Dorchester County First Steps Annual Report 2020-2021

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To prepare young children for school success by maximizing public and private community resources to deliver, enhance and expand high-quality early childhood services.

Children- We believe all children can learn and have potential for academic, social, emotional and physical greatness. Families-We believe family engagement is the glue to helping families grow and achieve. Community- We believe collaboration with agencies and other non-profits helps us deliver sustaining care to families and children at-risk for not being successful in school. State- We believe maintaining compliance with state standards and guidelines will enable us to obtain funding to provide strategies for children’s school success.

1. Increase the number of children enrolled in high intensity programs.

2. Increase the availability of high quality early care and education opportunities offered by First Steps 3. Reduce the racial/ethnic gap in Kindergarten readiness.

1. DCFS will increase the number of children served by 20 families. 2. DCFS will increase the availability of early care and education opportunities 3. 3. Reduce the racial/ethnic gaps by increasing training, coaching and mentoring for childcare providers.

Street, City SC 00000 | 000-000-0000 | website OR

P. O. Box 50399, Summerville, SC | 843.998.5505 |



Dr. Crystal Campbell

Executive Director Dorchester County First Steps

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton- This quote embodies our FY21 year. There were many obstacles, ‘rain’, placed in our way this year. Yet, as we walked through each obstacle we were seeking and receiving good counsel, applying and receiving grants, adding members to the staff, expanding our clientele and providing resources to our families. Despite the rain, we produced and grew more than ever before. Kudos to the FY21 Staff for Dorchester First Steps: Ivory Mitchell-Quality Enhancement Director, Alicia Turner Parent As Teacher Director, Ariel Taylor NPP Parent Educator and Maria Michalet, Americorp Member. And a special thank you to our Local Partnership Board, led by Ms. Trimeka Johnson, Chair. Do you like us now?



Trimeka Johnson

Chair Dorchester County First Steps Board of Trustees

To the splendid families of DCFS, the hard-working staff who specialize in working with our families and to the fine citizens of Dorchester County, again we did it! With your help, we: •Served over 790 families •Were awarded 3 grants totaling 54,000.00 •Added new programs and initiatives Given the detrimental effects of the Delta Variant, these accomplishments are no small feat! Even though we transitioned out of the brick-and-mortar building, we continued to strengthen and maintain our community connection and provide loving and caring services under the leadership of Dr. Crystal Campbell, Executive Director. Dr. Campbell and her staff each have vested personal interest and expertise in seeing our children develop comprehensively. This year, as with every year past, we have exceeded our goals and achieved mission success: to prepare children birth to age five for school success.

Trimeka Johnson


Every Child in Dorchester County will have the resources that they need to be prepared for school success.


PAT IN DORCHESTER COUNTY 2020-2021 PAT GOES VIRTUAL Due to COVID-19, Parents as Teachers (PAT) National provided guidance for affiliates to deliver virtual services via interactive video conferencing and phone calls. South Carolina PAT

35 790

families served

total home visits

affiliates rose to the occasion by

Quotes From Families:

engaging families in creative and

“My son is going to school…and he is ready!”

meaningful ways while continuing to


meet the Essential Requirements of

“ I loved the story time and activities that Ms.

implementing a quality PAT program

Campbell did.” A.H.

during the pandemic.

“This program is great, and we are very appreciative of all the support and help we receive.” Y.R.


Dorchester County AmeriCorps Member


Community Education and Outreach AmeriCorps member

Hours served in the community

Thanks Maria! Americorp Member Maria Michalet has been an invaluable member of the DCFS team. She has helped us connect with the community by volunteering at events, handling the social media up-dates, creating flyers and a quarterly newsletter and helping the Executive Director increase visibility on social media sites and the webpage. She is quickly becoming the “face” of DCFS.


hours served by Community Education and Outreach AmeriCorps member(s)

Segal Education Award


total in Segal Education Awards received by all members serving at the Local Partnership



2019 Total Served


Due to the pandemic and shut down of many programs and the shelter-in of many families and homes DCFS was not able to conduct Countdown To Kindergarten the summer of 2020. We were prepared to serve 30 children. Resources were purchased any way in order to be prepared for the 2021 summer. We were able to serve children in 2021, but we will report on the success of this past summer in the FY22 Annual Report. Countdown To Kindergarten is one of our most popular and productive programs. In the past we have been able to serve 80 children.

Check us out in 2022 10




Quality Enhancement has supported my center with many COVID preventive measures that allowed us to remain open, so that we can continue to provide quality childcare to the community during this uncertain time. Thank you, Dorchester County First Steps, for all that you do. R.S.


