26 minute read



01 Introduction

Principal’s Report ...........................................................................................................2 Trust Board Chair’s Report.......................................................................................4 Head Girl’s Report..........................................................................................................5 Head Boarder’s Report...............................................................................................6 Chaplain’s Report ...........................................................................................................7 Staff Leavers.....................................................................................................................8

10 Junior School

Head of Junior School Report .............................................................................11 Leadership .......................................................................................................................12 Values .................................................................................................................................13 J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)...............................................................................................14 Glow .....................................................................................................................................15 Music ...................................................................................................................................16 Physical Education .....................................................................................................18 Sport ....................................................................................................................................20 French .................................................................................................................................22 Classes ..............................................................................................................................23 Prize Giving......................................................................................................................40

42 Senior School

Head of Senior School Report.............................................................................43 House Reports..............................................................................................................44 Committees ....................................................................................................................60 Year 7 Homerooms.....................................................................................................68 Faculties Reports........................................................................................................74 Visual Arts.....................................................................................................................110 Co-Curricular Performing Arts........................................................................128 Sport .................................................................................................................................134 Kahunui – Life Skills Experience......................................................................144 Cultural Groups ..........................................................................................................146 Graduation Ball...........................................................................................................147 Prize Giving...................................................................................................................148 Staff Photo....................................................................................................................155 Autographs...................................................................................................................156

Editor: Louise May | Designer: Janice O’Kane Photography: Staff and students of St Cuthbert’s College, BW Media, White Door Photography, Photolife Studios Ltd

St Cuthbert’s College, 122 Market Road, PO Box 26 020, Epsom, Auckland 1344, New Zealand Phone: +64 9 520 4159 | Email: info@stcuthberts.school.nz | Website: www.stcuthberts.school.nz


Despite the exigencies of this second Covid pandemic year, in 2021 there have been many successes and achievements and this owes much to the hard work and dedication of many, especially our teaching staff. The staff at St Cuthbert’s are the elixir to our success. In both our academic and support sections, we have exceptional people.

The StCuth’s@home learning programme continued to support our students’ wellbeing, as well as their academic needs. This is evidenced in the feedback from teachers and deans as well as the results achieved. The 2020 NCEA pass rates outstripped the 2019 results in the numbers of students gaining Excellence and Merit pass rates, with Level 3 grades being significantly higher than for several years. We also had double the number of girls sitting the IB diploma and last year’s dux, Belinda Hu gained a perfect score, one of only five students in the country. Six girls received bilingual diplomas, a first for St Cuthbert’s, and we had six IB top scholars, those students who have achieved over 40/45. We are immensely proud of our Scholarship candidates from last year who gained a total of 56 Scholarships, the top per capita nationally for a NZ school which offers both qualifications. Such a categorisation needs to be highlighted as, for IB/ Cambridge NCEA hybrid schools, fewer students are able to transfer their subjects to the NZQA scholarship exams as the curricula are too different. These fine results have catapulted the 2020 students into a wide range of fine universities across the world. Renee Zhang is going to Cambridge in September, Violette Perry to Yale. Millie Caughey has been awarded the prestigious Robertson Scholarship to Duke and others are off to the universities of Melbourne, Sydney, Edinburgh, Kings College, London, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, and London. I look forward to sharing the 2021 results, which already look even more promising, with you as well as the stories of where our 2021 Year 13 cohort has gone to study.

We are unapologetic in encouraging the quest for Excellence in our students and St Cuthbert’s is, proudly, the first Knowledge Rich School in NZ through its partnership with Auckland University’s Keru unit. We know how transformational the educational environment is and we take very seriously the responsibility to provide programmes and opportunities which challenge students’ understanding of themselves as well as the world. Every activity in school life plays a significant role in the development of students. When the culture of student engagement is positively reinforced through co-curricular involvement, young people develop the skills to stand out from the crowd in competitive selection processes. There has been much evidence in 2021 that St Cuthbert’s is successful at this and we look forward to continually delivering, reviewing and improving our offering.

