Newberry County First Steps Annual Report 2021-2022

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Working in partnership with parents, families, caregivers, educators, and our community, Newberry County First Steps fosters nurturing experiences so that children will reach their highest potential.

Children Are Healthy and Safe

Newberry County First Steps will enhance and Expand Quality Programs

Newberry County First Steps will Provide Accessible and Equitable Services

More Children Arrive at Kindergarten Ready for Success

Increase the Reach of First Steps Services

• Early childhood development is critical in shaping human potential.

• Families are the single most important influence on the development of their young children.

• The work of supporting families and caregivers is a collaborative effort between state and local stakeholders within public, private and faith sectors.

• School readiness is the result of a child's development in the areas of social interaction, play, language, emotional development, physical skills, literacy, and fine motor skills, with each contributing to the child's success in school.

• Services must be individualized and adaptable to meet the unique needs of children and families.

• We value and demonstrate in our collaborative work and advocacy, diverse perspectives in the development of public policy and programs.

• To achieve desired results, services must be high quality and grounded in strong evidence. First Steps operates within a culture of accountability.

PO Box 25 | 709 Kendall Road, Newberry, SC 29108 | 803-321-1073 |
Last year, because of Newberry County First Steps: 74% more likely to score at the highest level on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment 34% less likely to be chronically absent in kindergarten PROVEN RESULTS A 2019 study found that children who received First Steps local partnership services were: $1 = $1.62 Newberry County First Steps leveraged $126,446 from sources outside of state government, providing a match of $0.62 for every state dollar invested 73 educators participated in First Steps training and professional development, benefitting 500+ children 1,080 parents & caregivers received services and support to be their child’s first and most important teacher 1,568 children directly served in Newberry County


Encouraging a child means that one or more of the following critical life messages are coming through, either by word or by action: I believe in you, I trust you, I know you can handle this, You are listened to, You are cared for, You are very important to me. ~ Barbara Coloroso

“I believe in you, I trust you, I know you can handle this; you are listened to.” As adults, we want to hear these words of support and encouragement. If these sentiments mean so much to us as adults, think of the impact positive affirmations have on children, caregivers, parents, and families, especially when followed by actions! Newberry County First Steps (NCFS) along with community and agency partners put actions behind the words. We work together to provide high-quality early learning programs, services, and resources for children, parents, caregivers, and early childhood educators. Support comes in many forms, including parenting classes, literacy programs, connections to community resources, and early childhood education training.

Families, individuals, and community play vital roles in growing strong, resilient children and families. Collaboration and community partners are a hallmark of the work we do. On behalf of NCFS, I thank our Partnership Board, staff, community and agency partners, local government, state government, SC First steps, and our families, children, and community members. We cannot do this important work without you!



Newberry County First Steps

I consider it a great honor to serve as Chair for Newberry County First Steps. Mrs. Sarah Eargle, Executive Director, and the Newberry First Steps team embrace the mission of First Steps and work tirelessly to provide effective early childhood services to those in the community. Research has clearly proven early childhood interventions can positively change a child’s development path. With the continuous support of community members, partners, and the Board of Trustees., Newberry First Steps will continue to provide high quality resources and services to ensure all children begin school ready to learn at their highest potential.

Roberta Hall Kinard


Newberry County children will be prepared to reach their highest potential.

6 14 1
7 1 350 $1,718.25 AmeriCorps Member reading to children from the Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center.


53 2 126

child care providers served

number of TA visits provided

number of children 0-5 enrolled in provider classrooms

The children in our centers enjoy some new materials and equipment. Directors and teachers work with their technical assistant to learn and improve their classrooms and methods creating the best possible environments and educational opportunities for their students.


193 14 28 12 65

We thank you all for providing our center with the training classes and they all are amazing! I feel like what I do is so much more important than I think.


Learning to work together during Candi Lalonde’s training, “Math is Everywhere.” Everyone had to add up to 21 without being able to see their own cards and without talking! Teamwork at its best.

480 20 4651

My child loves to bring home his book to share with us. We read the book together many times. Sometimes he even “reads” to us!

Preschool Parent

Children enjoy engaging with the Outreach Librarian. Developing early language and literacy skills provides the foundation for all other learning.

Newberry First Steps partners with the Newberry County Library to provide this program. Books are 100% free to the participating children in Newberry County.


30 561 14

Families engaged in parent/child time at the Fall Celebration Parenting Group Meeting

2715 2

Over 85% of parents participating in Reach Out and Read say they will increase the amount of time they spend with their children reading or looking at books, talking and interacting during daily activities, and pointing out shapes, numbers, colors, and patterns.



