Horry County First Steps Annual Report 2020-2021

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To ensure children start school ready to learn by supporting the caring adults who touch their lives. We establish partnerships and secure resources to provide programs focusing on quality early care and education, family support, health, and early literacy.

We believe readiness to learn includes physical, mental, social, emotional and developmental well-being A commitment to the success of all children in our community Are supportive of parents as the child’s first and best teachers We believe in participation as essential to our success We believe the partnership and community are mutually accountable to children. We continuously work toward racial equity in all programs and partnerships

Increase the reach of First Steps services By FY23, HCFS will double the percentage from 6 to 12 of enrolled children residing within the 29568, 29569, 29545, and 29526 zip codes.. Reduce the racial/ethnic gap in Kindergarten Readiness By 2023, the percentage of children who score at the highest level on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment between White Kindergartners and Black/Hispanic Kindergartners will be less than 10%. .

Increase the support for and use of First Steps programs

Strengthen interagency partnerships and public-private collaboration

Obtain the funding we need to support excellence, promote innovation, and to sustain core programs despite fluctuating funds

Street, City SC 00000 | 000-000-0000 | website OR scfirststeps.org/county

1511 9th Avenue, Conway 29536 |843-488-3336 | hcfirststeps.org




Amy Breault

Executive Director Horry County First Steps

Although FY21 was overshadowed by the continued impacts of COVID-19, the programs and partnerships supported by Horry County First Steps never wavered. We continually focused on our mission, the needs of our clients, and achievements of our partners to get us through the darkest of times. Throughout this Annual Report it is my pleasure to present a snapshot of the accomplishments of many dedicated individuals and programs. As we look to a time of post-COVID may we never forget the lessons learned, partnerships formed, and lives impacted.



is that every child will enter school healthy and ready to learn.


PAT GOES VIRTUAL Due to COVID-19, Parents as Teachers (PAT) National provided guidance for affiliates to deliver virtual services via interactive video conferencing and phone calls. South Carolina PAT affiliates rose to the occasion by engaging families in creative and meaningful ways while continuing to


37 514

Families served

Home visits completed

meet the Essential Requirements of implementing a quality PAT program during the pandemic.

The HCFS Parents As Teachers program completed the Parents as Teachers Quality Endorsement and Improvement Process and earned the highest designation: Blue Ribbon Affiliate status. Being named a Blue-Ribbon Affiliate affirms that HCFS PAT is among the highest quality members of the home visitation and parent education field, implementing the evidence-based Parents as Teachers model with fidelity and quality.






Child Care Management part 1 and 2 Program Administration part 1 and 2 Classroom Management Health and Safety in ECE part 1 and 2 Creative Curriculum part 1 and 2




“I would rate this training a 10 out of 10 because it was informative and

well thought out. I enjoyed the breakout sessions because I learned different ways to transition and use songs throughout the day.”

- Child Care Training Participant


Finklea Family Afterschool Program The Finklea Family Afterschool (FFAS) program provides tutoring, mentoring, and active play opportunities for children attending Green Sea Floyds Elementary. The FFAS program begins the afternoon with a healthy snack and outside time for the children. The children then receive homework help and support from caring adults. The program ensures that children can access a safe, nurturing environment where they can get the support needed to remain successful in school.



hours of contact provided


number of children 0-5 enrolled in afterschool classrooms


Raising A Reader Raising A Reader is a proven early literacy and family engagement program that is based on more than 25 years of early childhood development research. Raising A Reader makes a positive and lasting impact, significantly improving both family reading behavior, parent-child bonding and kindergarten readiness across diverse cultural and language demographics. As a result of COVID-19, HCFS implemented the Raising A Reader Family Shared Reading Program. The Family Shared Reading Program promotes the development of home-based reading routines and meaningful home-school connections. It provides families with multicultural, bilingual children’s books and a family guide that equips parents/caregivers with strategies to maximize shared reading time.


3,092 Books distributed


StoryWalk StoryWalk® is an innovative and delightful way for children — and adults! — to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. Laminated pages from a children's book are attached to wooden stakes, which are installed along an outdoor path. As you stroll down the trail, you're directed to the next page in the story. Horry County First Steps and Chapin Memorial Library have partnered and established a StoryWalk at Market Commons. The StoryWalk is close to Savannah’s Playground. Additional StoryWalk locations are currently under consideration.