Enjoyment of the Senior production with Auckland Grammar ‘The Sound of Music’ was further enhanced when this year’s Showdown Awards were announced, and we were named the Outstanding Musical of 2021. I had to stifle a giggle when it was announced that the St Cuthbert’s production also received the award for best male in a minor role due to one of our Grammar brothers! At both the Auckland and National Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival, our top actors and directors excelled. Megan Hails was recognised as the best student director at both competitions with actors Megan Hails, Helena Haldane, Alys Evans, and Rosie Lammiman awarded Best 15-minute Scene and the outstanding presentation of ‘A Tragedy’. Helena Haldane received the Award for Most Powerful Monologue (Auckland) and Outstanding Delivery of the text (NZ).

Our choirs, orchestras and bands did St Cuthbert’s proud in the 2021 Auckland competitions. Our Premier Choir, ‘Saints Alive’ won the Te Tohu Manu Waiata special award for best performance of a work using Māori text, along with a Distinction award. At the KBB Competition, the Black Watch Orchestra was awarded Best Performance of a Classical Work: and at the Secondary Schools Jazz Band Competition, Stage Band, B Band and Milestones all received Silver Awards.

In the sporting arena, our results were no less impressive and we were grateful that many events were able to be held before the August 2021 lockdown. Our 1st XI Hockey team had already won the Auckland title and had played several games in the Super City competition. As a result, Auckland Hockey announced that St Cuthbert’s was the winner of the Super City Hockey competition. Our Athletics team produced some stunning results at the NZ Secondary Schools Athletics Championships including Isabel Allen, Lily Allen and Charlotte Goldsmith winning the 100m relay and Isabel Allen, Bella Browne and Chloe Browne taking gold in the 400m relay event.

We’ve had some incredible success at the College Sport Young Sportsperson of the Year (YSPOTY) awards. St Cuthbert’s had three girls win overall: Brodie Cochrane for hockey; Chloe Browne for distance running; and Bella Browne and Chloe Browne who were both recognised as top all-rounders.

I am grateful to our Directors of Sport, Elizabeth Howard and Kerry Lancaster and their great staff for leadership in this area. I am also mindful of the fact that it is a partnership between school and home that enables students to reach their potential and achieve at this level.

I feel particularly sad that this year we are losing some wonderful families who have given so many dedicated hours to building the strength of co-curricular activities within the school. Whether it be on the football field, hockey side-lines, working on the Graduation Ball committee or with the Kapa Haka groups, your tireless energy, inclusivity and dedication are building blocks for a strong community. I know that there are some of you out there, with two or three daughters, whose many years of association with the school now come to an end; you will be missed.

As I reflect on 2021, and all the challenges it presented, I want to farewell the most special group of all, our Year 13 leavers. None of us thought that in 2021, we would have another ‘Covid cohort’ or that this Year 13 group would miss their winter ball for the second year in succession and have so many rites of passage blighted by the Delta variant!

Once again, it has been the impressive young women of Year 13 who have inspired us. Carmel Ah Chong, the 2021 Head Girl, has done an outstanding job leading the school across Years 0 – 13, displaying an equanimity and empathy that belied her age. Charlotte Berry proved herself to be a force of strength and positivity in the Boarding house in periods of great flux; and our wonderful deputies, Katya De Silva, Helena Haldane and Florida Mataio added immeasurably to the Prefect team through their warm, inclusive approach and their readiness to assume responsibility for any task that would improve the life of other students at St Cuthbert’s. To all our spectacular Year 13 girls, I will remember your outstanding resilience, courage and flexibility throughout 2021. As I explained at the Leavers’ Service, you have had more weeks in lockdown than any other group of girls in St Cuthbert’s history. You have your place in history as this has happened before in our 106-year history including during polio epidemics and World Wars. It has truly been a privilege to have worked with you, and as you move into the world, please know I have so much faith in you all. As you leave St Cuthbert’s, you will be able to do what Ruth Bader Ginsburg urges all women to do, “fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you”.

Ngā mihi nui,

Justine Mahon, Principal, St Cuthbert’s

CHAIR’S Report

It is my privilege to be writing this report as St Cuthbert’s Trust Board Chair, celebrating 100 years of the Chronicle.

The Chronicle is an important publication for the College, as it captures the key moments of each year in our history. I know how much the girls treasure receiving the Chronicle, and looking through the highlights of the year, remembering the different experiences, and seeing the photos of one another.

