School of Advanced Study events brochure Oct 12 - Jan 13

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Contents The School of Advanced Study 1 Institutes of the School 2 Events at the School 4 Highlights: 5 University of London Trust Fund events 5 Dean’s Seminars 6 Bloomsbury Festival 2012 7 Conferences and symposia 11 Events calendar 23 Research training 83 Call for papers 91 How to find us 92

The School of Advanced Study The School of Advanced Study at the University of London is the only institution of its kind in the UK nationally funded to promote and facilitate research in the humanities and social sciences. The School brings together the specialised scholarship and resources of 10 prestigious research institutes at the centre of the University of London to provide a unique environment for the support, evaluation and pursuit of research which is accessible to all Higher Education institutions in the UK and the rest of the world. Member Institutes of the School: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Institute of Classical Studies Institute of Commonwealth Studies Institute of English Studies Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Institute of Historical Research Institute of Musical Research Institute of Philosophy Institute for the Study of the Americas The Warburg Institute The School also hosts a cross-disciplinary centre. The Human Rights Consortium, founded in 2009, brings together the multidisciplinary expertise in human rights found in several institutes of the School, as well as collaborating with individuals and organisations with an interest in the subject. The main aim of the Consortium is to facilitate, promote and disseminate academic and policy work on human rights by holding conferences and seminars, hosting visiting fellows, coordinating the publication of high quality work in the field, and establishing a network of human rights researchers, policy-makers and practitioners across the UK and internationally, with a view to collaborating on a range of activities.


Institutes of the School

Institutes of the School INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED LEGAL STUDIES The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) was founded in 1947 as a national academic institution serving all universities through its national legal research library. Its function is to promote, facilitate and disseminate the results of advanced study and research in the discipline of law, for the benefit of persons and institutions in the UK and abroad. Its areas of speciality include arbitration and dispute settlement, company law, comparative law, economic crime, financial services law and legislative studies and law reform, and the legal profession and delivery of legal services. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 5800 INSTITUTE OF CLASSICAL STUDIES The Institute of Classical Studies (IClS) is a national and international research centre for the study of the languages, literature, history, art, archaeology and philosophy of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. Founded in 1953, it provides an internationally renowned research library available to scholars from universities throughout the world, in association with the Hellenic and Roman Societies. IClS also serves as the meeting place of the main Classics organisations in the UK. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8700

INSTITUTE OF COMMONWEALTH STUDIES The Institute of Commonwealth Studies (ICwS) is the only postgraduate academic institution in the UK devoted to the study of the Commonwealth. Founded in 1949, its purpose is to promote interdisciplinary and inter-regional research on the Commonwealth and its member nations in the fields of history, politics and other social sciences. Its areas of specialism include international development, governance, human rights, north-south relations and conflict and security. It is also home to the longest-running interdisciplinary and practice-oriented human rights MA programme in the UK. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8844 INSTITUTE OF ENGLISH STUDIES The Institute of English Studies (IES), founded in 1999, exists to facilitate advanced study and research in English studies within the University of London and in the wider academic community, national and international. Its Centre for Manuscript and Print Studies covers such fields of study as palaeography, history of printing, manuscript and print relations, history of publishing and the book trade, textual criticism and theory and the electronic book. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8675

INSTITUTE OF GERMANIC & ROMANCE STUDIES The Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies (IGRS) was established in 2004 with the merger of the Institute of Germanic Studies and the Institute of Romance Studies, founded in 1950 and 1989 respectively. Its purpose is to promote and facilitate the study of the cultures of regions speaking the Germanic and Romance languages across a range of disciplines and interdisciplinary fields in the humanities. W: | E: | +44 (0)20 7862 8677


Institutes of the School

INSTITUTE OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH Founded in 1921, the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) is at the centre of the study of academic history. It provides a stimulating research environment supported by the IHR’s two research centres: the Centre for Metropolitan History and the Victoria County History; is home to an outstanding open access library, hosts events and seminars and has a dedicated programme of Research training. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8740

INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL RESEARCH Established in 2006, the Institute of Musical Research (IMR) was set up as a university-wide and national resource with a commitment to foster musical research in all its diversity. The IMR offers a unique meeting point for researchers and postgraduate students across the UK and acts as a hub for collaborative work on a national and international scale. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7664 4865

INSTITUTE OF PHILOSOPHY The Institute of Philosophy (IP) was founded in 2005, building upon and developing the work of the Philosophy Programme from 1995–2005. The Institute’s mission is to promote and support philosophy of the highest quality in all its forms, both inside and outside the University, and across the UK. Its activities divide into three kinds: events, fellowships and research facilitation. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8683

INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF THE AMERICAS The Institute for the Study of the Americas (ISA) was founded in 2004 through the merger of the Institute of Latin American Studies and the Institute of United States Studies, both of which were established in 1965. ISA promotes, coordinates and provides a focus for research and postgraduate teaching in history and the social sciences on the Americas – Canada, the US, Latin America and the Caribbean – and plays a national and international role as a coordinating and information centre for all parts of the hemisphere at the postgraduate level in the universities of the UK. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8870 THE WARBURG INSTITUTE The Warburg Institute (WI), incorporated in the University in 1944, exists principally to further the study of the classical tradition – those elements of European thought, literature, art and institutions which derive from the ancient world. The classical tradition is conceived as the theme which unifies the history of Western civilisation. The bias is not towards ‘classical’ values in art and literature: students and scholars will find represented all the strands that link medieval and modern civilisation with its origins in the ancient cultures of the Near East and the Mediterranean. W: | E: | T: +44 (0)20 7862 8949


Events at the School

Events at the School The institutes of the School collectively offer a rich programme of seminars, workshops, lectures, conferences and other academic events. Each year around 1,600 events are organised on humanities and social science topics, attracting almost 50,000 audience members drawn from around the UK and internationally as well as the London area including scholars, representatives from academic, public, and private organisations, policy-makers, professional experts, and the interested public. Almost 6,000 speakers, over one-third of whom are from outside the UK, are welcomed annually to contribute to the intellectual culture of the School. The majority of our events are free and open to the public. All are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of the access to current research and interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation these events afford. The full list of forthcoming and past events held by the School can be found at

How to use this guide Events are listed in date and time order. On the left we list the time, the institute responsible for organising the event, the type of event or series and the venue. On the right we list the event title and speaker where appropriate. There is further information about the highlighted events at the start of the guide, and about the School’s research training events at the end. Please check our website for full information. Subject area key C - classics