EARLY EDUCATION ART PROGRAM The Myrtle Beach Art Museum implements the Early Art Education program to connect young children to various cognitive skills using books and visual art experiences. Mr. Colin Riebe, Education and Outreach Coordinator provides materials, books, and lesson plans to preschool teachers in participating childcare facilities. Concepts such as line, color, shape, texture are introduced to young children in an engaging way. The children are exposed to high quality children’s books as part of the program. Once the book is read with the children, they are encouraged to create a piece of artwork related to the concept being covered that month. The teachers continue the learning by utilizing the lesson plans created by Mr. Riebe.


2,765 children served


providers served


Horry County AmeriCorps Members

1 Hours served in the community

600 AmeriCorps member Highlights: Include narrative on how the AmeriCorps member supported your local partnership/ community. Example, you should list projects supported or lead by your AmeriCorps member and the impact made in the community.

Segal Education Award

$ 3,097.50 14


411 28

PREPARING FOR STATEWIDE EXPANSION With First Steps 4K, families are in the driver’s seat. They choose the program that best meets their needs. Families can enroll their child in any of the 244 private, nonprofit, or faith-based childcare centers or schools participating in the program. The majority of First Steps 4K providers offer 8-hour day and year-round instruction, including summers, which is at no cost to parents.


Addressing the needs of young children is a shared endeavor. I n addition to p roviding services to families and sup p ort for childcare p roviders, Horry County First Step s mob ilizes p artners and community memb ers to ensure all children in Horry County b eg in school ready to succeed. W e serve as a:


referrals for childcare assistance


referrals for other early education service

“[My child] is able to identify every letter of the alphabet by sight at the age of 2 and a half. She has started 'reading' books by creating her own story by looking at the illustrations. She is also speaking in full sentences the majority of the time. - Ready4K participant


T hroug h p artnership s and collab or a ti ons , as well as financial sup p ort from g rants and contrib uti ons , Horry County First Step s leverag es state dollars to enhance and exp and services to children and families.

FUNDING SUPPORT T he Honorab le G reg Hemb ree, $ 5 0 0 SC Endeavors, $ 2 ,0 0 0 South Carolina First Step s, $ 6 3 4 ,9 6 8

IN-KIND SUPPORT Ready4 K, $ 7 ,2 8 0 The Finklea High and Loris Training School Alumni Association, $32,043 Myrtle Beach Art Museum, $6,540 Lakeshore Early Learning, $7,233 PASOs, $26,500

JOIN US For more informati on on p artnership op p ortunities, visit our web site at hcf irststeps. or g 17

Expenditures of State Funds by Program Type 13%

Since inception, Horry County First Steps has leveraged $5,203,904 from sources outside of state government. That’s $0.45 for every state dollar.


State Funding

Federal Funding

Private Funding

In-Kind Contributions


Parents as Teachers






Child Care Quality Enhancement






Child Care Training






Raising A Reader






Finklea Family Afterschool Program












Early Education Art Program






Early Identification & Referrals






Partnerships & Community Education






Administrative Support











Total Expenses


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sp encer McKnig ht, Board Chairp erson

Stacey L oCasci o , Parent of Preschool Children

Jennifer Nassar, Secretary

L indsay Mag lioc c o , Parent of Preschool Children

Shayla L iving ston, T reasurer

Ang ela G rissett, Ap p ointed b y the SC DHEC

Deb i Cob urn, Comp liance Officer

L ynn McKiernan, Ap p ointed b y HC L ib rary System

Dorina Fraser, Childcare & Early Childhood Dev.

T ammy Martin, Ap p ointed b y HC School District

Amb er Rog ers, Childcare & Early Childhood Dev.

STAFF Amy Breault, Executive Director Melissa Vlasaty, Prog ram Coordinat o r Amanda L atwaitis, Prog ram Assistant Deanna W ilson, PAT Prog ram Sup ervisor G loria W hite, PAT Parent Educator Chelsea W illiams, PAT Parent Educator Monica Stukes, FQE T echnical Assistant

CONTACT US 1 5 1 1 9 t h Avenue, Suite A, Conwa y , SC, 2 9 5 2 6 | 8 4 3 -4 8 8 -3 3 3 6 | www.hc firs ts te ps .o r g


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