Conference 2011 ICT in Education - Changing Landscapes
Open for registration
Opening Anne O'Keeffe (Laois VEC CEO) --------------------- Keynote - Tom Barrett
Coffee & chat in Hall
Talk 1 Room 12
Talk 2 Room 13
Workshop 1 Room 15
Workshop 2 Room 16
Adamstown Community College - The Google Apps Experience
An exploration of Textease Studio C.T., the ‘talking’ Word Processor
Learning Anything, Anytime, Anywhere
Engaging all 10 ways to use Styles of Learners moodle to improve learning Chris Miller and teaching.
John Phayer
Ciaran McCormack
Brian Daly
Talk 3 Room 12
Talk 4 Room 13
What’s the story, bird? A collaboration in storytelling across the generations!
David Walsh
Workshop 3 Room 17
Workshop 4 Room 18
Workshop 5 Room 21
Using Google Apps in the Classroom
Digital Storytelling with Scratch & Kinect
Clare Wallace & Sinead Caparini
John Dalton, Ross Stephen Howell Mahon & Steven Daly
Workshop 9 Room 17
Workshop 10 Room 18
Workshop 11 Room 21
Using Google Apps in the Classroom
Google SketchUp
Jessie Byrne & Anne McMorrough
Lunch in the Hall Talk 5 Room 12
Workshop 6 Room 6
Workshop 7 Room 15
Workshop 8 Room 16
Using the iPod Touch in the Primary School Brendan Duignan Classroom
Learning Anything, Anytime, Anywhere
Talk 6 Room 12
Ciaran McCormack
Engaging all Using Someone Styles of Learners Else's Shoes in the Classroom Chris Miller Dr Miriam Judge, Dr Debbie Ging & Ms Trish Morgan
ICT? As Easy as ABC!
Damien Quinn
Building a Subject Blog
Paul Lee & Alan O'Brien
John Dalton, Ross Mahon & Steven Daly
Humphrey Jones & Julian Girdham
Coffee & chat in hall Talk 7 Room 12
Talk 8 Room 13
Learning Platforms/VLEs
Using ICT to Cloud computing encourage passive for students to be communication active learners Simon Lewis Gerard Whelan
Tom Lonergan
Talk 9 Room 15
Talk 10 Room 16
Talk 11 Room 17
Talk 12 Room 18
Talk 13 Room 21
Extreme Twitter
Post-Primary Maths and the Interactive Whiteboard
EPICT - The European Pedagogical ICT Licence
An easy guide to setting up Google Apps Education Edition
David Kearney
John Hurley & Pat Brennan
Kenneth MacLeod
Pauric O'Donnell
Raffle & Closing Words from Adrienne Webb
Adamstown Community College - The Google Apps experience Presented by: Brian Daly What happens when a school decides to go down the Google Apps road? In his presentation Brian will explore the reality behind the setting up, rollout and uses of Google Apps. He will also examine some of the issues that he has encountered as he introduced ACC to the Google Apps experience. His talk is aimed principally at those teachers who are either thinking about establishing a Cloud solution for their school or those who have just begun to implement Google Apps. ‘Let your voice do the talking, let your fingers do the learning…’ An exploration of Textease Studio C.T., the ‘talking’ Word Processor: It’s educational benefit for pupils with Dyslexia Presented by: John Phayer The purpose of this presentation aims at discussing the multimedia Word Processing program, Textease Publisher C.T., and exploring specific features which can be used to support students with Dyslexia in a classroom environment. This application is part of the ‘Lightbox Education’ suite and comes with other popular programs like (a) Textease Draw C.T., (b) Textease Presenter C.T., (c) Textease Spreadsheet C.T., (d) Textease Timeline C.T. etc. MyStudyMate Presented by: David Walsh Case study of how video and video production can enhance teaching and learning in Ireland. What’s the Story, Bird? A Collaboration in Storytelling across the Generations! Presented by: Jessie Byrne & Anne McMorrough is a website that encourages users to produce "short art inspired stories". We wanted to encourage our students to explore their own creativity with an audience in mind. To this end we linked a Transition Year group with a primary school 5th Class to write, read and share stories using a variety of digital technologies as well as traditional means! Our story intends to address the following: A reflection of this teachers experience, a reflection of the students experience, act as a guide (do's and don'ts) for others who would be interested in pursuing a similar project, demonstration of using Learning Anything, Anytime, Anywhere Presented by: Ciaran Mc Cormack Come and see how mobile devices, such as iPods and iPads, enable an entirely new level of experimentation in and out of the classroom, engaging even the most reluctant learners. This session investigates how these devices can accelerate learning. Get a hands-on experience with the latest iPad applications that will allow your school to extend learning everywhere. In this session, you will also get an introduction to the iBooks App on the iPad, the multi-touch interface that lets you turn pages with the flick of a finger. Using Apple laptops, you will be shown how to create your own interactive ebooks with text, video and audio that you can view on any mobile device and what's more, anybody will be able to achieve this if they understand the basics of Microsoft word. You’ll be introduced to education Apps from maths games to vocabulary flash cards to anatomy visualizers, there’s an App for every subject and every level of instruction. And lastly, a short introduction to iTunes U, home to more than 250,000 free lectures, videos, readings, and podcasts from the most prestigious learning institutions all over the world. Engaging all Styles of Learners Presented by: Chris Miller How to get the most out of using video with your students. Learn how to integrate video into many elements of the curriculum. This workshop will help you to create simple manageable 40 min lessons where the children will create weather reports,where they can appear anywhere in the world,or field reports for geography or science experiments using simple green screen techniques that is achievable by all. Get hands on experience with iMovie, using your mobile phone as the video camera and learning how to use Power Point/Keynote as your Hollywood special effect software. 