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Performance and KPIs
by SCDesign
CBNS achievements are evaluated by the Australian Research Council on an annual basis. CBNS performance is assessed against key performance indicators (KPIs) that were set at the commencement of the Centre and have been reviewed in 2017. These cover the traditional research metrics of outputs like journal publications and conference presentations. There are also metrics that cover the interdisciplinarity of CBNS research, new research partnerships, measures of esteem, public awareness and student and ECR mentoring.
The KPIs for 2019 are summarised in this infographic; it shows the targets for each of the KPI areas as well as the Centre’s actual achievements.
Research outputs:
Journal publications target: 220 actual: 226
Quality of research outputs:
Publications impact factor >10 target: 18
actual: 49
% journals articles impact factor >2 target: 70%
actual: 91%
Patents (filed) target: 3 actual: 14
New research fellowships target: 3
actual: 10
Book chapters target: 5 actual: 4
Membership on editorial boards target: 25
actual: 71
Additional researchers working on Centre research: Postgraduate completions:
Professional training courses for staff and postgraduate students attended target: 15
actual: 25
Centre attendees at all training/development courses offered by the Centre target: 75
actual: 166
National workshops held/organised by the Centre target: 5
actual: 7
New postgraduate students working on core Centre research and supervised by Centre staff target: 8
actual: 35
New postdoctoral researchers recruited to CBNS working on core CBNS research target: 4
actual: 19
New Honours students working on core CBNS research and supervised by Centre staff target: 12
actual: 10
ECRs (within five years of completing PhD) working on core CBNS research target: 20
actual: 76
Briefings given to government, industry and business community target: 10
actual: 16
Public awareness/outreach programs (include outreach activities such as public lectures, public events at the national nanomedicine conference, participation in National Science Week and vodcasts) target: 10 actual: 14 International workshops held/organised by the Centre target: 1
actual: 2
Completions by PhD students target: 15 actual: 19 Completions by Masters students target: 2 actual: 3
Completions by Honours students target: 8 actual: 8
Talks given by Centre staff open to the public target: 10
actual: 16
New organisations collaborating with, or involved in, the Centre target: 15 actual: 65
Mentoring programs offered by the Centre target: 7 actual: 11 Students mentored, target: 80 actual: 194
Centre-led initiatives that promote gender equity and diversity and a family-friendly workplace target: 4
actual: 15
% meetings and workshops facilitated by the Centre that enable attendance by members with dependents target: 70%
actual: 83%
% Centre-organised meetings with gender balance amongst organising committees, speakers and participants target: 70%
actual: 71%
% of women in mentoring program target: 50%
actual: 60%
ECRS and students holding leadership roles within the Centre target: 30
actual: 53
Research outputs featuring co-authorship between nodes target: 20
actual: 40
Visits to overseas laboratories and facilities target: 30
actual: 35
Research outputs that result from Centre interdisciplinary research target: 12
actual: 141
Postgrads or postdocs working on cross node or interdisciplinary projects target: 12
actual: 180
Interdisciplinary projects in the research program target: 14
actual: 81
Postgrads or postdocs that have moved (i.e. employment) between collaborating organisations and partner organisations to work on research projects, target: 5
actual: 6
International visitors and visiting fellows target: 40
actual: 46
Invited talks/papers/ keynote lectures given at major international meetings target: 60
actual: 101
Commentaries about the Centre’s achievements Articles target: 40
actual: 109
Media releases target: 15
actual: 16
Research outputs co-authored with alumni target: 8
actual: 25
Alumni participating in Centre research program (e.g. mentor, invited speaker, student supervisor, lab visit-exchange, project collaborator), target: 8
actual: 24
Website hits (page views) target: 40,000
actual: 51,462
Video material produced and publicised each year on the website (mins) target: >20mins