New processes, new materials, software tools or useful, practicable applications -with AddMagyou are right in the middle of it all. We report on the market and inform our readers about the possibilities of additive manufacturing as well as successfully implemented applications: From design for AM to 3D printers and post-processing to intralogistics for additive manufacturing, from research and standards to strategy and economically relevant factors. We focus on a practical exchange of experience and indepth industry knowledge in order to provide our readers with know-how for additive manufacturing.
AverageperissueofthecarriertitlesK-Zetung,NCFertigung, Konstruktion &EntwickungundBLECHbyareasof nterest
The AddMag newsletter has around 15,000 subscribers. The e-magazine is additionally distributed via the newsletters, LinkedIn channels, and the websites of nc-fertigung.de, k-zeitung.de, aluminium-journal.de, blechonline.de, and konstruktion-entwicklung.de.
*SourceGoogleAnaytcs,monthyaverage01/2024-06/2024 WebsitesK-Zeitung,NCFertigung,Konstruktion&Entwicklung, aluminium-journa.de&BLECH **LnkedIn:altogether;October2024
umuativeexpectedreachthroughdistributiononthechannelsofK-zeitung, NCFertigung, Konstruktion&Entwicklung,BLECH&aluminium-journal.de
In cooperation with
Issue Deadline Publication date Topics Trade Fairs
Strategy & Economic efficiency
Standards & Guidelines
Research Engineering & Design
Materials Systems & Technology
Postprocessing & Peripherie Quality assurance
In tralo gistics Production planning & Higher-level software
Occupational safety
AddMagis aimed at additive manufacturers from all industrial sectors, from mechanical engineering and automation to automotive and aviation, agriculture, medical technology and electronics manufacturing.
AddMagfocuses on managing directors, production managers, developers, AM designers and technical purchasers.
An automotive designer will find just as much relevant information here as a contract manufacturer.
1/1 page 1/3 page landscape 1/3 page portrait 1/2 page landscape 1/2 page portrait
Beed:210×297mm 3 mm bleed all round
Bleed: 210 × 148 mm
B eed: 1 0 0 × 297 mm
Bleed: 68 × 297 mm
1/4 page landscape 1/4 page portrait 1/4 page 2-column
Thefull-sizebannerisplaced centrallybetween ndividualnews articles.Ifyoubookthepremium placement,itisplacedina partcuarlyattentiongrabbng positionabovethefirstnews article.Format:468x60px.
950 €
Premium placement: 1.290 €
per dispatch
Themediumrectangleisplacedina high-profiepositionbetween ndividua newsarticlesinthe middleoftheeditorialcontent.
Thewidebannerisplaced centrallyacrosstheentirewidth ofthenewsletterbetweenthe individualnewsitems.
Text ads are structured in the same way as our articles and marked with the word “advertisement”. They include 1 image (480 x 320px), 1 headine (max 55 characters), 1 teaser text (max. 300 characters) withalinktoyourchosenURL.
Thestandalonenewsletterisstructured tomatchthelookandfeeloftheregular newsletterintermsofcontent,layout anddesignandmarkedwiththeword “advertisement” Thecontentofthe entirenewsletterisprovidedbythe customer.Incl.onecorrectionloop.
We know what really moves your target group: We identify the appropriate lead magnets (whitepaper, online seminar or a fireside chat in a relaxed atmosphere with real encounters). You can supply the content yourself or have it created by our editorial team. We take care of the fireside chat organisation down to the last detail.
You receive qualified contacts from us – with professional campaign management, targeted advertising measures and reporting.
GDPR-compliant: all contacts are generated strictly according to the EU GDPR and can be used for your marketing and sales communication without any risk.
Standard query fields in the form: Mandatory fields: title,firstname,surname,email
Additionally bookable, e.g. industry, company size, phone number and much more
Further qualification measures (“lead nurturing”) can be realised individually on request research of phone numbers or other characteristics exclusion of the 5 largest competitors follow-up mailing with your offer further segmentation options on request
The promotion of your campaign is included. We target a campaign for your topic or product that is individually tailored to your target group. Included are text ads in our newsletters, social media posts via Facebook or LinkedIn as well as banners, native teasers and pop-ups on our homepage
We offer a wide range of lead generation options individually customised to your needs. Benefit from our credible environment, a high level of acceptance and the wide reach of our marketing channels to specifically address potential customers!
You supply a complete whitepaper.
We make the content available for download on our website and mark it as an advertisement.
We promote your content via our channels and generate leads for you.
We provide you with the leads for the success of your campaign!
We create a whitepaper on a topic that appeals to your desired target group.
We design the whitepaper in the look & feel of our media brand without advertising messages.
You supply a recording of an online seminar.
We make the online seminar recording available for download on our website.
We create an online seminar on a topic that appeals to your desired target group.
We design the online seminar in the look & feel of our media brand without advertising messages.
We make the online seminar available for download on our website.
We promote the live date and recording via our channels and generate leads for you.
We provide you with the leads.
2.790,00€ plus60,00€
3.990,00€ plus 60,00€
2.790,00€ plus 60,00€
4.890,00€ plus 60,00€CpL*
We maximise the success of your campaign! Now new and included in the price: Our experts will edit the article for you for registration
Weplanafiresidechatonatopicthatappealstoyourdesiredtargetgroup. Wedesignthefiresidechatinthelook&feelofourmediabrandwithoutadvertisingmessages. Wetakecareoftheentireeventorganisationatavenueofyourchoice.
Wepromotetheeventviaourchannelsandgenerateleadsforyou. Weprovideyouwiththeleads.Numberofparticipants:10-40.
from9.490,00€ plusCpL,venue,cateringandothereventcosts
Accurate and contemporary: Present yourself on one of the most up-to-date and valuable information platforms for your target group.
