1 minute read
Do you enjoy crafting and creating? What about exploring new hobbies? Teen Place has the perfect spot for you to discover new or rekindle old craft-making skills.
Our MakerTable, located at the back of Teen Place next to our Supplies Cart, is a space for you to create, explore, learn and discover through crafting and building activities.
Some of the items you may find in the MakerTable include:
• Button maker
• Rubber band bracelet kits
• Stickers and washi tape
• Cardboard building shapes
• Laser-cut wooden puzzles
• Floss bracelet kits
• Miscellaneous craft kits
Since you’ll be heading back to school soon, remember that the MakerTable is a great space to work on projects! There is plenty of space to spread out, and it is right next to the Supplies Cart, which is home to all our sharable project materials. There are also garbage and recycling bins at the end of the table for easy clean up.
The MakerTable is available to use any time Teen Place is open, and, like the Supplies Cart, you do not need to ask Teen Staff if you can use the items on the cart - though please let us know if something has run out!