Title: Canzoniere et Triomphi di Messer Francesco Petrarcha. Historiato et diligentemente corretto. Author: Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Publisher: [Venetia, impresso per Nicolo Zopino e Vincentio compagno, 1521] Description: 193, [7] leaves illus. 16 cm. Reprint of the 3rd Giunta edition (Florence, 1515) including the one leaf preface by Alpherius lauding Aldus who had just died. The Giunta editions were based on the Aldine editions of which Cardinal Bembo was the first editor. Six full page woodcuts on versos of leaves 142, 155, 159, 167, 178, and 181 signed z. a.; bookseller description identifies the artist as Essling's Zoan Andrea II. Uniform Title: Rime Contributors: Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Trionfi. Andrea, Zoan, II. Alpherius, Franciscus, of Florence. Bembo, Pietro, 1470-1547. Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 50-1515. Eisenhower - Request & Use in Special Collections PG 1476 .B 1521