Intermediate/Skills Workshop, continued
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Crespo, M., & Fernandez-Lansac, V. (2016). Memory and narrative of traumatic events: A literature review. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 8, 149-156. Courtois, C. A. (2001). Implications of the memory controversy for clinical practice: An overview of treatment recommendations and guidelines. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 9(3-4), pp. 183-210. Hammond D. C., et al. (1994). Clinical hypnosis and memory: Guidelines for clinicians and for forensic hypnosis. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Press. The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. (2003). Childhood trauma remembered: A report on the current scientific knowledge base and its applications. Available at Schwabe, L. (2017). Memory under stress: From single systems to network changes. European Journal of Neuroscience, 45, 478-489. Sheehan, P.W., & McConkey, K. M. (2001). Forensic hypnosis: The application of ethical guidelines. In: J, W. Rhue, S. J. Lynn, & I. Kirsch, eds., Handbook of clinical hypnosis, (pp. 719-738). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
9:45-10:45 AM PDT
Hypnotic Interventions to Augment Working Through of Traumatic Stress-Related Symptoms Janna Henning JD, PsyD, FT 1 CE This session will describe the different symptom profiles associated with exposure to a single traumatic event versus chronic interpersonal violence, and discuss evidence-based treatment approaches for both. The use of specific hypnotic interventions and techniques to augment and enhance the evidence-based overall treatment approaches for symptoms of traumatic stress in adults will be described and explained. Learning Outcomes: • • • •
Describe and differentiate between common post-traumatic reactions to chronic interpersonal violence exposure (complex/Type II trauma) vs. single-event trauma exposure in adulthood (PTSD/Type I trauma). Identify at least one hypnotic intervention to augment an evidence-based overall treatment approach for PTSD/Type I trauma reactions in adults. Identify at least one hypnotic intervention to augment an evidence-based overall treatment approach for complex/Type II trauma reactions in adults. Describe how to apply several research-supported traumatic stress treatment approaches to develop customized treatment plans for clients.
SCEH 2021 Conference Brochure
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