2014 workshop

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

目錄 / List 000

序 / Preface.


壹、計畫緣起與目的 / Origin and Purpose of the Project. ■ 緣起 / Origin ■ 內容 / Content ■ 目的 / Purpose ■ 效益 / Beneficial result ■ 主題 / Subject


貳、基地分析 / Site Analysis

■ 大佳河濱公園 / Dajia riverside park ■ 瑠公圳 / Liou Gong Zun


參、設計成果 / Design

■ Group A – New terminal center of Taipei city. ■ Group B – Renovation of Dajia Riverside ■ Group C – Renovation of Liou Gong Zun Park and Water purification. ■ Group D – Liugongjun, Wenzhou St. Part ■ Group E – Da Jia Riverside Ecological Education Demonstration Zone ■ Group F – The Revitalization of Community Waterfront Culture at Liugongjun


肆、專題演講 / keynote speeches ■ 瑠公圳-歷史、現狀、規劃、展望 ■ “北北基”綠色基盤計劃 ■ 城市綠與臺北市生態城市建設 ■ Planning and Regulatory Regimes of Waterfront Development

-- UK Experience

■ 臺灣合宜住宅政策及其規劃 -- 板橋浮洲合宜住宅投資興建計畫為例 ■ 從都市防災到耐韌都市的規劃設計 ■ 臺灣住宅政策 ■ 城市水體、環境規劃及城市休憩空間設計 -- 啟德河為例 311

伍、戶外參訪觀摩 / Field Survey

■ 大佳河濱實地考察 ■ 野柳地質公園 ■ 淡水人文知性之美 ■ 北科綠色校園 ■ 臺北市大眾捷運指揮中心 ■ 臺北願景館 - 瞭解臺北發展沿革 ■ 綠色建築案例 - 北投圖書館 ■ 臺北市花博公園 ■ 國立臺灣大學校園 - 生態池


附錄一、團隊介紹 / Appendix I team Profile ■ 香港中文大學 / CUHK ■ 國立臺北科技大學 / Taipei Tech


附錄二、活動紀錄 / Appendix II

The Photographs Of The Workshop.



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

序 Preface

/ 國立臺北科技大學 / 建築系 / 王聰榮 主任

臺北科技大學建都所與香港中文大學攜手舉辦 2014 年 BIM 建築節能國際設計工 作營,於 2014.12.12 順利圓滿落幕;謹代表臺北科技大學建築系全體師生,對此次 參與師生及工作團隊,至上誠摯謝意。 此次臺港兩地之國際設計工作營,係以永續城市環境及人居作為主題;並由臺港 兩地參與學子進行分組,針對臺灣、香港、大陸及其他國際城市,進行城市水體建 設策略之比較差異,於最終提出研究分析;期間更邀請奧地利 Graz University of Technology Wolfgang DOKONAL 教授前來指導,活動不僅為參與兩地學子帶來城市設 計發展之創新思維,更為參與學子奠定未來發展基石。 今年,臺港兩地之國際設計工作營學子透過細膩的研究分析,不僅針對世界各國 文化、經濟、生活等議題的變遷,提出不同對水體建設因應的看法、方案,以及解決 策略;同時,也對都市水體建設提出城市永續、提升生活品質、技術創新、都市與建 築及環境之涵構關聯性及其彈性多元化,以及水岸發展之概念化提案,展現臺港兩地 對城市與建築創新發展之重視。 臺北科大建築系為臺灣建築教育領航者,全體師生身為地球村的一份子,對於國 際間建築相關領域之連結,更是責無旁貸;期望未來臺北科大與香港中大之工作營能 夠持續舉辦,讓兩地建築學子共聚一堂相互學習砥礪,進而能夠成為獨具風格的城市 與建築專業之佼佼者。 本系目前正與美國、加拿大、澳洲等百大名校洽談簽署合作意向書,希望藉此開 拓師生國際視野,以為地球村共同努力;並期使建築專業能夠獲得更多認同,進而開 創臺灣建築之無限可能。 國立臺北科技大學 建築系主任

December, 2014

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

序 Preface

/ 香港中文大學 / 建築學院 / 鄒經宇 教授

培養學生與不同文化、教育及生活背景的青年學子及專家先進交流,促進港 臺兩地師生合作為目標,香港中文大學中國城市住宅研究中心自 2007 年起已多 次帶領學生與臺灣不同大專院校完成校際交流。奠基於以往兩校的合作基礎上, 今年再次與臺北科技大學建都所成功合辦 BIM 建築節能國際設計工作營,並取 得豐碩的學習成果。 今年選擇以城市水環境為研究課題,在探討城市變遷及氣候變遷的大背景下,重 新審視城市的資源特性、人文特性以及城市為環境特性,重新塑造城市親水空間 的議題,思考如何運用規劃、設計等各手段,分析不同設計規劃手段及再生城市 肌理,實現合居之環境,此議題不僅是臺灣正面臨的主要成因,其研究對於香港 、大陸都十分有意義。 秉持精益求精的辦學精神,擴大招開今年的國際設計工作營,於廣度和深度更為 擴充,為臺灣及香港師生提供一個交流、學習及探討此課題的機會,並透過創立 不同的學習機會培育下一代城市及規劃人才,本人對此深表感謝,相信此工作營 的成果,將為日後相關研究發展,奠定一定基礎,期許參與此工作營的青年學子 及專家先進能繼續為港臺的研究共盡一份心力。

香港中文大學 中國城市住宅研究中心主任

December, 2014

序 Preface

/ 國立臺北科技大學 / 能源與冷凍空調工程系 / 簡翰良 主任

有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。在 2014 年冬,來自香港、臺灣、 奧地利、等地的老師與學生,在國立臺北科技大學建築系相聚, 對於永續生態環境的議題進行跨領域的深度交流。這本成果專書 記錄了這一段精彩活潑的活動歷程;包含了演講、參訪、分析及 設計方案等豐富的內容。在能源日漸匱乏的今日,節能已成為國 際間最重要的議題,尤其是我們日常生活所切身相關的住商與運 輸的節能科技更需要全民參與。 從事工程教育多年,總覺得想做的很多,完成的卻太少,很 榮幸主持教育部”住商節能與運輸節能科技教學聯盟中心”計畫, 並藉此參與本中心協同主持人蘇瑛敏老師安排的這一場盛會,豐 富的成果讓我大開眼界,也學習到許多新的想法和教學方法。這 一本書為這個活動畫下一個完美的句點,也將延續、擴散活動的 成果,開啟更多精采的篇章。

國立臺北科技大學 能源與冷凍空調工程系 住商節能與運輸節能教學聯盟中心 主任

December, 2014

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

序 Preface

/ 國立臺北科技大學 / 建築系 / 蘇瑛敏 副教授

臺北科技大學 ( 北科大 ) 積極推動國際化與世界同步,本系所與香港中文大學 ( 港中大 ) 鄒經宇教授繼去年成功舉辦”2013 永續生態國際設計工作營”後,今年 更進一步舉行”2014 永續城市環境 BIM 建築節能國際設計工作營”,持續兩校師生 教學實務之交流,建立長期夥伴學校關係,共同擴展學生視野,增廣國際觀。 今年設計工作營以城市水環境為研究課題,在城市發展及氣候變遷的背景下, 重新審視城市的資源、人文及環境特性,塑造城市親水空間。思考如何運用規劃、 設計等手段再生水岸城市肌理,實現宜居之環境。不僅掌握全球規劃潮流趨勢,也 彰顯臺灣目前亟受關注議題。 北科大建築與都市設計研究所碩士生與港中大環境規劃技術學程 (MAEPT)、建 築 (MArch)、公共政策社會科學 (MPUP) 碩士生,以不同專長混合分組共分 6 組, 合計 46 人參與。透過體驗臺北市周邊自然及人文環境、綠色基盤、都市綠生活、 綠建築、環境保育等主題的演講及參訪,針對大佳公園、瑠公圳進行規劃設計方案 研討。特別邀請奧地利 Graz 科技大學 Wolfgang Dokonal 教授、香港中文大學鄭炳 鴻教授及成功大學吳光庭教授來指導成果發表。藉由各組互評討論機制,讓學生能 透過老師的傳授瞭解目前各類型規劃觀念趨勢及體驗不同學校的教學方式及學習文 化,達成專業知識的經驗交流,以提昇學生對於各領域專業知識的認知與激盪規劃 新構想。落實不同學校、不同文化及專業背景學生交流、思想碰撞、融合,共同完 成作業,讓同學們體驗跨國合作之團隊經驗。 本次活動籌辦過程中承蒙許多單位及專家配合協助,更感謝本系所及臺北科大 住商節能與運輸節能教學聯盟中心對本活動的支持贊助,使本次活動能順利圓滿。 在此表達最誠摯的感謝。 國立臺北科技大學 建都所 活動主辦人

敬啟 December, 2014



Origin and Purpose of the Projec.


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12


History of international workshop & Project.

緣起 Origin 此冬季學習設計工作坊將主要於臺北市及其周邊地區展開。本系所與香港中文大學鄒經宇教授除


專業學術研討會的交流之外,更進一步於今年舉行”2014 臺北科技大學建都所 & 香港中文大學永續 生態國際設計工作營”,加強兩校師生教學實務之交流,建立長期夥伴學校關係。交流工作坊期間, 課程學生將與香港中文大學學生一起,對研究基地進行深入的專題研究,且針對各組題出的研究方 向,每組同學均需對基地的發展方向進行深入思考,並提出小組的見解及發展意見,進而完成小組性 的專題研究報告。 本次國際設計工作營的主題是「永續城市環境及人居」,將邀請奧地利、香港、臺灣各地對於永 續生態環境有濃厚興趣的建築系學生與老師們共同參加。透過演講、參訪、案例分析及設計方案研擬 進行深入交流。將由學生實地參訪、論壇、設計為主。臺北科技大學與香港中文大學混合編組,每組 7-8 人編為 6 組(每組皆需有不同背景之成員),提高各校同學們的交流頻率,落實不同學校、不同 背景學生交流、思想碰撞、融合,並共同完成作業,培養團隊合作精神,讓同學們體驗跨國合作之團 隊經驗。小組成員亦可根據研習方向及內容的需要進行對比研究。簡報於十二月十二日「永續都市居 地國際交流論壇」上進行,由各界專家學者進行點評,並提供專業意見。 This winter's workshop of learning exchange will be held mainly in Taipei city and its surrounding areas. In addition to professional academic seminars exchange between the Department and Chinese University Hong Kong's Pro. Jingyu Zou, we further hold "2014 Institute of Taipei University of Science and Technology & Chinese University Hong Kong International Workshop on Sustainable Urban Habitats & Liftstyle. This year, hoping to strengthen the exchange of teaching practice between teachers and students from both universities, and to establish long-term inter-university partnership. During the workshop, students, along with those of Chinese University Hong Kong, will conduct further thematic studies into the research base. At the same time, according to the research direction from each group, students from each group are required to have a through [or deeper] thinking towards the developing direction of the base, and to put forward the group's insight and suggestions, thus complete the group's Report of the Thematic Research. The theme of this time's International Design Workshop is "sustainable urban residence". We will invite students and teachers from the Department of Architecture from Austria, HK, and Taiwan, who have a strong interest in sustainable ecological environment, to join in. Through lectures, visits, case analysis, and design research, we will have an in-depth exchange. It will mainly focus on student's investigation, discussion, and operation. There will be 6 groups, each contains 6-7 students mixed-grouped from Taipei Science and Technology University and The Chinese University Hong Kong, (each group are required to have members from different background). This will improve the exchanging frequency between students from each university, and implement the exchange between different universities and different backgrounds. Through the collision and fusion of different thoughts, student will complete the work together, which will cultivate team spirit, and allows the students to have a taste on the team experience of international cooperation. According to the direction of the workshop and the need of the content, members from each group can also conduct comparative studies. The presentation will be held on December 12th's "Sustainable Urban Habitats & Liftstyle'', in which experts and scholars from every field will, and provide professional advice.

內容 Content 本次國際設計工作營的主題「永續城市環境及人居」,邀請英國、香港、臺灣各地對於永續生態環境有濃厚 興趣的建築系學生與老師們共同參加。透過演講、參訪、案例分析及設計方案研擬進行深入交流。

(一) 日期:2014 年 12 月 06 日 ( 周六 )~12 月 12 日 ( 週五 ),共 7 天。 (二) 地點:國立臺北科技大學 生態小屋 設計館 853 演講廳 (三) 主題:1. 永續性、2. 生活品質、3. 技術創新 4. 涵構關聯性、5. 彈性多元化、6. 水岸聯結 (四) 參與對象: 臺北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所碩士生 香港中文大學高級環境規劃理學碩士生、住房研究社會科學碩士生 (五) 規模:共 54 人。北科學生 15 人、香港中文大學學生 31 人、北科老師 3 人、香港中文大學老師 5 人 (六) 交流方式: 將由學生考察、論壇、作業為主。臺北科技大學與香港中文大學混合編組,每組 7-8 人編為 6 組(每 組皆需有不同背景之成員),提高各校同學們的交流頻率,落實不同學校、不同背景學生交流、思 想碰撞、融合,共同完成作業,培養團隊合作的精神,讓同學們體驗跨國合做之團隊經驗。 (1)Date:December 6, 2014 (Saturday) ~December 12 (Friday), 7 Days. (2)Location: Taipei Tech:Eco lodges, 853 Design Museum Lecture Hall (3)Subject:1.Sustainability 2.Quality of life 3.Technology innovation 4.Context relevance 5. Elastic diversification 6. Waterfront connection (4)Participants: Taipei Science and Technology University Institute of Architecture and Urban Design masters. Senior Environmental Planning of Chinese University Hong Kong Master of Science students, housing masters of Social Science. (5)Scale: 54 participants. 15 Students from NTUT + 31 students from Chinese University ,Hong Kong + 3 Teachers from NTUT+ 5 Teachers from Chinese University ,Hong Kong. (6)The way of communication: It will mainly focus on student's investigation, discussion, and operation. There will be 6 groups, each contains 6-7 students mixed-grouped from Taipei Science and Technology University and The Chinese University Hong Kong, (each group are required to have members from different background). This will improve the exchanging frequency between students from each university, and implement the exchange between different universities and different backgrounds. Through the collision and fusion of different thoughts, student will complete the work together, which will cultivate team spirit, and allows the students to have a taste on the team experience of international cooperation.


The theme of this time's International Design Workshop is " Sustainable Urban Habitats & Liftstyle". We will invite students and teachers from the Department of Architecture from the UK, HK, and Taiwan, who have a strong interest in sustainable ecological environment, to join in. Through lectures, visits, case analysis, and design research , we will have an in-depth exchange.

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 目的 Purpose 各個小組中安排各自擁有不同背景的成員,讓整個討論的過程能夠有更多的想像,也可激盪出不同的火 花,而且在探討的過程中以分組的討論方式以及不加以限制題目的發展方向,讓每個小組都可以更全面的去 發現問題,以及更加深入的探討開放空間與自然生態之間的關係。


Arranging the members who have different backgrounds in each group, the whole discussion process have more imagination, also can create different spark. Process of discussion in groups and do not limit the subjects development, let each group can identify problems more comprehensive, and can further discuss the relationship between the open space and natural ecology.

效益 Beneficial 透過本次活動,讓所有參與的同學都可以更加瞭解臺灣目前的綠建築與交通系統,並在操作水岸空間這 個題目的時候,可以學習到如何在人為環境與自然生態之間在連結的時候如何處理界面。在每一次的講座及 參訪的過程中,不斷激發大家對於水岸空間的想像,與對於像這樣的開放空間對於城市綠化與人跟自然之間 相互活動的關係,也在這段時間充分思考永續都市與城市開發對環境的影響,並回應自然給我們帶來的恩賜 與災害如何處理,在人與自然的活動之間取得一個平衡點。 Through this activity, all the students can know more about Taiwan's current green building and traffic system. When researching the subject of operation of waterfront space, you can learn how to link the interface between the artificial environment and natural ecology. In the course of lectures and visits, continue to inspire us the waterfront space imagination and such open space interacts between the city greening and people with natural. Also let us fully thinking the impact of sustainable urban and city development on environment during this period of time and how to face the gifts and disasters from natural, achieving a balance between the activities of man and nature. Arranging the members each have different background in each group, the whole discussion process can have more imagination, also can create different spark. In the process of discussion on packet mode of discussion and do not limit the development of subjects, let each group can be more comprehensive to identify problems, and can further discuss relationship between the open space and natural ecology.

主題 Subject 永續城市環境及人居 Sustainable Urban Habitats & Liftstyle 『自然界的每一棵植物,要生長的好,必須與周遭的水、土、空氣和好。環境為植物效力,植物也為環境效 力,這是植物界的第一個法則。植物生長受環境的影響,但不全然受環境決定,生命會選擇,這是第二個法 則。植物會將最好的部份,放在開花、結實,傳遞生命,這是第三個法則。』── 河馬食堂(三三八 ) Every plant in nature, to grow well, must with water, soil, air and the surrounding. Environment for plant effect, also plant for the effectiveness of the environment, this is the first law of plant community. Effects of plant growth environment, but not completely determined by the environment, life will choose, this is the second rule. The plant will be the best part, on the blossom, fruiting, the transmission of life, this is the third rule.

摘要 Abstract

This winter the exchange of learning workshop will be mainly in Taipei city and its surrounding areas. During the workshop, students will be with the national Taipei University of science and technology students, thematic studies on deep research base. Aiming at the problem of the direction of research groups, each group are required to the development direction of the base of the thorough thinking, and put forward the opinion and suggestion for development team, complete the Research Report of the group and. Team members may according to need to study comparative study direction and content (such as contrast, Hongkong, or other international cities in the implementation of urban construction policy differences between water etc.). Each briefing in December , 12 will "sustainable city in international communication forum", will be all experts and scholars commented, and provide professional advice. All reports and briefing process required by the English to complete, and meet the requirements prescribed format.


Topic research priorities and direction

作為研究永續城市環境及人文居住的研究課題,將親水元素引入城市規劃以及發展是具有極高價值的研 究方向。因為在城市中引入水體,不單可以有效減少因都市高密度發展而造成的熱島效應,降低居住環境的 溫度,且可利用水體的存在與城市改造,更可以有效改善周邊環境肌理以及制造風廊效果。重新活化城市的 住居環境及肌理。水體的重造及再利用,更可以改變人文居住模式及習慣。通過打通及引導水體進入城市肌 理,人可以在行人高度以及高密度發展的環境中,享受截然不同的市中微景觀。把整個通常只會發生在效外 的活動模式,帶進城市中心,推廣『慢活』元素。最後研究課題應該更加深入理解在水體引入過程的生態工 法的手段。因為地型跟城市環境關係,河流或水體的引入很容易會對城市發展帶來災害威脅,所以在臺北市 是被重重的河堤圍堵住。在重新思考水體跟城市共存的議題中,河堤的處理手段跟整個生態基建建構有著密 切關係,所以學生也應該在生態工法方面,包括河堤處理、濕地引入、防洪手段方法應該做出實體設計構思。 As the research of sustainable city environment and human living research topic, the hydrophilic elements into city planning and development is the research direction of great value. Because of the introduction of water in the city, not only can effectively reduce the heat island effect caused by high density urban development, reduce the living environment temperature. The use of existence and transformation of the city water, more can effectively improve the surrounding environment texture and manufacturing wind corridor effect. The reactivation of residence environment and texture of the city. Water re creation and reuse, and can change human living styles and habits. Through the opening and guide the water into the city texture, people can at pedestrian height and high density development environment, enjoy the different micro landscape in the city. The activity pattern of whole usually occur only in the outskirts, into the city center, the promotion of "Slow Living" elements. Finally, research should be more in-depth understanding of ecological engineering method is introduced into the process in water by means of. Because the type with the city environment, it is easy to bring disaster threat to city development into the river or water, so in Taipei city was heavily embanked block. In rethinking the water with city coexistence issues, means to deal with the whole ecological infrastructure construction of the embankment are closely related, so students should also be in the ecological engineering, including the embankment treatment, wetland, flood control methods should be made into account.


此冬季學習交流工作坊將主要於臺北市及其週邊地區展開。交流工作坊期間,課程學生將與國立臺北科 技大學學生一起,對研究基地進行深入的專題研究。同時針對各組題出的研究方向,每組同學均需對基地的 發展方向進行深入思考,並提出小組的見解及發展意見,進而完成小組性的專題研究報告。小組成員亦可根 據研習方向及內容的需要進行對比研究(如對比大陸、香港或其他國際城市在推行城市水體建設的政策差異 等)。各組的簡報將於十二月十二日「永續都市居地國際交流論壇」上進行,屆時將由各界專家學者進行點 評,並提供專業意見。所有報告過程及簡報內容均需由英文完成,並滿足規定格式的要求。

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基地選項 Site Analysis Option 基於以上的研究重點和方向,是次研究基地有兩個:由基隆河沿岸的大佳河濱公園及迎風河濱公園的河 濱綠色基塊及瑠公圳復原整體規劃設計。詳計基地背景及挑戰如下:


The focus and direction based on the above research, this study has two bases: by the Dajia riverside park along the Keelung River and the riverside park, riverside green wind block and Liou Gong Zun to recover the overall planning and design. Detailed gauge base background and challenges are as follows:

大佳河濱公園:Dajia Riverside Park 大佳河濱公園是位於臺北市中山區,大直橋西側至中山橋東側間的基隆河岸河濱公園。1990 年代基隆 河截彎取直整治工程告一段落後,臺北市政府將大佳段的基隆河岸重加辟建成公園,占地約 42 萬平方米(10 萬 6600 坪),與大直橋以東的迎風河濱公園相貫串。迎風河濱公園位於臺北市松山區,為基隆河畔自大直 橋至中山高速公路間的綠地空間,公園面積約有 600,000 平方米。園區於 2002 年整建完成,內附設有含 有各類球場的運動公園、腳踏車道等休憩設施。如其名所示,迎風河濱公園為定位為河濱公園的綠地,其用 地為配合河川整治工程,將面積廣大的河濱高灘地整平,並加以綠化所得。公園所占土地在汛期間仍然屬河 川行水區,但在非防汛期間,則可提供市民使用。 The Dajia Riverside Park is a park located in Zhongshan District, Taipei, Republic of China, near the Keelung River. In the 1990's, the straightened renovation project of Keelung River came to an end, the Taipei City Government rebuild large segment of Keelung riverbank to a park, covering about 420,000 square meters (106,600 tsubo),linked with the Windward River Park, which located in the east of Dazhi Bridge. Windward Riverside Park is a park located in Songshan District. It is a green space between Freeway No. 1 and Dazhi Bridge. The park area is about 600,000 square meters. The park was built in 2002, including all kinds of sports field, bike path and other recreational facilities. As its name suggests, the Windward Riverside Park is defined as a green space. To gain the green space, during the training works of the river, afforestation project was done after they leveled a vast area of Riverside High beaches. The park occupied land belongs to the river's active channel, but provides public use in a non-flood period.

挑戰 Challenge 自基隆河截彎取直整治工程完成後,雖然政府把相關河岸改建成公園,提供了城市中的親水綠化空間給市 民,但因為佔地在汛期間仍然屬河川行水區,故相關空間仍然被河堤從城市中區隔開。亦因為附近被中山高 速重重的包圍著,而周邊空間亦被馬路的設計分割成非常細碎,故整塊親水綠地並沒有跟城市怍連結。

riverside into park, offered the public green space to citizen. However, because the space is the river's active channel, the space is still separated by the river wall. And also because the space is surrounded by Zhongshan Freeway and surrounding space was also divided to fragmented city blocks, the piece does not connect with the city.

機遇 Opportunity 最近臺北社會亦開始討論松山機場搬遷問題,如果相關計劃得以落實,將會為臺北人煙稠密的松山區釋 出大片珍貴的土地以及高度限制放寬,解決臺北市腹地及發展密度不足的問題。而因經濟發展和人口膨漲往 外擴張的機遇,鄰近的內湖區已經開始發展起來。如果把基隆兩岸的空間,通過一連串的社會更新事件和手 段,可以把整個基隆兩岸的區塊(內湖區,河濱公區及松山機場)打造成親水性的城市規劃案例,把相關本 來分隔的支離破碎的城市區塊連結起來結合成互相連通相關的城市綠洲。 Recently, Taipei community began to discuss the Songshan Airport relocation issue. If the relevant plan is implemented, it will release large tracts of valuable land in densely populated Taipei Songshan and height restrictions relaxed to address the shortage of Taipei hinterland and development density problems. And due to the economic development and population swell outward expansion opportunities within the adjacent lake has begun to develop. If the space on both sides of Keelung, through a series of social events and means to update, you can put the entire block on both sides of Keelung (Neihu District, Riverside public areas and Songshan Airport) to create hydrophilic urban planning cases have been separated by the relevant fragmented city blocks link up together to form interconnected related urban oasis.


