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Rivers, Lakes and Streams
How’s the water? Depends on which water are we talking about.
The City of Snohomish monitors water quality for three types of water:
• Drinking water, which comes into the house for cooking, cleaning, and drinking.

• What flows into Blackmans Lake and the Snohomish River
• Stormwater that runs off our streets and houses when it rains or snows.
• Water discharged into the Snohomish River as treated wastewater.

All are monitored carefully. Drinking water is monitored to ensure it is safe for people, while stormwater and wastewater must be safe for people while also supporting wildlife, such as fish and aquatic plants.
As part of the Blackmans Lake Cyanobacteria Project, the City monitors total phosphorus at several points from the inflow stream to the outflow stream and the lake itself. We also sample five additional locations along Cemetery and Swifty Creek for E. coli and fecal coliform before it is discharged into the Snohomish River.
At our wastewater treatment plant, staff test discharge for coliform bacteria to ensure adequate disinfection and to confirm limited organic matter is entering the river. They also test the wastewater coming into the plant to make sure that our treatment processes remove a minimum of 85% of organic matter before it reaches the river. Testing is conducted at each stage of the treatment process for alkalinity which measures the buffering capacity (how much acid can be added to the water without changing the pH of the water), ammonia, nitrates and nitrites which tell us the health of the biomass, which breaks down the organic matter. We also monitor the pH of the water being discharged. Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, or recreational purposes. Water quality comes down to ensuring the safest possible water for consumption, play and the environment.
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