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Environment Team

Being an Environment leader is a big job, we take care of the House gardens and make sure the correct rubbish goes into the correct rubbish bin. Rubbish in our school is a big issue and with our team we make a difference. One of our big ideas has been reminding girls to bring in ‘naked lunches’. This means there is no plastic or rubbish in their lunch boxes. We have also been encouraging girls to take home their rubbish and not put it in our school bins. —Indi Rowe, Xolaris Anushan and Harriet Perry

House Leaders

Our role as House Leaders has been a great honour, a rewarding and valuable experience and an opportunity that has given us pride in each other and ourselves.

Our St Cuthbert’s Houses create new connections between all ages and with girls we might not get to know otherwise. Each House feels like a close whanāu, and, as House Leaders, we appreciate the job of bringing everyone together. In the Junior School our classmates change every year but our House buddies remain the same throughout. All 16 House Leaders love to help, especially when it is with the littlies and with welcoming any new girls into their House. We cherish the responsibility of organising events like House assemblies and rallying up the troops for Cross Country or Swimming Sports. 2020 was a tough year for spending time together but through our remote learning, there were still ways to reach out and connect as a House.

The House Leaders would like to take this opportunity to wish next year’s House Leaders all the very best. —Valentina Hania and Bonnie McCarrison

Receptionist Leaders

As Reception Leaders we help Mrs Colyer when she has a lot on her plate and when she is on her lunch break. We also help girls when they are hurt by getting an ice pack and keep them company as well as deliver items to classrooms. We also help with IT at our Junior School assemblies. This role for us is very special and we love doing it so much. —Christabella Amos-Hourigan and Melody Ding

Junior Playground Angels Leaders

As Junior Playground Angels, it’s important to show the younger girls how to play together happily in the playground, by being excellent role models. At break times, we help the girls get along with each other and we help to sort out any small disagreements and support them when needed. Sometimes the girls just need a cuddle and a friendly smile to help sort out a problem. It they are hurt we call in the duty teacher. We love being Junior Playground Angels because it is so rewarding to help others and see a happy playground. The little girls love coming up to us and sharing their problems with us. —Cynthia Yang and Imogen Gifford-Maposua

Road Patrol Leaders

Road Patrol is probably the most important leadership role in the Junior School. As a Road Patroller, you get to use the big orange signs that look like lollipops. It also means that you are in charge of making sure that the children and adults get across the road safely. Road Patrollers must be alert and focussed on what is going on around them. Road Patrol is a job that means a lot of people trust you to get them safely across the road. It is a fun and responsible job that helps keep our community safe. We are proud of all our hard work this year. —Imogen Gifford-Mapusua and Ella Vickers

Tour Guides

Our job as Tour Guides is to welcome new people into our school, by giving a good first impression. By telling our visitors about the uniqueness of our school, we can encourage them to visit again. To be a Tour Guide you need to know how to communicate with lots of people, and can show them around the school efficiently and effectively. You also need to show your ‘By Love Serve’ nature and be friendly and polite. We love being Tour Guides because we are very proud of our school. Sadly, the Tour Guides have not had many events to work on this year due to COVID-19. Our main event was our New Student Orientation Day. We made sure that we warmly welcomed the new girls to our school and talked to them about all the exciting events that they have to look forward to. —Alesha Mehta and Aamani Patel

Wet Day Team Leaders

When it is raining, we look after the Years 0 and 2 classes. We make sure they are entertained and safe throughout morning tea and lunch. We also make sure they have a full stomach for learning. The girls enjoy this time inside as they play with the wet day toys and games, read books, draw pictures and play with us…and they love it! When we are working in these classes, we really wish lunch never would end and that we could stay playing with these awesome little people. —Samantha Sutherland, Sophie Sun and Lucy Gill

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