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Our news
OUR news
What a wonderful term it has been!
The summer holidays are finally with us, exams are over and School Notices is in full swing, with our magazine going out to a record 35,000 families. We’re thrilled to be including so many new member schools this term and if you are reading this for the first time, we’d like to welcome you to our growing club.
In addition to providing you with a friendly parent marketplace, our goal at School Notices has always been to harness the power of our incredible parent and alumni communities. If every parent simply posts one free notice on the School Notices website, it immediately creates a value to business advertisers and your school directly benefits.
Across the country, more than 100 schools are now capitalising on the power of their own communities to help raise funds for some amazing causes, and we continue to grow further afield with our fast-approaching launch in Asia this summer.
The really exciting news is that our developers have been beavering away over the last few months to bring you a fantastic new site, which will launch next term and is going to bring you a hugely improved experience. We’re looking forward to sharing it with you!
Raising funds is what it’s all about at School Notices and our free parent noticeboard is attracting more and more advertising revenue to share with member schools. Some schools donate all funds raised to charity, while others use it to start a bursary fund. But whatever it is used for, it is generated entirely by our members, so we’d like to say a very big thank you. If you haven’t yet joined us online, please do take a moment to do so at www.schoolnotices.co.uk

Clare Reid, Co-founder