions and discussed the challenges faced by various industries due to the coronavirus pandemic and how the TAs could facilitate industry transformation. The SCCCI also jointly organised a series of five one-on-one dialogues with the MTI’s Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP), to better understand and resolve the issues faced by our TA members.

To promote the sustainable development of local TAs, the SCCCI also signed the TA Hub 2.0 Cooperation Agreement with ESG. In this 3.5-year plan amounting to S$2.1 million, we would be helping local TAs execute industry development and transformation plans and enhancing the Secretariat’s capabilities.

Promoting Culture and Education

The SCCCI continued to support cultural and educational activities amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the 53rd War Memorial Service in Commemoration of the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation and Total Defence Day Commemoration in February 2020 was held on a smaller scale, the importance of multiracialism and total defence that continue to underpin the strength and cohesion of our society was reaffirmed. The SAF Day Combined Rededication Ceremony 2020 was held at the SAFTI Military Institute and broadcast via videoconferencing to the TA Hub, as well as to other sites across Singapore. Together with our Council members, corporate members and the public, SCCCI celebrated Singapore’s 55th Birthday live on the Chamber's Facebook page. The inaugural Lantern Painting Contest was held as part of this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration, with 12,500 students from 35 schools signing up for the contest. President Halimah was invited to deliver her Mid-Autumn Festival address.

As per yearly practice, the SCCCI awarded scholarships to help students excelling in their academic studies to further their education. There were a total of 17 scholarship recipients in 2020.

Heartfelt Appreciation to All Stakeholders

Although COVID-19 presented some challenges to Chamber's affairs, SCCCI's numerous endeavors and initiatives achieved outstanding results. I sincerely thank the various government agencies, the diplomatic corps, partners in Singapore and abroad, and business chambers and TAs for their support. I also thank our Council members for their dedication, guidance and support. I also sincerely thank our Secretariat staff for their commitment, enthusiasm and hard work to fulfil the mission of the Chamber!

Roland Ng San Tiong

President Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

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