After the straightened renovation project of Keelung River was completed, although the government rebuilt a part of the

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瑠公圳 Lio Gong Zun


瑠公圳位於臺北,通常指 1740 年由臺北墾戶郭錫瑠興建的灌溉水道,今幾乎已經全部予以填平荒廢。另外, 很多人將今臺北市新生北路高架橋下,日治時代由臺灣總督府於 1930 年代興建的排污水溝「堀川」也稱為 瑠公圳,因「堀川」第二幹線本為瑠公圳水系。瑠公圳的背後,代表著一段臺北盆地的歷史發展脈絡。例如, 瑠公圳曾經是臺北盆地早期重要的灌溉渠道,然而隨著都市擴展及農地在城市中消失,水圳原有的灌溉功能 逐漸消失,而被改成排水下水道,且多加蓋作停車或道路使用。結果令整個瑠公圳幾乎被完全覆蓋,不留痕 跡。 Liue-Gong Zun located in Taipei, usually refers to households in 1740 from Taipei Ken GUO Xi Rumi built irrigation channels, now almost all of them filled abandoned. In addition, many people today under the viaduct newborn Road, Taipei, Taiwan from Japanese colonial era in the 1930s built the Government House sewage ditch, "Horikawa," also known as Liugongjun, because "Horikawa" second trunk of the public for Rumi Shenzhen River. Behind Liugongjun, representing the historical development period of the Taipei basin. For example, once the early Liugongjun important Taipei Basin irrigation channels, but with the expansion of urban and agricultural land disappear in the city, the original irrigation waterway function gradually disappeared, and was changed to the sewer drain, and many stamped for parking or road use. The results make the whole Liugongjun almost completely covered, leaving no trace.

在瑠公圳停灌之後,位於臺大校園內的大安支線和第一霧里薜圳支線,因校地整建,圳道被填平或加 蓋。2001 年臺大校務會議通過「瑠公圳臺大段親水空間復育計畫」,計畫的路線以舊圳道為主,南端為農 學院實驗農場,經舟山路、振興草坪、小椰林東緣、思亮館前、轉數學館前,達醉月湖,全長 1.8 公里。 After Liugongjun stop irrigation, located in the campus of National Taiwan University Extension and the first fog Da Xue Chun branch, due to the rebuilding of the school, Chun channel is filled or covered. 2001 NTU School adopted "Liugongjun NTU hydrophilic segment space repopulation plan", plan the route to the old main road, Shenzhen, the southern tip of Agriculture Experimental Farm, the Zhoushan Road, revitalize the lawn, the eastern edge of the small coconut former SL Museum, Museum of forwarding math, up drunk on the lake, a total length of 1.8 km.

機遇與挑戰 Opportunity & Challenge 因市民對於臺北自身的歷史保育意識漸漸提高,以及民間相關組織大力提倡把因瑠公圳復修成臺北市中 心區的親水空間。亦因臺灣大學的「瑠公圳臺大段親水空間復育計畫」的改造成功,把相關的復修建議提供 了榜樣性的本地個案。而且鄰近地區韓國首爾近年成功把本來污染嚴重的清溪川打造成市區親水及遊客觀光 景點,所以臺北市民對於瑠公圳的復修計劃抱有一定的期許。 Due to the public for its own history Taipei gradually increase conservation awareness, as well as a strong proponent of the civil society organizations because Liugongjun marble complex hydrophilic space center in Taipei. Successful transformation 亦 因 Taiwan University "Liugongjun NTU hydrophilic segment space restoration plan" and the related refresher proposal provides an example of a local case. Seoul and neighboring regions in recent years, the success of the original polluted urban Cheonggyecheon playing hydrophilic and tourists attractions, so the citizens of Taipei for Liugongjun refresher program have certain expectations.





Dajia riverside park


Liou Gong Zun

Site Analysis. 基地介紹

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/ Dajia riverside park

1990 年代基隆河截彎取直整治工程告一段落後,臺北市政府將大佳段的基隆河岸重加闢建 成公園,佔地約 42 萬平方公尺(10 萬 6600 坪),與大直橋以東的迎風河濱公園相貫串。除了 提供臺北地區居民廣大的親水空間,也兼具美化行水區的功能。以濱江街外的基 8、基 9、基 10 號三處水門,與市區相通。


1990's Keelung River straight renovation project completed, Taipei will be better City Hall large sections of the Keelung river with monarch Park, covers an area of about 420000 square meters (106600 meters), combination a n d s t r a i g h t b r i d g e e a s t of t h e windward riverside park. In addition to providing the majority of the residents of the Taipei area of hydrophilic space, but also beautify the land function. Base 8, base 9, base 10 of three water gate to Binjiang street outside the city, and is communicated with the.


大佳河濱公園歷史分析由 1991 年動工截彎取直, 到了 1998 年對外開放,2010 花卉博覽會,直至 2011 自行環狀線通車,2012 水岸嘉年華 。 Analysis of Dajia riverside park history from 1991 to start straighter, to open in 1998, 2010 flower expo, until the 2011 self loop line opened 2012 Shuian carnival.

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/ Dajia riverside park


1998對外開放 2011自行環狀線通車

2010花卉博覽會 2012水岸台北嘉年華



Visions and Positions


大佳河濱公園不定期有活動在此舉辦,如每逢端午佳節的龍舟大賽、親子園遊會、路 跑活動等。在六大主題公園計畫定位中,將大佳河濱公園歸類於親子親水的公園。另有美 堤主題河濱公園、彩虹橋主題河濱公園、華中主題河濱公園、社子島主題河濱公園、古亭 主題河濱公園、關渡大稻埕主題河濱公園等公園,並分別被歸類為親子親水、愛情、露營、 濕地環境生態導覽、自然景觀以及人文歷史等不同主體,讓基隆河畔一直到淡水出海口都 成為一個大臺北地區的自然水岸觀光路線。 Riverside Park are not regular activities held here, such as during the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Race, parent-child amusement park, road running activities. Painting location in the six theme park plan, the park riverside classified the parent-child hydrophilic park. While the United States Di theme Riverside Park, Riverside Park, rainbow bridge theme central theme of Riverside Park, Riverside Park, Shetzu island theme pavilion theme Riverside Park, Riverside Park Guandu Dadaocheng theme park, and were classified as parent-child hydrophilic, love, camping, wetland eco tour environment, natural landscape and the human history the different main body, let the Keelung river until the freshwater estuary have become a big Taipei area natural waterfront tourist routes.

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/ Dajia riverside park

016 2010 年臺北舉辦國際花卉博覽會,活動結束後主題館皆保留臺北市政府希冀以腳踏車道串聯 起花博主題會館、六大河濱公園及大型戶外開放空間 Organized the international flower expo in Taipei in 2010, after the activity theme pavilion are retained in Taipei City Hall intends to bike lane series rocket theme hall, six Riverside Park and a large outdoor open space

使用行為 Using Behavior


遊樂資源:籃球場、網球場、羽球場、搥球場、自行車道、水上運動水道 自然資源:大佳河濱公園本身,基隆河畔以及大佳段之水域 人文資源:大佳河濱公園之歷史沿革,龍舟的故事 景觀資源: 噴泉水景、河畔風光、建築造景 Recreation resources:Basketball courts, tennis courts, badminton courts, pounding the stadium, bicycle lanes, water sports channel Natural resources:Riverside park itself, the waters of the Keelung River and the Dajia section Human resources:The historical evolution of Riverside Park, Dragon Story Landscape resources:Fountain, river scenery, architecture

-連外道路系統 橫向貫串道路為濱江街,直向貫穿道路為大直橋聯接大直 主要聯外道路由濱江街、 中山北路、建國北路、新生北路及復興北路 ( 大直橋 ) 基地北側鄰近大直、士林;南側通往臺北車站;東側連接中和;西至三重 Transverse throughout the road for Binjiang street, straight through to Da-zhi road bridge connecting Da-zhi. The main external road by Binjiang street, Zhongshan North Road, Jianguo North Road, new North Road and Fu Xing Bei Lu (Da-zhi bridge). The base north near large straight, Shilin; South to Taipei east station connected; neutralization; West three.

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/ Dajia riverside park

018 桃紅色為大佳河濱公園內的自行車道路線 Peach red for bicycle lane line Riverside Park 藍色為周遭腳踏車路線 Blue bicycle route around

大佳河濱公園大致以陸生植物為主。堤防旁多年來的整治,可以看出此地以不具備原生地的 生態特性,而成為在人為期待下的自然綠地,在人文活動與河爭地的情況下,為了防洪與休閒兼 具,換來以水泥砌成河道與人工草皮的綠地下的全然的第二自然,至於植物分度也缺乏生態歧異 度,幅員廣闊的公園,所含有的植物種類不超過 40 餘種,已經是另種單一均質的生態群系。

常見植物有白千層、樟樹、榕樹、雀榕、木棉、菊花、天竺葵、三色堇、長壽花、萬壽菊、 黃瑾等等,大多為非臺灣原生種之景觀植物,特點為容易栽種與視覺效果較佳,樹的部份多具有 防風的效果。 Common plant has Melaleuca, camphor, banyan tree, fig, kapok, chrysanthemum, geranium, pansy, flower longevity, marigold, Huang Jin and so on, mostly for non native species of plants landscape in Taiwan, features easy to grow and better visual effect, part of the tree has windproof effect.


Wetland Plant

陸生植物 Land Plant

植樹 Tree


Riverside Park roughly mainly terrestrial plants. The embankment beside regulation over the years, we can see that the ecological characteristics of here to do not have native land, and become in the human look under the natural green space, in human activities and river dispute case, in order to flood control and leisure for both, with cement brick River and artificial turf green space under the totally second natural, as for the plant indexing also lack of ecological diversity, vast park, containing not more than 40 kinds of plant species, is already a biome another single homogeneous.

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/ Dajia riverside park






Opportunipies  腳踏車道串聯 周遭藝文系統  良好之防災蓄 洪排水功能

 水上活動硬體設備且缺  大佳地理位置優越,腹 乏安全 地廣大  大眾運輸無良好連結,  河濱路面硬體設備齊全 可及性低  具有豐富的景觀資源  大佳水質不理想  假日舉辦完善之休閒活 動  腳踏車道串聯周邊藝文 系統 W.O  透過腳踏車道串連 景點,活絡在地文 藝系統。

 透過建立良好的水 上設施,改善硬體 設備使用之問題。

 腹地廣大,提供台 北市良好之蓄洪功 能

 藉由建立良好之防 洪功能,改善水質 之疑慮。


Treats  河流整治工 程破壞原有 生態  河道水面不 夠寬  外部環境限 制水上活動 的多元性


W.T  希望減少河川整治 的破壞,保護河川 原有生態。  藉由舉辦活動,增 長活動的多元性

 希望能串聯合面上 下支連結,打造完 善之休閒空間。



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瑠公圳 /

Liou Gong Zun


歷史上的都市文明都與河川脫離不了關係,許多知名的都 市亦均是依傍河川而發展,不管是歷史文明或都市發展,河川 都扮演了不可或缺的角色。然而在臺灣,河川在長期的不當開 發利用下卻成為許多人的夢魘,基於此,在都市地區,許多河 段兩側本於防洪的考量均高築混凝土堤防,以保障周邊居民的 生命與財產安全。被束縮而溝渠化的河道與高堤,阻礙了民眾 親水途徑及親水景觀,也嚴重破壞了河川的生態與自淨能力。 The history of urban civilization could not be separated from the relationship with the river, many famous cities are also next to the river and the development, regardless of history or urban development, Kawa Kawazu played an important role, but in Taiwan, the river in the improper exploitation of longterm but into as many people's nightmare, based on this, in the in urban areas, many on both sides of the river for flood control considerations are high concrete embankment, in order to protect the life and property safety of surrounding residents. Be contracted and ditches of channel and high embankment, hinder people hydrophilic pathways and hydrophilic landscape, but also seriously damaged the ecological and self purification capacity of river.

國內各個都市發展處幾乎都將都市藍綠帶的規畫列為重要發展指標。從河川利用型態的改變、 生態的演替、水域活動、軟硬體設施的使用、周邊土地利用型態等調查分析,嘗試在生態與休閒 間找出平衡點,並進一步探討適合都市河岸空間的規劃形式。 Each urban development at home almost will urban blue green belt planning as an important development indicators. From the river by using morphology, ecological succession, water activity, the use of software and hardware facilities, the surrounding land use types of investigation and analysis, trying to find out the balance point in the ecological and leisure time, and further discusses the planning form suitable for urban riverside space.

Guo Xiliu first discovered near the Hsintien stream upstream of the Qing Tan Xi abundant water and river bed is high, suitable for embankment. And as long as along the Hsintien stream dig canal water, after Dapinglin, Jingmei area Taipei City, can solve the irrigation problem of Taipei basin. There were two major problems: lack of "technology" and "mountain compatriots bounce. Hsintien stream along the cliff for sandstone and shale composition, for when the technology, to open up the canal water is a great challenge. And for to enter the Atayal people area cut also caused a lot of conflicts. To defuse the Atayal people of Han Chinese hostility, Guo Xiliu marries the Atayal woman pan Shibai fan as a concubine, the hope can therefore make a Han and Atayal people to have the opportunity to in-depth understanding of each other.


郭錫瑠最初發現新店溪上游的青潭溪附近水源 充沛且河床高,適合築堤。且只要沿新店溪開鑿水 圳,經大坪林、景美地區達臺北市,便可解決臺北 盆地灌溉問題。 當時存在二大問題:「技術不足」與「山地同胞的 反彈」。新店溪沿途 峭壁多為砂岩及頁岩構成, 對於當年的技術來說,要開闢水圳是一大挑戰。且 對於要進入泰雅族人地區開鑿也造成了不少衝突。 為化解泰雅族人對漢人的敵意,郭錫瑠迎娶泰雅族 女子潘氏白番為妾,希望能因此讓漢人與泰雅族人 彼此能有機會深入認識。

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History of Liou Gong Zun

乾隆十八年 ( 西元 1753 年 ),由大坪林地區的蕭妙興等五庄人士以雙方共同使用開墾的水圳 做為條件,共同出資捐地幫助郭錫瑠水圳開闢的工作,而此段水圳就稱為「大坪林圳」或「五庄 圳」。乾隆三十二年,由長子郭元芬接續郭錫瑠的志業,將取水口設在大宅庄 ( 今碧潭梘址 ),另 闢圳渠,直通景美溪邊木梘。 費時近三十年的圳道,終於於乾隆三十四年正式完工,總面積達一千二百 甲。圳渠分為二條, 由新店溪上游入口轉支流青潭溪,再流入大坪林的圳渠稱為「大坪林圳」或「上埤大圳」。而由 碧潭入口經景美至臺北的圳渠稱為「下埤大 圳」,後人為紀念郭錫瑠父子便將「下埤大圳」稱為 「瑠公圳」。


In eighteen years of Qianlong (1753 AD) by Xiao Miaoxing, Daping forest area five Zhuang people common to both the use of reclaimed water Shenzhen as conditions, jointly donated to help Guo Xiliu canal water open work, and this section of canal water is called "Da Ping Lin Zhen" or "five Zhuang Zhen".In thirty-two years of Qianlong, the eldest son Guo Yuanfen succeeded Guo Xiliu's work, the water intake is located in Da Zhai Zhuang (now Bitan soap access), another Shenzhen canal, through the Chingmei stream wooden soap.Took about thirty years to ditch, finally in thirtyfour years of Qianlong officially completed, a total area of one thousand two hundred. Shenzhen canal is divided into two, from Hsintien stream upstream of the entrance to the green lake tributaries Creek, then flows into the Daping Lin Zhen Qu called "Da Ping Lin Zhen" or "Pi Da Zhen.". But by the Bitan entrance by Jingmei to Taipei Zhen Qu called under PI Da Zhen ", later to commemorate Guo Xiliu and his son will be" Pi Da Zhen "called" Liou Gong Zun ".

圖片來源 : 瑠公農田水利會

瑠公圳是臺北盆地的最大動脈,是使臺北市蓬勃發展的活水,它豐富了臺北平原稻米 的收成,逐漸讓臺北 進入繁榮的版圖。但因為當地附近的原住民經常結隊出草,瑠公因此 在臺北設置「鼓亭」,並派人打鼓示警,這就是今天「古亭」區名的由來。瑠公圳流經溪 仔口、挖仔內,越過公館街,到達內埔。由於瑠公圳在此轉了個大彎,因此,形成的聚落 就叫「大灣莊」。

and his son will be" Pi Da Zhen "called" Liou Gong Zun " 日本據臺之後,由於瑠公圳灌溉區域剩餘水源頗多,因此日本人將許多私設埤圳併入瑠公圳,引用 其充沛水源,潤澤其他田地。經過後期的改善與擴充,瑠公圳的規模更加龐大,幹線與支線加起來 總共長達 60 公里。瑠公圳更建立了臺北市的發展歷史中的重要地位。 Japan according to Taiwan, the Liou Gong Zun irrigation area water a lot of surplus, so the Japanese will be many kangaroo PI Chun into Liou Gong Zun, referring to its abundant water, moist and other fields.Through the improvement and expansion of the late, Liou Gong Zun scale is more big, the main and branch lines added up to a total of 60 kilometers.Liou Gong Zun established the important position form the development history of Taipei city in.

圖片來源 : 瑠公農田水利會


Liou Gong Zun is the biggest artery of Taipei basin, is the living water to make the booming city of Taipei, it has enriched the Taipei plain rice harvest, gradually let Taipei into the prosperity of the territory.But because the local indigenous people often trooped out of the grass nearby, Liu public so setting "the drum Pavilion" in Taipei, and sent the drums, warning, which is today "gutting" area of the origin of the name.Jingmei to Taipei Zhen Qu called under PI Da Zhen ", later to commemorate Guo Xiliu

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The New South Road drainage ditch non Liou Gong Zun

新生南路本來是一條水圳,後來農業沒落以後才加蓋改成大馬路,而新生南、北路比別的馬 路來的還要寬是因為原本寬廣的圳道再加上圳道左右兩邊的小路,使得新生南路較其他道路來得 寬。長期以來這一條水圳都被誤當成塯公圳的水道。但據塯公農田水利會表示它並非真正的塯公 圳,是 1933 年才由日本人開挖的大排水溝。1933 年,日治政府新建之排水路為「特一號排水溝」, 也稱為「堀川」,並在圳道兩旁修築道路,日人稱為「堀川通」,即為今日之新生南路。二次大 戰後,命名為新生南路。 1972 年,為拓寬新生南路,臺北市政府完成「特一號排水溝」第一階 段的加蓋工程。


The new road was originally a water canal, later agricultural decline later stamped into major roads, while the New South, North Road to the wider than others because Haramoto Hirohiro ditch plus the ditch on both sides of the road, making the New South Road than other more wide road.Long term since it is a water canal has been mistaken for a Liu Gong ditch channel. But according to Liu public Irrigation Association says it is not a real Liu Gong Zhen, is a large drainage ditch until 1933 by Japanese excavation.In 1933, the Japanese colonial government drainage new road for the "special one drainage ditch", also known as the "Ku Chuan", and in the ditch on both sides of the road construction, Japan called "Horikawadori", is today the New South road.After World War Two, named the New South road.In 1972, to broaden the New South Road, Taipei City Hall completed the first stage on the 1st special drainage ditch "stamped engineering.

圖片來源 : 新店文史館

瑠公圳最盛時期,大小水圳有二十六條,給水線長達 140 公里 , 灌溉土地超過 1200 甲,灌 溉區域廣布景美、古亭、大安、中山、大同、萬華及臺北縣新店、坪林、石碇、深坑等地區的 4500 公頃農田。新生南路原來是霧裡薛圳的一部分,日據時代圳道拓寬稱為「特一號大排」,後 來霧裡薛圳納入「瑠公水利組合」成為公共埤圳。


Liou Gong Zun height, size of canal water is twenty-six, 140 kilometers to the waterline, irrigation land more than 1200 a, irrigation area wide cloth Jingmei, Guting, Daan, Zhongshan, Datong, Taipei Wanhua and county Hsintien, Ping Lin, Shi Ding, pit and other regions of the 4500 Gong Qingnong field. The New South Road is the original part of the fog Xue Zhen, the Japanese occupation era Chun road widening is called "special one big", later included in the "fog Xue Zhen Liu public water conservancy combined" has become a public irrigation ditches.

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Liou Gong Zun tributaries

圖片來源 : 戀戀水圳


第一幹線 The first trunk

目前此段圳道多遭填平,瑠公國中即建於為原圳道填平後位置,僅中強公園內還保留一段五 分埔支線之圳道。進入國立臺灣大學校園的圳道為第一幹線之大安支線,流經臺大校園內的農場、 生態池、舟山路、小椰林道及醉月湖。

第二幹線 Second trunk

位於目前新生南路下方,北行直到九汴頭(今日溫州街與新生南路間)。1933 年日人興建「特 一號排水溝」(今新生南北路),也稱為「堀川」,1972 年改為水泥箱涵,並加蓋埋在地下。很 多人將「特一號排水溝」也稱為瑠公圳,係因臺灣大學西側的路段為整治第二幹線而來。 In the current new South Road, northbound nine below until Bian head (today's Wenzhou street and the New South Road between). In 1933 the Japanese built "on the 1st special drainage ditch" (now the new North South Road), also known as the "Ku Chuan", in 1972 changed to the cement box culvert, and stamped with the buried in the ground. A lot of people will be "special one drainage ditch" also known as Liou Gong Zun, because the National Taiwan University West sections for rectification of the second route to.

霧裡薛圳 Wu Li Xue Zhen

霧裡薛圳是臺北盆地內最早有興建紀錄的水圳,建於清雍正年間,乾隆年間周永清籌措資金 重修,因當時水源來自霧裡薛溪(今景美溪),於是稱為霧裡薛圳。 Taipei the earliest record of canal water building, built in the Qing emperor Yong Zheng, Qian Long years Zhou Yongqing to raise funds to rebuild, because at that time the water from the fog, Xue Xi (now Jing Mei), is known as the fog in Xue zhen. Wu Li Xue Zhen is


At present this section ditch multi was filled, Liu principality that built in the ditch fill for the original position after the strong, only Park reserved for a period of five Pu branch line ditch. National National Taiwan University campus into the ditch for the first trunk Daan branch, through the NTU campus ecological pool, farm, Zhoushan Road, palm ave and drunken moon lake.

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 瑠公圳相關計畫

Liou Gong Zun related projects


The white paper on urban development policy in Taipei City


都市發展政策以打造前瞻、愉悅、宜居、文化、生態、資訊與安全之「永續臺北生態城市」 作為「都市發展願景」,以「生活環境具文化特色」、「生產環境高科技化」及「生態環境親水」 為三大展望。 Urban development policy and to create a prospective, pleasure, livable, culture, ecology, information and security "sustainable Taipei ecological city" as the "urban development vision", to "living environment with cultural characteristics", "high-tech production environment" and "ecological environment" as the three prospect of hydrophilic.


Regional culture environment preservation and activation of plan assets

提出以「區域環境」為整體保存範疇之心保存觀點,其透過串連及發展有形與無形文化資產 之並重保存、落實社區民眾參予及在地自主管理等方式,建立歷史環境之可持續性發展模式。 Put forward to "regional environment" as the overall preservation of category of heart preservation point of view, through the series and development of tangible and intangible cultural assets equal preservation, implement the community public participation and in the autonomic management methods, the establishment of sustainable development mode of historical environment.

圖片來源 : 戀戀水圳

臺北市生態都市設計架構及原則之研擬 Taipei City, ecological urban design framework and principle study

1 Network of urban tunnel construction 2 street number index 3 green resource connection degree index 4 road greening ratio index 5 elevation of building green overlay area ratio 6 large public facilities facade green cover area ratio

臺北市綠綱要計畫 Taipei city green outline plan

臺北市綠綱要計畫以涵蓋臺北市完整生態資源為基礎,去發展、規劃及擬定可供經營管理之 綠地政策除了達成永續發展的理念外,最終目標是建立「生態都市」。 Taipei city green outline plan to cover a complete ecological resources in Taipei city as the basis, to develop, plan and draft for green policy management where in addition to the concept of sustainable development, the ultimate goal is to build "ecological city".