10 Ways to use Moodle to improve Learning and Teaching. Presented by: Clare Wallace & Sinead Caparini This is a workshop for people who already know about Moodle and know how to do the basics such as uploading documents, creating links to websites and changing labels. Sinead and I will take you through 10 ways to use Moodle to improve student learning and your teaching. Time permitting we will then, practically show you, how implement the ideas in a Moodle 2 environment. This is a good opportunity for keen Moolders to engage with Moodle 2. In advance of the course, you will be asked to do a little preparation work to make the workshop, on the day, easier and more productive. Places are strictly limited to 20. Using Google Apps in the Classroom Presented by: John Dalton, Ross Mahon & Steven Daly The next generation of students bring to Schools a different set of expectations. These “digital natives” have grown up in a world where consumer technology has evolved at a rapid pace and this has changed the way in which they communicate and share information. Meeting the needs of these students and providing the tools to enable the next generation of teaching and learning provides difficult challenges for schools today. Digital Storytelling with Kinect & Scratch Presented by: Stephen Howell This workshop will show how to use the Kinect add-on for XBox 360 with a PC to record actor movements and then play them back using Scratch. This allows students to act out scenes or role play and then play them back with different avatars in Scratch. A basic knowledge of Scratch is helpful but not essential, as an introduction to Scratch will be provided.
ICT as easy as ABC! Presented by: Brendan Duignan In this presentation, Brendan Duignan will present a wide variety of ideas linking ICT with the primary curriculum using various sites and software. While the focus will be on ICT and Language Teaching, the ideas presented will link with many other areas of the curriculum. Whether starting off or an experienced practitioner, there will be something for you! Building and Growing a Subject Blog Presented by: Humphrey Jones and Julian Girdham In their talk Julian and Humphrey will talk about the ways their blogs have developed and expanded, their benefits for students and teachers, and the extent to which they reach beyond the school to wider blogging, educational and intellectual communities. They will also discuss their use of podcasts, Twitter, self-publishing and other tools. Using the iPod Touch in the Primary School Classroom Presented by: Damien Quinn This will be very much a hands-on workshop. There will be an explanation of the set-up for the use of the iPod Touch in the classroom. A group of 3rd class pupils will demonstrate how they use the iPods as an educational tool as well as demonstrating a number of apps that are used for different curricular areas. Participants will be free to mingle with the pupils to see the iPods in operation. There will be some extra iPods for participants to use during the workshop. There will also be a chance for participants to ask questions about integrating this technology in the classroom. Learning Anything, Anytime, Anywhere Presented by: Ciaran Mc Cormack See Page 2 For details Engaging all Styles of Learners Presented by: Chris Miller See Page 2 For details Using Someone Else's Shoes in the Classroom Presented by: Dr Miriam Judge, Dr Debbie Ging & Ms Trish Morgan Someone Else's Shoes is a pilot e-learning package on multiculturalism that has been developed by staff at the School of Communications, DCU. It aims to educate students about the causes and effects of migration and to explore intercultural relations between people in their wider social and political contexts. It also aims to develop users' critical media skills. The objectives of the package are threefold: 1. To encourage intercultural awareness and a better understanding of the causes and effects of migration 2. To encourage both media literacy and critical media literacy, i.e. the ability to understand media images in ideological terms 3. To entertain but in a way that is challenging and does not trivialise racism or the plight of migration. Someone Else's Shoes is aimed at 11-16 year olds and therefore is suitable for senior primary school pupils as well as secondary school students, up to and including transition year. The workshop will give teachers a hands on opportunity to explore the various features of the package with a view to assessing its suitablity for use in their own classrooms as well as providing an opportunity to participate in the pilot research of the project. Using Google Apps in the Classroom Presented by: John Dalton, Ross Mahon & Steven Daly See Page 2 For details Google Sketchup Presented by: Paul Lee & Alan O'Brien This workshop will show teachers the basic use of sketchup with a brief talk on how it can applied to students - also to introduce school project to teachers for students to model landmarks in their local area. The project is aimed at transition year level students and upwards. Learning Platforms/VLEs Presented by: Tom Lonergan Learning Platforms (also referred to as VLEs) have evolved over the last number of years and continue to evolve. The session will look at learning platforms in education, and explore questions such as: • What is a learning platform? • What are schools using learning platforms for? • What functions/capabilities do they/can they offer. • Can learning platforms enhance the learning and teaching experience in first and second level schools? • Open discussion etc.
