COMENIUS Project Frontiers and Conflicts

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At the moment (March 2006)   5,262 foreigners   989 of them are children   from 115 countries

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Several residencial areas for immigrants and foreigners in our town Children of foreigners get special lessons in German Financial support for immigrants from the municipality

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42.5% can‘t say 37.5% yes 20 % no

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80% it‘s allright 17.5% it‘s not right 2.5% no standpoint

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50% variety of cultures 30% Germans learn to be tolerant 20% there are no advantages for Germany

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32.5% think they don‘t mix with us 25% think there are not enough jobs left for the Germans 25% see no disadvantages 17.5% mentioned the high costs of support of immigrants

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67.5% more than four 20% don‘t have any 12.5% less than four

Natives and foreigners should do more things together. There should be better job opportunities for foreigners. Racial prejudices have to be fought against and overcome.

Here you can see some of our foreign students, who come from Ghana, Poland, Russia, Columbia, China, Chek Republic and Romania. They feel OK.

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