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What does a memorial mean to a nation?

纪念碑对一个国家的意义是什么 ?

一座战争纪念碑是历史的基石, 连接国家的过去、现在和未来。1960 年代, 新加坡中华总商会的领袖肩负社会和道德责任, 竖立了日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑, 让全体国人通过这座纪念碑, 悼念因战争而牺牲的无辜平民百姓。

2021年是新加坡建国 56 周年, 让我们一起来反思建国的历史和发展, 以及追溯先辈在建国进程中所作出的牺牲和奉献。作为 一个独立、年轻的国家, 新加坡的繁荣昌 盛靠我们和年轻一代来打造和延续, 让我们不分种族和语言、不分彼此, 共同了解属于我们的过去, 为新加坡更美好的未来一起努力。

What does a memorial mean to a nation?

A war memorial acts as a historical touchstone that links the past to the present and the future. When the Chinese leaders from the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce (now known as the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, SCCCI) took on the social and moral responsibility to spearhead the construction of the Memorial to the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation (hereinafter referred to as the Civilian War Memorial) in the early 1960s, it enables all Singaporeans to remember and respect the sacrifice of those who died during the war.

As year 2021 marks Singapore’s 56th year of independence, it provides all Singaporeans the chance to reflect on our shared history, sacrifices of our pioneers and values that brought us here. Emerging as a new nation, Singapore’s economic prosperity is heavily dependent on everyone and the youths who are the leaders of our nation, to understand our historical roots and unite as one, regardless of race and language, to chart a path forward for an even better future for Singapore.

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