H - history

P - philosophy

Cu - culture, language & literature

Hu - human rights

Po - politics

D - development studies

L - law

S - sociology & anthropology

M - music Booking The majority of our events are free and open to the public, unless stated otherwise. The event information in this brochure was correct at the time of going to press, but may be subject to change. Please check our website for the latest information or email Event podcasts Selected School events are recorded and available to view, listen to, or download online at, on iTunes U, and on YouTube. Mailing list Sign up to our mailing list to receive information on events of interest to you by emailing or via Follow us on University of London – School of Advanced Study



Highlights: University of London Trust Fund events

Highlights University of London Trust Fund events

The School organises an annual University Trust Fund programme of prestigious public lectures, recitals and readings. Free to attend and all welcome. 26 October 2012 18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies John Coffin memorial lecture Beveridge Hall

Staying with the trouble: recuperating Terrapolis Donna Haraway Donna Haraway is an internationally acclaimed feminist theorist and philosopher of science and technology, and her interdisciplinary work over the last three decades has had a fundamental impact on a variety of fields. Trained as a microbiologist and historian of science, Haraway has published a series of milestone books that bring together science and literary and cultural criticism. Free and open to all, and followed by a wine reception. Contact: / 020 7664 4859 In association with the Institute of English Studies conference Cosmopolitan Animals (26-27 October 2012)

13 November 2012 18:30–20:00 Institute of Historical Research Creighton lecture Logan Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

John Milton as a theorist of liberty

23 November 2012 18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies John Coffin memorial lecture Beveridge Hall

“The Queen in Australia”: rebranding the British Commonwealth in the Pacific

Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary) The lecture will be followed by a wine reception. RSVP to

Free and open to all, and followed by a wine reception. Contact: / 020 7664 4859 In collaboration with the University of London Screen Studies Group, and in association with the Institute of English Studies conference The British Monarchy on Screen (23-24 November 2012)


Highlights: Dean’s Seminars 18 January 2013 18:00–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies University Trust Fund reading Court Room

Changing models of motherhood: a reading by Valeria Parrella and Karine Reysset An author reading associated with the AHRC-funded project Motherhood in Post-1968 European Literature Network, based at the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing at the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies. Two authors, from Italy and France respectively, will read passages from their work relevant to the theme. Those texts not already published in English will be specially translated for the event. Valeria Parrella is one of Italy’s most prominent young writers, and has been awarded many prizes, including the Premio Campiello Opera Prima for 2004. Her 2008 novel Lo spazio bianco (focusing on motherhood) was adapted into a successful film, directed by Francesca Comencini (2009). Karine Reysset is an emerging young French novelist whose work explores alternative yet realistic versions of motherhood in which experiences of mothering do not conform to those expected by narrators, protagonists - and readers.

Dean’s Seminars The Dean’s Seminars, chaired by the Dean of the School, are a series of lunchtime research seminars, which aim to promote cross-disciplinary debate in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Seminars are free to attend and open to all – booking is not required. A sandwich lunch will be provided.

10 October 2012 12:30–14:00 Senate House

Disciplinarity, multi- and interdisciplinarity in area studies

7 November 2012 5 December 2012 16 January 2013 12:30–14:00 Senate House

Dean’s Seminars


Bala Chandra (Institute of Commonwealth Studies)

Details of forthcoming Dean’s Seminars to be confirmed shortly. Please visit for latest information.

Highlights: Bloomsbury Festival 2012

Bloomsbury Festival 2012 The Bloomsbury Festival is a high-profile, multidisciplinary arts and cultural event taking place from 19–21 October 2012 across the whole Bloomsbury area. The event will bring together many local businesses, communities and cultural and academic organisations to celebrate this fascinating area, through a programme packed with dance, music, performance, guided walks, art, workshops, talks, literary trails, a food programme and much, much more. The School is delighted to be a partner of the Bloomsbury Festival and will be holding a special programme of events as part of the festivities. All School events offered as part of the Bloomsbury Festival are free of charge. All welcome. Reservation of places: 50% of places are available to be reserved in advance, the other 50% will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note: as the events are free and tend to book up quickly, you must turn up 10 minutes in advance of the event to claim your reserved space or it will be reallocated. Contact for further information about the Festival and the School’s programme of events.

20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Ruth First: a revolutionary life - exhibition Anti-apartheid activist Ruth First dedicated her life to “the liberation of Africa for I count myself an African, and there is no cause I hold dearer”. She was passionate about achieving justice in South Africa, but her perspective was international. First saw activism, solidarity work, research and writing as essential activities for a revolutionary. She was assassinated in 1982 by a letter bomb sent by the South African secret service. The Institute of Commonwealth Studies is digitising this extraordinary woman’s papers. This exhibition of Ruth First’s papers, photographs and archival material at Senate House offers an introduction to both First herself and her important works, which retain their relevance, especially in the light of recent democracy movements across northern Africa and beyond. This exhibition also offers a tour of the Ruth First Papers archive, a new digital resource which aims to bring her works to a wider audience. A series of talks about the project will be given on the Sunday. See listings below for further information.

20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Senate House Libraries Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Campaigning for independence, equality and freedom - exhibition The political archives held in the Institute of Commonwealth Studies contain pamphlets, newsletters and posters from Southern African region. This exhibition reveals how these materials were used to convey different messages and views during a period of social upheaval and when countries were making the transition to independence.


Highlights: Bloomsbury Festival 2012 20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study Human Rights Consortium Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

My Story premiere film screening

20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study University of London Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Secrets of Senate House - exhibition

20 October 2012 11:00–12:00 15:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Senate House Libraries Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Tour of the tower - an insight into Senate House Library

20 October 2012 12:00–13:00 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

New writing from Faber & Faber

20 October 2012 13:30–14:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

How to get published

20 October 2012 14:30–15:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Physical imprints, virtual impressions: 1


Students, people working in Bloomsbury and others have come together to tell the story of one person working in Bloomsbury and their experience of migration, creating art that is interactive, community-based and engaging. On the Sunday, a second script will be filmed, performed by festival-goers who will contribute to the telling of another individual’s story in this evolving community artwork. Scripts are prepared by theatre group iceandfire based on extensive interviews with the individual whose story is being told through this collaborative performance.

Explore Charles Holden’s remarkable Art Deco building, Senate House, through this multimedia exhibition. At 209 feet high, this was London’s tallest secular building when it opened in the 1930s as the administrative HQ of the University of London.

A chance to visit one of the world’s most significant collections in the arts, humanities and social sciences, housed in stunning Senate House.

A celebration of Faber’s commitment to new writing, with novelist Kirsty Gunn and poet Sam Riviere, discussing and reading from their most recent work.