We publish your post as a sponsored article on our LinkedIn channel. Our followers then see your post in their timeline and you reach the target group that is relevant to you. In addition, we increase your reach and target your post as an ad to other LinkedIn users.
Your LinkedIn ad remains as a post in the timeline and can be found in the long term. We forecast reach between 800 and 1,000 impressions.
You deliver:
1 - 3 images (optimal image resolution 1200 x 627px)
Post text up to 1,300 characters (incl. hashtags)
3 - 4 hashtags
Optional: desired links for image and text (persons/companies)
✓ Our brand publishes your post
✓ Additional reach boost 490€
Price per post
Enhance your marketing mix with targeted social media ads on Google and Meta – tailored specifically to your needs.
Benefit from our all-in-one service and get everything conveniently from a single source!
Weresearchanddefineyourtargetaudiencewithin thedesiredenvironment.
Youbenefitfromouryearsofexperienceinthe medialandscaperelevanttoyouandourspecific expertiseintargetaudienceanalysis.Thisensures wecanoptimizeyouradsetup.
Wecreateyouradtailoredtothedesiredchannel, linkittoyourpreferredtargetpage,andhandlecostoptimizedmanagementandmonitoringofthe ongoingcampaign.
Uponcampaigncompletion,weprovideyouwitha reportcontainingallrelevantmetrics.Youcan extendthecampaignatanytimewithease.
Note:AdsonFacebookandInstagramcanonlybe runwithanexistingbusinesspageonMeta.
classicproductadvertising brandandimagebuilding contentdistribution
Forecastedreach:approx.10,000 mpressions Facebook&Instagram:
Forecastedreach:approx 15,000impressons
Combinesocialmediaadswith bookedonlineadvertorialsfora targetedincreaseinreach.
Runtime 4 weeks *Media budget included! Wider reach packages on request!
1/2 page landscape 1/2 page portrait 1/1 page 1/3 page landscape 1/3 page portrait
3 mm bleed all round
Bleed: 210 × 148 mm
B eed: 1 0 0 × 297 mm
1/4 page landscape 1/4 page portrait 1/4 page 2-column
Bleed: 100x148mm
Bleed: 68 ×297 mm
E-mail: anzeigendaten-adm@schluetersche.de
For queries, phone 0511 8550-2521.
When submitting your data, please state the Journal Issue Advertiser and send the exact order data at the same time as a printout of the advertisement with the final and binding text and layout.
Vogel Druck und Medienservice GmbH
Leibnizstraße 5, 97204 Höchberg
Acceptance times: Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or by special arrangement.
Delivery note: Trade magazine (AddMag), issue...
Prepaid delivery to the printing house. Delivery at least 10 days before publication
8 days after invoice date, 2% discount; otherwise 30 days without deduction.
Direct debit is possible. VAT ID no. DE 316 433 496
Bank details
Bank details for advertising and sales invoices: Commerzbank Hannover, IBAN no.: DE 21 2504 0066 0331 8961 00, BIC: COBADEFFXXX
Please send the text as a Word file and the image as a PNG, GIF or JPG at least 7 business days before the booked dispatch date to adm@schluetersche.de
Please send the data as a PNG, GIF or JPG at least 7 business days before the booked dispatch date to adm@schluetersche.de Animated GIFs are also possible, however, they may not play correctly on all devices.
Please send the following content at least 10 business days before the booked dispatch date to adm@schluetersche.de:
- Subject line & headline: “Customer-Name: Headline” (total max. 68 characters incl. spaces)
- Customer logo (min. 180 px wide) + link to customer website
- Header image (600 x 250 px, JPG, PNG or GIF)
- Monothematic: 1 long text (Word file, 1400 characters incl. spaces) + link, 1 additional image optional (600 px wide, max. 250 px high, JPG, PNG or GIF) or Polythematic: 1 lead text (Word file, max. 400 characters incl. spaces) + link, up to 3 short articles with article image (180 x 120 px, JPG, PNG or GIF), headline (55 characters incl. spaces), text (Word file, max. 300 characters incl. spaces) + link
- Company contact details
8 days after invoice date, 2% discount; otherwise 30 days without deduction.
Bank details for advertising and sales invoices: Commerzbank Hannover, IBAN no.: DE 21 2504 0066 0331 8961 00, BIC: COBADEFFXXX
Exclusive. Inspiring.
An exclusive event that is only open to selected guests by invitation. The top 30 industrial companies in our readership gather in Augsburg for a special dialogue.
A unique opportunity to establish valuable contacts and gain new impetus.
Security. Technology. Expertise.
The Access Forum is the leading conference for experts and decision-makers in the field of access control systems. The event focuses on innovative solutions and technologies that make access to buildings and sensitive areas more secure and efficient. The event provides a platform for exchanging expertise, discussing current challenges and networking with other experts in the industry.
Exchange of knowledge, networking, further training.
With its six formats per year, the Industry Academy offers a platform for sharing knowledge and learning from other experts. Experts come together at regular intervals to share their experience and discuss current developments in the industry. The event creates space for in-depth insights and encourages dialogue on topics relevant to the future.
Jürgen Dölling
Teamlead Sales Industry, Automotive/Mobility
0511 8550 2643
Andreas Stückl Sales Consultant andreas.stueckl@schluetersche.de
0821 319880-56
Gerhard Maier Editor-in-Chief
0821 319880-44
Simone Käfer Editor
0821 319880-35
Editorandpublisher:Schlütersche FachmedienGmbH
A company of the Schlütersche Mediengruppe
Gögginger Straße 105a 86199 Augsburg
Phone +49 (0)821 319880-0
Fax +49 (0821 319880-80
vg-augsburg@schluetersche.de www.schluetersche.de www.addmag.de