Georg Ladurner-Computational design portfolio

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georg ladurner design portfolio

info curriculum vitae


projects p10

01 dance

academy in ljubljana

intercorrelation of design parameters




02 computational

brick builder

agent based form finding

design statement



03 generative


complex systems in architecture




04 digital

earthbag design

form-finding and fem analysis


05 biomimetic

material symbiosis

generative design for fibre-structures

recommendations prof. achim menges



prof. jan knippers

areti markopoulou

institution for advanced architecture of catalonia barcelona, spain

surface modulation

tension - active - systems

institute for computational design faculty of architecture and urban planing, stuttgart institute of building structures and structural design faculty of architecture and urban planing, stuttgart

06 deep


07 evolutionary

light fields

an approach to spatial arrangement

enric ruiz geli


cloud 9 architecture barcelona, spain



curriculum vitae education iaac barcelona, spain 2012 - 2013 university of stuttgart, germany 2010 - 2013 faculty of architecture and urban planning leopold-franzens university of innsbruck, austria 2005 - 2010 faculty of architecture faculty of civil engineering 2009 - 2010

awards, exhibitions, publications scientific paper publication “computational reinterpretation of 06.2014 integrated brick structures” acadia 2015, los angeles, california, International conference selected independent diploma exhibition, artificially living structures 06.2013 icd, prof. menges, university of stuttgart, germany scientific paper publication, 1st author 09.2012 “interactive form-finding for biomimetic fibre structures: computational design tool based on a physical fabrication method” ecaade 2012, prague, czech republic, 30th international conference mohamed omer scholarship 06.2012 iaac barcelona, spain collaboration to the full-scale, functional responsive skin prototype 04.2012 “material capacity: embedded responsiveness” AD vol. 82, no. 2 , material computation: higher integration in morphogenetic design architectural design selected project, algorithmic space, seminar 03.2012 icd, prof. menges, university of stuttgart, germany scientific paper publication, 1st author 12.2011 “adaptive structure: a modular system for generative architecture” generative art conference GA2011, rom, italy, 14th int. conference promos scholarship 11.2011 daad, germany selected project, performative morphology, design studio 02.2011 icd, prof. menges,itke, prof. knippers, university of stuttgart, germany vernissage, blasbichlers twentyone, kunstraum innsbruck, austria 02.2010 studio1, university of innsbruck, austria public presentation, interior design, national bank innsbruck, austria 02.2008 studio2, university of innsbruck, austria second place, design competition, bianco, urban design studio 06.2006 studio1, university of innsbruck, austria


practice 01.2015 sunyata studio, digital design company co-founder 01.2014 bauen mit erde, architecture and engineering founder 01.2014 IAAC wings 2014 workshop, spain assistant and student tutor 11.2013 calearth, direct forming with clay, building workshop assistant and student tutor 05.2013 calearth, direct forming with clay, building workshop assistant and student tutor 03.2012 cloud9 architecture, barcelona, spain -09.2012 internship 03.2011 rhinoceros workshop, university of stuttgart assistant and student tutor 07.2007 building company hauser ferdinand, italy -09.2007 construction helper and measurement assistent

workshops 08.2014 IFAC 2014 | international festival of art & construction instructor 01.2014 IAAC wings 2014 workshop, spain assistant and student tutor 06.2013 eme3 International Architecture Festival, barcelona spain geodesic dome geometries, tutor 06.2012 smart itself, interactive structures for energy optimization iaac barcelona, spain 02.2012 patchwork housing - social sustainability - integrated urbanism escola tecnica superior arquitectura de barcelona, barcelona, spain 04.2011 escola paulista, urban design workshop university of resbiteriana mackenzie, são paulo, brazil 12.2010 python workshop, scripting in rhinoceros university of stuttgart, germany 11.2010 functional morphology workshop, bionic research plant biomechanics group, freiburg, germany 06.2010 intricate correlations - intensification of relations workshops & symposium on digital design processes, innsbruck, austria 01.2010 ws-rads, visions of the future, urban housing gazi university, faculty of architecture, ankara, turkey 03.2008 mel scripting workshop, structural morphologies, nick puckett leopold franzens university of innsbruck