2021 was a particularly significant year for our school, as we continued to navigate our way through the ongoing pandemic. As such, a key priority for the Trust Board has been ensuring that the leadership team and staff were well supported to deliver the very best education for our students.

The outstanding StCuths@Home programme is now well established and ensures that all students, across Year 0 to Year 13, can continue to receive the very best education during these times. The work that has gone into the development, delivery and continual enhancement of our remote learning programme gives us great reassurance that we are well equipped to face any challenges that may come our way in 2022. We are deeply grateful for the way in which all staff met the challenges posed; through their creativity and hard work they delivered a remote learning programme that was simply world class.

I would like to make special mention of the wonderful generosity of our community who donated their time, and financial gifts, to support our inaugural Giving Day. The funds raised have helped girls come to the school who would not otherwise be able to receive the life changing benefit of a St Cuthbert’s education. We are deeply grateful for your support in what we know was a challenging year for many families.

I would also like to pay tribute to all our students who continued to work so diligently during the year, particularly during the extended Auckland lockdown. I know how disappointing it was for our students as they faced the many cancelled events, and usual rites of passage, with dignity and grace. Throughout the year we saw such wonderful examples of creativity to support our girls to remain engaged and connected to one another, despite the many public health restrictions. It was so wonderful that our most senior students, our Year 13 leavers, still got to enjoy their Leavers Soiree, albeit, online, but with wonderful treat boxes from our fantastic Parents and Friends’ Association.

One of the many moments that personally resonated with me was when our Junior School welcomed some of our very youngest students to the College during lockdown. These students’ first experience of school life was online, something I am sure they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Over the past two years the Trust Board has spent considerable time looking at international best practice in education. We are excited to be looking forward to the next phase of our strategic planning, including the development of our campus masterplan, enhancing the use of technology and innovation in our curriculum, and ensuring we have the very best wellbeing programmes in place to support our girls to confidently face the futures they choose.

St Cuthbert’s is 106 years old, with a powerful legacy of excellence in girls’ education. Our alumnae young and older, compete on the world stage in every area; in academic fields, sport, in the performing arts, as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our statement of intent, ‘Making Girls Amazing’, is our commitment to you, and is about ensuring we support every student who comes through our gates to fulfil her potential. It reflects the incredible focus of our teachers to prepare our young women for their futures, to unlock their dreams, and to give our girls every opportunity to discover their own personal amazing.

As we reflect on the challenges of 2021, on behalf of the Trust Board, I would like to especially thank our Principal Justine Mahon, our Heads of Schools, and the wider Senior Leadership Team for their hard work and significant contribution to St Cuthbert’s. A personal thank you too, to my fellow Trust Board members for their incredible support during such unprecedented time in our history.

And to our Year 13 leavers, we send you out to the world with our very best wishes and heart-felt pride. We also thank your parents for all they have done to support you, and the school, during your years here. We look forward to staying in touch and hearing of your achievements through the Old Girls’ Association.

Warm regards,

Hayley Buckley, Trust Board Chair, St Cuthbert’s



It never ceases to amaze me how fast time passes at St Cuthbert’s College. As each year begins, our staff go above and beyond to make our 39 weeks at school remarkable, and they ensured that 2021 was no different, despite the circumstances.

Term 1 was kickstarted with a five-day stay at Kahunui, with the re-visiting opportunity being extended to the entire Year 13 group at different stages during the year, for the first time. ‘Kahu’, for many of us was such a memorable part of our journey at the College, so it was fantastic to be able to experience it one last time. Throughout those few days, we all took a trip down memory lane and reflected on how much we had grown not just as individuals, but as a cohort during those three years. It was eye-opening to see how close we had all become and I was incredibly grateful knowing that my final year would be spent with such a phenomenal bunch. It was also special to welcome 2021’s Year 10 Intake 1 and give a bit of friendly advice to our ‘younger sisters’, who, to be frank, looked quite terrified, but I guess that’s just part of the adventure. Upon our return, we jumped right into our highly anticipated Swimming Sports and Athletics Day competitions; a major highlight being our Prefect team beating our staff in both the swim and sprint relays, breaking what felt like a century-long losing streak!

