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Mayor's Message: Investing in Our Future

Investing in Our Future


As you read this, the City is

embarking on the goals laid out in the 2023-2024 budget

(see pages 8-9). Our work plans reflect our overall objective of preserving and strengthening our community. They are the product of a year of discovery and thoughtful change, and a lot of work by City staff and City Council. We hope that through this work we will provide you – our community – with the best possible service while being careful stewards of resources.

In 2022, we took stock of our inventory of City equipment and facilities, staffing levels, and financial resources. Much of the equipment was determined to be at or near the end of its life cycle. We found that, consistent with a past facilities assessment, the City outgrew its facilities years ago. Gaps in staffing had been handicapping our ability to respond to community needs. We also reevaluated how we provide communication and services and found that the pandemic had radically shifted how community members expect to be able to communicate with and receive services from the City.

This examination determined that over the past few years we had fallen into a pattern of delaying slated infrastructure and transportation projects and necessary replacements and upgrades of equipment, facilities, and systems. Equipment and facilities repairs were happening when they rose to the level of an emergency, which costs more and leads to lower levels of service and slower response to the needs of our community. The community’s accumulated financial resources were not being put to work for the use they were intended.

We also took stock in what we had accomplished in the previous 2021-2022 biennium (see page 7). From completing the long-awaited renovation to the Snohomish Carnegie Building to helping our community weather the pandemic, I’m proud of the hard work by City staff and Council these past two years.

Looking to 2023 and beyond (see page 11), we are creating long-term plans to ensure we meet our responsibilities to care for our community assets and safeguard their performance for current and future generations. Modernization of our systems, including communications channels between the community and the City, is a top priority.

We have filled gaps in our staffing to better provide support for our community needs. We are building on our partnerships with the Snohomish School District and the Sno-Isle library system, as well as other community organizations such as the senior center and the food bank, to ensure that services are more accessible to our whole community. We have been working closely with our business community and regional partners to support a vibrant economic outlook.

We continue to enhance our working relationships with our public safety partners so that we continue to address the needs and concerns of our community. The plans to create a public safety and civic services campus (see page 3) will provide ample space to ensure all of our staff can work side-by-side daily, strengthening communications and emergency response capabilities. Our Public Works Department has laid out an ambitious Capital Improvement Plan for the next two years (see page 10), including a connector road for 22nd Street and Terrace Ave and completing the north sewer trunk line.

Lastly, we will be working more closely with community members focused on the issues of housing affordability, inclusivity, and environmental protection. As we work our way through the upcoming comprehensive planning process, we will ensure that we are connecting with and listening to a broad range of community representatives, taking care to include those groups who are often left out, such as families with young children and our young people. Learn how you can be involved (see pages 14-15) – your input helps us to better serve you! I would love to hear from you: redmon@snohomishwa. gov or (360) 282-3154.

Linda Redmon, Mayor redmon@snohomishwa.gov 360-282-3154

Snohomish Quarterly is published by Scenic365 LLC for the City of Snohomish. ADVERTISING SALES Jennifer Coleman 360-739-0701 / jennifer@scenicwa.com EDITOR Shari Ireton

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