To help Marion County families and caregivers prepare their children for school success by collaborating with other entities to maximize public and private community recourses to deliver, enhance, and expand high - quality early childhood services.
By FY 23 , the percentage of children in need who are directly served by Marion County First Steps will increase from 25 % to 30 %
By FY 23 , the percentage of children enrolled in high intensity programs will increase from 6 % to 11 % .
The years of early childhood are critical window of development during which much human potential is shaped. Families are the single most important influence on the development of their young children. School readiness is the result of a child’s development in many areas, with each contributing to the child’s success. .
• Increase Literacy Program to serve at least 5 faith-based sites in Marion County.
By FY 24 , the percentage of children under age 6 who benefit from Marion County First Steps quality enhancement and training efforts will increase from 14 % to 19 % .
• Increase the number of certified trainers in Marion County by 10%.
• Increase scholarships to 30 and serve children in hard-to-reach rural areas of Marion County.
• Will participate in 6 parent meetings.
609 North Main St. Marion SC 29571 | 843-629-0202 | marionfirststeps.org
Last year, because of Marion County First Steps: 74% more likely to score at the highest level on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment 34% less likely to be chronically absent in kindergarten PROVEN RESULTS A 2019 study found that children who received First Steps local partnership services were: $1 = $1.33 Marion County First Steps leveraged $65,331 from sources outside of state government, providing a match of $0.33 for every state dollar invested 59 educators participated in First Steps training and professional development, benefitting 500+ children 66 parents & caregivers received services and support to be their child’s first and most important teacher 6,452 children directly served in Marion County
Spencer R. Scott, MBA Executive Director
Marion County First Steps
The 2022 fiscal year was overshadowed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and delta variant, but things slowly started coming back to normal Marion County First Steps (MCFS) took every precaution to ensure safety for staff and providers and the vision of MCFS carried on Implemented changes continued for most of the year, including virtual quality enhancement and parenting meetings and childcare trainings; with MCFS continually adjusting. FY22 also saw the addition of key educational programs.
A grand total of 6,968 people parents and children were served by MCFS. Our Child Care Scholarship program awarded a total of 11 families and 6 providers funds that help alleviate the costs of daycare and encouraged parents to keep moving towards their career and educational goals
Marion County First Steps partnered with Florence County First Steps from April through June, providing hours in childcare sessions. The literacy program continued to excel, distributing 1,934 books and serving around 281 families. 26 providers, with a total of 283 children enrolled in their centers, were reached through our Quality Enhancement program, with 80 technical assistance visits completed
MCFS was also able to receive PDG funding from South Carolina First Steps to implement new initiatives: HIPPY and Countdown to Kindergarten. We received a grant through SC DSS to serve Florence & Marion families and group children facilities, and another from SC Endeavors to hire master level trainers to offer quality childcare training
Marion County has been very open to HIPPY, the home visiting parent that enriches parents to become their child’s best teacher, as well as the nurturing parent program, ran by our parent coordinators, made possible through grant funding. They have been able to serve over 15 families and conducted a total of 66 home visits. We were also able to launch the Countdown to Kindergarten (CTK) and Countdown to 4K (CT4K) programs
MCFS remains committed to ensuring that the smallest citizens of Marion County are ready for school and for life Thanks to the board and staff of MCFS, as well as assistance from providers, community members, and partners, we continue making this vision a reality. As Maria Montessori said , “Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.”
Spencer R. Scott
Annette Gerald Board Chair Marion County First Steps Board of Trustees
As sitting chairperson for the Marion County First Steps Board Chair, the past year has been one of learning, new experiences and rolling with change I am honored to be a part of an early childhood community service program that has helped and is helping our community grow Marion County children and their families truly deserve an organization whose sole purpose is to ensure all children are healthy and ready to succeed in the first grade. It has added not only a renewed sense of purpose for me, but has also fed into my desire to be a part of the change I want to see in my community
Over the last year, the Marion County First Steps Partnership Board (MCFS) served the neediest families in the County and provided education for teachers who served those families, provided training to childcare providers, offered parenting and group meetings for young parents and distributed thousands of books to children in the community I have seen a new love of reading and thirst for education from our youngest children, solidifying the fact that this program continues to make a difference
Our Board along with Spencer R Scott, ED and staff, we have grown our Partnership to 10 programs this current year. We add HIPPY (Americorps), Nurturing Parenting Program, Countdown to Kindergarten and Countdown to 4K. All of these initiatives are geared towards enhancing the lives of our children and their families
I am grateful to the Executive Director, Mr Spencer R Scott, as well as his staff and my fellow board members, who all tirelessly continue working towards a common goal, all while feeding the minds of our youngest generation. They stand as an unmovable rock in our communities. We salute Mr Scott for having a heart for the people Congratulations, Marion County First Steps, for serving our County so well We look forward to many more years of continued partnership
child in Marion County will be prepared for success in school.
6 88 5
3 1,236
First Steps Director, Spencer R. Scott proudly displaying the AmeriCorp signage in front of Florence County First Steps Office.
Children from one of Marion County’s quality enhancement program sites enjoy fun Easter celebration activities.
8 6
80 193
5 15
14 22.5 7 11
Certified trainer Deanna Woodberry enthusiastically provides instruction to a lively group of childcare providers. Providers had the opportunity to learn about and discuss the use of effective communication in the childcare environment through classroom management.