1. 都市廊道之網絡建購 2. 行道樹數量指標 3. 綠資源連接程度指標 4. 道路綠化比指標 5. 建築立面綠覆面面積比 6. 大型公共設施立面綠覆面積比

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Liou Gong Zun related projects

瑠公圳風華再現計畫 Liou Gong Zun revival plan


藉由瑠公圳的圳道再造計畫,為市民提供一個有娛樂休閒條件的親水環境,同時使圳道變成 城市綠化系統,恢復其以往的生態親水環境,還給新店一個水與綠共存、有動力的健康城市。 By Liou Gong Zun Chun road reconstruction project, provide a recreation conditions of the hydrophilic environment for the people, at the same time to ditch into the city green system, to restore its previous ecological hydrophilic environment, to store a water and green coexist, dynamic health city


Liou Gong Zun regional green landscaping

溫州街 45 巷為瑠公圳第二幹線的支流,是臺北是碩果僅存未被加蓋明渠,設計上採用最新生 態工程施工,利用中空的箱涵為架構,在不減損圳道水域原則下,增添圳旁的復層植栽綠帶,且 使魚兒多了許多可棲息躲藏的空間,更成功避免施工中混凝土汙染水質。 Wenzhou street is 45 Lane Liou Gong Zun second trunk tributaries, is that Taipei is There remained but a single one. is not stamped with the open channel, the latest ecological engineering adopts the design, use of hollow box culvert structure, without derogation from Shenzhen to waters under the principle of adding complex layer, planting green belt by the canal, and make the fish more than many space habitats hiding, more successful to avoid pollution of water in concrete construction.


Liou Gong Zun waterway NTU section of hydrophilic space conservation planning

In order to improve the basic concept of campus environment quality of overall planning, the possibility of further envisaged NTU campus, campus space reconstruction cordon system and activation, including drunk, drunk on Lake Yuehu district and canal water intersection segment, segment, coconut groves library section of about fifty meters, the hinterland of area Zhoushan road section, farm etc..

「新故鄉社區營造─社區風貌營造計畫」生態社區 "New home community building and community landscape plan" ecological community

惠安社區發展協會與財團法人臺北市錫瑠環境綠化基金會共同提出「惠安水與綠生活廊道規 劃設計案」,建構為社區通學通勤廊道的整體規劃構想。 Huian Community Development Association and Stiftung Taipei tin Liu environmental greening Foundation jointly proposed the "Huian water and green life corridor planning case", for the overall planning concept of construction of community school commuter corridor


以提升校園環境品質之基本理念出發,進一步設想臺大校園整體規劃的可能性,重建藍帶系統並 活化校園空間,包括醉月湖區、醉月湖與水圳交會口段、小椰林段、圖書館段腹地約五十公尺區 域、舟山路段、農場段等處。

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Liou Gong Zun related attractions

034 圖片來源 : 瑠公農田水利會

臺灣大學 已有瑠公圳 ( 臺大段 ) 復原整理規劃設計,瑠公圳為連 結校內生態池、臺大農場的生態廊道,進而提升校園 的環境品質。目前已復原部分圳道,並栽植水生植物 The existing Liou Gong Zun (NTU section) restoration and consolidation planning and designing, Liou Gong Zun to link the campus ecological pool, National Taiwan University Farm Ecological Corridor, and then improve the campus Shenzhen, and planting aquatic plants.

松山菸廠、台北機廠 第一幹線舊鐵路支線,為今市民大道東西向之圳 流,流經臺灣鐵路臺北機廠及公賣局松山菸廠,瑠公 圳正經過兩建築群延鐵路方向流出,成為兩歷史建築 群當時重要水源,且部分為裸露圳道,圳道清晰可見。 The first trunk old railway branch line, is now the public things avenue to Shenzhen stream, flows through the Taiwan railway to Taipei machine factory and monopoly Songshan Tobacco Factory, Liou Gong Zun is after two buildings Yan railway direction of outflow, become the two historic buildings was an important source of water, and exposed as part of ditch, ditch clear.

溫州街- 大學里、大學公園

是第二幹線僅存水圳露出部分,具有保存價值與 改善現有設施及相關說明指標,現由居民自發性維護, 並設瑠公圳水利設施解說牌及指標。 The remaining second trunk canal water is exposed part, are worth preserving and improving existing facilities and related instructions index, now by the residents of spontaneous maintenance, and Liou Gong Zun water facilities, interpretive signs and indicators.


environment quality. At present has recovered par t of

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Liou Gong Zun traffic









036 主幹線




瑠公圳源自新店為南北走向貫穿臺北市,地區主要連外道路為國道一號與國道三號,主幹線自新 店溪起沿臺九線流向臺北市,於公館處開始分為各支線,於臺北市內分別與新生南路、復興南路 及光復南路併行。 Liou Gong Zun from Hsintien is from north to south through Taipei,The region outside the main even road for the National Highway No. 1 and No. three national highwayThe main trunk line from Hsintien stream along the station line nine of Taipei city in the mansion flows, at the beginning of each branch is divided into, in Taipei city and the New South Road, Fuxing South Road respectively and Guangfu Road parallel.


On the mass rapid transit system, Liou Gong Zun line to flow through the Xindian line, Mucha line and the new Lu line.Through the route by the DaAn Railway Station, DongMen Railway Station, Guting station, Zhongxiao Xinsheng station, Zhongxiao Fuxing station are all transfer station.

SWOT • 歷史悠久 • 水線長,最盛達 140km • 區域型文化資產環 境保存及活化計畫 • 片段流域保護良好

• • • •

水岸城市發展性 城市綠肺 新風貌再現 生態社區再造

優點 S

缺點 W

未來 O

困難 T

• • • •

流域發展破碎 容易流於純綠帶 需環境改造 缺乏觸發人口停駐 性

• • • •

政策發展計畫多 社區參與度 裸露帶河川修復 意象延續


就大眾捷運系統而言,瑠公圳主線要流經新店線,木柵線以及新蘆線。其流經路線經古亭站、大 安站、東門站、忠孝新生站、忠孝復興站等皆為轉乘站。

Design Project. 設計成果

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NEW TERMINAL CENTER OF TAIPEI CITY 改變市區現有交通結構,冀望提高臺北市北部的關聯性及景觀價值,使原本被孤立的地區成 為新的城市功能熱點,讓機場與大佳河濱公園以及劍潭、南港等地區形成相輔相成的綜合發展地 區。 Changing the existing transportation structure and improving the connection and value of landscape in north Taipei make the isolated district become the new hot functioning spot of city which let the airport, Dajia riverside park, Jiantan, south harbor and other districts become complementary comprehensive development area.



040 高培軒 高培軒 高培軒

陳鼎岳 陳鼎岳 陳鼎岳

劉佩蓉 劉佩蓉 劉佩蓉

雷狄 雷狄 雷狄

高培軒 高培軒 高培軒

陳鼎岳 陳鼎岳 陳鼎岳

劉佩蓉 劉佩蓉 劉佩蓉

雷狄 雷狄 雷狄

王薈 王薈 王薈

陸曉沸 陸曉沸 陸曉沸

金博晗 金博晗 金博晗

高天凌 高天凌 高天凌

王薈 王薈 王薈

陸曉沸 陸曉沸 陸曉沸

金博晗 金博晗 金博晗

高天凌 高天凌 高天凌

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

STEP.1 我們一開始打算對河岸做出淨水功能,並對堤 防做出更安全的考量以及美化。 In the beginning, we are plan to do the Water Purifier for the coast, and make the embankment more safety and be useful.


STEP.2 後來開始針對整區做出規劃不單做出淨水功能, 對堤防做出更安全的考量以及美化,並將整區做 節點功能概念,並對主要入口做出構想,以連接 左側文藝區域,並想增強藍色公路利用。 We are not only consider about the Water Purifier, but also consider about the safety of the embankment. we using the edge of the zone to connect to different places. and started to imagination the form of the main entrance. therefore we can connect with the art zone, and activity zone wisely.

STEP.3 最後以都市規劃的大比例做為整體考慮,考慮進 左側士林區以及花博區,期望做三區聯合發展, 並帶進周圍人流,更將經過的交通線能夠連接進 南港開發區,匯集各界人士。 In the end, we are thinking about the urban planning, we'd like toconnect the shi lin night market and the Taipei International Garden. and we wish to combine these two area with our site. and enhance the stream of customers.

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

一開始將基地分析後,我們發現堤防是個問 題。由於堤防的阻斷性太強,我們計畫將堤 防用不同的方式打穿,使人可以透過堤防反 而被吸引,且兼具防範大水的功能。 After the site analysis, we found out the embankment is the huge problem.because the embankment cut off the river park and the city, so we starting to plan to use the different ways to go through the embankment. and also can keep the protection of the water flood.

042 將基地周邊區塊作分析之後,以靠近周圍區塊的區域做分區。由於西邊有花博公園及臺北 市立美術館及林安泰古厝,因此以文藝分區。以大直橋為主要交通樞紐作為商業轉運區。 而東邊原本就屬於運動區域因此不做更動。 After the site analysis, we decide to divided our site into three different zones. the west side have the Taipei International Garden, and city museum, so we called it art and culture zone.the middle side have the dazhi bridge , and it is the most convince part of the site, so we called it terminal zone.originally the east side are the activity zone, and we want to keep it.

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


作為一個轉運站,周圍的設施交通必須囊括進入,因此匯集了各部分的交通計畫,但 主要服務對象是松山機場方向人流,以增加物理距離,減少時間距離為主要概念方向。 As a terminal , the transportation must be the first step to be consider. therefore our tran-sportation plan include pedestrian path, cycling path, river cruise, vehicle path, and also we are planning to create a new skytrain station. the main service target, is the people that from the airport. Our main ideals are create the Physical distance, but reduce the time spending.

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

044 我們將所有考慮進去的空間及設備做成一連串的分析及統整,使整個策略完整並有邏輯性。 The Landscape is broken because the ground transportation that have been built, but the traffic must enter the site. therefore, we using the different form of building to connect the traffic by ground and underground space. ( that are include different type of transportation)

以一整個範圍的設計概念做出轉運站可能呈現的結果,匯集所有可能具有不同目的性的人流,提 供各種不同的量體,以支援各種不同的活動,並考量限制高度部分做計畫,尋求各方面的成果。 We are considers about the whole site of the da jiang river park, then we started to think about our building form. Because this place have a lot of people, and all of them might have different purpose, so we created different type of building to support their needs and activity. Also we are consider about the limiting of the height, so we using the different purpose of building to connect with the embankment.

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

2. 利用階梯狀下沉設計,引入基隆河水,利用生態岸線,形成俱有親水性的內部 水系,增加排洪空間,提高景觀價值。  Using the sinking design,eco-shoreline and introducing the Keelung water to form the hydrophilic interior drainage in order to increase floodwater off space and value of landscape. 3.北部地區進入台北市核心區門戶(機場、大直橋、中山高交匯處,利用本身建 築的量體造型成為地標)  The north district step into the central area of Taipei(ariport,big straight bridge,the intersection of Zhongshan Highway, using the nature modeling of building itself become the landmark. )


1. 在考慮了機場航空安全的前提下,利用建築大形量體流線型的建築基座代替堤 壩,並提高景觀連續性,同時保證了建築主體安全性。  In consideration of safety about airport,use the large amount of body streamlined buildings base instead of the dam and improve the continuity of landscape which ensure the safety of the structure.

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The Syllabus of Presentation 演講過程

Introduction of Dajia Riverside


Introduction of Exterior Environment

The Analysis of Traffic Flow

The Location of Dajia Riverside

The Strategies of Design


首先介紹大佳河濱公園的地理關係以及交通狀況 然後了解目前面對的問題後再提供有效的策略作為總結。

Introduction of Dajia Riverside 介紹大佳河濱公園 首先由介紹台灣地理開始,台灣總共分為19個縣市 Started by introducing geography of Taiwan, Taiwan is divided into 18 counties and cities


桃園縣Taoyuan、新竹縣Hsinchu、苗栗縣Miaoli、彰化縣Changhua、南投縣Nantou、 雲林縣Yunlin、嘉義縣Chiayi、屏東縣Pingtung、 宜蘭縣Ilan、花蓮縣Hualien、 台東縣Taitung、澎湖縣Penghu、金門縣Kinmen 、基隆市Keelung、新竹市Hsinchu、 嘉義市Chiayi、台北市Taipei、新北市New Taipei、台中市Taichung、台南市Tainan、 高雄市Kaohsiung

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048 基地的位置在臺北市的淡水河旁邊,旁邊有松山機場 The location of the base next to the fresh water river in Taipei City, next to the Songshan Airport


河濱公園總面積大約 420000m2 總長 3320m 總寬 320m 裡面備有休憩活動空間、商業活動空間、停車位、噴水池 Riverside Park total area about 420000m2 length of 3320m and 320m There have leisure activity space, commercial activity space, parking, fountain

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 歷史事件 Dajia Riverside History

050 -1991 年 河川氾濫因此截彎取直 Straighte the river because of flooding -1998 年 對市民開放這片廣大空地 Open to the public this vast space -2010 年 舉辦世界性的花卉博覽會 Hosting the world of flower expo -2011 年 因為自行車的普及,規劃的自行車路線開始通車 The bike route opened -2012 年 於端午節的時候舉辦划龍舟比賽 Hold dragon boat race

基隆河截彎取直工程 Keelung River straight Engineering

台北市六大主題公園計畫定位    

完善交通規劃 親子活動空間 原花博園區串連 水岸空間


    

圓山飯店 松山機場飛機起降 美麗華摩天輪 內湖科技園區景觀 大直橋


   

市集 跳蚤市場 端午節龍舟競賽 國際西式划船競賽

視覺 景觀 大佳河濱公園 表演 活動

親子 親水



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Visions and Positions 願景和位置 -Continuity of the Flora exposition 和花博的連續性

In 2010, Taipei held the International Flora Exposition. The theme pavilions all have been kept after the exhibition.



Taipei Story House Bloom Pavilion

Pavilion of the Future Pavilion of Dreams Pavilion of Angel Life

Meidi Riverside Park Dajia Riverside Park

Transport Facilities 交通設施

-External Transport System 外部運輸系統 橫路:濱江街,縱路:復興北路( 大直橋)

Transversal road: Binjiang Street,Longitudinal road: North Fuxing Road (Dazhi Bridge)


Main transfer system consists of Binjiang Street, North Zhongshan Road and North Fuxing Road

在北邊基地可以往大直與士林,在南邊可以往台北火車站及松山火車站,在西邊可連接 到中和,東邊可以到三重。


中 山 北 路



大 直 橋


新 生 北 路 往台北車站

建 國 北 路

復 興 北 路

濱江 街




On the north side, the site is close to Dazhi district and Shilin district; on the south side, it is close to Taipei Railway Station and Sungshan Station; on the east side, it is connected to the Zhonghe District; and on the west side, it is to Sanchong District.

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Traffic Line 交通設施 -Connect the external bikeway system連外腳踏車道系統

Pink line bicycle lane line Riverside Park 粉紅色為大佳河濱公園內的自行車道路線 Blue line bicycle route around 藍色為周遭腳踏車路線


Traffic Line 交通設施


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Using Behavior 使用行為 -Recreation Resources遊樂資源 遊樂資源: 籃球場、網球場、羽球場、搥球場、自行車道、水上運動水道 自然資源: 大佳河濱公園本身,基隆河畔以及大佳段之水域 人文資源: 大佳河濱公園之歷史沿革,龍舟的故事 景觀資源: 噴泉水景、河畔風光、建築造景 Recreation Resources: basketball, tennis courts, badminton courts, pounding the courts, bicycle lanes, water sportschannel Natural resources: riverside park itself, the waters of the Keelung River and the Dajia section Human resources: history of Dajia Riverside Park, DragonStory Landscape resources: fountain, river landscape, architecturelandscape

056 足球football field

操場 Playground


溜冰場Skating rink

籃球場 Basketball


迷你高爾夫球場Mini golf

Using Behavior 使用行為 -The internal facilities內部設施




景觀橋 Dazhi Bridge landscape 人行步道River Walk




Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Using Behavior 使用行為 -Planting green analysis植栽綠帶分析 大佳河濱公園大致以陸生植物為主。堤防旁多 年來的整治,可以看出此地以不具備原生地的生態 特性,而成為在人為期待下的自然綠地,在人文活 動與河爭地的情況下,為了防洪與休閒兼具,換來 以水泥砌成河道與人工草皮的綠地下的全然的第二 自然,至於植物分度也缺乏生態歧異度,幅員廣闊 的公園,所含有的植物種類不超過40餘種,已經是 另種單一均質的生態群系。

Wetland Plant 濕地植物 Land Plant 陸生植物 Tree 植樹


常見植物有白千層、樟樹、榕樹、雀榕、木棉、 菊花、天竺葵、三色堇、長壽花、萬壽菊、黃瑾等 等,大多為非台灣原生種之景觀植物,特點為容易 栽種與視覺效果較佳,樹的部份多具有防風的效果。

Riverside Park roughly mainly terrestrial plants. Theembankment beside regulation over the years, we can see that the ecological characteristics of here to do not havenative land, and become in the human look under the natural green space, in human activities and river dispute case, in order to flood control and leisure for both, with cement brickRiver and artificial turf green space under the totally secondnatural, as for the plant indexing also lack of ecologicaldiversity, vast park, containing not more than 40 kinds of plant species, is already a biome another single homogeneous. Common plant has Melaleuca, camphor trees, banyan trees,figs, kapok, chrysanthemum, geranium, pansy, flower longevity, marigold, Huang Jin and so on, mostly for nonnative species of plants landscape in Taiwan, features easy to grow and better visual effect, part of the tree has windproof effect.

Analysis of SWOT SWOT分析表




Opportunipies 腳踏車道串聯周遭藝文系統 良好之防災蓄洪排水功能

 

 

大佳地理位置優越,腹地廣大 河濱路面硬體設備齊全 具有豐富的景觀資源 假日舉辦完善之休閒活動 腳踏車道串聯周邊藝文系統


 

水上活動硬體設備且缺乏 安全 大眾運輸無良好連結,可 及性低 大佳水質不理想

 透過腳踏車道串連景點,活絡在地 文藝系統。

 透過建立良好的水上設施,改善硬體 設備使用之問題。

 腹地廣大,提供台北市良好之蓄洪 功能

 藉由建立良好之防洪功能,改善水質 之疑慮。



 希望能串聯合面上下支連結, 打造完善之休閒空間。

 希望減少河川整治的破壞,保護 河川原有生態。

河流整治工程破壞原有生 態 河道水面不夠寬 外部環境限制水上活動的 多元性


SWOTT Strengths



Bicycle lanes around art system series Good flood drainage function of disaster prevention


Destruction of the original ecological river regulation project The river is not wide enough Diversity of external environmental constraints on water activity


Da Jia the geographical position is superior, the hinterland of the majority Riverside Road hardware equipment Has the rich landscape resources Perfect holiday organized leisure activities Bikeway series surrounding art system

Weaknesses Water and lack of safety equipment hardware activities Public transport has good links, and low Big good water quality is not ideal

W.O Through the establishment of good water facilities, improving hardware The problem of equipment use.

Throughthe bikeway series attractions, ac tive in the ground Literary system. The hinterland of the majority, provide good Taipei city flood Function Want to reduce the destruction of river regulation, protection The original ecology of rivers. By holding activities, diversity of growth activity


By creating a sound function of flood control, water quality improvement of doubt.

Hope to the occlusal surface of the upper and lower supportingconnecting in series, to create the perfect leisure space.


Treats 

    


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Analysis of the Surrounding Blocks 周圍區塊分析

060 Analysis of the Inner Region 內部區塊分區

The Position of Dajia Riverside 劍潭夜市、臺北市立美術館、花博展館(藝文族群與青年消費者)  Jiantan Night Market, Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM), Taipei Expo Exhition (The Customer of Art Ethnic Group and Youth )

The Position of Dajia Riverside  The Hub of Taipei Songshan Airport(Shipping Traffic) The Position of Dajia Riverside 地標(南港進入臺北的入口意向、觀光帶動消費人群)  Landmark(The Intention of South Harbor Flowing to Taipei The Tourist Consumption Crowd) The Position of Dajia Riverside 生態河濱公園(運動休閒人群)  Eco-river Park(Sports Leisure Groups) The Position of Dajia Riverside 藍色公路(沿著淡水河沿線進來的人群)  The tragedies of Design



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The Strategies of Design

1. 綜合轉運中心(立體交通設計)  Comprehensive Transit Center Nowadays the main entrance of Taipei Songshan Airport is located in the south , and the Wenhu Line and the station of Taipei Songshan Airport are traffic congestion wherever the ground and underground.The longer distance, the shorter time distance. It does benefits to the release of the pressure of transportation both the airport and the north Taipei.

062 2.臺北藝文特區(3區聯合發展,利用新的動線結合3區,提高大佳河濱公園的可及性)  Taipei Art Special Administrative Region Taipei Art Special Administrative Region(Use the new traffic flow to combine the three districts which make it united development to improve the accessibility of Dajia Riverside.)

3.防洪生態公園(不僅保持原功能,並增加通達性)  Flood Control and Ecological Park Flood Control and Ecological Park(Not only keep the original function, but also improve the accessibility. )

Eastern Section View

Wesern Section View

Northern Section View

Southern Section View


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12


Pedestrian Path

River cruise


Vehicle Path

Cycling Path

Pedestrian Path

Vehicle Path


ď Ž


Conclusion: 在考慮了機場航空安全的前提下,利用建築大形量體流線型的建築基座代替堤壩,並提 高景觀連續性,同時保證了建築主體安全性。  In consideration of safety about airport,use the large amount of body streamlined buildings base instead of the dam and improve the continuity of landscape which ensure the safety of the structure.

利用階梯狀下沉設計,引入基隆河水,利用生態岸線,形成俱有親水性的內部水系, 增加排洪空間,提高景觀價值。  Using the sinking design,eco-shoreline and introducing the Keelung water to form the hydrophilic interior drainage in order to increase floodwater off space and value of landscape. Conclusion: 北部地區進入台北市核心區門戶(機場、大直橋、中山高交匯處,利用本身建築的量 體造型成為地標)  The north district step into the central area of Taipei(ariport,big straight bridge,the intersection of Zhongshan Highway, using the nature modeling of building itself become the landmark. )



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

Conclusion: 改變市區現有交通結構,提高北市北部的關聯性及景觀價值,使原本被孤立的地區成 為新的城市功能熱點,讓機場與大佳河濱公園以及劍潭、南港等地區形成相輔相成的 綜合發展地區。 Changing the existing transportation structure and improving the connection and value of landscape in north Taipei make the isolated district become the new hot functioning spot of city which let the airport, Dajia riverside park, Jiantan, south harbor and other districts become complementary comprehensive development area.


The Photographs Of Final Presentation



Final Presentation PPT




Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

Renovation of Dajia Riverside 希望採用有機建築形式,改善堤防設計,既具有防洪功能,又增加了休憩、連接的功能, 增加堤防內外的連接性。增加地標建築,提高識別度,提升知名度,吸引更多市民。改善外部交 通設計,增設人行道、腳踏車道、汽車道,增強了公園的可及性設計中融入永續設計理念,尤其 是河濱步道設計,保護水中生物的生活習慣,保持了生物多樣性,體現了韌性的城市設計。 Adopt organic architecture, renovate the levee to a function of flood resistance as well as a linkage of inside and outside the park by providing recreational areas.Add urban landmark in case to elevate local identity, expand awareness and attract more visitors.Improve outside transportation, increase slow traffic and fast traffic to fulfill the accessibility of the Dajia RiversideEmerge sustainability concept into the park which presents a concept of resilience. The waterfront pedestrian respect water creatures’ lifestyle and reach biological diversity.




