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Physical Education
JUNIOR SCHOOL Physical Education
Physical Education in the Junior School is all about having fun, being safe and learning new things. We are trying to develop students’ physical literacy and their ability to perform a range of complex movement sequences by the time they finish Year 6. We are also developing their thinking skills and their ability to reflect on their learning. PE is such a great tool to provide authentic learning opportunities for students to work on key competencies such as ‘Managing Self’, ‘Participating and Contributing’ and ‘Relating to Others.’ Having the ability to demonstrate resilience, manage impulsivity, show respect for themselves and their equipment and use their initiative, will put them in great stead for more PE as they grow and hopefully help take them far in life. PE also provides many opportunities for students to co-operate with peers, develop conflict resolution skills, contribute ideas and keep up a positive attitude. Along the way we are getting the students to realise their potential in sport and life; the intention being that they become life-long participants in sport and recreation. It is so important at the Junior School level that they have a positive experience and they want to continue to play and learn. We want girls to have a diverse range of sporting experiences and not to narrow their focus onto one sport too early as they could risk burn-out, overuse injuries and lessened motivation. We encourage our girls to develop a broad range of transferrable skills and grow their creativity and decision-making capabilities. Students all learn and develop at different rates, that is why it is so important that they want to keep playing and learning. This year students have smiled, perspired and learned through Aquatics, Netball and Football, Ball games, Gymnastics, Tag games, Tennis, T-ball, Teamwork and Fitness just to name a few.
— Des Knight