Level 4 Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) is a parent training program designed for parents with children ages 0-12. Triple P Level 4 uses an evidence-based curriculum to equip families with skills to help children with challenging behaviors and better function across multiple settings. Parent may receive this intervention through individualized onon-ones with Triple P parent trainers, and group sessions. Additionally, Triple P parent trainings can help parents manage misbehavior and encourage positive changes, establish rules and routines, participate in self-care, and feel confident in their parenting skills.


total parent trainings

total group attendance

During the Spring of 2022 Newberry County First Steps began the process of adding Triple P to our program offerings. A new parent educator was hired and completed training to become an accredited teacher for Triple P. An introductory group session was held laying the groundwork to fully implement the program in FY23.



6 15 62 367

CTK Participants. They are ready for Kindergarten!



The Newberry County First Steps Partnership Community Education and Outreach Plan includes: distributing education materials to reflect our partnership' s m ission and to inform the public of available resources; participate in and cosponsor community events that reach our target audience; use social media effectively to communicate, inform and activate; and network, coordinate, educate, convene parents, local community educational agencies, early childhood professionals, local leaders and the private sector on the importance of early childhood education and school readiness.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH BY THE NUMBERS 2021-2022 1787 materials distributed 11 events/projects 1015 total event attendance Newberry Octoberfest 2021 Giving out books during North Pole Nights At the Newberry Farmer’s Market Let’s Get Ready Bags

Addressing the needs of young children is a shared endeavor. In addition to providing services to families and support for child care providers, Newberry County First Steps mobilizes partners and community members to ensure all children in Newberry County begin school ready to succeed.

We serve as a:

17 community/partner meetings 108 total attendance Our Community Partners in Action
Participating in the Sheriff Dept.’s Safe Halloween Santa’s Storytime at the Newberry Museum StoryWalk at a local City Park Resource Fair with Community Organizations

Through partnerships and collaborations, as well as financial support from grants and contributions, Newberry County First Steps leverages state dollars to enhance and expand services to children and families.


State of South Carolina (Administered by SC First Steps): $200,000

Birth to 5 Preschool Development Grant (Administered by SC First Steps): $86,322

ESSER III Funding: $27,417 SC Endeavors Training Grant: $2,000

Midlands Gives and other donations from individuals: $3,581


School District of Newberry County Newberry County Library

City of Newberry Parks and Recreation AmeriCorps Newberry Adult Education SCECA District IV

The Newberry Museum

The Newberry Opera House

City of Newberry Downtown Businesses.


For more information on our programs and partnership opportunities, email, Call 803-321-1073, or visit our website at

State Funding Federal Funding Private Funding In-Kind Contributions Total Parents as Teachers $86,979 $70,075 $400 $23,180 $180,634 Quality Counts $20,698 $6,500 $0 $510 $27,708 Child Care Training $16,961 $0 $1,448 $630 $19,039 Library Based Program $18,612 $0 $0 $23,133 $41,745 Reach Out and Read $9,040 $0 $0 $90 $9,130 Triple P $0 $16,039 $0 $0 $16,039 Countdown to Kindergarten $23,315 $9,290 $0 $4,681 $37,286 Countdown to 4K $0 $7,442 $0 $0 $7,442 Core Functions $23,256 $1,003 $5,308 $570 $30,137 Administrative Support $20,821 $0 $62 $600 $21,483 Total Expenses $219,682 $110,349 $7,218 $53.394 $390,643 21% 79% Since inception, Newberry County First Steps has leveraged $1,616,565.67 from sources outside of state government. That’s $0.40 for every state dollar. 18 Expenditures of State and Federal Funds by Program Type


Roberta Hall Kinard, Chair

Alison Bowers, Vice Chair

Sheridan Murray, Secretary

Crystal Hayward, Treasurer

Antionette Alston

Beth Brooks

Bethany Counts

Susan Dawkins

Emily Drum


Sarah Eargle, Executive Director

Stacy Farr

Abigail Fuller

Lemont Glasgow

Deann McManus Liz Rivera

Emily Crump-Saddler

Lynn Williams Wanda Woodruff

Regina Eargle, Program Coordinator

Richard Saddler, Triple P Trainer

Edith Bedenbaugh, Program Assistant-Library Program CONTACT US

PO Box 25, Newberry, SC 29108 | 803-321-1073 |

Total number of documents printed: 12. Cost per unit: $17.74. Total printing cost: $212.86.

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