姓名:楊惟婷 / Susan 國立台北科技大學 NTUT 建築與都市設計研究所 領域:都市規劃與防災

姓名:司徒靖翊 / Young 國立台北科技大學 NTUT 建築與都市設計研究所 領域:建築設計

姓名:彭旭陽 / Peng 國立台北科技大學 NTUT 建築與都市設計研究所 領域:土木工程

姓名:臧孝菁 / Lilian 香港中文大學 CUHK 高級環境規劃理學碩士課程 領域: 草業科學

姓名:徐亞菲 / Serena 香港中文大學 CUHK 高級環境規劃理學碩士課程 領域: 材料學

姓名:潘婷 / Pantene 香港中文大學 CUHK 高級環境規劃理學碩士課程 領域:海洋科學

姓名:池彬 / Simon 香港中文大學 CUHK 住房研究社會科學碩士課程 領域:城鄉規劃與管理

姓名:吳昊 / Holly 香港中文大學 CUHK 住房研究社會科學碩士課程 領域:經濟學 / 數學


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 14:00-17:52 日期:2014年12月08日 Process / Sketch / Design

construction, which means it should be more walkable. We should consider the connecting corridor space, the bicycle route and pedestrian routes. The concept is people-oriented. 3.3 Digging drainage problems should be considered – section analysis 3.4 pollution problems: the balance of the water pollution and the interaction with water 3.5 hypothetical question: for example: whether the airport will be relocated and put forward the measurement in terms of the issue. 3.6 routing problem -welcoming Door, the boundary nodes expanded from point to a line 3.7 Highlights: Target Group 3.8 Traffic Considerations 3.9 use sketch and other illustration to show the concept and general idea


人員:組長—楊惟婷(北科大)池彬(中大) 第二組全體組員 指導—Alex, Thomas 內容:關於初步框架以及任務分配 一、持續性 1.1 需要尋求長久發展而非一次性娛樂項目 1.2 更多的需要考慮簡易的娛樂設施 1.3 目標明確,針對台北當地居民而非遊客 1.4 每週定期的展覽 二、完整的構想 Recording of 1st discussion Date: December 8, 2014 14: 00-17:&52Focus 2.1 Broad Concept—Zoning Staff: Leader - Yang Wei Ting (Taipei Tech) Chi Bin (CUHK) all members of the second 2.2 架高的防洪措施 group 2.3 城市連接 Guidance 三、休閒-Alex, Thomas Contents: preliminary framework and task assignments 3.1 安排的具體活動僅為設計空間服務—針對多樣性 1.Sustainablity 3.2seek 架高要需考慮與下層空間關係,要更加walkable,考慮空間廊道的 1.1 long-term development rather than a one-time entertainment 連接,考慮腳踏車路線,考慮行人路線—以人為本 1.2 makes entertainment simpler 3.3ensure 下挖需考慮排水問題—截面圖示分析 1.3 target group, the local residents is more suitable than visitors 3.4 污染問題—平衡親近水與防止污染的事宜 1.4 regular weekly exhibitions 2. Second, complete compose 3.5 假設問題—舉例:機場是否拆遷問題并針對假設尋求措施,可以案 2.1 Broad Concept-Zoning & Focus 例分析 2.2 flood control measures Door,節點交界往外擴充—由點到線 3.6High 路線問題—Welcoming 2.3 City Connection 3.7 亮點:Target Group 3. Leisure time 3.8 交通考量 3.1 Specific activities scheduled service only design space - for diversity 3.9The 圖示等多種手法展示 3.2 relationship with the underlying space needs to be considered about the raised

臺灣交流第2組第一次討論記錄 日期:2014年12月08日 14:00-17:52 人員:組長—楊惟婷(北科大)池彬(中大) 第二組全體組員 指導—Alex, Thomas 內容:關於初步框架以及任務分配 Taipei Tech & CUHK 一、持續性 1.1 需要尋求長久發展而非一次性娛樂項目 12/06-12/12 1.2 更多的需要考慮簡易的娛樂設施 1.3 目標明確,針對台北當地居民而非遊客 1.4 每週定期的展覽 二、完整的構想 2.1 Broad Concept—Zoning & Focus 過程 / 草圖 / 設計 2.2 架高的防洪措施 Process / Sketch Design Recording of 1st/ discussion 2.3 城市連接 Date: December 8, 2014 14: 00-17: 52 三、休閒 Staff: Leader - Yang Wei Ting (Taipei Tech) Chi Bin (CUHK) all members of the second 3.1 安排的具體活動僅為設計空間服務—針對多樣性 group 3.2 架高要需考慮與下層空間關係,要更加walkable,考慮空間廊道的 Guidance -Alex, Thomas Contents: preliminary framework and task assignments 連接,考慮腳踏車路線,考慮行人路線—以人為本 1.Sustainablity 3.3 下挖需考慮排水問題—截面圖示分析 1.1 污染問題—平衡親近水與防止污染的事宜 seek long-term development rather than a one-time entertainment 3.4 1.2 makes entertainment simpler 3.5 假設問題—舉例:機場是否拆遷問題并針對假設尋求措施,可以案 1.3 ensure target group, the local residents is more suitable than visitors 例分析 1.4 regular weekly exhibitions 3.6 路線問題—Welcoming Door,節點交界往外擴充—由點到線 2. Second, complete compose 3.7 Group 2.1 亮點:Target Broad Concept-Zoning & Focus 3.8 交通考量 2.2 High flood control measures 3.9 2.3 圖示等多種手法展示 City Connection


3. Leisure time 3.1 Specific activities scheduled service only design space - for diversity 3.2 The relationship with the underlying space needs to be considered about the raised construction, which means it should be more walkable. We should consider the connecting corridor space, the bicycle route and pedestrian routes. The concept is people-oriented. 3.3 Digging drainage problems should be considered – section analysis 3.4 pollution problems: the balance of the water pollution and the interaction with water 3.5 hypothetical question: for example: whether the airport will be relocated and put forward the measurement in terms of the issue. 3.6 routing problem -welcoming Door, the boundary nodes expanded from point to a line 3.7 Highlights: Target Group 3.8 Traffic Considerations 3.9 use sketch and other illustration to show the concept and general idea

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

臺灣交流第2組第二次討論記錄 日期:2014年12月11日 14:00-17:52 人員:組長—楊惟婷(北科大)池彬(中大)第二組全體組員 內容:關於任務分配以及提供建議 一、任務分配 1.區位分析修改 Location Analysis of changes-【司徒】 2.周邊交通分析修改-增加車行、腳踏車行、人行連接性 Traffic analysis modified increases the garage, public bike, pedestrian connectivity【孝菁】

4.氣候分析-氣溫、溼度、降雨量、風向 Temperature, humidity climate analysis, rainfall, wind thermal comfort【潘婷】 5.災害分析 Disaster analysis-【惟婷】 6.水文水質 The hydrology and water quality-【惟婷】 7.規劃區域內現狀分析 Functional zoning amendment-【吳昊】 7.1功能分區修改-【吳昊】 7.2交通腳踏車道、人行、藍色公路 Bicycle lanes, pedestrian traffic, blue highway-【孝菁】 7.3存在的問題 problems-【池彬】



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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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• 基地分析Site Analysis


• 目標定位Design Target


• 規劃構想Blue Print


• 策略總結Summary

1 基地分析 Site Analysis 區位 Location 077

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078 Jan 0:01- 1:00 1:01- 2:00 2:01- 3:00 3:01- 4:00 4:01- 5:00 5:01- 6:00 6:01- 7:00 7:01- 8:00 8:01- 9:00 9:01-10:00 10:01-11:00 11:01-12:00 12:01-13:00 13:01-14:00 14:01-15:00 15:01-16:00 16:01-17:00 17:01-18:00 18:01-19:00 19:01-20:00 20:01-21:00 21:01-22:00 22:01-23:00 23:01-24:00 Max Hour Min Hour

Feb 15 14.9 14.8 14.7 14.5 14.5 14.5 15 16.1 17.2 17.9 18.3 18.5 18.3 17.9 17.4 16.8 16.5 16 15.7 15.8 15.5 15.2 15.1 13 7

Mar 15.1 15.1 15 14.8 15 14.9 14.9 15.3 16.4 17.1 17.7 18.1 18.1 17.9 17.8 17.5 17 16.4 16.1 15.9 15.7 15.5 15.5 15.3 12 4

16.9 16.7 16.5 16.5 16.2 16.2 16.2 17.1 18.2 19.3 20 20.8 20.7 20.5 20.2 19.8 19.3 18.4 18 17.7 17.7 17.4 17.1 17.1 12 6

- Average Hourly Statistics for Dry Bulb temperatures ー C Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 20.2 23.3 25.3 27.7 27.2 20.1 22.9 25.1 27.5 26.9 20 23 24.9 27.5 26.8 19.8 22.8 24.8 27.3 26.6 19.7 22.6 24.7 27.2 26.3 19.7 23.1 25 27.4 26.2 20.3 23.7 25.7 28.2 27.2 21.1 24.6 27 29.5 28.6 22.4 25.4 28.4 30.8 30.3 23.6 26.2 29.4 31.8 31.4 24 27 30.1 32.5 32.4 24.5 27.3 30.5 32.8 32.9 24.4 27.3 30.6 32.7 32.5 24 26.9 30.1 32.2 31.9 23.8 26.5 29.4 31.6 31 23.4 26.1 28.4 31 30.3 22.9 25.5 27.9 30.5 29.9 22.4 25 27.4 29.9 29.3 21.7 24.5 27 29.2 28.7 21.4 24.2 26.4 28.8 28.3 21.1 24.1 26.1 28.4 27.8 20.9 23.8 25.9 28.2 27.6 20.8 23.5 25.7 28.1 27.3 20.7 23.4 25.6 27.9 27.2 12 12 13 12 12 5 5 5 5 6

Oct 25.5 25.3 25.3 25.1 24.9 25 25.7 26.9 28.1 28.8 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.5 29 28.5 27.8 27.2 26.7 26.4 26.3 25.9 25.7 25.7 13 5

Nov 22.7 22.3 22.6 22.4 22.5 22.3 22.6 23.6 24.7 25.4 25.8 26.2 26.1 25.8 25.4 24.8 24.1 23.3 23 22.9 22.7 22.6 22.5 22.4 12 6

Dec 20.9 20.5 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.3 20.7 21.6 23 23.7 24 24.2 24 24.3 23.9 23.1 22.5 21.8 21.4 21.3 21.2 21.1 21 20.8 14 6

16.9 16.9 17 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.8 17.2 18.2 19.2 19.6 20.1 20.1 19.7 19.2 18.4 17.9 17.6 17.5 17.2 17.1 16.9 16.9 16.9 13 6

Temperature •

The temperature in Taipei is high 臺北氣溫較高

Average temperature: 75°F年平均氣溫為75°F

Summer is hot, winter is cool 夏季嚴熱,冬季偏冷

Temperature daily range is not large 日常溫差較窄


Rainfall Rainfall in Jun in Taipei is more than other months, over 300cm 臺北六月降雨量最高,超過300cm •

There are 170 rainy days in a year 全年降雨天數達到170天

Wind Speed •

Direction of monsoon:

Summer: Southwest Winter: Northeast •

Average wind speed: 3.1 m/s


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Water Quality 生化需氧量 懸浮固體 氨氮 (BOD): (SS): (NH3-N): 1.78 mg 3.5 3.7 mg/L 2.8 mg/L 19.5 mg/L /L 5.0≦BOD5≦1 BOD5> 3.0< 生化需氧量 BOD5≦3.0 (BOD5)mg/L 5.0 15.0 BOD5≦4.9 20.0< 50.0≦SS≦10 懸浮固體(SS) SS≦20.0 SS>100 mg/L SS≦49.9 0 0.50<NH3- 1.00≦NH3- NH3-N> 氨氮(NH3-N)mg/L NH3-N≦0.50 N≦0.99 N≦3.00 3.0 污染指數積分值 S≦2.0 2.0<S≦3.0 3.1≦S≦6.0 S>6.0 (S)



Reason •

Industry pollution 工業污染

Centralized distribution farms in upstream of Keelung River 上游農場集中

Matsuyama Airport 松山機場的污染

水文地質 Hydrogeological • • •

設有4個疏散門 Four sluice gate 整體高程5公尺以下 Elevation under five meters 平均坡度1% Average slope 1 %


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過濾 Filtration


防洪 Flood control 蓄洪 Flood storage 氣候調節 Climate control 生態系統 Ecosystem 景觀 Landscape

082 • 海平面上升之影響 effect of rising sea levels • 將大佳河濱公園腳色定位為 「臺北蓄洪池」 • Dajia riverside park is regarded as Taipei retaining poor


Link Sonshan station in the south to Dazhi in the north. Connect Sanchong in the west and Zhonghe to the east. 基地北側鄰近大直、士林;南側通往臺北車站;東側連接中和;西至三重 連結大直和濱江街 Connecting the Dazhi and Binjiang road

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內部交通分析 The analyze of inner transportation


堤防、橋樑與工廠關係 Levee, Freeway and factories


堤防、學校與橋樑關係 Levee, schools and Freeway

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存在的問題 Problems 存在的問題 Problems


2 目標定位 Design Target 設計定位 Design location • 集韌性、觀光、休閒功能為一體的城市未來新地標 An urban lifestyle destination integrated with resilience, sightseeing, leisure functions.

期望成效 Expected effect 韌性

互動 Interaction 觀光 Sightseeing 活力 Vibrancy 永續 Sustainability

•採用有機建築方式,改善交通,完善設施,增強堤防內 外連接,增加互動性 •Use organic architecture to promote transportation network, facilitate infrastructures, enhance the linkage between inside and outside of Dajia Riverside, thus create local interaction •建設城市新地標,吸引觀光客 •Build new urban landmark to attract tourists and develop social economy

•引入經濟活動,創造工作,使本案更具活力 •Strive more economic activities, create jobs

•融入綠色設計方法,體現永續理念 •Emerge with green building concept, fulfill site sustainability



•繼續發揮防洪蓄洪的作用 •Flood control & flood storage

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3 規劃構想 Blue Print

Economical activities




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3 規劃構想 Blue Print 內部交通分析 The analysis of inner transportation


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內部交通分析-大直橋改善 The analysis of inner transportation-The improvement of Dazhi Bridge

094 Increase the car lane that could go down the Dazhi bridge 在大直橋增加了可以從兩側開到河濱公園的行車路


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Cycle path Grass field 096


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可持續排水Sustainable Drainage System 源頭控制(透水性路面) Source control ( permeable pavement ) 雨水花園、綠色屋頂、蓄水池 stormwater gardens, green roof, retaining pool 在雨水降落的地方進行治理(局部徑流管理) govern the rain falling spot (partial runoff management)


1、綜合成本比較低,在使用的 3-5年內以電費來比較可以 收回成本。 2、外觀別致,是一道景觀 3、再生能源 4、無需人工地下電纜費用


風力路燈 Wind Power Streetlights 1、Relatively low cost 2、innovative look 3、Recycle Energy 4、Save the cost of the underground chanel

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Suggestion •

Obey the River Water Management Rules made by government seriously 增強法律規範

Make the farms which are located beside the river bank dispersed to different areas 搬離上游農場

Complete the sewage pipes systems for the countryside 完善農村的排水系統

Complete the feces colleting and cleaning systems 排泄物的收集與處理 系統

http://baike.baidu.com/picture/638161/638161/0/a0ca9 9d678ba3c1506088b25?fr=lemma&ct=single#aid=0&pic= a0ca99d678ba3c1506088b25


http://baike.baidu.com/picture/1714570/1714570/0/6a2 2e8248cbd40258644f951?fr=lemma&ct=single#aid=0&pi c=6a22e8248cbd40258644f951

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Water activity •

Increasing the interaction between the public and


water 增加人與水的 互動性 Source:http://www.ctoy.com.cn/extend/view.php?img=http://img.ct oy.com.cn/vipcom/drqimo/20116810106828.jpg

Including: canoeing, padded ball and so on 例如:皮划艇、 充氣滾球等

Source:http://www.reviriver.taipei.gov.tw/fp.asp?fpage=cp&xItem=3 985909&ctNode=72635&mp=100039

4 策略總結 Summary 4 策略總結 Summary

2.增加地標建築,提高識別度,提升知名度,吸引更多市民。 Add urban landmark in case to elevate local identity, expand awareness 3.改善外部交通設計,增設了人行道、腳踏車道、汽車道,增強了公園的可及性。 and attract moretransportation, visitors. Improve outside increase slow traffic and fast traffic to fulfill the accessibility of the Dajia Riverside 3.改善外部交通設計,增設了人行道、腳踏車道、汽車道,增強了公園的可及性。 Improve outside transportation, increase slow traffic and fast traffic 4.設計中融入永續設計理念,尤其是河濱步道設計,保護水中生物的生活習慣,保 to fulfill the accessibility of the Dajia Riverside 持了生物多樣性,體現了韌性的城市設計。 Emerge sustainability concept into the park which presents a concept of resilience. The waterfront pedestrian respect water creatures’ 4.設計中融入永續設計理念,尤其是河濱步道設計,保護水中生物的生活習慣,保 lifestyle and reach biological diversity. 持了生物多樣性,體現了韌性的城市設計。 Emerge sustainability concept into the park which presents a concept of resilience. The waterfront pedestrian respect water creatures’ lifestyle and reach biological diversity.


1.採用有機建築形式,改善堤防設計,既具有防洪功能,又增加了休憩、連接的功 能,增加了堤防內外的連線性。 Adopt organic architecture, renovate the levee to a function of flood resistance as well as a linkage of inside and outside the park by 1.採用有機建築形式,改善堤防設計,既具有防洪功能,又增加了休憩、連接的功 providing recreational areas. 能,增加了堤防內外的連線性。 Adopt organic architecture, renovate the levee to a function of flood resistance as well as a linkage of inside and outside the park by 2.增加地標建築,提高識別度,提升知名度,吸引更多市民。 providing areas. Add urban recreational landmark in case to elevate local identity, expand awareness and attract more visitors.

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The Photographs Of Final Presentation



Final Presentation PPT


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Final Presentation PPT

堤防、橋樑與工廠關係 Levee, Freeway and factories

106 堤防、學校與橋樑關係 Levee, schools and Freeway

日期:2014年12月12日 14:00-17:52 人員:組長—楊惟婷(北科大)池彬(中大) 第二組全體組員 建議: 1.考慮cubes不要全方位展開 2.cubes不要互相隔離,不要壓抑 3.landmark的連接問題 4.與對岸群眾的聯繫 5.reason去park不夠


Team B 討論過程

Recommendation: 1. The cubes do not need all-around expansion 2.The connection of cubes is important, which should not isolated from each other. The design should not depress the people 3.The connection problems of landmark 4. The interaction with the other side of the river 5. Raise a strong reason for people to commute to the park



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Renovation of Liou Gong Zun Park and Water purification. 通過對瑠公圳的水體治理與改造之後,可以將商業與水體結合在一起,在水體周邊開發新的 商業體,從而利用良好的景觀環境吸引聚集更多的人流,獲取更多的消費收益。從社會方面看,將 ubike 等 slow traffic systems 與瑠公圳系統相結合,則能提倡綠色出行生活方式,更多的人會願意低碳出行, 有效的長遠的改變居民的生活方式,降低城市污染的產生。 After water treatment and transformation of, the Liou Gong Zun can combine with commercial body, such as developing new commercial area on waterfront, with the beautiful landscape to attract more people, thus it can get more benefit of consumption. From social perspective, the “Ubike” slow traffic systems combined with Liou Gong Zun system, can promote green travel way of life, more people will accept low carbon travel, thus residents life will be changed in the effective long-term way, and pollution of the city will reduce.




組 長

黃偉倫 / Karol 國立臺北科技大學 建築與都市設計研究所 碩士 / National Taipei University of Technology. Master of Department of Architecture & Graduate Institute of Aechitecture and Urban Design

景觀設計規劃 / Landscape planning 黃舒晨 / Misty

鄭 瑤 / Emma

國立臺北科技大學 /

香港中文大學 /

建築與都市設計研究所 碩士 /

高級環境規劃技術理學碩士 /

建築設計 /

環境規劃、景觀設計 /

李明娜 / Sarah

余 青 / YUQING

香港中文大學 /

香港中文大學 /

住房研究社會科學碩士 /

高級環境規劃技術理學碩士 /



National Taipei University of Technology Master of Department of Architecture & Graduate Institute of Aechitecture and Urban Design Architectural

組 員

Chinese university of Hong Kong Master of Social Science in Housing Studies Green building、LEED、BIM

Chinese university of Hong Kong Master of science in advanced environmental planning technologies Environmental planning 、Landscape planning

Chinese university of Hong Kong Master of science in advanced environmental planning technologies Environmental planning 、GIS

盧培棟 / Luke

李鷥鷥 / Ceci

香港中文大學 /

香港中文大學 /

住房研究社會科學碩士 /

高級環境規劃技術理學碩士 /

綠色建築、韓文 /

環境規劃、汙水處理 /

Chinese university of Hong Kong Master of Social Science in Housing Studies Green building、Korean

Chinese university of Hong Kong Master of science in advanced environmental planning technologies Environmental planning 、Sewage treatment

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

• • • •


Knowledge of Liugong River : students VS the elder people Outdoor activities: preference to have fun in the park About water entertainment: kids’ favor Education&farming experience: cooperated with school Improvement: shading, fitness facilities, sittable area

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

112 下沉式的廣場設計可以在洪澇期起到緩解排水壓力的作用。 Sunken plaza design can help ease the stress of drainage system as the period of flood .

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


雨汙分流 •

Rainwater and Sewage Separate System


Pervious pavements to collect rainwater


Domestic wastewater connected into municipal sewage system

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

交通便利,可達性高 Convenient traffic, easy accessibility

114 •

服務半徑內有兩所學校,對河道 進行重新開發具有教育意義

Two schools within the service area of the site, which plays an educational role in the renewal of river channal.

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


針對瑠公圳的周邊環境情況,對公園功能進行重新規劃,將生態淨水與其灌溉的原 始功能相結合來做 Reoriented the functions of park with the help of analysis of the surroundings of Lio-Kong . Ecological water purification and original irrigation function will be combined into this project.

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Renovation of Liou Gong Zun Park and Water purification.

綠色基礎設施之發展系統 The development of green infrastructure system


綠色基礎設施(Green Infrastructure;GI) 的內涵廣泛,本計畫著重於「綠地基礎設施」 之規劃概念,將都市發展融入自然中,建立 系統性功能結構,包括:生態廊道、綠色 通道、環境廊道、生態網路及框架景觀、 生態結構等。以此概念為基礎, 提出北北基綠色基礎建設之發展 系統。鏈結藍帶及綠道: 主要的鏈結,藉由河川、水圳、 道路綠廊及綠帶,將北北基的 綠色網絡架構起來。 The project focuses on the concept of “Green Infrastructure”, involving nature in urban process, which builds up the structure of systematical function, including: ecological corridor, green channel/environmental corridor, ecological network and frame landscape, ecological structure, etc. Based on this concept, GI development of Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area will be realized by connecting blue belts and green corridors. The integration of rivers, channels, green corridors and green belts will set up the network of GI of Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area.

基地概述 Base Overview


北北基綠帶系統包含:都市外圍的雪山山脈 、大屯火山群和觀音山等自然綠地,都市內之公園綠地 、校園綠地、遊憩綠地、道路綠帶及點狀的受保護樹木 綠資源等。都市外圍之自然綠地為北北基主要的大面積 綠資源,隨著都市擴張、道路建設,這些綠地資源都面臨 保存及復育之問題。而都市內則有公園綠地建設率需提升 、校園綠地生態性提升、道路綠帶設置不連貫等問題。 GI of Taipei-Keelung includes: Snowy mountains outside the city, Datun volcanoes and Guanyin Mountain and other natural green space, parkland within the city, the campus green spaces, recreational green space, green belts and dotted protected trees resources, etc. The natural green land outside the city is mainly the GI of Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area However, with the expansion of city and the construction of roads, the green land resource faces issues of preservation and restoration. On the other hand, city also has several issues. For example, more green parkland needs to be built, the ecology green land of campus should be improved, and the distribution of green belts needs to be more coherent.

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瑠公圳介紹 Introduction of Liou-Kong Zun


目前在臺北盆地的瑠公圳水道主要可分為三 段主幹道,分別為霧裡薛支線、大安支線與 五分埔支線。第一干道。此三條支線分別延 伸至臺北盆地的東西方與中央,使瑠公圳的 支流遍滿全臺北市。依據大地地理雜誌 2001 年十二月號的分類,其將瑠公圳分為七個系 統,包含主幹道與小支流。依據其上下游的 順序依序為:碧潭 - 景美溪段;景美溪 - 萬 盛段;公館 - 六張犁段;五分埔 - 興雅段; 大安 - 中崙段;古亭 - 五條通段以及雙連 大稻埕段。現今各個圳道的保存情況不一, 瑠公圳在現代都市中扮演的角色也不大相 同。

At present, Liou Gong Zun channel in the Taipei basin can be divided into three the main branches, the Wuheue branch, Da'an branch and Wufenpo Branch respectively. The three branched extend east, west and central of the Taipei basin respectively, so that Liou Gong Zun can flow throughout the whole Taipei city. Based on the classification of National Geographic magazine in December 2001, the Liou Gong Zun is divided into seven systems, including the main channel and small branches. According to its order of The upstream and downstream: the Bitan - Chingmei stream section; Jingmei-Wansheng section; Gongguan – Liuzhangli section; Wufenpo - Xingya section; Da'an-Zhonglunsection; Guting-Wutiaotong section and Shuanglian - Dadaocheng section. Now preservation condition of each ditch is different, Liou Gong Zun plays a different role in modern city nowadays.

