Why do we have an urge to write? Is it really necessary to fulfill the urge? Frankly if there was an answer to this question, this paragraph would never have been written. To explore may be, but what to explore? Oneself? Don’t we know ourselves since we were born? Or may be not. We live the dreams of others. Those who are around us. Every day someone or some event or something forcing us to live its way. So we live our own life by writing. Frankly, even that has no proof. But who needs a proof, if there is a chance to write! A paragraph has topic sentence! How many of us know that. At least one! And that may very well be enough as all of us are not born to write. You are born to read what is written and you are contended with that. Offensive? Well isn’t everything offensive? The forces of nature forcing us! If that isn’t offensive, nothing is. Getting stuck somewhere dreaming and realizing you won’t get it as you were not destined to, call that offensive if you may and start blaming whosoever has written that for you. But just keep on reading without judging as you are not there to judge but to observe. Buddha was lucky. He realized at a point what we have all failed to realize till now. Nothing ever makes sense and nothing at all will ever make sense. Why is the sky blue? Why are the birds flying? We can know how the birds fly but can we ever answer the question why they opt to fly? Well some of us who deceive ourselves a little too much will even try to answer that will all their efforts. But Buddha figured out all efforts to think are in vain. It’s all about letting go. Letting go of this stupid world and thinking absolutely nothing. That’s the path to nirvana which unfortunately none of us are brave enough to follow. To write means to fight. Fight the desire of not writing anything. Not giving what you know and what you think of this world which is busy in solving problems that aren’t worth a dime. Desires are the true soul of the urge to sit idle instead of writing something down. But to hurt yourself springs in a reaction so powerful that it overcomes all such desires. That’s the path to nirvana of success. Hurt yourself and be successful. Success is a meaningless word isn’t it? The idea of achieving more at a place which does not care about your feelings and the idea of contributing to a universe which damn cares about our stupid existence. The crux of the matter turns out to be all a futile effort to survive. Survive among the bulldogs of forces of nature and the people around.