Francesca Brill and Caroline Wood give their advice to aspiring writers on how to get published and Alysoun Owen, Editor of the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook, the best-selling guide to publishing, offers practical expert advice on how to get published in the digital age.

Artist Bill Bragg, co-founder of the art publication and collective LE GUN, and writer, columnist and academic John Sutherland explore the challenges of illustrating the Folio Society’s new editions of the works of Franz Kafka.

Highlights: Bloomsbury Festival 2012 20 October 2012 15:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Imagining Bloomsbury’s streets

20 October 2012 15:30–16:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Physical imprints, virtual impressions: 2

20 October 2012 16:30–17:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

The adaptable writer

20 October 2012 19:00–21:00 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

The literary cabaret

21 October 2012 11:00–11:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Ruth First: a revolutionary life - talk

21 October 2012 11:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Human Rights Consortium Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Doves

21 October 2012 11:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Human Rights Consortium Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

The great book of signatures

Enjoy an hour in this fertile place for the imagination as Rosemary Ashton, Joanne Winning and Robert Shepherd explore how Bloomsbury has been imagined over the years, from Thackeray and Dickens, to Hollinghurst and Grayson Perry.

Books that challenge convention. Anna and Britt, founders of Visual Editions, and Richard T. Kelly, editor of Faber Finds, discuss innovative approaches to ‘making books’ with Zara Dinnen.

Is a writer ever just a writer? Examine the many parallel lives and careers of writers as they pursue their literary dreams, with a distinguished panel including Lynne Truss.

A fabulously entertaining mix of words and music hosted by novelist Helen Smith, author of bestselling cult novel ‘Alison Wonderland’, with songs from Kate Ameil and readings from Suzanne Joinson, karen McLeod and Craig Taylor.

Leo Zeilig, Matt Mahon and Vanessa Rockel This talk introduces Ruth FIrst and offers an insight into her multifaceted, revolutionary life as an international scholar, activist and writer, and wife and mother.

Contribute to a vast painting of a brace of Bloomsbury doves created using the thumb prints of thousands. Four colours of ink and stencils will be provided

Be part of history and add your signature to an enormous hand painted concertina book connecting people to people and names to names.


Highlights: Bloomsbury Festival 2012 21 October 2012 12:00–13:30 (workshop) 14:00–15:30 (performance) School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Poetry activism: workshop & performance

21 October 2012 14:00–14:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Introduction to Ruth First archive - talk

21 October 2012 15:00–15:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Ruth First and Bloomsbury - talk

21 October 2012 16:00–17:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Rhyme & reason


Workshop: learn how to craft campaign messages through poetry writing and performance exercises with Keats House Poets! Performance: poetry performance hosted by Keats House Poet Sonority Turner and featuring poems that explore human rights creatively using stories, rhythm and rhyme.

Leo Zeilig, Matt Mahon and Vanessa Rockel This talk will introduce the Archive of Ruth First’s collection of papers, including her collected notes, clippings and writings.

Leo Zeilig, Matt Mahon and Vanessa Rockel Following her arrest under the South African 90-day law, Ruth First was barred from her profession as a journalist; she went into exile and moved to London. This talk discusses First’s intellectual associations with Bloomsbury.

Come to a poetry slam in the atmospheric court room in Senate House where six award-winning slam poets will bring their poems about human rights to trial. A panel of poetry and human rights experts will judge, the audience will be the jury - may the best poet win!

Highlights: Conferences and symposia

Conferences and symposia 3–5 October 2012 09:30–17:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Room 349

The metaphysics of relations James Ladyman (Bristol), Maureen Donnelly (SUNY at Buffalo), Peter Simons (Trinity College, Dublin), Jonathan Schaffer (Rutgers), Stephen Mumford (Nottingham), Jeff Brower (Purdue), Fraser MacBride (Cambridge), Jessica Wilson (Toronto), Mauro Dorato (Rome), Jonathan Lowe (Durham), John Heil (Washington, St. Louis), John Hawthorne (Oxford) In conjunction with the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies project Supported by The Mind Association and the European Research Council

6 October 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Historical Research Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

Some tales of one city: Charles Dickens and London Alex Werner Michael Allen: ‘Dickens’s early life’; Nicholas Waloff: ‘Dickens’s servants’; Ruth Richardson: ‘Oliver Twist workhouse’ This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. Arguably the greatest writer of the Victorian era, Dickens’s works remain as popular today as they were in his lifetime. At the heart of most of his work is the Great Wen London, in all its guises. In celebration of the bicentenary, Archives for London, the Dickens House Museum and the Centre for Metropolitan History are holding a one-day conference which will explore Dickens’s relationship with London and the ways in which life in the capital influenced and shaped his life, his work and his social conscience. Covering many aspects of Dickens’s life, including his childhood, his relationship with the Poor Law, his domestic life and the role that London played in firing his imagination, this event draws on primary archive sources, as it seeks to shed light on the effect living in London had on Dickens and his work, and its enduring place in the imaginations of those who are captivated by the world of Charles Dickens. Fee: £45 Contact:

11 October 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

H.G. Adler and W.G. Sebald witnessing, memory, poetics Contact:


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 11 October 2012 11:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

The Mess Inside: in memory of Peter Goldie Paul Harris, Richard Holton, Marya Schechtman Conference to mark the publication of the late Peter Goldie’s last book, The Mess Inside Free event followed by a reception. In association with King’s College London Philosophy Department and with the support of Oxford University Press Registration:

12–13 October 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Day 1 in Room G22/26 Day 2 in Room 349

Narrative, self-understanding and the regulation of emotion in psychiatric disorder Matthew Ratcliffe, Greg Currie, Konrad Michel, Giancarlo DiMaggio, Hanna Pickard, Matthew Broome, Paul Harris, Marc de Rosnay, Gwen Adshead, Philip Gerrans, Charles Fernyhough, Lisa Bortolotti, Jon Jureidini This conference examines that idea in the context of recent philosophical work on narrative. The resurgence of interest in narrative in philosophy has thrown up a number of themes of direct relevance to psychiatry. In collaboration with the University of Nottingham and supported by the Australian Research Council, Mind and Language and The Mind Association