Marion County First Steps Literacy Program offers an integrated and family friendly approach to helping both parents and children improve their literacy skills. Ageappropriate books are distributed to each child and each participating classroom receives a copy of the book to use in their literacy centers or for shared reading experiences. Training in storytelling techniques are integrated in the read aloud sessions for 3 - and 4 - year - olds. The program also provides activities for parents to use with their children to reinforce reading at home.
Literacy program coordinator, Ms. “Bee” celebrates Fall at Palmetto Education Head start. Each child received a book to take home with them. "There
MARION COUNTY LITERACY PROGRAM BY THE NUMBERS 2021 - 2022 26 Number of Sites 142 number of reading hours 283 number of children enrolled in provider classrooms 1934 number books distributed
are many little ways to
Love of books is the best of all."
enlarge your child's world.
Jackie Kennedy
15 6
Nurturing parenting families participate in a group meeting .
206 5 2
Beryl Collington, Literacy Coordinator, reading The Tooth Book and showcasing the way to clean your teeth to children during Dental Week.
Due to Covid 19., the red bags were not rotated. However, the literacy coordinator read to the children a book from the RAR collection. participating classrooms
County First Step’s Raising a Reader program represented in Marion County’s
fall festivities.
134 9 Marion
06 06 120 720
Countdown to Kindergarten – 4K has made quite an impact on both the children and the parents. Parents say they enjoy the quality time they spend with their children and the open communication with the teachers. The highlight for me is bonding over books and rekindling a love for reading with my classroom. Thanks to this program, children are leaving 4K more prepared, and the parents and teachers are a dynamic team with one goal – instilling a love for reading in our young .
Sonazera Hodge, 4K Teacher, Sugar Bears Daycare
3 5 38 228
I am excited about the district's partnership with Marion County First Steps Countdown to Kindergarten program. The Countdown to Kindergarten program allows our teachers to build relationships with their students and parents before the school year ever starts. Students and parents have the opportunity to learn about kindergarten and what they should expect in the upcoming year. This program ensures a smooth transition for these students into kindergarten. Students, parents, and teachers have expressed how beneficial this program has been. For the past two years, we have participated in this program and are proud of the number of students we are able to serve. We look forward to continuing this partnership.
Shalah S. Sweeney, Ed.S., Marion County School District
Addressing the needs of young children is a shared endeavor. In addition to providing services to families and support for childcare providers, Marion County First Steps mobilizes partners and community members to ensure all children in Marion County begin school ready to succeed. We serve as a:
Ms. Beryl Collington, Literacy Coordinator, at "We’d be Lucky to have you" St. Patrick's Day 4K registration at the Academy of Early Learning.
750 Children
1021 Families
0-5 served
Through partnerships and collaborations, as well as financial support from grants and contributions, Marion County First Steps leverages state dollars to enhance and expand services to children and families.
State of South Carolina: $200,000 (through South Carolina First Steps)
SC Department of Social Services: $46,200
Pleasant Grove Academy
McGill’s Bundles of Joy Academy of Early Learning
Little Promises Learning Academy
Troy Johnson Learning Korner
Sugar Bears DC/CD Center
Florence County First Steps
Marion County First Steps Board of Directors
For more information on partnership opportunities, visit our website at marionfirststeps.org
State Funding Federal Funding Private Funding In-Kind Contributions Total Family Literacy $19,439 $0 $0 $0 $19,439 Raising A Reader $30,052 $0 $0 $0 $30,052 Nurturing Parenting $0 $34,885 $0 $0 $34,885 HIPPY $0 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000 Countdown to Kindergarten $24,391 $3,904 $0 $0 $28,295 Child Care Quality Enhancement $24,406 $0 $0 $8,945 $33,351 Child Care Training $12,211 $0 $0 $8,925 $21,136 Scholarship Initiatives $80,173 $0 $0 $0 $80,173 Core Functions $18,833 $5,017 $589 $8,925 $33,363 Administrative Support $12,656 $0 $253 $4,774 $17,684 Total Expenses $222,162 $58,806 $842 $59,993 $341,802 23% 77% Since inception, Marion County First Steps has leveraged $1,047,622 from sources outside of state government. That’s $0.20 for every state dollar. 19 Expenditures of State Funds by Program Type
Annette Gerald, Board Chair
Donald Fling, Vice - Chair
Victoria Belin, Treasurer
Tanya M. Hodge, Vice Treasurer
Qurita McGowan
Shalah Sweeney
Farrah Woodberry - Owens
Hayley Tucker
Denita Davis
Tracey Hagan
Georgette Washington
Myesha Hughes - Rogers
Evelyn Grant
Donna Stackhouse
Spencer R Scott, Executive Director
Edith Robinson, Executive Administrative Assistant
Beryl Collington, Literacy Coordinator
Tyneisha George, Parenting Educator
Janelle Samuels, Parenting Educator
Lana Hopkins, Program Coordinator
Anastasia Spann, Program Coordinator
609 North Main St. Marion SC 29571 | 843-629-0202 | http://marionfirststeps.org
Total number of documents printed: 13. Cost per unit: $17.14. Total printing cost: $222.86.