Using ICT to encourage passive Students to be active Learners Presented by: Gerard Whelan The main focus of the talk will be around how active learning techniques can be promoted with the use of ICT. The talk will describe my efforts in creating a learning environment where students are encouraged to leave their passive role and engage with the subject material directly, thereby improving the learning experience. Serveral techniques will be discussed including 'Conference Quizes' where two class groups perform a quiz in remote locations (separate schools), connected with the use of an overhead projector and Skype. Cloud Computing for Communication Presented by: Simon Lewis Simon Lewis talks about how cloud computing has transformed how every member of his school communicates with each other. Simon will give an introduction to what cloud computing is and why he thinks it suits the education sector especially. By using Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter and more, Simon gives an insight to why everybody in the school knows exactly what's going on all the time. This talk is aimed at both primary and second level Extreme Twitter Presented by: Pauric O'Donnell The talk will discuss how Twitter can be taken outside of the Computer and reach into the lives of all staff and students through LCD TVs in the school and interactive real world treasure hunts in the school building, etc... Post-Primary Maths and the Interactive Whiteboard Presented by: David Kearney This talk will present features of the IWB which may enhance the Post Primary Maths classroom. The talk will look at specific tools (which may be used for geometric constructions) - these tools will probably refer to SMART and Promethean - and generic tools (these latter can be used with any IWB platform in conjunction with Dynamic Geometry such as GeoGebra, as well as interactive websites and other resources). EPICT - The European Pedagogical ICT Licence Presented by: John Hurley & Pat Brennan EPICT (The European Pedagogical ICT Licence) is a comprehensive, flexible professional development programme for teachers in how to pedagogically apply ICT skills successfully into teaching practice. EPICT offers Irish teachers and trainee teachers the chance to gain a nationally and internationally recognised qualification and earn points towards post grad/masters courses in Colleges of Education. The presentation will include details on how the EPICT programme relates to the Irish curriculum, the benefits to the participants and the centres providing the course. The programme is being launched in January and a full update will be given on the day. An insight into the available modules and the range of optional modules will be available, the core concepts, programme structure and links to the NCCA ICT Framework. Course delivery will also be discussed including: • Modular design – each Module covers one theme e.g ‘Locating & Incorporating Online Resources’. • Flexible – login when it suits you, podcasts/notes available to listen to/read offline. • Training delivered through quality-assured EPICT Centres and supported by Certified EPICT Facilitators. • Teachers attain recognised certification & points towards some postgraduate courses. • Participants work in small teams, can be within the same school, increasing motivation and improving collaboration skills. • Blended learning approach – Participants experience mix of study options from online support, face to face sessions and peer to peer interaction. • Virtual learning environment supported by experienced tutors where teachers are introduced to the latest teaching technologies. • Forums and contact lists enable the exchange of ideas and best practice with fellow practitioners. Both John and Pat will also be bringing their own experience in education to the presentation and will be able to answer any queries that arise. An easy Guide to setting up Google Apps Education Edition Presented by: Kenneth MacLeod The goal of this talk will be to help people with a small level of technical ability to have the confidence to set up Google Appls Education Edition. The talk will cover in practical terms: • Differences between an ISP vs Hosting provider • What your hosting provider brings to the table • How email actually works on the internet (basic guide) • The domain name system explained in simple terms • How MX records work (key to setting up gmail) • How to sign up for Google Apps • How and why to upgrade to Education Edition • Q&A