design statement

georg ladurner

Georg Ladurner researches and designs in the digital age and take advantage of the potentiality emerging from upcoming technologies. He works in the fields sustainable design, integrated planning, computational design and fabrication strategies. The continuing advancement of design possibilities allows architects and designer to develop an increasing intelligence and efficiency in architectural projects. With this approach Georg doesn’t want to affirm that he believes in the possibility of the invention of a new architecture. Architecture will not change, just the standards of architectural problems, the existing environmental conditions and the design strategies and tools. Georg integrates innovative computer-based strategies with the practical approach of architecture. Present and future - oriented techniques and methods for design, planning, engineering, simulation, visualization, communication, production and construction develop with the digital age and give the designer the power to produce highly efficient solutions in response to architectural requirements. For Goerg the technological tools are a powerful advancement what he intends to control and furthermore exhaust to explore their capacity. So it is of capital importance for him to choose carefully from a palette of powerful digital tools and use them only if fulfilling or approximate the desired goal. In latest studies he dealt with various computational design methods. He published his design, research and writings in different international conferences, galleries and platforms. The phenomena of the digital design is however unstable and difficult to follow. Efficiency in architectural potentials as aesthetic, form, space, construction, static, urban planing, ecology, sustainability and manufacture is what we aim for. Georg’s ambition is the intercorrelation of diverse factors into a higher, integrated system that has the capacity to exist in alternating balance.

born in italy(southtirol), bolzano +393470147639



skills software rhinoceros processing arduino 3ds max maya cinema 4d ecotect archicad revit ansys autocad vectorworks photoshop illustrator indesign premiere final cut pro office tools iwork ilife windows mac os

scripting/programming python rhinoscript vb java grasshopper


design computational architecture complex geometry management parametric design building information modeling form and structural optimization environmental analysis efficiency in sustainability digital tool development computer-aided manufacturing

languages german english italian spanish

soft skills multi tasking teamwork problem recognition management responsibility communication stamina

other skills grown-up farmer center player in the team-sport handball chess player



dance academy in ljubljana intercorrelation of design parameters Play is a basic human need. Etymologically the German word for play, “Spiel”, descends from the old high German “Spil” which means “dance motion”. Dance comprises different categories that are established in game studies: mimicry for theatrical play and Ilinx for the consciously instigated rapture. Spaces for contemporary forms of dance are the subject of the architectural proposal for the academy of temporary dance in Ljubljana. An inherent part of the design task is the development and application of computational design processes that enable not only the experimental investigation, critical reflection of spatial structure, tectonic composition, and performative qualities of architecture but also an integrative design solution. By algorithmic design tools, it is possible to integrate a variety of factors in the parametric model and let their impact verify the design. During the development of the draft information fields are superimposed to illustrate the heterogeneous situation. The diagrammatic workup of the space program shows that the areas have different lighting requirements and ceiling height. This is reflected in the roof itself. The linking of the program and the consequentaial rooms on the vertical and horizonatal level leads to an artificial interior landscape. Therefore focus lays on the shell structure which is shaped through the inner (arrangement of the spaces and functions) and outer (urban environment) forces. It acts like a filter which is creating different light situations over the day, but also the year cycle. Even if the building is static itself, it creates dynamic light situations though its topology and materiality. The academy for contemporary dance is situated in the multilayered urban structure of Ljubjana in close proximity to existing cultural institutions. Dance studios, seminar rooms and a large auditorium will were negotiated with the constraints of the urban context.

