Florence County First Steps Annual Report 2020-2021

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Collaborating with other entities, First Steps helps Florence families and caregivers prepare their children for school success by maximizing public and private community resources to deliver, enhance and expand high-quality early childhood services.

The years of early childhood are critical window of development during which much human potential is shaped. Families are the single most important influence on the development of their young children. School readiness is the result of a child’s development in many areas, with each contributing to the child’s success.

1. By FY 23, the percentage of children in need who are directly served by Florence County First Steps will increase from 25% to 30%.

2. By FY 23, the percentage of children enrolled in high intensity programs will increase from 6% to 11%.

3. By FY 23, the percentage of children under age 6 who benefit from Florence County First Steps quality enhancement and training efforts will increase from 14% to 19%.


Increase the number of children served by Florence County First Steps.


Families will have access to high intensity programs funded by Florence County First Steps.


Children will have access to high quality childcare facilities.

Street, City SC 00000 | 000-000-0000 | website OR scfirststeps.org/county

415 South Coit St. Florence SC 29501 | 843-629-0202 | florencefirststeps.org



Executive Director Florence County First Steps

Since 1999, our mission has always been to serve the children of Florence County by helping families get resources they need to ensure their child's success in school and in life. As we reflect on the 2021 fiscal year, COVID-19 continued to bring challenges, including daycares closings and a staggering number of job losses and unemployment. Despite this, Florence County First Steps (FCFS) continued with our programs and followed every protocol to ensure the safety of staff, daycare providers, families, and children. Our Child Care Training program went virtual, and we held a total of 7 training sessions which were attended by a grand total of 91 teachers and directors. Our Child Care Scholarship program served 23 children and 8 providers. This program also provided 22 developmental screenings. The Parent-Child Home (PCH) Program—in collaboration with Florence School Districts Three and Five—served 26 families and provided over 1,617 total home visits. The Quality Enhancement (QE) program, which works to help providers and daycares be the very best they can be, served 92 providers, with 149 Technical Assistant (TA) visits and helped 371 children. FCFS is a part of a resilient community who—even when facing a historic pandemic—strives to help the smallest residents of Florence County and makes sure to get the work done. Please know that every dollar invested into FCFS goes back into this community, and your support truly makes a difference.


Every child in Florence County will be prepared for success in school. 6

PARENT-CHILD HOME Parent-Child Home (PCH) is a program designed to build strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to succeed. PCH services include: Personal Visits at least six times monthly Screenings and Assessments to identify concerns Service to the most at-risk children and their families Connections to outside resources families may need to succeed.



families served

1617 total home visits






“The Great E ight”: A n E arly Childhood Leaders’ Top 8 D omains for a Highly E ffectiv e Child D ev elopment Center

“A m I Really Ready ?”: How to A ssure You A re Up to D ate on A ll Things Health and Safety

“The Checklist”: How to Keep E mploy ees Happy and Fulfilled

“W hat are we D oing Today ?”: Refining Lesson Plans, Schedules, and Co-teachi ng Curriculum A ctiv ities

“W hy A m I Here”: Recalling Your Purpose and Reclaiming Your Sanity as an E arly Childhood Professional “A Place Called There”: How to Make Your School a Place W here E v ery one W ants to Be


Lit Lesson Plans”: How to Create Flexible Lesson Plans that Meet Your Students’ Needs



Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together. SCOTT HAYDEN 9

For many families in Florence County, the cost of quality child care is out of reach. Our scholarship p rog ram m akes p ayments to child care p roviders to care for children from low-income families so their p arents can return to school or work.

Florence County First Step s offers scholarship s to child care facilities that p articip ate in our Quality Enhancement p rog ram, as well as income-elig ib le children whose p arent attends school or works at least 2 0 hours p er week.



number of children served


number of providers served


families served

100% the money paid to child care providers goes back into our local economy to benefit the citizens of Florence County. (left: toys from scholarship dropin for families)




T hroug h p artnership s and collab or a ti ons , as well as financial sup p ort from g rants and contrib uti ons , Florence County First Step s leverag es state dollars to enhance and exp and services to children and families.

FUNDING SUPPORT State of South Carolina: $ 3 9 6 ,2 2 4 (t hr oug h Sout h Car olina Fir st St ep s) SC Dep artment of Social Services: $ 1 2 1 ,2 7 9 SC Center for Child Care Career Develop ment: $ 2 ,0 0 0

IN-KIND SUPPORT Florence School District 3 Florence School District 4 Florence School District 5 Kap lan Early L earning Comp any , L L C. South Carolina Dep artment of Social Services South Carolina Endeavors

JOIN US For more informati on on p artnership op p ortunities, visit our web site at florencefi rs ts teps .o r g


Expenditures of State Funds by Program Type 1%

Since inception, Florence County First Steps has leveraged $2,785.782 from sources outside of state government. That’s $0.25 for every state dollar.


State Funding

Federal Funding

Private Funding

In-Kind Contributions







Scholarships Initiatives






Child Care Quality Enhancement






Child Care Training






Parent-Child Home






Core Functions






Administrative Support











Scholarships DSS

Total Expenses


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nicole Echols, Chairp erson

Elenora Fleming

Pheob e Clark, Vice Chairp erson

Orb ree Friday

G loria Bracey, Secretary

Sandra Sturkie

NayNariu m Alls

Deb b ie Jones

Rev. Darren McClam

L ura Marsh

T icey Fleming

Reg ina Nesmith-Dimery

Sharon W illiams

Kip p ie Brown

Brenda Hannah

STAFF Sp encer R. Scott, Executive Director L ana Hop kins, G rant Coordin at o r Anastasia Sp ann, Prog ram Coordinat o r Carolyn Jeffords, Consultant

CONTACT US 4 1 5 South Coit St. Florence SC 2 9 5 0 1 | 8 4 3 -6 2 9 -0 2 0 2 | florencefi rs ts teps .o r g


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