Term 2 quickly approached and so did winter sports with our historic Parent Shield matches. This year, however, our new premier sports uniforms weren’t the only thing to launch, with the addition of our first-ever school mascot the ‘Tartan Tigress’. No doubt it could use a bit of work, though I’m sure future year groups can make the required adjustments. On the topic of sports, Cross Country was an absolute blast! The weather was delightful and it’s always a great feeling to see everyone supporting each other, regardless of where they place. That’s something that’s always stuck with me throughout my time at the College, the realisation that we’re all on our own journeys and whether that be in school or just life in general, we’re always there to help each other along the way. This is evident in occasions such as the ‘Making Your Mark’ ceremony, where Old Girls are celebrated for their achievements and willingly share advice from their experiences with us students.

We wrapped up House events for 2021 in style, with the legendary House Music competition. Year after year, I’m surprised by the talent of not only our students, but our staff too, or otherwise reminded of why some of our teachers’ skills remain best suited to a classroom environment. From a student’s perspective, House Music is not to be missed as everyone is in tears of laughter by the end of it.

Unfortunately, that was to be one of the last events for a while, with Term 3 proving to be very challenging, with numerous cancellations due the Pandemic. There was a layer of disappointment in the air, but in true St Cuthbert’s style, we came together and with a little bit of resilience, made the most of our situation. The Prefects provided a much-needed laugh with our ‘Lockdown Expectations vs Reality’ series, whilst the Games and Visual Arts Committees ensured we were keeping our bodies moving and creative juice flowing with our ‘GetFit@home’ and ‘Lockdown Photography’ challenges. We also kept in touch with our ‘little sisters’ in Years 7 and 8 and the Junior School, through reading stories, virtual quizzes, and a few delicious baking videos. Our Year 13 Prefect Leadership team realised that many students nationwide would be feeling the same and teamed up with Epsom Girls Grammar to create a project on Gratitude. This involved over 70 school leaders across the country and Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, highlighting the importance of Gratitude in these trying times.

This was a value that our Seniors took on board in Term 4 specifically, as we embarked on our final three months at the College. Putting aside the stress of exams, and celebrations such as the Graduation Ball, I know we were all cherishing what little time we had left. Change is never easy, but knowing that you’ve made some wonderful memories, met some amazing people, and made many lifelong friends, makes it that little bit easier to move on.

So, to the class of 2022 and beyond, treasure your time at the College while it lasts, as you may never know how remarkable it is until it’s gone. St Cuthbert’s will leave an everlasting impact on my life. From cultural groups, College sports teams, coaches, and past students, all the way to our exceptional teachers, who’ve been there for me through thick and thin, I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. I am beyond thankful for everyone who has been a part of my journey and it’s been a privilege to be a part of yours.

To my 2021 graduates, you will always hold a special place in my heart. I wish you all the very best for the future ahead. You have all been blessed with unique gifts and abilities, and with a bit of hard work, perseverance and courage, you will go far “May the wind always be at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields”.

Until we meet again, Carmel Ah Chong, Head Girl 2021



Boarding 2021 kicked off with a blast.

For our first two closed weekends, Boarders participated in a range of activities that helped us bond and get to know one another. On the second weekend, we spent a memorable day in the Waitawa Regional Park, where we experienced a sunny summer day and had fun in the water.

This year, the Boarders participated in lots of arts and crafts during weekend activities – including painting pots (that have become a staple of Melrose Boarding House) and Kindness Rocks that were placed around the school.

Durham Shield, a long-time Boarding tradition, was a chance for each Boarding house to showcase their incredible creativity through performance. The performances were followed by a swimming competition. These were fun to watch and congratulations to Dunblane House for winning this year! We were also treated to Mr Whippy as a special treat in the beginning of the year.

Many of our Boarders participated in Po Fiafia night this year, and it was absolutely sensational, celebrating so many different cultures. The performances showed the amazing hard work and dedication of many students. enjoyed a Samoan dinner prepared by the Violet Wood Dining Hall team, accompanied by a language quiz with spot prizes. Another highlight of Term 2 was the school musical ‘The Sound of Music’, in which many Boarders participated, and the other Boarders went along to show support in the audience.

Throughout the year, our Buddy Programme went well, and it was lovely to see the Senior Boarders form close friendships with new Boarders. It was such a privilege to be able to be a part of this mentoring programme as a Year 13 student.

