To work collaboratively to ensure that all children start school ready to reach their highest potential with engaged support from their parents, caregivers, and communities.
Objective 1: Parents have the support and resources they need to be their child’s first and best teacher.
Objective 2: All children have access to high-quality early education programs and services
Objective 3: Community partners understand the developmental needs of children and the importance of school readiness.
More children arrive at kindergarten ready for success.
From prenatal development through age five, our focus and priority are young children and their families and caregivers.
We ensure all people have the opportunity and resources to be successful and that all voices are solicited and heard.
Street, City SC 00000 | 000- 000-0000 | website OR
107 Broadbent Way, Anderson SC 29687 | 864-222-0410 |
$1 = $1.27 Anderson County First Steps leveraged $112,296 from sources outside of state government, providing a match of $0.27 for every state dollar invested
Last year, because of Anderson County First Steps: 1200+ books delivered to families with young children 74% more likely to score at the highest level on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment 34% less likely to be chronically absent in kindergarten
A 2019 study found that children who received First Steps local partnership services were: 529 parents & caregivers received direct services and support to be their child’s first and most important teacher 763 children directly served in Anderson County
PAIGE WALL Executive Director
County First Steps
This year, SC First Steps and Anderson County First Steps celebrated 22 years of providing school readiness support and resources to children ages 0-5 and their families. During the past 22 years, the Anderson County First Steps Partnership has distributed over $14,000,000 to area providers for parenting, health, and school transition programs and services and early education classes for at-risk children.
During 2021-2022, the Partnership provided:
• 407 adults with parenting skills through Enhanced Positive Parenting programs, Enhanced Raising a Reader programs, Early Education Half-day 4-K classes, and access to the Ready Rosie family interactive platform programs implemented by Anderson School Districts One, Two, Three, and Four.
• 65 children and 63 parents with Countdown to Kindergarten school transition support assisted by 18 teacher/home visitors at 12 schools in Anderson School Districts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and St. Joseph’s Academy;
• 1230 books for children through Positive Parenting, Raising a Reader, Early Education 4K, and Countdown to Kindergarten programs; and,
• 7095 child development and school readiness materials through our community education and outreach events and activities.
In total, 1973 children, adults and families participated in high-quality programs, received referrals and resources, and attended community education and outreach events.
Anderson County First Steps Partnership is proud of achieving these important milestones. Our mission could not have been accomplished without the passion, dedication, and support of our community partners.
We will be successful when all children reach their highest potential. ANDERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT ONE RAISING A READER PARENT SURVEY
5 51 5
Our partnership raises awareness of what it takes to be “school - ready” through community education and outreach activities in collaboration with Anderson School District One, Anderson School District Two, Anderson School District Three, and Anderson School District Four. Activities include Raising a Reader Community Meetings, Grandfathers Day Celebrations, Born Learning Trail volunteer activities, 4K Preregistration Events and Professional Development for 4K Teachers.
ACFS CORE FUNCTIONS BY THE NUMBERS 2021 - 2022 7095 materials distributed 22 events held 1016 total event attendance
When asked: "What are the supports, programs, or other things within this community that help young children meet these hopes and goals?," community respondents replied: Reader community
Addressing the needs of young children is a shared endeavor. Anderson County First Steps mobilizes partners and community members to ensure all children in Anderson County begin school ready to succeed. Anderson County First Steps Partnership collaborates with the five Anderson County school districts and local nonprofit organizations to implement its programs.
385 Family Referrals made to community organizations 763 Children served directly PDG FOCUS GROUP RESPONSE ON POSITIVE IMPACT OF ANDERSON COUNTY FIRST STEPS
Through partnerships and collaborations, as well as financial support from grants and contributions, Anderson County First Steps Partnership leverages state dollars to enhance and expand services to children and families.
South Carolina First Steps: $411,437 For Parenting, Early Education, and School Transition Programs
Stevenson Charitable Trusts: $ 3,000 For Nurse - Family Partnership
South Carolina First Steps Early Childhood Innovation Grant: $11,374 for Ready Rosie Interactive Family Platform
US Department of Education Preschool Development Grant For Countdown to Kindergarten, Summer 2021: $12,600
US Department of Education Preschool Development Grant: $1,000 For Convener Core Function
Community, Board, and Staff Contributions: $1,008
Anderson School District One: $36,710
Anderson School District Two: $18,299
Anderson School District Three: $24,936
Anderson School District Four: $12,445
People’s Bank of Iva: $5,000
For more information on partnership opportunities, visit our website at andersonfirststeps.org
State Funding Federal Funding Private Funding In-Kind Contributions Total Triple P Positive Parenting $234,153 $0 $0 $52,564 $286,717 Enhanced Raising a Reader $25,595 $0 $0 $0 $25,595 Half Day 4K $67,130 $0 $0 $36,710 $103,840 Countdown to Kindergarten $27,117 $0 $0 $0 $27,117 Parent Training – Ready Rosie $0 $0 $11,037 $0 $11,037 Early Head Start $0 $307 $0 $0 307 Core Functions $33,169 $405 $0 $0 $33,574 Administrative Support $24,558 $0 $73 $0 $24,631 Total Expenses $411,722 $712 $11,110 $89,274 $512,818 5% 95% Since inception, Anderson County First Steps has leveraged $5,213,497 from sources outside of state government. That’s $0.47 for every state dollar. 13 Expenditures of State Funds by Program Type
Sherry Adger , Kiddie University
Jackie Blakley, Tri - County Tech
April Brown, Welfare Baptist Church
Wendy Burgess, ASD One School Board
Betty Carson, Head Start - retired
Elise James, NFP
Kenneth McBride, Director, Regional DSS
Jackie McCall, Safe Kids
Sheryl McCollum, Bank of Iva
Dianne Mizzell, ASD Five - retired
Nicole Schmidt, Anderson Interfaith Ministries
Kimberly Sharp, Tri - County Tech
Diane Smiley, Anderson County Library, BOD Chair
Audrey Shaw, Anderson Pregnancy Center
Allison Strickland, ASD Two
Maria Torres - Green, Community Works
Shannon Vaughn, SHARE Head Start
Tammy Vaughn, ASD Three Charity Walker ASD Four Penny Whiteman, DHEC Liz Wittebort, ASD One Greta Young, The Parenting Place
Paige Wall, Executive Director
Deborah Sanders, Program Coordinator/Evaluator
107 Broadbent Way, Anderson SC | 864 - 222 - 0410 | andersonfirststeps.org
Total number of documents printed: 18. Cost per unit: $13.33 Total printing cost: $240.00.