interior view circulation

urban development in plan with intersection line p10

urban development in elevation p11


dance academy in ljubljana intercorrelation of design parameters

longitudinal section digital design parameter: solar radiation, shading free space, program, circulation, hights

ground floor

shell structure and openings

3d shell design

opening details

basement floor

facade section p12

dancing room p13


computational brick builder agent-based form-finding Collective behavior arises from the milieu of interrelation within a multitude of singular components. Emergent properties, adaptive rules and patterns of interaction can be studied and used as a tool with aesthetic attributes and engineering and design content. Nature is generating form in a bottom-up process as an overall system; there is no distinction between structure and material. Biological organisms develop their structure in a self-organized process through system internal relations, without external control. Intelligent phenomena exist at every level of experience and can be found in everyday-life. Agent-based-modelling allows us to describe those complex processes. Individuals and their relatively simple actions or interactions are able to show coordinated behavior and are able to achieve complex tasks in cooperation. Agents are used as a heuristic generator of artificially living form. The underlying decision-making rule-set acts according to design, structural and energetic constrains. A compressed earth block structure is a mass- and form- active building system. It consists of small building elements placed on top of the other following a particular bonding pattern and bound together with mortar. The position of each single building component is defined by the parameters of the bonding design. And the pattern is designed by human to apply bricks in a logic and sophisticated usage. Keeping that basics and reapply them according to principles from biologic attainments can yield to a self-driven digital assembling process for compressed earth block structures. The bonding pattern can be replaced by a decision making system inspired from natural phenomena. In that way no fix pattern could describe a structure, rather the underlying behavior would design it according to intrinsic and extrinsic ruling circumstances. A working building system can be improved in aesthetic, structural and engineering design. A whole new field of construction possibilities would be accessible.

2d distribution algorithm p14

self-driven assembling process p15


computational brick builder agent-based form-finding

form generations with shifting conditions

ex. rule 7: accumulation avoidance

ex. rule 13: spatial diffusion

integrated fem analysis

weight absorption (white = minimum) p16

the emerging spatial situations show a unique atmosphere p17


gravity 0.0 stickiness 1.0 size 0.5m steps 10.000 particles 100

gravity -1.0 stickiness 1.0 size 0.5m steps 10.000 particles 100

gravity -1.0 stickiness 1.0 size 0.5m-0.8m steps 10.000 particles 100

gravity -1.0 stickiness 1.0 size 0.5m-1.0m steps 14.000 particles 100

gravity -1.0 stickiness 0.5 size 0.5m-1.0m steps 18.000 particles 100

gravity -1.0 stickiness 0.8 size 0.5m-0.7 steps 15.000 particles 100

generative space complex systems in architecture

Diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) is a computational model that describes the diffusion and aggregation of zinc ions in an electrolytic solution onto electrodes. Complex spatial phenomena necessitate adaptive architectural design solutions. Consequently, physical space should evolve in response to shifting programmatic requirements and environmental stimuli through a process of structural adaptation, rather than being an immutable permanent entity. The aim of the research presented is to utilise an algorithmic, self-organising system in order to generate emergent, adaptive structures composed of mass-producible building components. Diffusion-limited Aggregation (DLA) is a model for natural morphogenesis which is capable of generating biomorphic aggregate structures. Diffusion means that particles wander with a controllable behaviour around. Aggregation occurs when particles come close to the system and attach themselves to the DLA structure. Corals use the logic of the assemble algorithm to increase their shape. It is an emergent, self-organising process in which randomly moving particles attach to a continuously growing cluster of aggregates. Because the cluster has potential for infinite growth, its process can be started and stopped. Additionally, the cluster can be made subject to environmental complexity through manipulation of aggregation probability. The model of DLA thus presents one possible mode of thinking and production for an adaptive structural system. Through this design process, the structure is able to adapt over time to a range of stimuli, and with the implementation of a modular material system, the design tool produces not only digital geometry but also offers the potential for production and assembly at the architectural scale. Perhaps most importantly, the module (which corresponds to the aggregate in the mathematical model of DLA) is repeated throughout the structure and can be mass produced as well as reused in subsequent constructions.

corals arise with DLA p18

simulation of the DLA-algorithm

spatial ordering by generative design p19


generative space complex systems in architecture

gravity 0.0

gravity -0.5

gravity -1.0

stickiness 1.0

stickiness 0.5

stickiness 0.1


modul triplex p20

modul localization

modul quad

modul aggregation

modul adjustment

modul quint

digitally controlled manipulation of spatial world p21


digital earthbag design form-finding and fem analysis Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise. – Rumi Muhammad This project aims to investigate the computational design of superadobe architecture based on time depend feedback. The possible range of shapes for the mass- and form-active building system is very constricted. Integrative design allows the solving of multi-criteria for earth architecture in an individual generative process. Therefore performative free-forms are developed and implemented to practical architecture. The approach is to enhance low-tech conventional earth block structure with automated feedback algorithms. Vernacular architecture performance is analysed and by means of abstraction separated into computational design categories. The same ‘human-defined’ methods are synthesized in rules and translated into the digital process as a heuristic algorithm that unfolds architectural form in a generative process over time. Inspiration for the development of the introduced agent-based process is derived from the collective construction behaviour of eusocial animal societies such as ants, bees and termites. The agent-based system is informed by a multistimuli-responsive feedback. It simulates the force flow in mass- and form-active structural systems. Integrative design allows the solving of multi-criteria for earth-block architecture in an individual generative process. Furthermore the project investigates in the computeraided construction. The laser of the simple spatial positioning system helps the construction worker to build highly complex structures. Therefore performative non-geometrical forms are developed. The result is an integrated design for non-vernacular superadobe architecture.

earthbag construction principles p22

simple earthbag form

form-finding and evaluation of the simple dome shape p23


digital earthbag design form-finding and fem analysis

generative design prototype A

generative design prototype B

fem analysis of a earthbag free-form p24

schematic design proposal p25


biomimetic material symbiosis

examples of the manipulation

generative design for fibre-structures “Definition of holism: the tendency in nature to form whole systems, that are greater than the sum of its parts, through creative evolution.” Oxford English Dictionary The biomimetic system of the lichen got analysed, the performing continual exchanges of information between themselves and the world it inhabits. The system adapts his grow pattern based over a history of previous events. Glass-fibre reinforced plastic is composed of two agents with different properties and derives a final product with certain desired material and mechanical properties. Two physical principles get combined to form the fibrous construction network. The first is the principle of the inverted catenary chain. Influenced by it’s own weight and gravity it forms a predominant compression loaded structure. The latter principle follows the physical law of adhesion. Adhesive power is the tendency of fluid-surfaces to cling to solid-surfaces. A very fine, force optimized space truss evolves during the physical form finding process. Fibres branch or bundle, depending on forces and conditions, clear spaces support the stability. The resin forms very fine surfaces and the threads act as reinforced ribs. Forces dissolve equal in the branching-system and get derived linear within each beam. Collapsed beams get supported by neighbours and the multilinear system compensates itself. The study on various physical models led to the determination of the basic variables defining the shape of the structure. During the self-forming method all the models show a different behaviour dependent on the specific parameter setting and the variability in the manufacturing process. These were implemented into a computational design tool, which allows for the shaping of building structures with loadoptimised geometry. Unique products for context specific and location sensitive use emerge from the manufacturing machine. Possible design effects are transparency, translucency, regularity or moiré pattern.

lichen as a model p26

inverted catenary chain principles

fibre with loop for-

extra thin fibre

variation in density

resin properties

variation in density

longer pre-hardened

multiple fibre orien-

surface adaptation

physical adhesion-law principles p27


material computation interactive form-finding of fibre-structures


directed force




spring restlength

surface optimization

spring system

gravity ahdesion overlength surface tension


gravity ahdesion overlength surface tension

gravity ahdesion overlength surface tension

language of shapes

gravity ahdesion overlength surface tension

gravity ahdesion overlength surface tension

gravity ahdesion overlength surface tension



deep surface modulation tension - active - systems Membrane and cable-net systems are exceptional for their capacity to span with minimal amounts of material, while defining the boundaries of a space through the delicate treatment of transmitted light. Materiality is a critical characteristic in defining an architecture as a system – a system in structural stability, energy modulation, and spatiality. It therefore stands that it should be pursued as an initial parameter of the process of design generation. A variation of prototypes allowed to observe the performance according to tension loads, geometry and material. Purpose-built algorithms in Rhino and Processing got tested and simulate and visualize fundamental material and physical properties. They are tuned for generating the behaviour of tension-active-systems and to allow for rapid but approximate form generation, in coordination with precisely constructed physical models. The exacting work balanced between both the physical and computational domains was aspired. With the computational process, it is important to understand the correlation between the computed data and its physical manifestation. With simulations of material behaviour, it is evermore critical to calibrate the information produced in the digital domain with that manufactured in the physical domain. The final design module consists of four cone cutouts. Two pieces at a time were exactly geometrically equal, but rotated by 180 degrees. The shape emerges via three interconnections on each side and forms a tube in tube geometry with slots. So the effect of reduction which the conic parts bring with gets neutralized and the module is balanced. The moirÊ pattern shows different overlapping effects according to the angle of view of the observer. Three components are connected to a multiple object. Each joined module is mirrored on the X-axis. The tension system acts as a whole and occurred forces affect each string and get derived via the full network.

performance in physical models according to tension loads, geometry and material p30

detail of a module p31


deep surface modulation tension - active - systems

module design based on tension

physical prototype with tension balance in the whole system

interconnected moduls - details

interconnected moduls with tension balance in the field




evolutionary light fields an approach to spatial arrangement “The field describes a space of propagation, of effects. It contains no mater or materia points, rather functions, vectors and speeds. It describes local relations of difference within fields of celerity, transmission or careering points, in a word, what Minkowski called the world.� Sanford Kwinter, 1996 The concept of space, spatial arrangement and distribution fall often into oblivion within the upcoming paradigm of computational design. Fewer times we can find an evaluation with the space itself, in spite of their importance in any architectural endeavour. Therefore it is of great importance to explore the open-ended interaction of parts and resulting spatial ordering systems with computational techniques. The aim of the project is to create a structure, which provides specified fields of more or less light intensities through different times of the day. Important parameters are the geographic position and the resulting weather data, the built environment which potentially could obscure the site as well as the self-shading of the structure. The hypothesis is to create a structure which can strategically provide direct lighting in certain areas and keep it away from others. The constitutional parameters, which allow for the generation of the different morphologies, are the sliding mesh vertices along the z-direction and the opening of the faces of the mesh. A feedback loop allows for constant checking of the directly penetrating light on the floor during the day. This equals to eleven different sun vectors from morning to evening. These are influenced by the neighbouring buildings and by the actual shape of the structure. Embedding these parameters the structure is constantly pushed to a state in which it can better fit the demanded light situation by using an evolutionary algorithm. A physical real scale prototype of a load bearing column and a model to show configurations of the systems and possibilities to create heterogeneous space is intended.

result gen(x) input environment


fitness function

shading of the initial urban fabric

self-shading orientation poriosity

aspired light conditions in the building

gen (n)




evolutionary structure-developement for efficient light conditions p35


evolutionary light fields an approach to spatial arrangement

pseudo code

1. setup evaluation-field

2. setup environment

3. setup initial geometry

4. parameters (size, orientation, aperture)

5. geometry mutation (gen(n))

6. shading calculations

fitness function (aspired light conditions)

8. evol. solver (feedback, mutation, result)

result gen(x)


result gen(y)


recommendations prof. achim menges institute for computational design faculty of architecture and urban planing, stuttgart


prof. jan knippers institute of building structures and structural design faculty of architecture and urban planing, stuttgart


areti markopoulou institute for advanced architecture of catalonia barcelona, spain


enric ruiz geli cloud 9 architecture barcelona, spain


selected projects Dipl. Ing. Georg Ladurner +393470147639 Italy

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