12 October 2012 09:30–18:00 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Brave New World and its legacies When Brave New World first appeared in 1932 it caused a sensation. It was obvious that Aldous Huxley was intent on testing the boundaries of propriety (sailing especially close to the wind in terms of sexual and religious obscenity), but what kind of novel had he published? A satire, like his earlier novels; a horrified warning of things to come, or a vision of how things might be, for better or for worse, following a number of scientific, political and social adjustments to the Britain of his day? While the novel’s title has become embedded in the English language as a catchword for anything that is far-fetched, faddish, futuristic or forbidding, the possible meanings of Brave New World have only proliferated over the past eighty years and its relevance to our own world has only increased with time. Certainly, the novel’s significance for our own concerns with eugenics, globalisation, dystopias, urbanisation, population issues, technological innovation, authoritarianism, anarchism, educational theory, mass society, liberty, control, Americanisation, constructions of culture, and the ongoing crisis of capitalism, could not be more obvious. Contact:

12 October 2012 09:30–19:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 264


Historical, cultural and literary Anglo-Portuguese relations Organised with the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies, and the Anglo-Portuguese Society Contact:

Highlights: Conferences and symposia 13 October 2012 09:30–18:00 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Dickens Day 2012: Dickens and popular culture Dickens Day, now in its 26th year, is celebrating 2012 with a theme that explores Dickens’s popularity and his engagement with non-elite cultures from his own time to the present. On the evidence of bicentenary Dickens fervour, the author is as popular now as he has ever been. This year has been punctuated by Dickens serial on TV, heartfelt tributes from popular writers, mass-selling biography, collective reading projects, Dickens hip-hop performances, and a global reada-thon. How can we account for this continuing engagement, across different genres and various cultural contexts? What is it that allows Dickens’s work its particular “portability” (to use Juliet John’s term)? And what are the political and personal investments in forms of Dickensian popularity? How does this relate to Dickens’s own aspirations, and to the forms in which his work first appeared? These are some of the questions that the day seeks to address. Contact:

20 October 2012 09:30–18:00 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

The book in Africa: a day symposium Speakers include: Khalid Bekkaoui, Ruth Bush, Becky Ayebia Clarke, Archie Dick, Kate Haines, David Johnson, Beth Le Roux, Peter McDonald, Firoze Manji, Stephanie Newell, Jeff Opland and Ranka Primorac Forum for the discussion of new research and critical debates about print culture in Africa, with contributions from leading scholars in African literature, book history and postcolonial studies, together with African publishers. In collaboration with the English Department at the Open Univeristy, the Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies at Oxford Brookes University Contact:

25 October 2012 11:00–18:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies ICwS and OSPA witness seminar Senate Room

Localisation of the Civil Service in colonial territories before and immediately after independence This series of “Witness Seminars” on topics relating to the end of the colonial period and the early stages of independence (the “End of Empire”) gives OSPA members and other interested people an opportunity to share their views and experiences with an academic and non-academic audience. They thus contribute to the overall Colonial Service historical record Fee: £10.00 (standard) and £5.00 (students/retired/unwaged) To register online, please visit In collaboration with the Overseas Service Pensioners’ Association (OSPA) Contact


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 26–27 October 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Cosmopolitan animals Keynote speakers: Donna Haraway / Simon Glendinning In what ways can we conceptualise cosmopolitanisms which are not solely ‘human’, and where and how are such relationships made possible? This conference, under the theme of ‘Cosmopolitan Animals’, seeks to interrogate and decentre humanist metanarratives that have dominated our thinking and ways of living, while looking to the many non-human others who populate the cosmos. Contact:

26–27 October 2012 10:00–19:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 349

Saperi, emblemi e simboli tra Bologna e l’Europa nel Rinascimento While the literary and artistic culture of a handful of Italian cities during the Renaissance has received sustained scholarly attention (esp. Florence, Venice, Rome, Mantua and Ferrara), Bologna and its uniquely erudite culture remains little known and relatively unexplored. Renaissance Bologna, ruled by the Bentivoglio family, was a traditional cross-road of cultures and civilizations, as well as the seat of the authoritative Studio. As such, it experienced a unique set of cultural convergences, attracting European scholars, scientists and artists. This two-day conference will explore, in particular, the key role played in this period by myth and literature (Alciato, Bocchi, Beroaldo), art and architecture (Primaticcio) and the intellectual and academic centres (Accademie and the University) in establishing the character of a truly international city. Organised with the Department of Italian, University of Bologna Contact:

26 October 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Workshop Room G35

Mothering and work: employment trends and rights Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing AHRC-Funded ‘Motherhood in post-1968 European Literature’ Network Workshop 2 Places limited - advance registration only Contact:

1 November 2012 14:00–19:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Conference Stewart House

Celebrating the Day of the Dead. A showcase of community approaches

2 November 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Garden Room, Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS

Oliver Knussen at 60

Contact: or visit In collaboration with The National Council for Palliative Care’

Speakers include: Julian Anderson, George Benjamin, Arnold Whittall, Paul Griffiths, Edward Venn Concert by Okeanos Contact: Barbican Box Office 020 7638 8891;


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 3 November 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

South-Asian fiction: contemporary transformations The South-Asian Fiction: Contemporary Transformations One-Day Symposium seeks to address emerging contexts and formal departures in South-Asian Anglophone fiction and, in the process, interrogate established critical and theoretical assumptions about this rapidly evolving body of writing. The conference will allow critics and scholars of South-Asian fiction to exchange ideas, challenge current paradigms in postcolonial studies, and map new areas of importance, especially where these involve recent economic and political developments in the region. Contact

3 November 2012 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 261

Inaugural day conference of the Centre for Quebec and French-Canadian studies Speakers include: Rosemary Chapman (Nottingham), Bill Marshall (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies), Ceri Morgan (Keele), Leigh Oakes (Queen Mary), and Rachel Killick (Leeds) Thanks to generous funding from the Foundation for Canadian Studies in the United Kingdom, a Centre for Quebec and French-Canadian Studies is being set up at the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies. This one day-conference brings together Quebec and French-Canadian specialists in the UK to give presentations on their current research. Contact:

7 November 2012 10:00–18:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Workshop Chancellor’s Hall

Religion and belief, discrimination and equality practitioner workshops Attendance at this workshop is by application and invitation only. For further information and to apply for an invitation please visit In collaboration with the University of Derby Contact:

8–9 November 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

The marginalised mainstream: literature, culture & popularity Keynote speakers include: Phillip Tew (Brunel), James Chapman (Leicester), Christoph Lindner (Amsterdam), Nicola Humble (Roehampton) The Marginalised Mainstream seeks to discuss the growing interest in and importance of mainstream culture and the popular as ways of engaging with cultural products of the late 19th to early 21st centuries, the long 20th century, 1880-2010. Specifically, we seek to bring together postgraduate students, early career academics and established researchers working in the fields of literature, cultural studies and elsewhere in the humanities, to explore why mainstream culture and objects of mass appeal are so frequently marginalised by the academic community. Contact:


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 12 November 2012 09:00–18:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute for the Study of the Americas Conference / Symposium Beveridge Hall

Mining in Colombia and Latin America: will the UN guiding principles on business and human rights improve accountability? The conference will bring together a number of experts including scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers from a range of disciplines and key public bodies, and indigenous and community leaders from Latin America. There will be four panels with keynote speakers on the following themes: - Accountable governance: its strengths and weaknesses in the Latin America region - Sustainable development - UN guiding principles on business and human rights - Other mechanisms to ensure effective due diligence and accountability on behalf of companies Fee: £20 (standard), £10 (students/retired/unwaged) Please note that the fee includes lunch and refreshments To register online, please visit Co-hosted with ABColombia

16 November 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 264

Il friulano e i suoi contesti Speakers will include: Paola Beninc (Padua), William Cisilino (ARLeF - Regional Agency for the Promotion of Friulian), Franco Finco (Udine), Javier Grossutti (Udine), Carla Marcato (Udine), Rosa Mucignat (London), Rienzo Pellegrini (Trieste), Olga Pugliese (Toronto), Fulvio Salimbeni (Udine) Co-ordinators: Laura Lepschy and Katia Pizzi (London) This interdisciplinary conference will explore the history, language, literature and culture of Friuli. The geographic position of this region, between the Adriatic sea, Austria and Slovenia, makes it a crossroads of civilizations and cultures. The focus of the conference will be on the Friulian language, which has recently received official status in Italy and in Europe and is widely taught in local schools. Friulian offers an interesting case study to investigate the effect of language policies on usage, and the challenges that they pose, especially in the context of today’s multicultural and multilingual Europe. Particular attention will be given to the experiences of different generations of migrants from Friuli who have moved to Great Britain and North America (often being responsible for mosaic work in these countries), and their shifting relationship with their Friulian identity and their language. Contact:


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 16 November 2012 10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Antiquities and local identities in Southern Italy: art, architecture and literature between 1300 and 1700 Speakers will include six members of the project ERC/HistAntArtSI/ University of Naples Federico II: Bianca de Divitiis, Fulvio Lenzo, Fernando Loffredo, Salvatore Marino, Lorenzo Miletti and Angela Palmentieri This colloquium will show how historical memory, antiquarian culture and artistic patronage were used to construct social identities in the centres of continental southern Italy between the late medieval and early modern period. By presenting the first results of the five year project funded by the European Research Council, the papers will deal with the conscious and strategic use of sources and of the antique in the composition of new texts and in the commissioning of artistic and architectural works in cities such as Nola, Capua, Fondi, Sessa Aurunca, Salerno located in the Campania region. Organised by: Bianca de Divitiis (Naples Federico II) and Peter Mack (The Warburg Institute) Contact:

16 November 2012 11:00–19:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Workshop Senate Room

Decolonization workshop Chair: David Killingray Antoine Capet (Rouen): ‘Decolonisation à la Churchill: Winston Churchill’s idealisation of Lawrence’s action in the post-war Middle East in Lawrence of Arabia’ Ruth Craggs (Hull): ‘Commonwealth conferences as performance’ Julian Francis (Institute of Commonwealth Studies): ‘A conflict of meaning: the clash of ideals, politics and identity in Rhodesia’ Chair: Sarah Stockwell Bill Kirkman (Cambridge): ‘Africa’s rapid move towards independence – a view from the stalls’ Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (Institute of Social Sciences, Lisbon/King’s College London): ‘Developing Resistance: The late colonial state in the Portuguese Empire, 1945-1975’ Bérénice Guyot-Réchard (Cambridge): ‘Decentring 1947 in South Asian Studies: World War II and the reconfiguration of India’s north-eastern frontier’ Chair: Philip Murphy (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) Usha Iyer (Central Lancashire): ‘Cricket and decolonisation 1947-1965: a study in transnational history?’ William Clarance (Institute of Commonwealth Studies): ‘Minorities under pressure in Uganda and Sri Lanka: the downside of decolonization’ Daniel McAvoy (East Anglia): ‘Decolonization and police-building in Solomon Islands’ Book launch: Harshan Kumarasingham’s A political legacy of the British Empire: power and the parliamentary system in post-colonial India and Sri-Lanka (London, I B Tauris, 2012) Harshan Kumarasingham (Potsdam); Vernon Bogdanor (King’s, London); Philip Murphy (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) Fee: £15 (standard); £10 (student/retired/unwaged) Please register online or contact Organised in collaboration with King’s College London


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 17 November 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

Schubert & Goethe

20 November 2012 09:00–18:30 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Conference Room 261

Human rights research students’ conference

In association with The Schubert Institute UK Contact:

Keynote speaker: Daniel Whelan (Hendrix College, Arkansas; Human Rights Consortium Visiting Fellow) This conference is the first of a new series aimed at current doctoral students working within the broad interdisciplinary field of human rights. The conference series aims to stimulate research on contemporary human rights issues, problems, challenges and policies and to facilitate the dissemination of such research. It is particularly interested in soliciting papers that move beyond standard academic approaches to embrace critically engaged scholarship that takes positions on the issues. Fee: £15.00 (standard), £10.00 (student/retired/unwaged) Contact:

22–24 November 2012 Institute of Musical Research ICONEA conference Chancellor’s Hall

Aerophones in the ancient world: near and Middle East, Egypt and the Mediterranean Further details at Contact: With the participation of Patrimoines et Langages Musicaux of the Sorbonne, Paris

22–23 November 2012 09:30–17:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Conference / Symposium Court Room

Recasting commodity and spectacle in the indigenous Americas Michelle Raheja (USA) and Gabriela Zamorano Villareal (Mexico) Indigenous statements of authority and authorship through the arts frequently demonstrate concerns over the commodification of Native cultures, acutely felt by many practitioners who live with the consequences of (neo)colonialist appropriation. In the context of the circulation of contemporary indigenous performance at local, regional, national, and global levels, this two-day symposium proposes to examine how artists and communities negotiate and challenge the commodification, exoticisation and spectacularisation of indigeneity, making reference to aesthetic forms, performative rhetorics, intertextuality, intellectual property, and political agency. Placed strictly limited. Contact: In collaboration with Royal Holloway, University of London


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 23–24 November 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