• What To Do With A Problem: Mathematical Thinking & Expression • What To Do With A Plan: Cognitive Development • Approaches To Play and Learning • Promoting Wellness In Child Care Groups • Creating An Environment for Large and Small Groups • Sleep Issues for Infants & Toddlers • Including All Children • Bloodborne Pathogens • Don’t Look Away Series: The Roots of Social Justice, White Privilege & Institutional Racism in EC and What should Educators Do? • Advocacy Techniques Training for Child Care Providers




We were still dealing with the pandemic during fiscal year 2021, so all DSS training was conducted virtually. As an Early Childhood Consultant and Certified Trainer with SC Endeavors, I personally provide all of the training for Dorchester First Steps. I also provide training for other First Steps around the State of SC as well as for other States. I love to teach! 12

For many families in Dorchester County, the cost of quality child care is out of reach. Our scholarship program makes payments to child care providers to care for children from low-income families so their parents can return to school or work.

Dorchester County First Steps offers scholarships to families enrolled in our Nurturing Parenting Program, Parent as Teacher Program, as well as incomeeligible families whose parent attends school or works at least 20 hours per week.



number of children served


number of providers served


number of developmental screenings provided

100% the money paid to child care providers goes back into our local economy to benefit the citizens of Dorchester County.



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PREPARING FOR STATEWIDE EXPANSION With First Steps 4K, families are in the driver’s seat. They choose the program that best meets their needs. Families can enroll their child in any of the 244 private, nonprofit, or faith-based childcare centers or schools participating in the program. The majority of First Steps 4K providers offer 8-hour day and year-round instruction, including summers, which is at no cost to parents.


NURTURING PARENTING PROGRAM The Nurturing Parenting Program targets all at-risk families with children birth to 5 years old. The programs features activities to foster positive parenting skills with nurturing behaviors, promote healthy physical and emotional development, and teach appropriate role and developmental expectations. Lessons can be delivered in a home-based setting, group-based setting, or combination of home and group settings.



Families served


Total Home Visits

367 Total Visits

Self-Care Basket Participating parents received self-care baskets similar to this one during the month of December. Helping parents to remember to take care of themselves mentally, physically and spiritually for optimum health. 15

PUBLIC AWARENESS Dorchester County First Steps in collaboration with Dorchester Library Systems has created over 170 Literacy Kits shared between both libraries. Parents and Teachers can check these Kits out to use with young children birth to age 5, just as they would a book. Dorchester First Steps refurbishes kits as needed and the library handles circulation.


180 2020

100 2021

Kits heading for refurbishing 16

Without Financial supporters, Dorchester First Steps would be hard-pressed to build capacity within the community and provide support to our families and clients. We want to thank each and every person and organization that supports us with time and finances .

FUNDING SUPPORT Xerox Corporation - $5,000 TFY Enterprises - $1,500 Morningstar Storage - $500

IN-KIND SUPPORT Morning sta r Storag e on L adson- Mr. Pell Riverp ointe Christian Academy- Kathy Jones Xerox Corp or ati o n G oodwill I ndustries I nternation al , I nc T FY Enterp rises New Jerusalem T riump hant Church

JOIN US Dorches ter Firs t Steps , ma king a difference in the lives of fa milies in Dorches ter County Text “s ubs cribe” for ma iling lis t or “ G ive” to dona te to the following number: 8 4 3 .5 0 8 .9 4 1 0 webs ite: dorches terf irs ts te ps .o r g 17

Expenditures of State Funds by Program Type

Since inception, Dorchester County First Steps has leveraged $1,822,189 from sources outside of state government.



That’s $.27 for every state dollar.

State Funding

Federal Funding

Private Funding

In-Kind Contributions


Parents as Teachers






Child Care Quality Enhancement






Child Care Training






Nurturing Parenting






Countdown to Kindergarten






Early Identification Referrals






Partnerships & Community Education






Administrative Support











Total Expenses


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Trimeka Johnson, Board Chair Lisa Hart, Vice Chair Almarie Scroggins, Secretary Ronda Simmons Tarsha Wheaton Travis Schaffer Sharon Bennett Crystal Rouse

Tracey Jackson Teresa Kelly Kathy Sanders Rep. Marvin Pendarvis Hafeezah Yates Barbara Phillips Elizabeth Neal

STAFF I vory Mitchell, Quality Enhancement Director Alicia T urner, Parents As T eacher Prog ram Director Ariel T aylor , Nurturing Parenting Parent Educator Maria Michalet , Americorp Memb er Dr. Crystal Y. Camp b ell, Executive Director

CONTACT US P .O. Box 5 0 3 9 9 Summerville, SC 2 9 4 8 5 | 8 4 3 .9 9 8 .5 5 0 5 | W ebs ite: dorches terfi rs ts teps . or g

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