Even though the end of Term 3 found us, as Boarders learning at home, the year was still fun and fulfilling. We had lots of chances to connect during the lockdown with quizzes, House meetings and online chats. All the Boarders have shown incredible resilience with so many disruptions to their lives, and it’s been heartwarming to see the overwhelming support in the Boarding community during this uncertain time.

We enjoyed Mid-Winter Christmas dinner, albeit online, where we played Kahoots, listened to Christmas music, Carols by Candlelight, and had some incredibly creative festive costumes. We also had quizzes and photo competitions over the weekend, run by our weekend supervisors, Ms Dickson and Ms Pillay.

I’d like to give a massive thank you to all the Boarding staff. It’s been wonderful working with Mrs Hogg and Mrs Hunt throughout the year. I’m massively grateful to the House managers for their staggering support both in and out of lockdown, as well as the weekend supervisors who have been phenomenal. The prep tutors help to all the Boarders has been immeasurable and I’m sincerely grateful for this Boarding community and the continued support they provide.

I’d also like to give a special thanks to all our Boarding leaders who have worked incredibly hard this year to make Boarding home for many of the younger girls. Special mention goes to our international leaders who did an exceptional job in organising activities and helping our international Boarders during COVID-19. I’d especially like to thank Juneia, who has been incredible in Melrose as House leader.

To all the Boarding community: thank you so much for a brilliant year. Thank you for being what makes Boarding so special, and I hope the best for everyone in the future.

– Charlotte Berry, Head Boarder 2021



For Father’s Day this year, my sons bought me a few books - I love reading, and maybe I am still ‘old school’ in this regard, but I love the feel of real pages.

One of the books they bought for me, is the well-known book ‘Who moved my cheese?’, by Dr. Spencer Johnson.

Working through this, I realised how appropriate it is in our current scenario. Pandemic, lockdowns, uncertainty.

Not wanting to re-write the whole book into the Chronicle, here’s just a few quotes from it. “If you do not change, you can become extinct.”

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?’’ “Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.”

“Imagining yourself enjoying your new cheese, leads you to it.” We must adapt. We must change the way we have been doing things and find a new direction. Then we will find the new ‘cheese’.

I believe that change is possible, but it is always easier when we have a base to work from.

Our faith in God is our base, our foundation. In a world that is everchanging, and so unpredictable, we need to know there is one aspect that will never change. God’s love and His grace will never change; it will never cease to exist.

Depending on God and His unfailing grace will allow us the freedom to adapt, to change the way we do things, the way we express His Kingdom.

The Sunday Family Chapel Services this year have been wonderfully supported by our families. The Chapel Services during the week are also such a blessing and an opportunity to learn about God’s love and His grace. During lockdowns we had to adapt to virtual services. Although we all would prefer to have Chapel in person, it has been such a blessing to see the students on the screen, participating in their Chapel Services, sharing prayers, and blessings with their fellow students.

During this year, I have realised again how precious the St Cuthbert’s College community is. Staff, students and parents alike are generous, and focussed on being there for each other, being there for those that they don’t even know.

The Foodbank donation drives, and all the support for the various House projects, have been exceptional, again. I absolutely love the attitude of this community –an open handed attitude that brings so much happiness in the lives of the many recipients.

In The Scriptures, we are constantly encouraged to keep our faith, to keep our peace. Philippians 4 verses 6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

– The Rev Dr Francois Joubert


Thank You, Lord God Almighty, that we can call upon Your Name. Thank You that Your written Word teaches us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. And that You, the LORD our God, are with us in all we do. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


St Cuthbert’s College community, on this day, I bless you with every blessing and promise in the written Word of God. May El Elohim bless you. May you be flooded with resilience, with peace, with vision. I bless you in the Name of YAHWEH EL ELOHIM. Amen.



The staff at St Cuthbert’s are a key cornerstone to our success, and we pride ourselves in the exceptional people we have. We are delighted that many of them choose to stay with us for as long as they do – surely a sign that St Cuthbert’s is a special place. The end of 2021 saw us farewell several long-serving staff members as they left for well-deserved retirement or new horizons.

Roberta Batistich

Roberta Batistich

Roberta Batistich, or “Bertie” as she is affectionately known, spent much of her career at the College. In those 36 years, she has made a remarkable contribution to girls’ education by instilling in our students a deep love of biology, science and psychology.