The British monarchy on screen Co-sponsored by the departments of the History of Art and Film, Birkbeck; Media Arts, Royal Holloway; the University of London Screen Studies Group; and the Institute of English Studies. With Madonna’s W.E on the Wallis Simpson-Edward VIII romance attempting to exploit the Oscar-winning success of The King’s Speech and The Queen, and a film drama on Diana’s romance with heart surgeon Hasnat Khan in production, this Diamond Jubilee year seems the appropriate time to consider the historic past and current effusion of film and television representations of the British monarchy. Contact:

23–24 November 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room G22/26

BASTA! Patterns of protest in modern Italy: history, agents and representation (ASMI 2012 conference) Co-ordinators: (Tuebingen) and (Hamburg) Contact:

24 November 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Annual George Eliot conference: Romola

30 November–1 December 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Wyndham Lewis: networks, dialogues and communities


This conference’s remit is to explore the numerous ways in which the modernist writer and painter Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957) belonged to cultural networks of influence and inheritance. Dedicated Lewis scholarship has, during the past decade, shown how key a part Lewis played in various communities of his time (e.g. the early 20th-century avant-garde, ‘little magazine’ culture, and modernist sociality), as well as how many important contributions he made to an impressive variety of intellectual traditions and critical practices (e.g. ethnology, political theorizing, Semitism, Bergsonism, cinema scholarship, nihilism, and postmodernism, among others). Contact:


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 4–7 December 2012 16:30 Institute of Philosophy Conference/Symposium Senate House

Aristotle transformed, 200-600 CE, the first 100 volumes: a missing link in the history of philosophy In collaboration with Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London; Philosophy Department, King’s College, London; Wolfson College, Oxford Contact:

6 December 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Room G22/26

Middle East and Central Asia music forum Simone Tarsitani (Newcastle), Owen Wright (SOAS), Stephen Wilford (City University), Sara Manasseh (independent researcher), Nina her Laan (Nijmegen) and Miriam Gazzah (Amsterdam) In association with City University London Contact:

7 December 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

The instrument in performance: chamber ensemble contexts Convenor: Mine Dogantan-Dack In collaboration with Middlesex University Contact:

14–15 December 2012 Institute of English Studies Human Rights Consortium Conference / Symposium Senate House

Captivity and culpability: the disciplining subject in the literary and cultural imagination Keynote Speaker: Bob Brecher (Brighton) Societies often have ambiguous and even conflicting attitudes towards state institutions that fulfil normalising, reformatory, punitive or disciplinary functions. This conference aims to interrogate literary, filmic, popular cultural and artistic representations of the agents of those institutions, specifically in terms of guilt and culpability. The conference is organised by Alex Adams (Newcastle) and Cornelia Wächter (Paderborn Bielefeld) Contact:

15 December 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Room 349

Philosophy without intuitions John Bengson (Wisconsin Madison), Paul Boghossian (New York), Berit Brogaard (Missouri, St Louis), Herman Cappelen (Arche, CSMN), David Chalmers (New York; Australian National) Conference on themes from Herman Cappelen’s lastest book, Philosophy without intuitions In collaboration with The Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature Contact:


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 11 January 2013 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Senate House

Expressions of Britishness: music and the arts in the 20th century In association with the Royal Musical Association and Centre for the History of Music in Britain, teh Empire and the Commonwealth Contact:

11 January 2013 10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Ernst Kitzinger and the making of Byzantine Art History Speakers will include: Beat Brenk (Basel; La Sapienza), Leslie Brubaker (Birmingham), Rebecca Corrie (Bates College), Anna Gonosova (California, Irvine), Felicity Harley-McGowan (Melbourne), Rachel Kitzinger (Vassar College), Eunice Dauterman Maguire (Johns Hopkins), Henry Maguire (Johns Hopkins) and John Mitchell (East Anglia). This colloquium commemorates the centenary of the birth of Ernst Kitzinger (b. 1912–d. 2003), distinguished historian of Late Antique, Medieval and Byzantine art. It celebrates the profound importance of his intellectual legacy not only for scholarship, teaching and curatorial practice in these fields, but in the wider discipline of art historical practice. Organised by: Felicity Harley-McGowan (Melbourne) and Henry Maguire (Johns Hopkins) Contact:

17–18 January 2013 09:30–18:00 Institute of Historical Research Chancellor’s Hall

Going underground: travel beneath the metropolis 1863-2013 10 January 2013 will mark the 150th anniversary of the public opening of the Metropolitan Railway in London. It was the world’s first urban rapid transport system to run partly in subterranean sections. As the precursor of today’s London Underground, it was not only a pioneer of technological and engineering advances, but also instigated new spatial, political, cultural and social realms that are now considered to be synonymous with London and modern urban experiences across the globe. The Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research, is marking the anniversary by organising a two-day conference dedicated to the history and use of the London Underground. Taking the construction and opening of the Metropolitan Railway as a departure point, this conference seeks to explore the past, present and future of the London Underground from a variety of perspectives that investigate its histories, geographies, cultures, politics and social characteristics. Contact:

H 18–19 January 2013 10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Alliterativa Causa Organised by: Jonathan Roper (Folklore Society) and Peter Mack (The Warburg Institute) Hosted by: The Folklore Society and The Warburg Institute Contact:


Highlights: Conferences and symposia 18 January 2013 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Workshop Room G35

Changing models of motherhood

18 January 2013 10:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Room G22/26

Literature, actions, agents

25–26 January 2013 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Charles Clore House

Oceans: concepts and cultures

25 January 2012 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Conference / Symposium Charles Clore House

6th annual Avoir Fiscal EU tax conference

Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing AHRC-funded ‘Motherhood in post-1968 European Literature’ network workshop 3 Places limited - advance registration only Contact:

Ana Almeida, Alberto Aruda, Humberto Brito, John Hyman [keynote], Eileen John, Peter Lamarque (keynote) and Constantine Sandis Contact:

Keynote speakers: Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Nicholas Thomas, Françoise Vergès Organisers: Charles Forsdick (Liverpool), Bill Marshall (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies)

Speakers: Chair: David Salter (Warwick); Per Gyllenstierna (Intertrust, Sweden), Stephen Barnfield (Deloitte), Katerina Perrou (Athens), Arturo Trevino-Villareal (PWC, Bucharest), Eric Osterweil (Steptoe and Johnson, Brussels), Adam Zalasinski (European Commission), Timothy Lyons QC (15 Old Square, Tax Chambers), Rupert Shiers (McGrigors), David Evans (E+Y), Joel Phillips (KPMG), Peter Cussons (PWC), Paul Farmer (Dorsey and Whitney), Tom O’Shea (CCLS, Queen Mary) Fees: £100.00 (full rate); £50.00 (academic rate); £30.00 (student rate) Supported by BNA International Contact:

25 January 2012 10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Picture act and embodiment: the Bild Akt Project of the Humboldt University Berlin Speakers will include: Horst Bredekamp (Humboldt), Jürgen Trabant (Jacobs, Bremen), Pablo Schneider (Humboldt); further speakers to be confirmed. Organised by: Peter Mack (The Warburg Institute) and Jürgen Trabant (Jacobs, Bremen) Contact:


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

Events calendar Monday 1 October 2012 13:00–14:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room G21a

Lunchtime research seminars

15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

German philosophy seminars

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Chancellor’s Hall

Looking at Cage at 100

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Gender and history in the Americas Room G26

Cigars and politics: an intersectional and transnational approach to Cuban women’s immigration and work in the United States, 18802000



Richard Bernas (Tate Modern) and Simon Shaw-Miller (Birkbeck) M


Jay Kleinberg (Brunel) H, Cu

Tuesday 2 October 2012 11:45–12:45 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar Room 243

The legacies of Fanon Mireille Fanon Mendes-France Contact: Po, H, Hu, Cu

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Latin American history Room 261

From Marx to metrics in Latin America’s economic history John Coatsworth (Columbia) H


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

18:00–20:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Black Britain Room G26


18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar Room 234

Contemporary innovative poetry research seminar

Rizwan Butt H


Wednesday 3 October 2012 3–5 October 2012 09:30–17:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference Room 349

The metaphysics of relations

14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

The itinerant Inca: journey of an exiled prince from Peru to the French and British stage (17th century)

For more information see p.11 P

Isabel Yaya (The Warburg Institute; School Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellow) C

16:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room G26

PhDs and early career cultural memory, affect and trauma working group

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Room G21a

Modality in question

17:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of political ideas Room G22

Democracy and crisis

18:00–19:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Charles Clore House

Indigenous peoples in South America: land rights and wrongs for Guyana’s Amerindians



Richard Dumbrill M

David Runciman (Cambridge) H

Melinda Jank (Justice Institute Guyana) Hu, L, Po

October 2012–January 2013 18:30–20:30 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar Room 349

Events calendar

Round-table on the right to education: consultation with the UN working group of experts on people of African descent Contact: Hu, Po

Thursday 4 October 2012 12:30–14:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar Room 243

Kakonomics, or the strange preference for mediocre exchanges Gloria Origgi (CNRS) P

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Chancellor’s Hall

Ancient history seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: European history 1150-1550 Room G21a

Gender: a useful category for all medievalists

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of education Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL

Language, education and gender in 18th-century England

17:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Reception group for German, Austrian and Swiss literature lecture Room 103

Macbeth, Satan, Lovelace: models in English literature for Schiller’s heroic criminals

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Medieval manuscripts Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies Senate House

Medieval manuscripts seminar


Serena Ferente (King’s, London) and Miri Rubin (Queen Mary) H

Michele Cohen (Institute of Education) H

Ritchie Robertson (Oxford) Cu



Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

Friday 5 October 2012 16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Opening party

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Women’s history Court Room

Discovering desire: researching female sexuality in everyday life in Nazi Germany


Cornelie Usborne (Roehampton Emerita & Senior Fellow, Institute of Historical Research) H

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: The Charles Peake Ulysses Room 234

The Charles Peake Ulysses seminar Cu

Saturday 6 October 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Historical Research Conference Chancellor’s Hall

Some tales of one city: Charles Dickens and London For more information see p.11 Cu

10:30–12:30 Institute of Musical Research Lacan reading group Room 102

Lacan reading group

11:00–13:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Modernism research Room 104

Modernism research seminar series

14:00–16:00 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Education in the long 18th century Room 102

Education and endowment: charity commission school reports in the early 19th century

14:00–16:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: EMPHASIS Room 104

Early modern philosophy and the scientific imagination (EMPHASIS)



Sara G. Brown (Institute of Education) H

P, Cu


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

Monday 8 October 2012 17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar series: Directions in musical research Room 103

Directions in musical research seminar

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

18:00–19:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies; Institute for the Study of the Americas Lecture Charles Clore House

3rd International Colombian Caravana UK Lawyers Group: report from the AugustSeptember 2012 mission

Rachel Harris (SOAS) Chair: Martin Stokes (King’s, London) M


Sara Chandler (organiser of the Colombian Caravan UK Lawyers Group, College of Law) Hu, L

18:30–20:30 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Diamond Jubilee Senate Room

The Queen and religion: defender of faiths? The Very Reverend John Hall (Dean of Westminster) and Lord Singh of Wimbledon Moderator: Canon Lucy Winkett (Rector of St James’ Piccadilly) P, Po

18:30 Institute of Philosophy Workshop Room 243

LEOS workshop: experimental tasting Title tbc P

Tuesday 9 October 2012 13:00–15:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Parliaments, politics and people Room 102

The English spring: 1641 and the making and taking of the Protestation oath

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Archives and society Room G34

From classification to network analysis: the Burlington Magazine Online Index

John Walter (Essex) Po, H

Barbara Pezzini H


Events calendar 17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of libraries Jessell Room

October 2012–January 2013 Account books as sources for the history of a monastic library: the case of Windberg in Bavaria Bettina Wagner (Bavarian State Library) H

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: History of libraries Jessell Room

History of libraries research seminar

18:00–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Book collecting Court Room

Book collecting seminar

Cu, H


Wednesday 10 October 2012 12:30–14:00 School of Advanced Study Seminar series: Dean’s Seminars Senate House

Disciplinarity, multi- and interdisciplinarity in area studies Bala Chandra (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) For more information see p.6 Cu

14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Sounding Islam in China

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: London aesthetics forum Room G37

Kant, purposiveness and the point of poetry

Grace Allen (The Warburg Institute) C

Anthony Savile P

Thursday 11 October 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

H.G. Adler and W.G. Sebald witnessing, memory, poetics

11:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

The Mess Inside: in memory of Peter Goldie


For more information see p.11 Cu

For more information see p.12 P

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: CenSes Room 243

Matt Nudds

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Macmillan Hall

Ancient history seminar

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research ICONEA seminar Room 261

The reconstruction of an Elamite harp from the Battle of Ulai at the British Museum

Title tbc P

C, H

Margaux Bousquet (Sorbonne) and Richard Dumbrill M

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: American history Room 102

Borrowed from Britain? Innovation and radicalisation of the American reform repertoire, 1820-1840 Maartje Janse (Leiden) H

