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Onstage during the Smart City Expo Miami, South Florida’s premier smart cities conference, Michael Lake, president and CEO of Leading Cities, challenged city and industry leaders to move from rhetoric to action in dealing with growing rates of plastic waste. To support this effort, Leading Cities launched an open call for the next edition of AcceliGOV applications.
AcceliGOV is a global opportunity for local governments and private companies to apply for free sustainability and resiliency pilot projects. This edition offers multiple prepaid pilots that increase plastic recycling while reducing waste collection costs.
Out of the 300 million tons of plastic waste sent into recycling bins and facilities each year, less than 10% of it is recycled. As a result, over 90% of plastic waste worldwide is getting dumped into landfills, continuing to pollute our planet and harming the countries which have become the largest plastic waste dumping grounds.
Open to deploying in any municipality, school, hospital, restaurant, and any industry needing to generate necessary products. Separate pilots for municipal governments and private industry worth $100,000 will be awarded. These innovative solutions are provided by Automedi, the 2022 QBE AcceliCITY Resilience Challenge grand prize winner, a global competition hosted by Leading Cities in partnership with QBE North America. Apply for free pilot projects at leadingcities.org/acceligov.