The Hydraulic Irrigation System Lio -Kong used to provide water for agricultural irrigation, industry, and domestic living of residents in great Taipei. However, with the rapid urbanization in Taipei, it was changed into building land


瑠公圳曾為大臺北地區的居民提供農業灌溉用水、工業用水以及生活用水。然後,隨著臺北地區 迅速的城市化,大部分溝渠已被填為城市用地。

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周邊大眾交通工具 Surrounding public transport


You Bike

120 自行車串連活化基地


Public Engagement • • • • •

Knowledge of Liugong River : students VS the elder people Outdoor activities: preference to have fun in the park About water entertainment: kids’ favor Education&farming experience: cooperated with school Improvement: shading, fitness facilities, sittable area 121



傳承 Heritage:












交通 Traffic:




影響 Impact

文化歷史傳承 Culture and History Heritage

環境 Environment: •

提升生物多樣性 Increase of biodiversity

降低熱島效應 Lower the Heat Island Effect

慢行車道 Lowcarbon Slow Traffic

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以人為本 發展願景

people-oriented & development perspective

親水 設計

單車 系統

步行 系統

歷史 文化 122

水質 管理

生態 鏈結

The city often block animals migration and the chance of sur vival due to road and building, the ecological island Photo From: Green Roof Blog hopping design can provide a relay station of their rests, habitats and reproductions. From the blue and green resource analysis, we can find the downtown area is an ecological system break zone, so the use of green roofs, gree n balcony and punctiform surrounding green space to create an ecological island hopping. Another function of green roofs is to create "ecological island hopping". Roads, buildings in urban area block ecosystem of birds, butterflies, insects. Green roofs can become their relay station of rests, habitats and reproductions, so the greenery of green roof should be able to bloom (provide nectar) and yield fruit, thereby provide their food source, become an ecological island hopping, enhance ecological diversity.


都市裡常因道路和建築物而阻斷了生物遷徙和生存的機會, 生態跳島的設計可提供生物休息、棲息和繁衍的中繼站,由藍綠 帶資源分析可知市中心區為一生態系統斷裂區,因此利用綠屋頂、 綠陽臺和周邊點狀分佈的綠地串連創造生態跳島。 綠屋頂的另項功能是創造「生態跳島」。道路、建築物形成水 泥叢林切斷了鳥、蝶、昆蟲的生態系統,綠屋頂可成為牠們休憩、 繁衍中繼站,所以綠屋頂的植栽應該會開花(提供蜜源)、結果, 藉此提供牠們食物來源,成為生態跳島,創造多樣性生態品質。

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Ecological island hopping

124 生態跳島和生態窗口在景觀生態學中扮演著「節點」(nodes)角色,節點在景觀生態學上 具有連結兩個廊道或一個區塊與廊道的連結功能。都市裡常因道路和建築物的建設而阻斷了生物 遷徙和生存的機會,生態跳島的設計可提供生物休息、棲息和繁衍的中繼站,生態窗口是確保區 內動植物生態與外界連通的重要機制,由藍綠帶資源分析可知市中心區生態系統斷裂區。 Ecological island hopping and ecological window play "node in landscape ecology" (nodes) role, node has a link function to connect two corridor or a block and a corridor in landscape ecology. The city is often due to the construction of roads and buildings and blocks their migration and the chance of survival, design of ecological island hopping can provide biological rest, habitat and reproduction of the relay station, is to ensure that important ecological window mechanism of plant ecology is communicated with the outside dynamic area, ecological system analysis of the downtown area known fault zone by blue green resources.

低衝擊性開發 Low Impact Development

LID is a utilization of evaporation, infiltration and rainwater management to the manage water resources and water Photo From: Smart Growth pollution, to avoid or reduce the pollution of human activities on streams, rivers, lake and groundwater. The difference between LID technology and traditional way (grassed waterway, detention pond)is to control runoff and pollution generated from rainstorm by using scattered and small scale source management , thus to make the development area as close to the natural water cycle as possible.


低 衝 擊 性 開 發 (LID) 是 一 種 利 用 蒸 散、 滲 透 和 透 過 雨 水 管理的利用來管理水 資 源 及 水 汙 染, 藉 此 避免或減少人為開發 對 溪 流、 河 流、 湖 岸 以 及 地 下 水 的 污 染。 LID 的技術與傳統的方 式 ( 草溝、滯留池 ) 不 同在於利用分散和小 規模源頭管理的方式 來對暴雨產生的逕流 及 污 染 進 行 控 制, 使 開發地區盡量接近自 然的水循環。。

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貯留滲透設計 Storage infiltration design


促進土壤的滲透能力,直接增加雨水滲入土壤的流量,並減少地表逕流量,讓雨水暫時留 置於基地上,然後再以一定流速讓水循環於大地。 Promote the penetration ability of the soil, directly increase rainwater seeps into the soil flow and reduce surface runoff, allowing the rain to temporary lien on the site, and then to a certain velocity let water circulation in the earth.

在人工地盤上設置花園以截 留雨水,其截留保水效果雖不如自 然綠地,但在降雨時利用土壤間隙 暫 存 雨 水, 可 延 遲 暴 雨 時 雨 水 逕 流,減緩都市洪峰現象。 In the artificial turf is set to hold rain garden, the entrapped water retention effect is as natural green space, but in the rainfall utilization of soil clearance temporar y rain, storm runoff can be delayed when, slow urban flood peak phenomenon.

Photo From: Belgard

交通分析與服務半徑分析 Transportation and Service Area


交通便利可達性高,服務半徑內有兩所學 校,對河道進行重新開發具有教育意義。 Convenient traffic, easy accessibility,Two schools within the service area of the site, which plays an educational role in the renewal of river channel.

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Design Concept Analysis

128 針對瑠公圳的周邊環境情況,對公園功能進行重新規劃,將生態淨水與其灌溉的原始功能相結合 Reoriented the functions of park with the help of analysis of the surroundings of Liou-Kong Zun . Ecological water purification and original irrigation function will be combined into this project.

下沉式的廣場設計可以在洪澇期起到緩解排水壓力的作用。 Sunken plaza design can help ease the stress of drainage system as the period of flood .


階梯景觀為洪水期做到緩衝作用,同時可以作為新的活動休憩空間 Terrace landscape serves as buffer area as it floods, meanwhile it could also serve as a new leisure and activity space

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 通過與學校合作,定期讓學生來種植農田,用渠內的水澆灌植物是對瑠公圳的歷史的瞭解。 到了果實成熟的季節,可以組織親子活動,通過義賣來增強社區的參與性,對於周邊居民來說是 更好的居住環境。 Collaborate with schools and invite students to irrigate farmlands, which helps students learn the history of Liou-Kong Zun.When fruits ripen, parent-child activities like bazaar, organized to enhance community participation.A better living environment for neighbourhood

130 農田景觀作為教育用 田,通過與學校的合作 來建立長期的教育意義 Fa r m l a n d l a n d s c a p e ser ves as educational farmland, which can educate the residents local culture and history.


雨汙分流 Rainwater and Sewage Separate System 使用可滲透性鋪面對雨水進行收集 Pervious pavements to collect rainwater 將居民用水產生的廢水與城市污水管道連接 Domestic wastewater connected into municipal sewage system

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水處理 Water Treatment

132 • 採用穩定塘處理系統,將污水的處理與利用有機地結合起來,實現了污水的資源化, 這對於緩解台北市水資源短缺的矛盾具有重要的意義。 Stable pond system was used in this project, the sewage treatment combined with the reuse of it . Making the sewage into resources to alleviate the shortage of water resources has an important significance of in the city of Taipei.

• 設計中特別注意了處理系統與周圍環境的協調一致,注意了對環境的美化。曝氣養魚 塘作為人工景點,將污水處理廠建成了一座生態公園。 In the design process of this project special attention was paid to the processing system in harmony with the surrounding environment, to beautify the environment. Aeration fishpond as artificial attractions, turned the sewage treatment plant into an ecological park.

• 與傳統污水处理法相比较,具有基建投資省,運行費用低,維護管理方便等優點 Compared with other traditional swage treatment system, less investment of infrastructure construction, lower running cost and convenient to management are the advantages of the biochemistry treatment system in this project.

Architectual Rendering


Flowing water going down stairs provides a sound relaxation for visitors

Selected materials of stone helps to purify water


研究展望 Further Study

改善PM 2.5 &熱島效應& 微氣候 Improvement of PM 2.5 & Heat Island Effect &Microclimate  綠地增加,淨化空氣 More green land helps to purify air  蒸發水汽,降低氣溫 Greenbelts and GI contributes to evaporation and decrease of temperature  污水治理Sewage treatment  瑠公公園所在的新北市,其地下污水管道鋪設尚未健全,需要進一步 發展來配合此研究的雨污分流規劃。 The sewage system of Xinbei City where Liou-Kong Zun park locates needs further development to cooperate the Rainwater and Sewage Separate Construction in this project

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Project Recommendation: 1. 除了整體概況,時間允許可設計更多細節 2. 設計中應多體現更多與周圍環境住宅相融合的理念 3. 考慮水的來源 , 挖渠之後如何保持水的乾淨等問題 1. Except the overall profile, more details can be designed if time permitted. 2. Design should reflect more concepts of integration with the surrounding residential environment 3. The source of the water should be considered about how to keep the water clean after digging trench


The Photographs Of Final Presentation



Final Presentation PPT



Location The Hydraulic Irrigation System Lio-Kong used to provide water for agricultural irrigation, industry, and domestic living of residents in great Taipei. However, with the rapid urbanization in Taipei, it was changed into building land.



A Site


Nature Green

City Green


Nature Water

City Water


Sunken plaz of drainage


The project focuses on the concept of “Green Infrastructure�, involving nature in urban process, which builds up the structure of systematical function, including: ecological corridor, green channel/environmental corridor, ecological network and frame landscape, ecological structure, etc. Based on this concept, GI development of Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area will be realized by connecting blue belts and green corridors. The integration of rivers, channels, green corridors and green belts will set up the network of GI of Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area.


Future Study


nn l Co




GI of Taipei-Keelung includes: Snowy mountains outside the city, Datun volcanoes and Guanyin Mountain and other natural green space, parkland within the city, the campus green spaces, recreational green space, green belts and dotted protected trees resources, etc. The natural green land outside the city is mainly the GI of Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area. However, with the expansion of city and the construction of roads, the green land resource faces

Improvement of PM 2.5 & Heat Island Effect&Microclimate More green land helps to purify air Greenbelts and GI contributes to evaporation and decrease of temperature Sewage treatment The sewage system of Xinbei City where Lio-Kong park locates needs further development to cooperate the Rainwater and Sewage Separate Construction in this project

Collaborate irrigate farm the history o When fruits bazaar, orga participation $ EHWWHU OLYLQ

The sewage park locates cooperate th Construction



eat Island


purify air tes to of

ei City s needs perate the arate

ure Study

Sunken plaza design can help ease the stress of drainage system as the period of flood .

Flowing water going down stairs provides a sound relaxation for visitors selected materials of stone helps to purify water

Collaborate with schools and invite students to irrigate farmlands, which helps students learn the history of Lio-Kong When fruits ripen, parent-child activities like bazaar, organized to enhance community participation $ EHWWHU OLYLQJ HQYLURQPHQW IRU QHLJKERXUKRRG

Terrace landscape serves as buffer area as it floods, meanwhile it could also serve as a new leisure and activity space

The sewage system of Xinbei City where Lio-Kong park locates needs further development to cooperate the Rainwater and Sewage Separate Construction in this project


Farmland landscape serves as educational farmland, which can educate the residents local culture and history

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Group D – Liugongjun, Wenzhou St. Part 瑠公圳流經溫州街屬於鄰近臺大校園及商業空間的寧靜住宅區,此區機能豐富,巷弄間有許 多咖啡店、設計工作室及街角公園,藝文氣息濃厚,我們希望創建一個低投資、低環境干擾的高 品質的休閒街區,並推廣瑠公圳的歷史文化價值,在不破壞現有建築的情況下,能夠開挖的流段 進行開挖,營造出步行休憩區。 Liu Gong ditch through Wenzhou street is adjacent to NTU Campus Commercial Space and quiet residential area,this region function rich, alleys there are many Coffee shop, design studio and corner Park, cultural atmosphere,we hope to create a low investment, low environmental interference of high quality leisure district, and the promotion of Liu Gong ditch. Historical and cultural value, without disrupting the existing building cases, flowsection can excavation excavation, creating a walk and rest area.



138 姓名:林祉嫺/ Wind 學校:台北科技大學研究所 領域:建築與都市設計都市規劃

姓名:位鳴玉/Melinda 學校:香港中文大學研究所 領域:Housing Studing

姓名:鍾逸樺/Liquefy 學校:台北科技大學研究所


姓名:王嘉毅 /Rico




領域:Advanced Environmental Planning Technology

領域:Advanced Environmental Planning Technology

姓名:何家歡/Annie 學校:香港中文大學研究所 領域:Advanced Environmental Planning Technology

姓名:郭夢陽/Mike 學校:香港中文大學研究所 領域:Housing Studing

姓名:萬詩羽/Fiona 學校:香港中文大學研究所 領域:Advanced Environmental Planning Technology

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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Liugongjun 瑠公圳

A Community Regeneration Project in Wenzhou St Taipei


WANG Jia-yi He Jia-huan MAO Xing-juan WAN Shi-yu WEI Ming-yu GUO Meng-yang ZHONG Yi-hua LIN Zhi-xian



Site Location 基地地址 About Liugongjun 關於瑠公圳 Current Site Situation 當前基地狀況 Project Mission 專案使命

Liugongjun 瑠公圳

A Community Regeneration Project in Taipei

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Site Location


About Liugongjun • 1740 Excavation—— Development of Taipei The Taipei developer Kuo His-Liu built the irrigation canal.

• 1930 Heyday—— Liugong water conservancy combination

• 1950 Capping and disappearing—— Rapid industrial development The irrigation area of the waterway narrowed, and the Liugongjun was filled and capped. Only the 40m’s open channel in Lane 45, Wenzhou Street was reserved.

• 2000 Preservation and regeneration of Liugongjun Renovations have been taken place to create a space with accessible water and green belts. Thus, Liugongjun was endowed a new life.


The governor of Taiwan constructed it into a drain called “Horikawa (Kuchuan)”, also known as “Liugongjun”.

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Site Map


Visible Part

Busy Streets



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Quiet Streets


Local Snacks

Café and Craft Shops


Ancillary Facilities on Site • Educational Facilities: • Kindergartens, Primary School, Training Schools

• Commercial Facilities: • Supermarket, Grocery Store, F&B, Window Shops, Beauty Salons, Musical Instrument Shops, Bookstores

• Functional Facilities: • Clinics, Parking Lots, Transportation Stations

• Recreational Facilities: • Gym, Playgrounds

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Project Mission • To Improve the Living Quality of Original Inhabitants while Providing High Quality Recreation Space to Surrounding Communities •

既能改善原住民生活品質,又能為周邊社區提供高品質的消 費和休閒街區。


• To Investigate the Synergistic Effect between Water System and Urban Greenery •


• To Extract and Promote the Historical Value of Liugongjun •


• To Trigger the Cluster Effect of Existing Business Models •


• Low Investment and Low Environmental Impact •



Core Regeneration Area 核心再生區域 Two Ideas about Watercourses 兩種關於水道設想 Proposal 設計方案 Key Points 一些需要考慮的要点

Liugongjun 瑠公圳

A Community Regeneration Project in Taipei

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Core Street Blocks Core Regeneration Area • The core regeneration area is based on the Wenzhou St. and Liugongjun watercourse. 156

該項目開發的區域以溫州街及瑠公圳兩條軸 線為基準。

• Liugongjun Culture Park 瑠公圳主題文化公園

• Liugongjun Commercial Street 瑠公圳商業街區

• Building exhibition hall. 新建瑠公圳主題歷史博物館/展覽館。

Two Ideas‌ Idea 1 Digging Out


Redesign the Watercourse

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Digging Out Idea 1 Digging Out • Dig out parts of the water channel that flow underneath the roads, creating recreation areas / walking areas. 158

在不破壞現有建築的情況下,將 能夠開挖的流段進行開挖,並營 造出步行休憩區。

Idea 1 Schematic Diagram

Digging Out Idea 1 Schematic Diagram


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2 Rechannelling Idea Idea 2 Rechannelling Water Rechannelling •

Dig shallow water channels along the road network within the community, the width of the channel can vary. 在片區內開挖淺引水渠,製造流水的景觀, 水道的寬窄根據通行的需求及景觀的需求 而變化。


• Floating Wine Cups along Winding Water 流觴曲水


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Idea 2 Feasibility • Liugongjun had been rechanneled many times in history; 歷史上曾多次改道。


• The underground part passes through many private zones; 部分河道穿越居住街區下方。

• The new route can connect more open spaces, parks and other commercial areas; 能夠創造新的景觀。

• More environmental improvements can be generated by a wider exposure of the watercourse. 有更多改善圳內水質的可能。

Idea 1 Schematic Diagram

Idea 2 Precedent • Hongcun 宏村

Idea 2 Precedent • Hongcun 宏村

• Hongcun 宏村

Idea 2 Precedent • Hongcun 宏村


Idea 2 Precedent

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Final Proposal

Tianzifang 田子坊


Pingjiang Road 平江路

Final Proposal Final Proposal The result of our discussion‌ 165


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Safety •

Place wooden fence alone the pond side 沿池邊加置防落水欄杆

• Warning Signs 設置警示標語 166

• A dedicated emergency telephone with posted emergency numbers 每個池邊放置一個緊急電話並標識急救電話號碼

At least 1 Lifebuoy assist with a 15 meter line attached


• For accessing at roadside and crossroad covered with tile stone 在流經家庭或商家門口及車輛通行之路口鋪置通行板

• For roadsides of pedestrian - place decorative plant 人行區域邊種植觀賞植物防止行人誤踏

Waterscape • Create spillover by different altitudes, which increase the capacity of dissolved oxygen and the water quality, and add more fun from water falling. •

通過在流經過程設置高差,製造溢流,既可以 增加溶氧能力,改善水質,又可以製造落水聲增加 趣味和美感。


• The changes of width of water channel have the influence on the speed of water. •


• Heighten an effect of aeration noise reduction by installing different altitudes and small fountains. •

通過高差設置、小型噴泉來增加曝氣、降噪的 效果。


• Inject water from the bottom of the watercourse, which bring sufficient oxygen and increase water cycle.

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Aquatic Plants

Aquatic Plants • Phytoplankton • Phytoplankton 浮游植物 浮游植物 Water Hyacinth


Plant •Fixed-root Fixed-root Plant 固根植物 固根植物

Limnophila sessiliflora (Vahl) Blume

石龍尾 Water Hyacinth


Limnophila sessiliflora (Vahl) Blume







Hydroc ymph

Azolla Ludwigia octovalvis

Sagittaria trifolia


(Jacq.) Raven 滿江紅 水丁香


Water Bank

Water Bank

Sagittaria trifolia


Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven



Location vs History Urban Blue vs Urban Green Business vs Daily Life Man vs Natural

Liugongjun 瑠公圳

A Community Regeneration Project in Taipei

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[1] Hu, Fang-Yu, Nathalie Lancret, and Gilles Hubert. "INTERACTION BETWEEN URBAN SPATIAL ORGANIZATION AND FLOOD RISK–TAIPEI CASE STUDY (18951945)."International Conference on Flood Resilience. 2013. [2] Lu, Chun-Han. "The Development and Change of the Liugongjun Canal System in Taipe." (2010). [3] http://www.319papago.idv.tw/106lk_rivers.html [4]陳仕昱. "都市水圳再造之規劃準則探討-以瑠公圳大坪林 段為例."臺北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所學位論文

(2011): 1-103.

[5]林健一. "都市發展衝擊下的文化地景-以新店瑠公圳為例." 淡江大學建築學系碩士班學位論文 (2011): 1-122. [6]潘佳昀. "生態‧印象-臺大校園瑠公圳水源池創作研究."臺 灣師範大學美術學系在職進修碩士班學位論文 (2012): 1-62. [7]汪荷清, et al. "綠與水的交響樂 臺灣大學瑠公圳復原及舟 山路改善景觀工程."風景園林 3 (2010): 020.


Group D

WANG Jiayi MAO Xingjuan WEI Mingyu ZHONG Yihua

He Jiahuan WAN Shiyu GUO Mengyang LIN Zhixian

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Final Presentation PPT





Taipei Tech & CUHK



Da Jia Riverside Ecological Education Demonstration Zone

大佳河濱公園富有豐富的生態資源與良好的水岸景觀,在現今強調永續發展的環境下扮演著不可或 缺的角色。本設計結合教育、娛樂、科技與商業四大主軸,利用基地原有水資源與環境特色,設計風力 發電與水資源活化利用,透過濕地生態的動線規劃與設計,將不近人情的堤防改為階梯式的梯田,讓設 計可以寓教於樂、活化地方特色,讓本區不在是一個堤防之外的世界,讓內外有更好的連結與和諧的環 境,讓全區整體生活品質提升,共享水岸之美。


Da-Jia riverside Park with rich ecological resources and good Shuian landscape, in the sustainable development of theenvironment plays an important role. The design combines education, entertainment, technology and businessfour spindle, using the original base of water resources and environmental characteristics, design of wind powerand water resources by activation, through the line planning and design of wetland ecology, will be inhumanembankment changed to stepped terraces, let the design can be entertaining, activation of local characteristicsthis area is not in, let the outside of a dike inside and outside world, let have a better connection and harmonious environment, so that the whole region the overall quality of life improve, sharing the beauty of waterfront.



姓名:周子翔/Shawn 學校:北科/NTUT 領域:都市計畫/Urban Planning

姓名:楊舒晴/SUSU 學校:北科/NTUT 領域:建築設計 /Architecture Design

姓名:耿瑞/Christna 學校:港大/CUHK 領域:日語 /Japenese(Translation Interpretation)

姓名:彭俊雯/June 學校:港大/CUHK 領域:都市計畫/Urban Planning

姓名:張惠婷/Amandine 學校:北科/NTUT 領域:建築設計 /Architecture Design

姓名:張薰予/Stephanie 學校:港大/CUHK 領域:土地管理/Land and Resources Management

姓名:沈文昊/Yaqi 學校:港大/CUHK 領域:流體力學/Fluid Mechanics

姓名:李想/Liviya 學校:港大/CUHK 領域:環境工程 /Environmental Engineering

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design


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1. Data of Dajia Riverside Park 基本資料 2. History of Dajia Riverside Park 歷史事件 3. The Analysis of Traffic and Transportation 交通運輸分析 4. The Analysis of Behavior 使用行為分析 5. The Analysis of Population 人口分析 6. Region Surrounding Dajia Riverside Park 大佳河濱公園區域環境 7. Analysis of Original Green Area 原有植栽綠帶分析 8. Six major theme park project positioning 六大主題公園計畫定位

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 基地介紹(一) Introduction of Dajia Riverside


大佳河濱公園位於台北市基隆河岸,全長3300公尺,寬度320公尺 面積約為420,000 平方公尺

基地介紹(二) Introduction of Dajia Riverside 大佳河濱公園歷史事件 In 1991 the Keelung River straight Engineering 1991年 基隆河截彎取直工程

In 2010 the Taipei flower expo 2010年 台北花卉博覽會

Bicycle annular line opened to traffic in 2011 2011年 自行車環狀線通車 In 2012 the waterfront Taipei Carnival 2012年 水岸台北嘉年華


In 1998 the Dajia riverside park opening to the outside world 1998年 大佳河濱公園對外開放

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Introduction of Dajia Riverside 基地介紹(二) Taipei Smile Cultural History Axes 台北微笑文化歷史軸線



3 Taipei Smile Cultural History Axes 台北微笑文化歷史軸線


4 5


1. DaJia River Ecological Education Demonstration Zone 大佳河濱生態教育示範區 2. Taipei EXPO Park 花博會館 3. Dihua Street 迪化老街 4. Old Railway Department 老舊鐵道部 National Museum of History 台灣歷史博物館 North Gate Area 台北府城北門 5. Taipei Brewery 建國啤酒廠 Huashan 1914 Creative Park 華山1914藝文特區 6. Taipei Railway Workshop 台鐵台北機廠 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park 松山菸廠文化園區

The Analysis of Traffic and Transportation 交通運輸分析 大佳河濱公園內的主要道路為濱江街,東至中和,西至三重,北至大直、士林,南至台 北市區,並以大直橋為貫穿基隆河連通大直與台北市區的主要樑,交通看似相當方 便但可及性卻不高,大致是因為大多為快速道路的原因。 The main road in Riverside Park in Binjiang street, east to neutralization, West to three heavy, north to Da Zhi, Shilin, South to Taipei City, and to the big straight bridges through the Keelung River main beam connected straight with the urban area of Taipei, the traffic very convenient but seemingly accessibility is not high,roughly the reason is because the most rapid road.


