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Furthermore, in a joint venture with Bahraini marine contractor, Al Hassanain, JGL has recently completed work on one of the largest pipe-jacked sea outfalls in the world as part of the Umm Al Hayman Wastewater Treatment project in Kuwait. This $1.6 billion project has seen the construction of a 6.2-kilometre-long emergency sea outfall with three tunnels and will provide complete recycling for up to 700,000-metrescubed of wastewater each day.
Difficulties were inevitable on a project of this scale, but JGL’s expertise ensured it could solve any challenges as they arose. It developed a new pipe-jack lubricant, for example, which reduced anticipated pressures by 80 per cent. It also achieved a world first, creating a bespoke marine lifting beam to allow air recovery and a precise route for 39-kilometres, sub-surface towing of the tunnel boring machine.
JGL is passionate about its core values of hard work, integrity, and safety. Its mission is to create a high-performance culture that focuses on collaboration, its environmental impact, and the safety of both its employees and the wider community. Its teams are continuously pushing boundaries, improving quality, and delivering high standard workmanship whilst respecting the communities in which it works.
It aims to provide a positive and empowering working environment for its employees, encouraging its people to reach their full potential as individuals, whilst successfully delivering projects