To ensure all Jasper County children will start school ready to reach their highest potential through engaged support from parents, caregivers and our communities.
Increase the reach of First Steps services
Increase participation in high intensity programs
More kindergarteners will arrive to school prepared for success
Children – Community – Equity
Quality – Results Provide high quality, evidence-based programming to ensure children and ready for kindergarten
Create and environment that is equitable and inclusive that celebrates the value of diverse voices
Serve as a community convener and portal to build a caring community around the interest of young children, families and service providers
Increase funding for investment in early childhood
456 Grays Hwy., Ridgeland, SC 29936 | 843-726-5100 |
Duchett Polite Hylton Executive Director Jasper County First Steps
A retrospect of FY21 revealed the resilience and fortitude of the citizens of Jasper County. As a community, we met challenges of pandemic proportions with the determination of the little engine – we thought we could, and we did! On behalf of Jasper Co First Steps, I thank all of our partners and supporters who climbed the hill with us these past 18 months! I would like to highlight a few here: SC Ports Authority – Healthy Environments Supporter Bundles of Joy - Diaper Bank Distributer Antioch Education Center – Community Baby Shower Hunger Free Zone – Food Bank Morris Center of Lowcountry Heritage – Arts and Literacy Presentations Hardeeville Community Library – Literacy Presentations Powerhouse Entertainment – JagNation Sponsor CAPA & Bluffton Self Help – Christmas Angel Tree Supporters Faith-based Community & Local Government Agencies And countless others… If the response to trials reveals character, Jasper County has shown herself to be one of the best! Thank you all for recognizing and meeting the needs of children. We are honored to serve our community with you!
We will be successful when all Jasper County children reach their highest potential.
Act early on concerns to make a real difference for your child! If you’re concerned about your child’s development, don’t wait. You know your child best. Early intervention helps children improve their abilities and learn new skills. Take these steps to help your child today: 1.Speak to your health care provider 2.Ask for a referral to a specialist, and 3.Call Jasper County First Steps to get your child screened and find out how your child can get services to help.
PAT GOES VIRTUAL Due to COVID-19, Parents as Teachers (PAT) National provided guidance for affiliates to deliver virtual services via interactive video conferencing and phone calls. South Carolina PAT affiliates rose to the occasion by engaging families in creative and meaningful ways while continuing to
23 256
families served
total home visits
meet the Essential Requirements of implementing a quality PAT program during the pandemic.
100% of our PAT families would highly recommend First Steps’ PAT program to a friend or family member
587 5418 Books are 100% free to children in Jasper County because Jasper County First Steps secures the funds to cover the cost of books and shipping fees.
Sponsor a child for just $25 a year.
• Developing & Strengthening Early Childhood Administrators, p. 1 & 2 • Supporting Young Children’s Developmental Needs • Physical Development • The Creative Teacher in the Early Childhood Classroom • The Characteristics of Play and Creativity in Early Childhood • Designing Dev Appropriate Environments Inside and Out, p. 1 & 2
A well-trained workforce is needed to meet the growing need for high quality childcare and to ensure that children are prepared and start school ready to learn. Continued education leads to improved skills and children who are more likely to flourish and have greater opportunities for learning.
Fo r m an y f a milies in Jas p er C o unt y , t h e c o st o f qu ali t y child c a r e is ou t of re a c h. O ur sch o l arsh ip p r o g r a m ma k es p a yment s t o c hild c a re p r o v ide rs t o c are f or chi ldre n fr o m low-income fam ilies so their p arents can return to school or work.
Ja sp er C oun t y Firs t Step s o ffe rs s ch ol a rs hip s t o f amilies e nr ol led in our P are nts A s T e a chers a nd E a rl y I dentif i c ati o n and Ref err al p r og r ams , f or i nc o me-eli g ib le chi ldre n wh ose p a ren t a tten ds s ch o o l o r w o r ks at leas t 2 0 h ou rs p e r w eek. W e als o p r o vid e Summer t r ansi ti on a l sch o l arsh ip s t o c hild r en w h o a tte nded SCF S 4 K p r o g r a ms in th e county.
number of children served
number of providers served
number of developmental screenings provided
100% the money paid to child care providers goes back into our local economy to benefit the citizens of Jasper County.
17 2
PREPARING FOR STATEWIDE EXPANSION With First Steps 4K, families are in the driver’s seat. They choose the program that best meets their needs. Families can enroll their child in any of the 244 private, nonprofit, or faith-based child care centers or schools participating in the program. The majority of First Steps 4K providers offer 8-hour day and year-round instruction, including summers, which is at no cost to parents.
Addressing the needs of young children is a shared endeavor. I n addition to p roviding services to families and sup p ort for childcare p roviders, Jasp er County First Step s mob ilizes p artners and community memb ers to ensure all children in Jasp er County b eg in school ready to succeed. W e serve as a:
10 Childcare Providers Healthy Environments recipients
11 Community Events
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
T hroug h p artnership s and collab or a ti ons , as well as financial sup p ort from g rants and contrib uti ons , Jasp er County First Step s leverag es state dollars to enhance and exp and services to children and families.
FUNDING SUPPORT South Carolina First Step s
$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
Jasp er County G overnment
$ 1 5 ,0 0 0
SC Endeavors
$ 2 ,0 0 0
SC Ports Authority
$ 1 ,0 0 0
IN-KIND SUPPORT Dollywo od Foundation
$ 5 8 ,1 4 7
Jasp er County G overnment
$ 2 8 ,8 0 0
JOIN US FY2 2 Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors will b e held Friday, Octob er 8 , 2 0 2 1 via the Zoom p latform. T he theme is “Conversa ti ons Ab out Our Children and T heir Mental Health – T he I mp act of Crises on Child Develop ment”
For more informati on on p artnership op p ortunities, visit our web site at www.j a sperf irs tste ps.o r g 14
Expenditures of State Funds by Program Type 1%
Since inception, Jasper County First Steps has leveraged $1,669,069 from sources outside of state government. That’s $0.44 for every state dollar.
State Funding
Federal Funding
Private Funding
In-Kind Contributions
Parents as Teachers
Imagination Library
Child Care Training
Scholarship Initiative
Early Identification & Referral
Core Functions
Administrative Support
Countdown to Kindergarten
Total Expenses
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. T om Balliet, T reasurer
Ms. Kimb erly Malp hrus, Secretary
Mr. Kenneth Bell
Ms. Constance Martin-W itter , Vice-Chair
Dr. Kelvin Bostick
Ms. Jessica McCollou g h
Ms. Darlene Burroug hs
Rev. Dave A. Mitchell, I I I
Ms. Mildred Daniels
Ms. Mattie W ideman
Ms. Deloris Dunham
Ms. Marg aret W illiams
Ms. Eleanor Hazel, Board Chair
STAFF Duchett Polite Hylton, Executive Director Pam ela Rose, Parenting Sup ervisor Cierra Jenkins, Parent Educator
CONTACT US 4 5 6 G ra y s H wy | P O Box 7 7 6 , Ridgela nd, SC 2 9 9 3 6 | 8 4 3 -7 2 6 -5 1 0 0 | www.j a sperf irs tste ps.o r g