The main external road by Binjiang street, Zhongshan North Road, Jianguo North Road and Fu Xing Bei Lu (straight bridge) 主要聯外道路由濱江街、 中山北路、建國北路及復興北路(大直橋)

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The Analysis of Traffic and Transportation 交通運輸分析 The MRT station is a junior high school in Zhongshan Lu Zhou line from theriverside park the nearest MRT station 捷運中山國中站為蘆洲線距大佳河濱公園最近的捷運場站 The MRT station from Zhongshan country park riverside time near the MRT station for the lake line 捷運中山國小站為文湖線距大佳河濱公園次近的捷運場站 Songshan Airport Street bus stop along the outer edge is perfect (such as 72,222, 527 and brown 16 and so on) 松山機場外沿街面有完善的公車站牌(如72、222 、527及棕16等等)

188 公車站牌:9 Bus station:9 捷運路線:3 MRT Line:3 捷運場站:8 MRT Station:8

The Analysis of Behavior 使用行為分析 The Analysis of Behavior 使用行為分析


9 9

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Songshan、Shilin、Zhonshan Population Structure 松山、士林、中山人口結構圖 The number of population aged 0-25 in Taipei : 721,399 台北市0-25歲人口數: 721,399人 The number of population aged 0-25 in Songshan、Shilin and Zhonshan:167,527 松山、士林、中山0-25歲人口數: 167,527人 The number of 0-25 years old accounted for 18% of total population in Taipei City 佔台北市0-25歲總人口數: 18%


Region Surrounding Dajia Riverside Park 大佳河濱公園區域環境 Elementary School 小學 : 4 Junior High School 國中 : 5 Senior High School 高中 : 1


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Analysis of Original Green Area 原有植栽綠帶分析 Wetland Plant 濕地植物: The Riverside Park along with wetland plant and the west district is the major part. 大佳河濱公園沿岸佈有溼地植物,以最西部地區為濕地植物的主要面積


Land Plant 陸生植物: The land plant is the major one in this zone and creates the wide grassland with artificial grass. 大佳河濱公園大致以陸生植物為主,以人工綠色草皮的方式塑造廣幅的草原,成就第二 種自然特色 Tree樹: Planting trees to improve the landscape. 種植樹木增加景觀資源與視覺效果

Wetland Plant 濕地植物

Land Plant 陸生植物


Taipei City, six major theme park project positioning 台北市六大主題公園計畫定位 Close to Child, Close to Water 親子親水 Improve the transportation planning、Parent child activity space、The original Flower Expo Park Series 、 Waterfront space 完善交通規劃、親子活動空間、原花博園區串連、水岸空間 Visual landscape 視覺景觀 The Grand Hotel, the Songshan Airport aircraft taking off and landing, Miramar Ferris wheel, Neihu Technology Park landscape, big straight bridge 圓山飯店、松山機場飛機起降、美麗華摩天輪、內湖科技園區景觀、大直橋 Performances 表演活動 Market, flea market, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Race, the internationalrowing competition 市集、跳蚤市場、端午節龍舟競賽、國際西式划船競賽


視覺 景觀 大佳河濱公園 表演 活動

親子 親水

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 RESEARCH ROUTE 研究路線

FEASIBILITY 可行性 1. Government 政府層面 2. Resident 市民層面 3. RESEARCH ROUTE 研究路線

194 14



Government 政府層面 -New Landmark Building 城市新地標 -Complete City Traffic Network 完善城市網絡 -Enhance Urban Greening 提高城市綠化 -Increase Spatial Usage 提高空間利用

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Resident 市民層面 -Ecological Education Purpose 生態教育作用

-Open Space for Family Activities 家庭活動空間

-Leisure & Entertainment 城市休閒娛樂區 -Raising Public Awareness of Ecological Environmental Protection 提高市民生態環保意識



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Planning concept 規劃概念 1. Layouts 總體分佈 2. Design Drawing 設計圖 3. Flower walls 花墻 4. Sections 示範區域


Layout 總體分佈


Fish pond 魚塘 Wetland 濕地

Sunken plaza 下沉式廣場

Terraced field & Exhibition hall 階梯式田野 &展覽館

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Design Drawing 設計圖 Tree planting area樹林 •A green wind screen •綠色防風屏 Green area綠植區域 •A green belt is planted along the river •沿河種植綠化帶 •Water purification •水質淨化功能


Viewing platform觀景台 •Woody handrail •木質把手 •Strech into water •延伸至水中 Marsh plants exhibition center 濕地植物展覽中心 •Offer classrooms •提供教室 •Aerial construction •架空型建築

Honey planting area 蜜源區 •Just like a garden •模仿花園 •Amplify ornamentals. •增強景觀性 Sunken plaza下沉式廣場 •Offers a teaching open space •提供教學室外空間 •Save flooding water •儲存洪水 Artificial floating island人工浮島 •Cultivate aquatic plants like reeds and lotuses. •種養水生植物,如蘆葦、蓮花 •Side length 1 ~ 5m. •邊長為1~5m •Connects to each other by ropes. •彼此用繩子鏈接 •Function of Water Purification •水質淨化功能

Design Drawing 設計圖

Tree planting area樹林

Sunken plaza下沉式廣場

Green area綠植區域 Viewing platform觀景台

Marsh plants exhibition center 濕地植物展覽中心

Honey planting area 蜜源區


Eco Pool 生態池

Artificial floating island人工浮島

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Flower walls 花墻

Flower walls with iron balustrade is about 1 meter tall. The height is suitable for people’s horizons, and can be a windscreen. Followers and bonsai plants can increase the green space and also the biodiversity 花墻利用鐵質欄杆做支撐。1米的高度適合觀賞景色同時可以用作擋風屏。空隙處通 過擺放盆栽及花草填滿,並且可以提高綠植面積和生物多樣性。



Section 示範區域 Exhibition hall & terraced field ——Location 展覽區 & 階梯式田野——區域


Exhibition hall——Function 展覽區——功能

Art museum 藝術中心

Cultural activity Cultural exhibition



Art salons 藝術沙龍

Nature exhibition 自然展覽館

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Section 示範區域 Terrance field —— Planting 階梯式田野 ——種植種類

204 Terrance field —— Planting 階梯式田野 ——種植種類

Section 示範區域 Terrance field —— Planting 階梯式田野 ——種植種類


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Design Briefs 設計構想 1. Leisure activity zone 活動廣場 2. Exhibition hall 展覽館


Leisure activity zone活動廣場



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Leisure activity zone活動廣場

208 Bicycle & Walking road 自行車&人行步道

Leisure activity zone活動廣場


這個區域是風箏廣場區,給予小孩子活動嬉戲的空間,除了可以放風箏以外,廣大的 草皮提供大量的戶外空間及綠化的作用,解決台北市開放空間不足的問題 This region is the kite square area, give the child activities play space, but can fly kites outside, the majority of the turf provides plenty of outdoor space and functions, solve the problem of the shortage of open space of Taipei city problems

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Exhibition hall



Green building design concept 綠建築設計概念


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The Photographs Of Final Presentation


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Final Presentation PPT





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The Revitalization of Community Waterfront Culture at Liugongjun

從基地的社區人口年齡與附近開放空間多寡,構想出我們覺得青壯年人口會需要更多 公共活動空間來交流和使用,並與穿流過基地的瑠公圳,做一種親水再造的開放交流 空間發想。起源於,去看基地時發現現況:圳的水質不佳、市場許多臨時搭建已窳陋, 以及環境不佳,現場出現的使用人口又偏於 40 歲以上之青壯年。因此想要改善這社區環境與水 質提升,並使用拓寬水道達到降溫的可能性與將市場以有規劃的系統重新整頓改善環境衛生,重 現瑠公圳的風貌並達到讓社區生活型態活絡的親水交流平台設施,呈現具有休閒空間的商業潛力 和生態環境永續發展的好地方。 From the base of the community population age and the nearby open space size, conceived we feel young

and middle-aged population will need more public space to exchange and use of, and through the base of the Liou Gong Zun, do a hydrophilic reconstruction to open communication space. Originated in, to see the base found status: Shenzhen to poor water quality, many temporary market hasdeteriorated, and poor environment, the scene appears using population and partial in 40 years of youth. Therefore want to improve the community environment and improving water quality, and the use of widening the waterway to cool down the possibility and will market to system planning to rectify the improvement of environmental sanitation, reproduce Liou Gong Zun style and achieve the hydrophilic exchange platform facilitiesfor community life style and collaterals, is a good place now with the leisure space commercial potential andecological environment the sustainable development of the



218 姓名:陳虹蓁/Janet 學校:NTUT 領域:都市計畫

姓名:鄭嘉禕/Jia-Yi 學校:CUHK 領域:土地資源管理

姓名:施秀蓁/Hu Hu 學校: NTUT 領域:建築設計

姓名:唐可人/Ke-Ren 學校: CUHK 領域:草葉科學

姓名:劉彥璋/Ronald 學校: NTUT 領域:建築設計

姓名:沈欣/Darcy 學校: CUHK 領域:城市規劃

姓名:曾艷君/Yim-Kwan 學校: CUHK 領域:區域和社會發展

姓名:馬健翔/Jian-Xiang 學校: CUHK 領域:建築

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

2014-12/07 Location: 新店區 寶安街 Illustration from google map: [to be provided] Closest MRT: 大坪林站

Characteristics of the area: mostly residential, despite of some recent development in the surrounding [as pinpointed in the google map] According to the 新北市戶政事務所 =>

[information about age range? Might be helpful]


The community is comprised by a number of 40-50 year-old residential blocks. Judging by the similar, if not identical architectural structure, they should be moving in about the same period of time, and have formed a community [?]

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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

preserve native species that could rarely been seen in the urban areas, e.g., 夜鷺 [potentially with pictures?]


Reasons of this improvement/ renewal/ changes 1) to improve the life quality (including the water quality, & hygiene of the markets etc) 2) to promote tourism while embracing its heritage a. revitalize the neighborhood and help the small store owners to make more money b. keep the wet market and the “stream” Potential drawback: 1) taiwaness ingroup identity, uncertain how they would think with this openup for tourists & potential increase of property values As a result, community engagement is really important to strive for a balance between the improvement and drawback

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

2014-12/10 Agenda •

Characteristics of the Selected Area at Liugongjun

Illustrations of Existing Issues & Reasons of this Improvement

Expecting Goals

Brief Drafts for Proposed Ideas

3D modeling for the proposed ideas


Characteristics of the Selected Area at Liugongjun Location: Bao’an Street, Xindian District Characteristics of the Selected Area at Liugongjun 3%


0% 6%

Age 5%

0-9 8%



20-29 12%

30-39 40-49 50-59



60-69 70-79



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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Illustrations of Existing Issues & Reasons of this Improvement:Water Quality、Safety 、Hygiene •

Local Resident Desire • A granny expressed great interests to preserve heritage and would bring her grandchild to such recreational waterfront area in the future

Expecting Goals of this Improvement Improve Life Quality -> Sustainability


Water Quality •

Redirect sewage to elsewhere

Reuse Rainwater for Cooling Effect • A number of artificial water tanks would be built along the canal

Hygiene • Relocate the existing vendors to create a compacted and systematic wet market under applicable regulations

Revitalize the Canal to Keep the Heritage • Transform this sewage area to a recreational waterfront areas with permanent and waterproof sitting areas

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Ideas of Design 設計構想

Concept Development Processing 構想發展過程


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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Ideas of Design 設計構想 Concept Development Processing 構想發展過程


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Ideas of Design 設計構想 Concept Development Processing 構想發展過程


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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Ideas of Design 設計構想 Proposed Design Section 設計後基地剖面圖


過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Simulation of Proposed Ideas 基地3D模擬


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Expecting Goals of this Improvement 預期目標 Improve Life Quality -> Sustainability 提升生活品質 -> 促進環境永續發展 • Water Quality •

Redirect sewage to avoid it getting into the canal

• Potential Cooling Effect


With an extended size of water body (Robitu et al., 2003)

• Hygiene •

Relocate the existing vendors to be above of the closest MRT station to create a systematic market under applicable regulations

• Revitalize the Canal to Keep the Heritage •

Transform this sewage area to a recreational waterfront areas

• 水質提升 • 改變排污渠道以防止污水直接排 入水道

• 降溫的可能性 • 有拓寬水道 (Robitu et al., 2003)

• 環境衛生 • 將市場內現有攤販 以有規劃的系 統重新整頓到最近的捷運上蓋

• 重現瑠公圳 • 將現有污水系統進行改善,使得 水道成為具有可及性的親水空間

Robitu, M., Inard, C., Musy, M., & Groleau, D., (2003). Energy balance study of water ponds and its influence on building energy consumption. Building Simulation, August: 1123-1130.

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Expecting Goals of this Improvement 預期目標 Sustainability 可持續發展 Potential Economy (e.g., vendor) at the recreational space 休閒空間的商業潛力

Improvement of Ecology 生態環境永續發展


Platform for socialization 交流平台

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過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Ideas of Planning 規劃構想 Purpose of the recreational area 休憩區的目的 • As studies have shown, aquatic environments are a frequent aspect of people’s favorite places (Korpela et al., 2010), preferred leisure destinations (Natural England, 2009) and recollections of positive childhood activities (Waite, 2009)


• Therefore, there would be an extended semi-circle water body that is attached to the existing canal to create a widen canal for local residents to enjoy • 研究表明,水質環境大多數 是人比較喜歡的地方 (Korpela et al., 2010),傾 向的休閒目的地(Natural England, 2009),和正面的 童年回憶創造地 (Waite, 2009) • 將有一個連接到現有的管來 創建擴大運河為當地居民享 受擴展半圓水體 Korpela, K. M., Ylén, M., Tyrväinen, L., & Silvennoinen, H. (2010). Favorite green, waterside and urban environments, restorative experiences and perceived health in Finland. Health Promotion International, 25(2): 200-209. Natural England, Coastal Access, Retrieved on Dec 10th, 2014 from https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/england-coast-pathimproving-public-access-to-the-coast. Waite, S. (2009). Memories are made of this: some reflections on outdoor learning and recall, Education 3–13, 35,333–347.

過程 / 草圖 / 設計 Process / Sketch / Design

Ideas of Planning 規劃構想 Traffic Circuit 交通路線



• 以單向道的重 新規劃動線, 除可控制進出 基地內的車 流,於假日時 限制車輛進入 濱水區域旁道 路,確保本地 區行人進入基 地的交通動線


• Use oneway lane in area to control the traffic flow and avoid the traffic congestion.

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The Revitalization of Community Waterfront Culture at Liugongjun



Xin Jia-yi Ke-ren Yim-kwan Jian-xiang Hung-Chen Hsiu-Chen Yan-Jhang

Introduction 基地介紹 About Liugongjun 關於瑠公圳

Liugongjun is the most important ditch system in the early days of Taipei, includes 26 ditches of different sizes and has a waterline of over 140 kilometers. It stems from New Taipei City (including Xindian district) to Taipei City. 瑠公圳為台北早期最重要水圳,用 於灌溉田地,最盛時期,大小水圳 有二十六條,給水線長達 140 公里, 灌溉土地超過1200 甲,灌溉區域廣 布景美、古亭、大安、中山、大同、 萬華及新北市新店、坪林、石碇、 深坑等地區的農田。


which was used for irrigation. It

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Introduction 基地介紹

Taiwan 台灣

New Taipei City 新北市

Site Location 基地位置

Xindian District 新店區

234 Bao’an Street 寶安街

Introduction 基地介紹 Climate of Average Temperature 平均溫度

The Ranging is from 7 to 34, degree with an average of 23 degree . 該地區氣溫幅度對低至7至最 高37度,平均氣溫約為23 度。 235

Data source: Doe Weather Data

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Introduction 基地介紹 Climate of Average Rainfall 平均降雨量

About 11 to 19 days with a maximum of 180mm rainfall on average. 約11至19天,最大降雨量為 平均180mm。

236 Source: World Weather Online of the Taipei Monthly Climate Average

Introduction 基地介紹 Climate Climate of of Average Wind Temperature 風向與風速 平均溫度

East and Southeast Wind are the two main wind directions in the greater Taipei City. 在台北市中最主要的兩個風 向為東風與東南風。


Data source: Doe Weather Data

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Introduction 基地介紹 Land Use Distribution 土地使用分區

= Residential 住宅區 = Commercial 商業區 = Industrial 工業區 = River 河道 = School 學校用地 = Administration 機關用地 = Park 綠地 = Selected Area 基地範圍



Introduction 基地介紹 Demographic 各年齡層人口 統計

65% between 20-59, due to the limited recreational areas that are currently available, we think there should be more public spaces to utilize and/or more socialization. 20-59歲佔本里總人口65%,由土地使用分區圖及 人口統計可看出本計畫區鄰近開放空間較少,我們 認為青壯年人口會需要更多公共活動空間來交流和 使用。

0% 6%

3% 5%


0-9 10-19




30-39 12%

40-49 50-59 60-69



70-79 80-89 90-99


Data source: Civil Affairs Bureau of New Taipei City Government 資料來源:新北市政府民政局-各區年齡人口統計-103年11月新店區 寶安里

100 above



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Illegal Extended Platform over the canal


240 Entrance of the market

Site Analysis 基地現況

Unsafe wooden frame


Entrance of the market

Inside of the market

Site Analysis 基地現況


Canal is next to the market

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Site Analysis 基地現況



Site Analysis 基地現況

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Because the canal is near by the market and housing, domestic wastewater will be discharged into the canal, resulting in bad water quality. 由於水道即位於市場以及住家旁,市場與家庭廢 水將會排入水道中,造成水質不佳。


Site Analysis 基地現況 Illustrations of Existing Issues


Extended platform with uncertainty of Safety 市場部分為臨時搭建及有潛在性的危險


Site Analysis 基地現況 Illustrations of Existing Issues


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12 Hygiene 衛生情況不佳


Site Analysis 基地現況 Illustrations of Existing Issues


A granny expressed great interests to preserve heritage and would bring her grandchild to such recreational waterfront area in the future. 採訪市場居民,得知水 利局預計將排水溝加蓋 後作為馬路使用,但地 方居民期望可以回復瑠


公圳的往日風光,以後 可以帶孫子來玩水。

Site Analysis 基地現況 Local Resident Desire 地方訪談

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Expecting Goals of this Improvement 預期目標 Revitalize the Canal to Keep the Heritage Transform this sewage area to a recreational waterfront areas

Water Quality Redirect



sewage to

將現有污水系統進行改善,使得水道成為具有可及性的 親水空間

avoid it getting

Potential Cooling Effect With an extended size of water body

Improve Life Quality -> Sustainability 提升生活品質 ->促進環境永續發展

into the canal

水質提升 改變排污渠道 以防止污水直 接排入水道

(Robitu et al., 2003)



Relocate the existing vendors to be above of the closest MRT station to create a systematic market under applicable regulations

(Robitu et al.,





Robitu, M., Inard, C., Musy, M., & Groleau, D., (2003). Energy balance study of water ponds and its influence on building energy consumption. Building Simulation, August: 1123-1130.

Expecting Goals of this Improvement 預期目標 Sustainability 可持續發展 Economy

Society Platform for socialization 交流平台

Environment Improvement of Ecology 生態環境永續發展


Potential Economy (e.g., vendor) at the recreational space 休閒空間的商業潛力

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Ideas of Planning 規劃構想


Purpose of the Recreational area 休憩區的目的

Traffic Circuit 交通路線


As studies have shown, aquatic environments are a frequent aspect of people’s favorite places (Korpela et al., 2010), preferred leisure destinations (Natural England, 2009) and recollections of positive childhood activities (Waite, 2009) Therefore, there would be an extended semi-circle water body that is attached to the existing canal to create a widen canal for local residents to enjoy

是人比較喜歡的地方(Korpela et al., 2010),傾向的休閒目 的地(Natural England, 2009),和正面的童年回憶創 造地 (Waite, 2009),將有一 個連接到現有的管來創建擴 大運河為當地居民享受擴展 半圓水體

Korpela, K. M., Ylén, M., Tyrväinen, L., & Silvennoinen, H. (2010). Favorite green, waterside and urban environments, restorative experiences and perceived health in Finland. Health Promotion International, 25(2): 200-209. Natural England, Coastal Access, Retrieved on Dec 10th, 2014 from https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/englandcoast-path-improving-public-access-to-the-coast. Waite, S. (2009). Memories are made of this: some reflections on outdoor learning and recall, Education 3–13, 35,333–347.

Ideas of Planning 規劃構想 Traffic Circuit 交通路線 251

Use one-way lane


in area to control


the traffic flow


and avoid the


traffic congestion.

域旁道路,確保本地區行人進入 基地的安全與交通動線。

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Ideas of Design 設計構想 Concept Development Processing 構想發展過程 252 Residential Part 1


Residential Part的車型動線,利用單向道控制進 2

出基地內的車流。 並於假日時限制車輛進入濱水區 域旁道路,確保本地區行人進入 基地的安全與交通動線。

Ideas of Design 設計構想

Flexible Canal Layout

Concept Development Processing 構想發展過程 253

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Ideas of Design 設計構想 Context Section 基地現況剖面 254

Ideas of Design 設計構想

Proposed Design Section 設計後基地剖面 255

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Ideas of Design 設計構想

Meeting Point Proposed 停留點設計構想 256

Ideas of Design 設計構想 Ecological Terraced Revetment 生態梯田護 257

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Ideas of Design 設計構想

Sewer System 排水系統

Combined sewer system for rainfall and wastewater 雨水與污水綜合處理的管道系統


Simulation of Proposed Ideas 基地3D模


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The Photographs Of Final Presentation



Final Presentation PPT




Keynote Speech. 專題演講

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瑠公圳歷史與現況介紹 The History and Current Status of Lio Kong Jun 張淑花 Shu-Hua ,


現職 Current Position 六國景觀設計有限公司 / 負責人 中華民國景觀學會 / 常務理事 中華民國景觀學會 / 資深景觀師

經歷 Experience


1987 迄今創立六國景觀設計室 1992 迄今擴大為六國景觀設計有限公司 2003 迄今中華民國景觀學會常務理事及資深景觀師 臺北市教師研習中心特聘生態教學講座 臺北市政府工務局生態評審委員 臺北市政府都發局生態評審委員 臺北市錫瑠環境綠化基金會技術組顧問 臺北市政府工務局公園路燈工程管理處綠化教室主題講師 臺北市社區總體營造審查委員 內政部營建署城鎮地貌改造提案計畫評審委員公部門主題講座 2003 北市府都發局主題:人工地盤生態綠化 2005 北市府文化局主題:老樹理髮與搬家 2006 北市府都發局主題:屋頂薄層綠化推廣講座 2006 北市府工務局主題:如何正確看待有毒植物 2007 北市府都發局主題:樂活 ‧ 生態—21 世紀世界都會環境新視野 2010 北市府工務局主題:國內外生態工法案例分析人改變環境環境塑造人 2011 北市府工務局主題:水生植物生態營造上之應用 2013 北市府工務局主題:己悅悅人 - 環境成就都市未來

摘要 Abstract 1736 年,郭錫瑠先生帶著家人北上,定居在臺北市松山一帶,從事開墾工作。附近的農田,都是仰 賴儲水灌溉,但是由於污泥的淤積,所以水塘水量逐年減少,無法灌溉大部份的農田。郭錫瑠先生 眼看著一大片的土地,因為缺水而無法種植水稻,闢為良田,覺得非常可惜,他根據早年在彰化 的開發經驗,認為唯有水圳的開發,才能幫助這些缺水的旱田變為水源豐沛的良田,便決心尋找 新的水源,開發水圳,灌溉農田。他沿著新店溪溯溪而上,發現新店溪上游的青潭溪附近是河水 匯集的地方,水源豐沛,河床又高,非常適合築堤建埤,他認為只要沿新店溪畔開鑿水圳,經大 坪林、景美等地區直達臺北市,一定可以解決臺北盆地的灌溉問題。

這段工程到乾隆三十四年 1769 年正式完工,由郭家父子兩代,費時近三十年所建的圳道終於 完成,面積達一千兩百甲。人們為了感念郭錫瑠父子建圳造福鄉民的功德,就把下圳路稱為「瑠瑠公 圳」。1960 年代以後,瑠瑠公圳在臺北的農業灌溉價值,隨著工商業發達而逐步勢微,反而淪為髒 亂惡臭的排水溝。部分地區的圳溝已被填平,有些地方則是加蓋再做它用。 This project was finished in the year of 1769 by two generations of Guo’s, which cost nearly 30 years to complete and covered 1,200 hectares. The ditches were named after Lio Kong Jun in honor of Guo and son’s efforts.Since 1960s, with the development of industry and business, Lio Kong Jun’s irrigation function was gradually replaced by the function of draining smelly water away. Some of the ditches were filled into urban land, some were covered for other uses.


In 1736, Mr. Guo Xiliu left hometown Zhanghua and moved northward with family. After settled down in Taipei Songshan area, he started to take up land reclamation. The farmland nearby depended on stored water to irrigate. Because of silting, the water in pond was decreasing year by year, which resulted in that most farmland could not be irrigated. Mr. Guo felt regretted that huge amount of land could not be utilized because lack of water. However, according to his development experience in hometown, he thought that only ditching could help develop the dried farmland into fertilized farmland with abundant water source. So he decided to find new water source to irrigate farmland.He walked along Xindian River and found out that the upstream of Xindian River has a tall riverbed and abundant water, which is suitable for building dam to store water. Mr. Guo thought that as long as ditching along Xindian River, leading the water through Dapinglin, Jingmei area to Taipei, the irrigation problem in Taipei could be solved without doubts.

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講座簡報 PPT



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講座簡報 PPT



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12


Green Infrastructure Plan in Taipei City, Taipei Country and Keelung City

許晉誌 Chin-Chih ,


現職 Current Position 臺灣中國文化大學 景觀學系 / 助理教授 禾拓規劃設計顧問有限公司 / 總經理

經歷 Experience - 臺灣中國文化大學 景觀學系 助理教授 - 禾拓規劃設計顧問有限公司

專業領域 Professional xpertise - 景觀設計、景觀規劃、都市計畫

摘要 Abstract


一、 生態城市——綠色基盤 綠色基盤是指多功能的綠色空間網絡,有助於提升自然和建築環境品質。涵蓋:自然的綠色空間 (森林、自然資源區、保護區等)和人為管理的綠地(市區公園、綠地、水岸和歷史景觀設計), 以及連接空間(行人道。自行車道。綠色走廊、水道等)所構成的聯繫網絡。 Eco city – green infrastructure Green infrastructure means that a versatile green space network helps to improve the quality of the natural and built environment. Covers: natural green space (forest,natural resource and conservation space) human management space (park, green space, water front) as well as connection space (walkway, bicycle way and so on) 二、綠色基盤現況分析 自然:陽明山國家公園 金山萬里 觀音山 人為:以新北市為主要農業發展區域 新興開發地區 The present analysis of green infrastructure Nature: Yangmingshan National Park, Jinshan miles, Buddha Mountain Human: Taipei as the main agricultural region and newly-developing area

摘要 Abstract 三、綠色基盤發展願景 臺北都會區發展脈絡 與水密不可分;優綠、添綠、補綠、行動綠。 Development vision of green infrastructure Taipei metropolitan area with water development context are inseparableOptimize green, add green, compensate green and green action. 四、綠色基盤發展定位 Development orientation of green infrastructure 五、綠色基盤發展策略 優綠——鞏固與補強現有綠色基盤 添綠——創造與串聯綠色基盤系統 補綠——補強及提升干擾綠色基盤 Development strategy of green infrastructure Optimize Green - consolidation and reinforcement of existing green infrastructure Add green - to create the series of green infrastructure system Compensate green - reinforcing and enhancing green infrastructure

七、綠色基盤推動機制 計劃整合推動平臺的建立 以臺北都會區綠色基盤綱要計劃為上位計劃,爭取中央資源 從生活中推動永續生態與綠色基盤觀念 綠色基盤信託基金的可行性 Pushing mechanism of green infrastructure 1. The establishment of a platform for the integration plan 2. Taipei metropolitan area with a green infrastructure outline plan for the host program for the central resource 3. To promote the concept of sustainable eco-green infrastructure 4. Feasibility of green infrastructure of the Trust Fund


六、綠色基盤具體推動方案 – 臺北百萬植樹計劃 Specific scheme of green infrastructure– Million planting design in Taipei

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講座簡報 PPT



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城市綠與臺北市生態城市建設 Urban afforestation and ECO – City construction of Taipei

張效通 Hsiao-T'ung,


現職 Current Position 中國文化大學市政暨環境規劃學系 / 研究所 副教授

學歷 日本東京理科大學建築研究所 客座研究 國立中興大學都市計畫研究所 博士

經歷 Experience


中國文化大學建築暨都市設計學系 / 研究所 副教授 專技高考建築師、高考一級建築工程科榜首 內政部綠建築標章評定委員會 委員 內政部生態社區綠建築標章評定委員會 副召集人 公共工程委員會 BOT 計畫 審查委員 新北市都市更新委員會 委員 新竹市都市設計審議委員會 委員 基隆市都市設計審議委員會 委員 臺北科技大學創意設計系 兼任副教授 銘傳大學建築研究所 兼任副教授 中華科技大學建築研究所 兼任副教授 中國文化大學景觀學系 兼任講師 沈祖海建築師事務所及森海國際工程顧問公司 規劃與土地開發部經理

專業領域 Professional xpertise - 都市環境模擬、綠建築與綠都市、敷地與都市設計、地理資訊與遙測應用

摘要 Abstract

臺北市的平均溫度以驚人的速度日益增加,藉由 2012 年許多地區的都市紋理與都市熱島效 應分佈分析得到一個結論:都市發展強度越大,都市熱島效應越強,而新北市的情況比臺北市更 為嚴重。臺北因盆地地形特色的影響,下沉氣流因山勢走向遭到阻擋,及會發生較為嚴重的都市 熱島效應,而臺北的溫室氣體主要是住宅及商業使用之建築所排放的二氧化碳,以及龐大的交通 運輸流量所排放出來的廢氣,且有逐年增加的趨勢,這些都是影響我們目前都市生態的主要因素。 都市生態的規劃策略與構想 臺北的都市生態規劃目標參考各國關於都市生態的探討,包括大陸及香港等地區,初步架構 臺北的有機循環系統,其內容包含地表綠化、基地保水與綠色建設,並與國際的都市生態體系之 脈絡相互呼應。在計畫概要中,第一個目標是關於地表綠化的部份,希望可以建立一個生態控制 界限,運用複層的概念控制生態平衡。而目前臺北市在公館地區沿街如寶藏巖、臺大校園,以及 北投的關渡等地區首先進行生態區域的建立,爾後再慢慢將此生態系統導入都市中。

The planning strategies, conceived strategies and the practice of ecological urban The City target is to structure a circulatory and organic Taipei City by referring to the eco-city topics in some states and do it simplifies planning which including the greening, water holding cycles and green communal facilities in mainland China and Hong Kong. These goals are mutually collusion with the international context of the system. This is an outline plan. The first part is the greening system, whose goal is to control the boundaries of an ecological framework and to control the ecological situation by using of the concept of overlapping partitions. Taipei currently is trying hard to do ecological control around street Treasure Hill and National Taiwan University in residence areas. While in the Beitou area, the government hopes to extend the development to Guandu Plain, from the breakthrough point to the introduction the ecosystems to the urban.


Taipei has a high over temperature and the temperature rises dramatically. Observed the heat island temperatures in 2012, the context of textures in many areas had closed relationship with the distribution of urban heat island. The greater the intensity of urban development, the more severe the urban heat island. The urban heat island in Taipei is even more serious than that in New Taipei City because of the downdrafts, a special feature of Taipei. The mountain barrier in Taipei caused the airflow blocking and then caused more serious heat island effect. Analyzing the emission structure of carbon dioxide, a type of greenhouse gases, the maximum total emissions are mainly concentrated in residential and commercial parts. The part that the traffic generated by carbon emission material has not decreased, on the contrary, it shows a growing trend. The reasons be analyzed would constitute a case of present situation of ecological city.

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摘要 Abstract 第二目標則是希望建立臺北的循環架構系統,呈獻雙環開發的都市開發體系,在小的區域範 圍內結合大的綠化節點,在節點之間需要努力將其串連,創造一個都市生態體系新的契機,從點 線面的概念出發,從國父紀念館到臺北機場都能夠涵蓋在此一計畫範圍內。而階段性的第一個目 標就是促進循環,希望能夠恢復新生南路部份的瑠公圳水道,將住宅街廓都以透水鋪面處理,因 為臺北市現有的不透水鋪面過多,希望藉由綠色的街道系統,利用分隔島將道路的水資源回收, 並將回收的雨水進行周邊行道樹的澆灌,透過土壤本身的滲透作用讓都市綠色街道能夠實行,之 後在慢慢導入巷弄中。 The second part is demonstrating the double - circle development framework of Taipei, connecting the large virescence panel points in small area and finding out the new development opportunities, such as virescence of Taipei International Airport and Sun Yat Sen Memorial House. The first step is improving the water circulation. Recover the waterway of Liugongjun and increase the water retention in resident regions. Many of pavements in Taipei are impermeable. Collecting the rainwater by isolated islands and then irrigate plants by these storm water. Creating recycle water sources via soil permeating. Moreover, vehicles need to reduce their speed when they across in these kind of streets which are creating more environmental friendly elements.


第三步則是綠色公共建設,提高大眾運輸的普及率,以捷運五百公尺的含蓋範圍都可以有大 眾交通運輸工具可以抵達為目標,並藉此解決停車空間不足的問題,同時也可降低車流量,鼓勵 民眾使用自行車。透過人行步道的品質提升,並調整整個街廓的綠色植物,讓社區成為生態社區。 第三目標則是綠色生活圈的推動,以 15 分鐘的步行綠色生活圈為目標,將生活必需的設施調整治 生活缺內,即可大幅度降低地區對於交通運輸的需求,自然而然的達到綠色街廓的目的。 The third step is strategy of green infrastructure. Improving the use rate of public transportation, including having a subway station in 500 meters. It can reduce the usage of private vehicles and parking land. Encouraging citizens to ride the bicycles or improving the environment of pavements can also change the life style and then creating a green society. The third aim is sustainable living cycle; the strategy of walking in 15min distance makes the scale of infrastructure extend to the whole living scale, which develop the transportation in a large scale.

第四個目標為相關設施的節能減碳,推動地區性的區域節能。目前臺積電等大場已開始落實 相關措施,希望這個現象能夠持續擴展至整個都市。第五個目標是智慧生活,將高科技技術加以 運用,導入車載資通系統,如臺北目前推出的 GPS 公車定位系統即可預估公車抵達時間,第六個 文化活動目標,如電影艋舺即成功的行銷臺北,剝皮廖、松山文創園區建立帶來的人潮,都可以 推動都市發展,提升都市形象。 The forth aim is to save energy and decrease carbon runoff, to promote the efficiency of the energy use in this area. It begins to execute in Taijidian Company etc. And hope to extend to the whole city. The fifth aim is wisdom life, to use intelligent technology in preventing the disasters, through transportation and GPS system to make alarm in public transportation. The sixth aim is culture activities, e.g. mengga, it promote itself successfully in Taipei. Popi valley, the people become endless in this place. In other hands strive vibrancy in the city and elevate through this method.

結語 城市規劃畢區面對許多不知道、不確定的未知因素,我們要思考如何去改善這樣的情況,而 非僅止於為生活帶來更高的便利性,同時也要考慮生態規劃並透過綠色的環境來提高生活品質, 若是仍然止步不前,人們終將慢慢離開都市,降低都市生命力,唯有創造一個對於生態友好環境 才能讓我們更加進步。


Conclusion Urban planning must face many unexpected variances; we need to know how to promote the situation. We are not only care about this generation but to the next generations. We wish the ecology can increase the quality of life, if not, people will leave the city eventually, which may decrease the vibrancy of the city, the method can be gradually renovation. In 1990, after short cut of the Keelung River, the government of Taipei started to build a park that located in the Dajia part of Keelung River. The park covers 4,200,000 square meters, connecting with Yingfeng park lies in the eastern of Dazhi Bridge. Except providing the ecological space of waterfront for the citizens in Taipei, it beatifies the riverside as well. There are no.8, no.9 and no.10 sluice gate lying in the Binjiang Street, which are connecting to the city center. The new four pavilions, pavilions of green building, locates in the Zhongshan district of Taipei city, comprising Pavilion of Dreams, Pavilion of the Future, Pavilion of Angel Life, during the flora exposition. In the phase of design, each pavilion has several entrances that can be adjusted according to the needs. The both sides’ pavilions are built with solar energy, green roof, roof path, water container, etc. The building in the west is connected with the freeway, the north part is the main hall, and the south one is a small hall with new four pavilions, which locates the lavatory and drinking fountains. The underground hall is the main entrance and playground of the pavilion.

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水岸地區發展規劃與管理制度 - 以英國為例 Planning and Regulatory Regimes of Waterfront Development -- UK Experience

Prof . Janet Askew 現職 Current Position 2014 - The vice-president of the Royal Town Planning Institute 英國皇家城市規劃學會副會長

經歷 Experience Vice-President of RTPI for 2014 - Royal Town Planning InstituteNovember 2013 – Present Director of Academic Engagement, Faculty of Environment and Technology - University of the West of England, BristolSeptember 2013 – Present


Former Head of Department of Planning and Architecture - University of the West of EnglandAugust 2006 – September 2013 Member - Royal Town Planning Institute1978 – 2013 2014-RTPI 副會長 / 英國皇家城市規劃學會 / 2013 年 11 月 - 至今 學術主任,環境與技術學院 / 英國布里斯托 - 西來大學 / 2013 年 9 月 - 至今 規劃與建築系前主任 / 西英格蘭大學 / 2006 年 8 月 - 2013 年 9 月 成員 / 英國皇家城市規劃學會 / 1978 年 - 2013

摘要 Abstract 以利物浦 (Liverpool),鹿特丹 (Rotterdam),倫敦 (London),布里斯托爾 (Bristol) 的等案例作為城市海濱重建的介紹。並強調都市更新為環境與社會進步帶來的貢獻與成 因。藉由英國的城市重建的歷程演進,包括貧民窟清拆,社區參與,房地產為主導,地方 和集成合作夥伴到市場的更新與設計。通過強化國家,公民以及市場之間的聯繫從而輔助 以設計為主導的重建過程。此外,亦利用美國的例子(如巴爾的摩海港和波士頓)對英國 布里斯托爾 (Bristol) 發展海濱娛樂與休閒提供了一定的啟發和論證。藉由再生項目使政府 擴展財源,並以綜合發展模式發展旅遊業,並同時保持節約、步行性和公共領域的質量。


Janet introduced the urban regeneration history with waterfront development using Liverpool, Rotterdam, London, and Bristol as her examples. First of all, she emphasized regeneration as an important element because of its physical and social improvement. The UK has started their urban regeneration process from the slum clearance , community engagement , property-led , local and integrated partnerships to market renewal & design now. The enhanced relationship between state, civil, and market assisted the design-led regeneration process. It has given urban competitiveness between cities for physical renewal design and place marketing. The American examples (ex: Baltimore harbor & Boston) inspired and shed lights to the British of the possibility of utilizing the waterfront for recreational and leisure use. The initial regeneration projects have allowed the government to generate more money to regenerate more areas. In Bristol, the regeneration project focused on having mixed-use development that develop tourism while maintaining conservation, walkability and quality of the public realm.

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

臺灣合宜住宅政策及其規劃 -- 以板橋浮洲合宜住宅投資興建計畫為例

Public Policy and Design of Taiwan Affordable Housing - Take the Investment and Construction Plan of Banqiaofuzhou Affordable Housing as an Example


Mau-Rung , Ke

現職 Current Position 內政部營建署都市更新組 / 技正兼辦科長

學歷 國立中央大學土木工程學系 / 研究所碩士

經歷 Experience


- 政府審計季刊第 33 卷第 4 期-政府主導都市更新推動概況﹙ 2013 年 7 月﹚ - 工程專業機關代辦公共工程問題與對策之探討-營建管理季刊 93 年夏季號 ﹙ 2004 年 6 月﹚﹙柯茂榮、姚乃嘉﹚ - 農地釋出方案-興建勞工住宅社區與獎勵投資興建國民住宅作業結合成效之探討臺灣土地 金融季刊第 41 卷第 1 期(2004 年 3 月)﹙柯茂榮、陳博雅﹚ - ISO9001:2000 驗證作業探討-現代營建月刊第 280、281 期(2003/3~4) - 臺灣省都市再發展-論軍眷村改建過程及展望-工程月刊第 69 卷第 11 期(1996 年 11 月) 出國報告: 日本地震災後之災民安置、住宅重建及社區規劃(2001.9.20) 日本水岸及港埠再開發策略(2009 年 2 月 16 日)

摘要 Abstract 1957 年,政府頒布興建國民住宅貸款條例,提供低利貸款給民間業者興建國宅。1975 年, 頒布國民住宅條例,政府直接興建國宅並輔以貸款幫助人民自建、獎勵業者興建住宅。1999 年, 暫緩政府直接興建及獎勵投資興建,協助人民貸款。2007 年,政府函頒整合住宅補貼資源方案, 推出購屋貸款利息補貼及租金補貼。2010 年,政府為了改善以往國宅建築品質不佳的問題,提供 無自有住宅的中低收入家庭以合宜價位購買住宅,以達促進臺北都會區住宅供給與需求之均衡, 舒緩房價上漲情形之政策目標。2011 年,頒佈《住宅法》並推出社會住宅,採取只租不賣的模式, 以低於市場租金或免費出租給所得較低的家戶或特殊的弱勢對象。

households or disadvantaged families.

住宅家戶比,房價所得比等指數亦是分析住宅的重要指標。 Housing-to-household ratio and price-to-income ratio are important index for analyzing housing .

住宅住戶比指的是住宅存量與普通家戶數的比值。在六個直轄市中,除臺北市為 94.33(住 宅供應不足)以外,其他五個直轄市新北市 109.77, 臺中市 111.14,臺南市 105.88,高雄市 107.16,桃園縣 110.72,表示住宅供應充足。全國的住宅家戶比為 107.16,臺灣其他縣市的住宅 住戶比亦都超過 100,證明臺灣的住宅供應是充足的。 Housing-to-household refers to the ratio of the housing stock and the numbers of family households. In the six municipalities, in addition to Taipei for 94.33 (housing supply shortage), the other five municipalities New Taipei 109.77, Taichung 111.14, Tainan 105.88, Kaohsiung 107.16, Taoyuan 110.72, have adequate housing supply. The national housing-to-household 107.16, shows that the supply of housing supply in Taiwan is sufficient.


In 1957, the government issued loan regulations for national housing, offering low-interest loans to private industry to build national housing. In 1975, the government issued national housing regulations, participating in national housing units building directly and rewarded those who invested in national housing. In 1999, the government suspended government’s direct construction and incentives to build and invest in national housing. In 2007, the government issued letters to integrate housing subsidy resources programs, launch housing loan interest subsidies and rent subsidies. In 2010, in order to improve the poor quality of the national housing construction, the government provided low-income families without their own homes, with affordable price to purchase their own houses. Therefore, the supply and demand of housing in Taipei metropolitan area can achieve a balanced status and relieve the stress of price increasing. 2011, the government promulgated the "Housing Act" and introduced social housing, which is for renting only not for selling. Meanwhile the rent of social housing is normally below market level or free for low-income

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摘要 Abstract 所謂房價收入比,是指住房價格與城市居民家庭年收入之比。按照國際慣例,目前比較通行 的說法認為,房價收入比在 3 ~ 6 倍之間為合理區間。在六個直轄市中,臺北市與新北市的房價 所得比超出合理區間,分別為 14.6 與 12.4。臺中市、臺南市、高雄市、桃園縣較為合理,分別為 7.47,5.86,7.51,6.66。全國的房價收入比為 7.51,其他縣市的房價收入比也都在 4.77 至 7.28 的範圍之間。由此可見,臺灣總體的房價在較為合理的範圍之間,但臺北市、新北市的住宅價格 遠遠超出合理範圍。 The price-to-income ratio is the ratio of housing prices and annual household income of urban residents. According to international practice, the price-to-income ratio between 3 - 6 times is a reasonable range. In the six municipalities, price-to-income ratio in Taipei and New Taipei exceeds the reasonable range, 14.6 and 12.4 respectively. The price-to-income ratio inTaichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taoyuan County is comparatively reasonable, which are 7.47,5.86,7.51,6.66. National price-to-income ratio is 7.51, other cities and counties are also in the range of 4.77 to 7.28. Thus, the overall housing prices in Taiwan are in reasonable range, but Taipei, New Taipei City's housing prices are far beyond the reasonable range.

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12


From the urban disaster prevention planning and design of urban resistance to ductile


Chieh-Ying , Wu

現職 Current Position 銘傳大學都市規劃與防災學系主任 美國德州農工大學都市及區域科學博士

學歷 成功大學都市計畫學士 臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士 美國德州農工大學都市及區域科學博士 Research Associate, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, 美國德州農工大學

經歷 Experience


中華民國區域科學會理事 臺灣災害管理學會秘書長 鼎漢國際工程顧問公司 專任規劃師 / 計畫經理

摘要 Abstract 本次演講藉由都市韌性的觀點下去探討都市面臨災害時的防備措施,身為都市規劃者的角度, 應藉由符合當地自然地形與天然災害風險的方式進行規劃設計,位於災害風險地區的都市,必須 優先考量有關防災的議題,如何因地制宜為當務之急,善用災害潛勢圖,確切掌握住都市當中的 高災害風險地區,圖資的運用為目前身為都市規劃師必須具備的技能,運用耐韌性進行規劃時必 須注意下列事項,在規劃時避開高災害風險地區 , 降低災害風險地區的開發強度,LID 和滯洪規劃 及綠色基盤設施為相當重要的設計要點,對於耐災的設計也是必要的,在全球器極端氣候與變遷 的影響下,依照著防災的方式進行規劃為目前全球的趨勢,希望未來都市規劃大多將都市防災視 為重要的一項規劃課題 , 打造優質且安全的生活環境。


In 1957, the government issued loan regulations for national housing, offering low-interest loans to private industry to build national housing. In 1975, the government issued national housing regulations, participating in national housing units building directly and rewarded those who invested in national housing. In 1999, the government suspended government’s direct construction and incentives to build and invest in national housing. In 2007, the government issued letters to integrate housing subsidy resources programs, launch housing loan interest subsidies and rent subsidies. In 2010, in order to improve the poor quality of the national housing construction, the government provided low-income families without their own homes, with affordable price to purchase their own houses. Therefore, the supply and demand of housing in Taipei metropolitan area can achieve a balanced status and relieve the stress of price increasing. 2011, the government promulgated the "Housing Act" and introduced social housing, which is for renting only not for selling. Meanwhile the rent of social housing is normally below market level or free for low-income households or disadvantaged families.

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

臺灣住宅政策 Taiwan housing policy


Rong-Jin , Wang

現職 Current Position - 內政部營建署主任秘書 - 現今 Construction and Planning Agency - Chief Secretary / Present

經歷 Experience - 前臺北市政府都市發展局副局長 - 前臺北市政府建築管理工程處處長

摘要 Abstract


1957 年,臺灣政府建立了低利率的房貸政策,鼓勵當地居民建造社會住房。這一年,臺灣政 府在短時間內想要建造更多的社會住房,他們直接參與建造社會住房直到 1999 年。在過去十年 內,隨著經濟適用房和租賃社會住房政策的實施,政府通過住房法律進一步提高了市民的生活質 量。藉由說明臺灣住房情況的演進引導出臺灣政府現行住房政策的概念與形貌,並將現況與其他 城市進行比較,包括列舉了現有住房的價格,利率以及使用率等,羅列出了如今存在的問題,可 能的解決方案等等,以了解臺灣住房政策的整體架構與概念。 Mr. WANG Rong Jin, the chief secretary of the construction and planning agency in Taiwan, gave us a brief yet concise introduction of the housing policy in Taiwan in less than two hours. He started off from the overview of the housing policy in Taiwan, current situations compared to other parts of the world, existing problems, potential solutions and so on. In the 1957, the Taiwanese government established a lowinterest mortgage policy to encourage local residents to build social housing. In the 1975, as the Taiwanese government wanted to build more social housing in a short period of time, they were directly involved into the process and started to build social housing as well until 1999. Within the past decade, the government has also passed the housing law along with affordable housing and rental social housing policy to further improve the citizens’ living quality. In order to explain the situation in Taiwan, he brought up the current number of existing housing units, price, mortgage rate, and utilization rate to allow us to understand the existing housing issues in Taiwan when comparing to other cities internationally.

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

講座簡報 PPT



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

城市水體、環境規劃及城市休憩空間設計 - 以啟德河為例 Planning and Regulatory Regimes of Waterfront Development --UK Experience


Ping Hung , Chang

現職 Current Position - 香港中文大學 建築學院 / 副教授 School of Architecture CUHK / Associate Professor

經歷 Experience - 香港中文大學 建築學院 副教授 - BA(AS)(HKU)、- SMArchS(MIT) - 建築學學士(DIST)(HKU) - 哈佛大學燕京學社訪問學者

摘要 Abstract


「人自地而生,地因人而活。」這種互為因果的關係,正說明了文化生態與本土生活密不可 分的共存;啓德河因一个偶然而逃過被覆蓋的命運,令生態重臨,人文景觀再現,當中的啓示可 為其他區域借鏡。一點一滴得來不易,實有賴社區持續的耕耘,及文化策略者恆心的灌溉。2007 年 9 月 30 日,啓德明渠由民間組織「啓德發展民間聯席」正名為「啓德河」;自此,一個概念 的改變,更新了本為排洪的明渠,成為人文景觀的河岸,誘發了地區上不同人仕的想像及回應。 ‘Man is grown from the Earth, and the Earth is enlivened by Man’. This inter-dependent relationship illustrates the seamless co-existence of cultural ecology and local living. Incidentally the Kai Tak River has escaped from being covered, thus inviting the recovery of ecology and the rediscovery of human landscape. The lesson can be shared with other districts, but what learned is by no means easy and on the further cultivation of the communities and the continuous irrigation of cultural policy makers. Since the renaming of the Kai Tak Nullah as the ‘Kai Tak River’ from October 2007 by the Community Alliance for Kai Tak Development, this paradigm shift has revived the sewage discharge into riverbanks of human landscape, conducing lots of imaginations and aspirations from the local community.

摘要 Abstract


Kai tak river The only redeveloped project that is related to the river in hong kong Kai tak river green corridor community education project “synergizing local effort in fighting global crisis” Pearl river delta – hong kong located at, the triangle that we refer as peal river delta, one of the most productive areas in the world In the past, more than 100 years ago, we are losing the tradition of cultural landscape 2000 – commercial city 2020? Cultural city? What are we going to do? Beyond the boarder, it’s Shenzhen Hk is a green city, highly densified In hk, there should be redeveloped human landscape. To look for something together to recreate it.. Forum to discuss how can this new city reconnected back to the old city. More than 2.5m people living around Connect people in and across the area In the gov’t plan, there would be something connecting the new and old city naturally – kai tak river ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From kai tak nullah to kai tak river – now rechannel to concrete of road for cars Channels built by Japanese army, they built up that to free up the land for aircraft To allow landing of the airfighters Existing 13 villages league, historical coastlines, kai tak river, nga tsin wai village Number 5 – naming ceremony of the kai tak river, (kai tak nullah in the past) very effective, because brainwashing people to associate that area to be a river, but not a nullah to purify the harbor a set of ecological system is now built connection of history and local cultures heritage trails linking historical landmarks, old and new communities connected via the river and pathways -the past: grassland multi-dimensional tourism and economy very grassroot feeling design tgt construct tgt and enjoy tgt enhancing an inclusive community, building a sense of place, embracing a civil spirit

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摘要 Abstract how to relate and respond to the environment? How to present new ways of looking at the world around us? Aesthetic of sustainability Living dialogue with river Contemporary art & culture perspective DIY – reproduce to create windmill and reuse as art work environment education connecting different places tgt to create a holistic journey for people to go to interesting places. Integrate [QEF proposal] to series of curriculum Educational kit for the school children to use it Need to penetrate to the community – talking to them and distributing the books Factory owners Green art – We didn’t know what that is at that time. That’s why we created it to advocate green art and define something that we don’t know


Co-habit – high density of fish in the water Because there are so many bacteria? Dirty? “wu fish” But they could purify the river Human life and environment could come tgt in a densified environment We are also in a second hand nature – human population 50% living in the city How nature can come back to the city? There would be an affordable filter system to filter the water to create a new understanding of the city Deepen understanding of how nature and city can work together Cultural perspective of thinking things -  we can brainwash the govt people to make them believe what we think

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

講座簡報 PPT



Field Survey. 戶外參訪觀摩

Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

大佳河濱 Da-Jia Riverside Park

1990 年代基隆河截彎取直整治工程告一段落後,臺北市政府將大佳段的基隆河岸加闢建成公 園,佔地約 42 萬平方公尺(10 萬 6600 坪),與大直橋以東的迎風河濱公園相貫串。提供臺北地 區居民廣大的親水空間,也兼具美化行水區的功能。以濱江街外的基 8、基 9、基 10 號三處水門, 與市區相通。園中有主噴泉池直徑長達 125 公尺的大型噴泉水景一座,並配有 80 組彩色水中照明 燈,在整點時噴泉固定噴水半小時。8 號水門入口附近,有一處以基隆河河道彎曲、截彎取直的 水流造型所呈現廣場意象,襯以群山巒綿延起伏背景,以及鑲嵌不同魚類雕塑而成的地坪,象徵 基隆河河岸整治工程的艱辛。基隆河北岸壁堤則於 2010 年 2 月完成綠化景觀改善工程。 1990's Keelung River straight renovation project was completed, the Taipei municipal government will Dajia section of the Keelung river bank with monarch built Park, covers an area of about 420000 square meters (100000 6600 Ping), combination and straight bridge east of the windward riverside park. In addition to providing hydrophilic space the majority of the residents in Taipei area, but also beautify the land function. Base 8, base 9, base 10 of three water gate to Binjiang street outside the city, and is communicated with the. Park in the main fountain pool diameter 125 meters long a large fountain waterscape, and is equipped with 80 set of color water lights, fountain in the whole point fixed water for half an hour. 8 near the entrance flow modeling of Watergate, punishable by a Keelung river bend, straighter present square image, lined with mountains undulating background, and with different fish sculpted floor, symbol of the Keelung river regulation project of hardships. Keelung river embankment in 2010 February completed wall greening landscape improvement project.


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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

野柳地質公園 Yehliu Geopark

像臺灣野柳公園這樣的具有強地質氣候研究意義的公園,既為地理文化的發展與傳承做了良 好的貢獻,同時又是對自然文化遺產的充分保護,是現在自然風貌保育的重要途徑和方式,給我 們提供借鑒意義,未來在對自然風貌進行保護和提供知識普及和文化傳承上可以此作為榜樣。 With such as Taiwan Yehliu Geological Park strong climate research significance of the park, both made a positive contribution to the inheritance and development of geographical culture, is also the full protection to the natural and cultural heritage, is an important way and means of natural landscape conservation now provides a large degree of reference significance to us, in the future on the natural landscape for protection and popularization of knowledge and cultural heritage can be as a reference.

參訪剪影 The Photographs Of The Field Survey.



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

淡水人文歷史之美 Tan-Shui

2014 年 12 月 7 日,參觀淡水古蹟,其中包括七個地點,鄞山寺、清水祖師廟、福佑宮、姑娘樓、 真理大學、淡水小白宮以及紅樓。了解各個古蹟的歷史發展,體會濱水地區的歷史文化。 December 7, 2014, we visited historical sites of Danshui. Including seven locations, Yinshan Temple, Tsushih Temple, Bliss Palace, Guniang Lou, Aletheia University, Little White House and Red Building. And learning history of historical sites, having historical and cultural experience of the waterfront area.

參訪剪影 The Photographs Of The Field Survey.



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

北科綠色校園 Green campus of NTUT


蘇老師的講解下,觀看了臺北科技大學綠色校園相關的影片,對校園的綠色景觀有了更深刻 的了解。在景觀設計方面,北科大有很多值得我們學習的地方。臺北科技大學為一典型的都會區 校園,位處臺北市生活軸線與二條都市綠網之綠軸線交會處,近二十幾年來極力推動生態校園之 建設,其中「臺北科技大學忠孝東路校園聯外水景」於 2006 年榮獲臺北市政府「臺北市都市景觀 大獎」;Discovery 綠地球節目亦曾至本校實地採訪並製作專題報導於 2009 年 10 月播出,內容 包含:生態河流、生態池、綠牆、生態綠建築等,其中生態綠建築(下圖為生態小屋)即為整合 型永續建築,具有太陽能發電系統、多功能氣密窗系統、防潮隔熱之外牆系統以及多項調節微氣 候等設計,另外,本校亦將自行研發之水循環與光電系統及綠色透水舖面實際應用於生態校園之 營造,顯示本校技術整合與生態校園的實踐已經具有初步的規模,未來將朝向社區推廣,營造生 態社區、生態城市到綠地球之願景。 In explaining the sue teacher, we watched the film in Taipei University of science and technology of green campus related, have a more profound understandingof the campus green landscape. In landscape design, Beikeda we have much to learn.Taipei University of science and technology is a typical metropolitan campus, is located in Taipei City, living axis and two urban green network of the green axis intersection, in recent decades to promote the construction of ecological campus, the Taipei University of science and Technology Road Campus outreach Waterscape in Taipei municipal government in 2006 won the "Taipei City Urban Landscape Award" .Discovery green earth program has also been to the school field interviews and made special reports in 2009 October broadcast, content includes: ecological river, ecological pond, green wall, eco green building, the ecological green building (below for Eco Lodge) is the integrated sustainable building, with a solar power system, multifunctional airtight window system the thermal insulation of exterior wall systems, and a number of climate adjustment design, in addition, the school will also be developed water cycle and photoelectric system and green building in the ecological permeable pavement application of campus, the display has the preliminary scale practice in the school of technology integration and ecological campus, the future will be towards the promotion of community, create ecological community, ecological city to the vision of the green earth.

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

臺北市大眾捷運指揮中心 Taipei Mass Rapid Transit Traffic Control Center

臺北都會區大眾捷運系統,是服務臺北都會區的大眾捷運系統,為臺灣第壹座投入營運、也 是規模最大的捷運系統。自 1996 年開通以來,已運送超過 50 億人次,其高效先進的管理設備, 人性化的設計及服務模式,使其成為世界範圍內,最成功的城市地鐵交通系統的典範之一。 Taipei mass rapid transit system, is the mass rapid transit system, serving the Taipei metropolitan area. It is not the first one in Taiwan to put into service also is the largest rapid transit system. Since opening in 1996, has transported more than 5 billion people, its efficient management of advanced equipment, user-friendly design and service model, make it become one of the world within the scope of urban metro traffic system is the most successful model.

參訪剪影 The Photographs Of The Field Survey.



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

臺北願景館 - 了解臺北發展沿革 Taipei Museum - To know the evolution and development of Taipei

臺北城市空間最重要特色之一,是擁有方便豐富的生活系統。在都市計畫與都市設計領域, 將臺北這種都市土地的使用模式,稱之為『混合使用』,完全不同於西方區域分明的土地使用分 區觀念。儘管混合使用本身也帶來許多問題,例如交通混亂、污染髒亂等,但不可諱言,混合使 用使得臺北的『可居性』高過世界上許多城市,更重要的是,臺北的混合使用並非刻意計畫的結 果,反倒是在都市計畫並不鼓勵或是完全忽視的情況,自發成長而來,因此更顯珍貴。 少有城市像臺北這樣的豐富多樣,他看起來並不大,卻有著最為多元與複雜的風貌樣態。在 生物向上,我們可以在半個小時的車程之內,從熱帶氣候的生態棲位,穿過亞熱帶、溫帶來到寒帶; 在有限的市域範圍有著國家公園、生態保護區、河川水圳與溫泉區。這是一個複雜的城市,又著 世界最高建築之一,在許多現代化的嶄新大樓之間,也保留了許多傳統的建築與聚落;既有現代 規劃的徒步商圈,也有街道巷弄間的臨時性攤販夜市;這個城市既是繁忙緊湊的現代都會,亦同 時存在著宛如小鎮的緩慢小區。

The convenient rich life system in Taipei city is one of the most important feature in city space. In the field of urban planning and urban design, this kind of urban land use pattern in Taipei city called the "mix”, which is completely different from the western area of land use zoning concept. Although the mixed use itself also brings many problems, such as traffic chaos, a mess of the pollution, but there is no secret, it makes Taipei become more livable than many cities in the world. More importantly, the mix use in Taipei is not a result of a deliberate plan but a spontaneous growth in the discouraged or completely ignored urban planning, and therefore it is more precious.


There are rare with rich diversity cities like Taipei. It doesn't look big, but has the most diverse and complex features. When it comes to the biology, we can feel the tropical climate of ecological habitat, the subtropical, and even the Frigid Zone within half an hour's drive. The national park ecological protection areas, rivers, ditches and hot spring area are all exit in the limited range of Taipei city. This is a complicated city with one of the world's tallest building. And there are still many traditional buildings and settlements between many of the modern new building. There are both modern planning hiking business circle, and temporary night market between the street alleys in Taipei. The city is not only compact busy modern metropolis, also like a small town village with the slow pace of life.

參訪剪影 The Photographs Of The Field Survey.


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

綠建築案例-北投圖書館 Green Building -Taipei City Library Beitou Branch

臺北市立圖書館北投分館是臺灣首座綠建築圖書館,座落於林木茂密、生態環境優美的北投 公園內,與溫泉博物館比鄰,地下一層、地上二層,樓地板總面積 650 坪。室內書香,戶外鳥語, 相映成趣,使閱讀成了一件愜意、享受的活動。整棟建築主要由木頭建造而成,遠看就像一座藏 身在森林中的樹屋。使用的木材及鋼材皆可回收再利用,減少廢棄物對環境的破壞。在室內健康 與環境指標方面,對於木材建材除做白蟻防治外,並使用生態塗料及免除不必要的裝修工程,減 少污染及有毒物質的釋放,避免影響人體健康。 屋頂為輕質生態屋頂,設有太陽能光電板發電,可發電 16 千瓦電力,並採大量陽臺深遮陽及 垂直木格柵,降低熱輻射進入室內,降低耗能達到節能效果。綠化屋頂及斜坡草坡設計可涵養水 分自然排水至雨水回收槽,再利用回收水澆灌植栽及沖水馬桶,達到綠化與減少水資源浪費。 該分館在民國 94 年(2005 年)2 月份榮獲內政部綠建築九大指標候選證書,包括「生物多樣性」、 「綠化量」、「基地保水」、「水資源」、「日常節能」、「二氧化碳減量」、「室內健康與環境」、 「廢棄物減量」、「汙水與垃圾改善」九項指標。96 年(2007 年)7 月獲得綠建築鑽石級標章證 書;101 年(2012 年)獲得美國網站 Flavorwire.com 評選為「全球最美 25 座公立圖書館」之一。


Taipei City Library Beitou Branch is Taiwan's first green building library. It is located in the dense forests with excellent ecological environment in the Beitou Park, next to the Hot Springs Museum. The total area of the library is about 2149 square meters, consists of 3 floors including one basement floor and two ground floors. With books, it smells great inside the library. At the same time, birds sing outside. Reading becomes a pleasant and enjoyable activity. The whole building is mainly made of wood, looks like a wooden house hiding in the forest. The wood and steel that used in the building can be recycled, reducing the damage to the environment. On the aspect of indoor health and environment, termite control has been done with all the wood materials. In the meantime, the designers use ecotypic interior wall coating and eliminate unnecessary decoration, reducing pollution and release of toxic substances, to avoid affecting human health. The roof is lightweight eco-roof with solar panels, which could generate 16 kilowatts of electricity. A lot of vertical wooden grills are used in the balconies to provide deep shade, reduce heat radiation into the room, reduce energy consumption and achieve energy savings. Green roofs and grass slopes are designed to collect rainwater to the recycling tank. Reclaimed water can be used to irrigate plants and flush the toilet. Thus water waste reduction can be achieved.In February 2005, the library had the honor to get the certificate of green building issued by the Interior Ministry of Taiwan, which covered nine indicators, including the "biodiversity", "green quantity", "water retention", "water resource", "daily energy saving", "carbon dioxide reduction", "interior health and the environment", "waste minimization", "improvement of sewage and garbage". In July 2007, the library got the green building diamond grade label certificate and in 2012, it was awarded as one of “the world's most beautiful 25 public libraries” by the US website “Flavorwire.com”.

參訪剪影 The Photographs Of The Field Survey.


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

臺北市花博公園 Taipei Expo Park

新生四館,位於臺北市中山區,為一綠建築展覽館。在花博期間時,分為夢想館、未來館與 天使生活館。,此四間展覽館,改稱為新生四館。 新生四館設計時,每個展館均設有多個出入口,可以依照需求調整出入動線,將場地分隔使 用。兩邊的館舍屋頂均有著太陽能發電、屋頂綠化植栽、屋頂步道、雨水收集的功能。西邊的建 物以天橋相連結,北邊為主要的展廳,南邊為一小型展廳與新生四館主要的盥洗室與飲水機所在, 天橋下方廣場為本館的主要出入口與活動場地。東邊的建物,中間設有中庭為主要的旅客出入口, 可整體做為一展館,或是南北分為兩個展館,甚至於更細部的分區,做多元的利用。中庭的南方 為一生態池,是新生四館中唯一位於建物內的生態池,可以調節館舍的溫度。 Four new museum, located in Zhongshan District of Taipei City, is a green building exhibition hall. During the Expo, divided into the pavilion of dreams, the future museum and the angel life. The four exhibition hall, renamed the new hall four. The design of four new hall, each exhibition hall is equipped with multiple exits, in accordance with the demand to adjust the access routes, the site will be separated. On both sides of the building roof hassolar power, roof greening planting, roof trails, rainwater collection function. The west side of the building is connected to bridge, north into the main hall, the south is a small exhibition hall and four new hall main washroomand drinking water machine where the flyover under square as the main entrances and venues in the library. The east side of the building, the middle is provided with the main passenger entrance, can do for a whole exhibition hall, or is the North South divided into two halls, and even in more detail using multiple partitions, do. Atrium southfor ecological pool, is the only one located in the building of ecological pond center four freshmen, can regulatethe temperature of buildings.


參訪剪影 Visit record

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Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

國立臺灣大學校園 - 生態池 Ecological pool in National Taiwan University

國立臺灣大學生態池於 2003 年 11 月 14 日啟用。位於臺大農場旁。是臺大瑠公圳復原計劃 的第一期工程,做為該計畫的水源源頭。建造經費是由臺北市瑠公農田水利會提供。由臺大生物 環境系統工程系甘俊二教授、臺大土木工程學系林國峰教授及臺大生物環境系統工程系張煜權博 士提出,對於臺大校園內原瑠公圳水路進行親水空間之改造,以增進校園內生活及教學機能,提 升學習環境品質。通過此次實地考察,也促進了對瑠公圳專案的進一步理解。 Ecological pool in National Taiwan University began to be used in November 14, 2003 . It is located next to National Taiwan University farm. And it is the first phase of the Liu Gongjun recovery plan. It is the water source of the scheme. Funding of construction is provided by the Liugong Irrigation Association of Taipei, which is designed by Professor Gan Juner from the department of biological environment system in National Taiwan University, Professor Lin Guofeng from department of civil engineering in National Taiwan University the and Dr. Zhang Yuquan from department of biological environmental systems in National Taiwan University. This project is for the NTU campus within the original space water reform to enhance campus life and teaching functions, to improve the quality of the learning environment. Through this visit, we also promote further understanding of the project about Liu Gongjun project.


參訪剪影 The Photographs Of The Field Survey.





Appendix ITeam Profile



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

附錄一、國立臺北科技大學 National Taipei University of Technology

系所簡介: 建築系歷史悠久,為國內最早成立的建築科系。其創設可溯自 1912 年(大正 1 年)工業講習 所時代,因此 1915 年(大正 4 年)即有首屆建築科畢業生畢業,為當時臺灣建築、營造界培育了 無數的人才。臺灣光復以後,原臺北工業學校改制臺北工專,而建築科曾於 1963 年及 1966 年, 分別隸屬於土木工程科和工業設計科下之「建築組」,至 1987 年(民國 76 年)回復獨立為「建 築設計科」,至改制臺北技術學院以後的「建築系」,九十多年來,成就了今日臺灣建築界的榮 耀與基石。 History: Department of Architecture has a long history as the oldest domestic architecture department. Its creation can be dated back to 1912 by the industrial workshop times. And the first graduates have graduated in 1915, which has cultivated countless talents of the construction community for Taiwan . After Taiwan's retrocession, we restructured Taipei Industrial School into ntut, and the group of architecture in 1963 and 1966, respectively, under the section of Civil Engineering and the Industrial Design , and till 1987 it became an independent section called "Architectural Design ". After restructured into Taipei Technical College, the Department of Architecture, 90 years, has achieved the glory and a cornerstone of Taiwan¡¦s construction industry today.

設計學院 院長

建築系 系主任


彭光輝 Kuang-Hui Peng

王聰榮 Tsung-Juang Wang

臺北科技大學 建築系暨建築與都市社設計研究所 教授 Professor

臺北科技大學 建築系暨建築與都市社設計研究所 教授 Professor

National Taipei University of Technology Dept Architecture & Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design

National Taipei University of Technology Dept Architecture & Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design

冷凍空調系 系主任


Liang-Han Chien

能源與冷凍空調工程系 教授 Professor,Department of Energy and Refrigerating Air Conditioning Engineering. 能源與冷凍空調工程系 系主任 Director,Department of Energy and Refrigerating Air Conditioning Engineering. 住商節能與運輸節能教學聯盟中心 Education Center of Energy Saving Technology for Residential-Commercial Building and Transportation



Lih-Yau Song

臺北科技大學 建築系暨建築與都市社設計研究所 副教授 Associate Prof. Ph.D. National Taipei University of Technology Dept Architecture & Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design


Shu-Ying Tsai

臺北科技大學 建築系暨建築與都市社設計研究所 副教授 Associate Prof. Ph.D. National Taipei University of Technology Dept Architecture & Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design


Ying-Ming Su

臺北科技大學 建築系暨建築與都市社設計研究所 副教授 Associate Prof. Ph.D. National Taipei University of Technology Dept Architecture & Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design

Chia-Hui Lin

臺北科技大學 建築系暨建築與都市社設計研究所 National Taipei University of Technology Dept Architecture & Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Design



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12


CUHK Center for Housing Innovations

系所簡介: 香港中文大學中國城市住宅研究中心在大陸住建部及各相關機構的支持與協作之下,於 1998 年成立,本著通過設計與技術的結合促成高素質和可負擔的中高密度城市住宅,並推動中國城市 的可持續發展、人居環境素質與效能提升的宗旨,十幾年間就綠色建築、可持續規劃、環境模擬、 城市居住環境等多學科交叉研究領域,在兩岸三地及海外展開大量科研、學術交流和教育活動, 獲學術界和業界的高度評價。迄今本中心已組織舉辦十屆『中國城市住宅研討會』,並主持開設 高級環境規劃技術理學碩士及住房研究社會科學碩士兩門課程,為未來可持續規劃設計、住房研 究等領域培育新一代高素質專業人才。 History: The Center for Housing Innovations (CHI) was established in 1998 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong with the support from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of PRC. CHI’s objectives are to achieve high quality, affordable urban housing for mid to high density development, and to improve sustainable development, liveability and efficiency of future cities through design and technology integration. Fruitful activities, including research collaborations, academic exchanges and education schemes on multidisciplinary fields, build high reputations in cross-straits and overseas areas. CHI also organized The China Urban Housing Conference for ten times during last two decades. Based on fruitful research and projects outcomes, CHI also established MSc. Programme in Advanced Environmental Planning Technologies & MSSc Programme in Housing Studies to cultivate new generation of high quality talents in sustainable planning and design and housing study fields.



Jin-Yeu Tsou

香港中文大學 建築學院教授 Professor, School of Architecture, CUHK 香港中文大學 中國城市住宅研究中心主任 Director, Center for Housing Innovations, CUHK 綠色建築評價標識臺灣專家委員會 主席 Chairman, Council for Green Building Evaluation Research in Taiwan

Wolfgang Dokonal 格拉茨科技大學 都市規劃研究所 教授 Professor The Institute for Urbanism at Graz University of Technology


Ming-Chun Chao

中國城市住宅研究中心(臺北) 執行主任 Deputy Director, Center for Housing Innovations (Taipei)


Ping-Hung Chang

香港中文大學 建築學院 副教授 Associate Professor School of Architecture CUHK

Ernst Alex. DENGG 格拉茨科技大學 都市規劃研究所 助教 Teaching Assistant The Institute for Urbanism at Graz University of Technology

Wong-Yao Wong

香港中文大學 建築學院 助教 Teaching Assistant School of Architecture CUHK




Appendix II


The Photographs Of The Workshop.


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12


Opening Ceremony



Design Discussion


Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

成果發表 Final Presentation



Taipei Tech & CUHK 12/06-12/12

成果發表 Final Presentation



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