2 minute read
National Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month
from February 2023
February is set aside for national teen dating violence awareness and prevention. It is estimated that 1 in 10 teens will experience dating violence, and we need to take the opportunity to highlight this issue.
Dating is part of life that many will first experience as a teen. However, as an adult, we all know that a healthy relationship requires hard work, communication, and a level of maturity that isn’t always present in teens.
“Teen dating violence includes physical, psychological or sexual abuse; harassment; or stalking of any person ages 12 to 18 in the context of a past or present romantic or consensual relationship.” [1] Teen dating violence can be done in person, over the phone, or electronically. Social media is the most common for teenagers.
Nationally, one in three teenagers admits to being in an unhealthy relationship. While both girls and boys can be victims of dating violence, girls are more likely to become victims. Studies have estimated that 10% of adolescents report being a victim of physical violence from their intimate partner. In addition, teens that are involved in unhealthy or abusive relationships are more likely to suffer longterm health and behavioral consequences. Some of these consequences are depression, aggression, alcohol/drug abuse, eating disorders, and suicide attempts/thoughts.
Prevent Dating Violence
This issue affects everyone, not only teenagers but their parents, teachers, friends, and community. So, how can we prevent teen dating violence? Like us adults, our teenagers are probably embarrassed to admit they are a victim of dating violence and will not seek assistance or guidance. Therefore, talk to your children and encourage them to speak to you about any issues or concerns. Let them know that relationships are built on trust, respect, and honesty. Together we can raise awareness about teen dating violence and promote safe, healthy relationships.
For resources regarding dating abuse or helplines, go to teendvmonth.org/resources. Also, if you or you know someone in an abusive relationship, contact the police department at (210) 619-1200. We can help you and put you in contact with our Crime Victim Liaison.
Sources: https://youth.gov and https://www.teendvmonth.org/what-is-teen-dating-violence/
A fee of $40 will appear on the customer's water bill for the pickup of a single brush pile according to the dimensions outlined in the guidelines section below.
In the event of any unforeseen delays, including weather, chip jobs not done on the scheduled Tuesday will be completed on the next possible business day.
All brush and tree limbs must be at the front of the curb of the billing address and stacked neatly for easy access (parked vehicles cleared of brush pile) with ABSOLUTELY NO TREE STUMPS PLACED ON TOP OF LIMBS. All brush must be curbside by 7:30 am on the date of the scheduled service.
Ideally, branches and limbs should be at least 3-7 ft in length but must not exceed 7 ft in length in order to be chipped. Otherwise, the limbs must be trimmed off/down to fit dimensions appropriately. Stumps must be cut 18 inches in length and less than 12 inches in diameter (or split in half) in order for pickup and MUST be