Her classroom was always a place of affection and humour, allowing much learning to occur in a safe and happy setting. Her dedication was legendary – even up to the second to last day of the school year in 2021, when she was upskilling with a new piece of technology to enhance the learning of her students.

Bertie’s outstanding professionalism and clear commitment to each of her students as individuals went well beyond the classroom, extending to both her role as a very empathetic Deputy Dean for many years and also to her involvement in a variety of co-curricular activities. Students were always eager to join projects run by Bertie such as Science Fair and Brain Bee.

Bertie’s motivational teaching skills and dedication to her students were characteristic of her time at the College. She always maintained a professional and insightful approach to her role in the Science Faculty in the Senior School.

However, above all, it is Bertie’s warmth, generosity, common sense, humour and wisdom that are held in the highest regard by colleagues and students alike.

We all wish Bertie a very happy and wellearned retirement!

Anna Ready

Anna Ready

The wonderful Anna Ready spent 25 years promoting commerce subjects and being a champion of relevant co-curricular programmes at St Cuthbert’s. As Head of the Commerce Faculty, she very ably managed a harmonious team where staff felt valued and stimulated in their opportunities for professional growth. Highly regarded as a perceptive leader and creative problem-solver, she was also a caring mentor to many young teachers over the years.

Students loved coming to Anna’s classes. As a teacher, Anna was passionate about her specialist subject of accounting and always had time for every student. She was known as ‘The Queen of YES’ by the girls! Under her tenure, our students achieved stellar results in NCEA, IB and Scholarship examinations and have won many national awards in the Young Enterprise NZ scheme. Anna’s extensive global network of contacts have significantly enhanced the programmes and opportunities available to our students, and she organised many fantastic trips outside the classroom both around New Zealand and overseas. She truly personified the College’s ethos of “making girls amazing”.

Anna’s dedication, infectious enthusiasm and superb teaching skills will be sorely missed at the College, but she goes with our warmest wishes to her exciting new role as Education Officer with the New Zealand Olympic Committee.

Therese Adsett

Therese Adsett

Both the Social Sciences Faculty and York House are keenly feeling their loss in the retirement of Therese Adsett after nearly two decades at St Cuthbert’s.

Therese was an advocate of students taking Social Sciences throughout their time at the College. She was keen for all students to see the world through these eyes. She wanted students to be balanced in their academic work and build their understanding of the world they live in. With her strength of intellect and prodigious work ethic, Therese gave exceptional service to students of geography which was her specialty subject. She never hesitated to go the extra mile to give help to a student in need.

Therese’s tireless commitment to ensuring the best outcome for each student extended to her role as Dean of York. Her tireless co-curricular work over many years in mentoring cultural groups, including the Samoan Dance group, made a fabulous contribution to the College.

As a colleague, Therese was sometimes known to play tricks on fellow staff members to lighten the load and create some fun. She was also famed as an avid consumer of the news, always sharing articles with Social Sciences teachers that related to their courses. Therese’s wise counsel, humour and genuine care of our students will be greatly missed by us all.

Melinda Crookenden

Melinda Crookenden

Melinda Crookenden has retired after 28 years of outstanding service to the College. Melinda was a real trail-blazer and valued advisor during the assimilation of the Middle School into the Senior School. She could quite rightly claim to be an authority on early adolescence, drawing on her various roles during her time St Cuthbert’s.

Over the years, Melinda did wonderful work with our Years 7 and 8 students. She was also an inspirational Year 8 teacher, a Year 9 homeroom teacher, and a knowledgeable teacher of Maths and English in the Senior School, not to mention being a real stalwart at school camps!

Melinda always brought flair and imagination to her classroom teaching. Her students knew that she followed their journey through the school with deep interest and had their best interests at heart. Her specialised expertise and care in managing girls approaching puberty and providing support to their families was deeply valued by all. In this, she skillfully blended the need for an honest and forthright approach with real understanding and sensitivity.

Warmth, professionalism and a lovely selfdeprecating sense of humour were the hallmarks of Melinda’s time at the College – as a teacher, as a colleague, as a Dean and Deputy Dean, and as a keen supporter of co-curricular student activities.

This article is from: