1 minute read

McNab Braeside Township

Perched majestically on the shores of the Ottawa River, the Sand Point Lighthouse in Arnprior, Ontario, stands as a silent witness to the town's rich maritime history. A beacon of hope for sailors navigating treacherous waters, thishistoriclighthousenowservesasabeloved symbol of Arnprior's heritage and a scenic attraction for locals and tourists alike. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating history of the Sand Point Lighthouse, its significance to thecommunity,andthepicturesquebeautythat continuestocaptivatevisitorsfromfarandwide. TheSandPointLighthouseboastsastoriedpast that dates back to the mid-19th century. Constructed in 1855, the lighthouse played a vital role in guiding boats and ships along the Ottawa River during a time when maritime transportation was the lifeline of many communities.Standingtallat20meters(66feet), the lighthouse's distinct red and white stripes made it easily recognizable to mariners navigating the river's waters. Its powerful light, fueled by oil lamps, cast its reassuring beam across the river, ensuring safe passage for vesselsthroughthenight.


As technology advanced, the role of traditional lighthouses diminished, and many were decommissioned or replaced by automated systems.

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