A Tale of Two Hostesses Congratulations! You've booked a show! You're getting FREEstuff! You couldn't say no! Here's a tale of two hostesses,as you can see; So listen and pick which one you will be. F irst there was Mary, so proper was she; Her invitations were written in calligraphy! "I'll just invite 10, I know not too many; I'm sure they will come, so there will be plenty." She forgot to remind them to all bring a friend; "I'm not sure that many chairs will fit in my den!" The beautiful catalog sat home on her table. "Outside orders? Oh, well I wasn't able." She set a buffet fit for a king. But forgot to give her guests a reminder ring. The night of her show, her home looked just great, So she lit all her candles and proceeded to wait. Only one guest arrived, the items to see. "Why", Mary wondered, "Does this happen to me?" And then there was Patty, so excited was she. She made a goal to receive her whole order FREE!! She mailed 40 invites, plus went on and told More guests than her house could ever hold. People wanted to know what's this party about; So she would stop and pull her catalog out. She explained all the items, and what they would see, Outside orders were no problem, Not for Patty! Then she called all her guests, and said, "Bring a friend!" "We'll all have fun from beginning to end!" She didn't have time to set a buffet, So she stopped by the bakery, Her show was that day! They sat on the sofa, They sat on the floor. They sat in the chairs, They stood in the door! The house wasn't perfect, but they laughed anyway; They had a great time, shopping that day. The numbers were added, Mega items were FREE! "Wow!" exclaimed Patty, "This was fun and Easy!"
Contact List Create a name list with FRANK’shelp.* Creating a contact list will help get your guest list and Party started! *For those of us without children, your “kids” of course include your pets! Consider people you like at the dog park, your groomer, etc. Don’t rule anyone out! The more the merrier – for you, as their purchases count toward your gifts!
F riend s
Relativ es
* Grammar School
* Parents
* Doctor / Dentist
* Present
* High School
* In-laws
* Bank /Dry Cleaner
* Past
* College
* Grandparents
* Wait/Delivery Staff
* Parents of Neighbors
* Teachers
* Business
* Siblings
* Health Club/Yoga
* Friends of Neighbors
* PTA Groups
* Past Employment
* Aunts/ Uncles
* Postal Employees
* Relatives of Neighbors
* Cousins
* Hair Dresser/Nails
* Relatives’ Friends
* Grocery Store
* Crossing Guards
* Godparents
* Real Estate/Insurance
* Lessons/ Activities
* Spiritual Groups * Social Organizatio ns * Friends of all your other invitees!!
Acquaintan ces
N eighbor s
Kids * Child Care Workers * Other Parents
* School Bus Driver * Sports Contacts
Spouse * CoWorkers * Friends * Company Events * Social Organizatio ns * Teammates