18:00–19:45 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Institute for the Study of the Americas Human Rights Consortium Seminar Charles Clore House

Daunting challenges still facing post-earthquake Haiti Speakers include: Bill Bowring (Birkbeck); Roger Annis (Canada Haiti Action Network) Chair: Andy Taylor (Haiti Support Group UK) H

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Stephen Spender Senate Room

Stephen Spender research seminar Cu

Friday 12 October 2012 12–13 October 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of Philosophy Conference / Symposium Day 1 in Room G22/26 Day 2 in Room 349

Narrative, self-understanding and the regulation of emotion in psychiatric disorder

09:30–18:00 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Brave New World and its legacies

For more information see p.12 P

For more information see p.12 Cu


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

09:30–19:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 264

Historical, cultural and literary Anglo-Portuguese relations

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Philodemus and Vergil’s Dido episode

17:30–20:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: International refugee law Macmillan Hall

The relations between refugee law and human rights law - a systemic perspective

For more information see p.12 Cu

Nicholas Freer (UCL) C

Vincent Chetail (Geneva) RSVP by email: Hu, L

Saturday 13 October 2012 09:30–18:00 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Dickens Day 2012: Dickens and popular culture

14:00–16:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Contemporary fiction Room 104

Contemporary fiction research seminar

For more information see p.13 Cu


Monday 15 October 2012 15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

The romantic-revolutionary Gnosis of Geist der Utopie Convenor: Johan Siebers (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) To register email: Cu

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

The medium and the message. The meaning of wood in early modern sculpture Christina Neilson (Oberlin College) Cu

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient philosophy Room 243


The properties of what is in Democritus Andy Gregory (UCL) C, P

October 2012–January 2013 17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Chancellor’s Hall

Events calendar

FLAT TIME / sounding: improvisation, research and the conditions of performance David Toop (London College of Communication; Leeds College of Music) Chair: Mine Dogantan-Dack (Middlesex) M

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:15–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London Shakespeare Senate Room

London Shakespeare seminar

17:00–19:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Room G22/26

The U.S. foreign service: behind the scenes of American diplomacy



Nicholas Kralev, author of America’s Other Army and former Financial Times and Washington Times correspondent Po

18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Comparing drafting problems, styles and solutions from the public/legislative perspective with those from the private/contract perspective Geoffrey Bowman (former First Parliamentary Counsel), and James Kessler (barrister) Chair: Richard Heaton (First Parliamentary Counsel) L

Tuesday 16 October 2012 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Jewish history Room 103

Why questions about Richard Wagner, antisemitism and the Third Reich still matter Luke Berryman (KCL) H

17:15–17:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: VCH locality and region Court Room

Appreciation of the usual: public lives of women in a Victorian provincial society Jane Howells, independent scholar H


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Latin American history Room 261

Embodying race in colonial Spanish America

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Reading group: Literary London Room 234

Literary London reading group

18:00–20:30 Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Room 349

The origins of the Missile Crisis: an asymmetric confrontation in a Cold War context

Rebecca Earle (Warwick) H

Sebastian Groes (Roehampton) Cu

Carlos Alzugaray (Center for Hemispheric and United States Studies, Havana) Chair: Stephen Wilkinson, International Institute for the Study of Cuba H, Po

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Lecture Chancellor’s Hall

The Charles Holden lecture

18:15–19:45 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Libya: where from and where to?


Elham Saudi (Lawyers for Justice, Libya) Hu, L

Wednesday 17 October 2012 13:00–17:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar Room 349

Seminar on business, natural resources and minority rights Speakers: Corrine Lewis (Lex Justi law firm), Carla Clarke (MRG), Fergus Mackay (Forest People), Claire White (International Council on Mining and Metals), Joseph Croft (stakeholder Democracy Network), Clare Connellan (Responsible Business Group), Samantha Hall (FCO), Andy Whitmore (London Mining network), Lisa Nandy (tbc) (Labour MP; All Party Parliamentary Group [APPG] on International Corporate Responsibility) Hu, D

14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Medical doctors and the problem of dis/ simulation in the early modern period

15:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Mycenaean seminar series Room G22/26

Antikythera in prehistory and over the long-term: landscape survey and small island research

Michael Gordian (The Warburg Institute) C

Andrew Bevan (UCL) C


October 2012–January 2013 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

Events calendar

Descartes before dualism? A new manuscript draft of the Regulae ad directionem ingenii Richard Serjeantson (Trinity College Cambridge) Cu, H, P

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of political ideas Room G35

From censorship to freedom of expression

17:30–19:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: The challenge of change: confronting asylum law and practice in the UK and Canada Room 349

Whither refugee protection in the reform of Canadian and British asylum systems?

Onora O’Neill (House of Lords) H

Alison Harvey (Immigration Law Practitioners Association, UK) and Ross Pattee (Immigration and Refugee Board, Canada) Inauguration of the seminar series. In collaboration with the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University, Canada Cu, H, P

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University Romantic period Room 234

Open University Romantic period seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London old and middle English Room G37

London old and middle English research seminar (LOMERS)



Thursday 18 October 2012 14:00–17:45 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar Charles Clore House

The European institutions: OLAF, EUROJUST and EUROPOL. What are they, what use are they and could we manage without them? And do we need another one - the European Public Prosecutor? Robert Wainright (Europol), Martin Wasmeier (OLAF); Aled Williams (former Chairman, EUROJUST); Katelin Ligeti (Luxembourg) Chair: Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary) L

17:30–19:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Human rights in Britain Room 264

The history of the Pan-African Reparations Movement in the UK as an African and African Diaspora human and peoples’ rights social movement Esther Stanford-Xosei Hu, H


Events calendar 17:30–19:30 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar Room G22/26

October 2012–January 2013 African diaspora in Asia: cultural survivals, codes & signifiers Cu, H, Po

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London seminar in digital text and scholarship Room 234

London seminar in digital text and scholarship

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Lecture series: Senate House Library Friends Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies Senate House

Senate House Library Friends lecture: James Shapiro

18:15–19:45 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

How and why lawyers go wrong: case studies of ethical misconduct and discipline in Britain and the United States



Richard Abel (UCLA Law School) and Andrew Boon (Westminster) L 18:30–20:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE

The Cuban Missile Crisis - regional perspectives 50 years on Chair: N. Piers Ludlow (LSE IDEAS) Speakers: Antony Kapcia (Nottingham), Hal Klepak (Royal Military College of Canada; special advisor to the Department of National Defense, the Department of Foreign Affairs) and Carlos Alzugray Treto (Havana) In collaboration with LSE’ Po

18:30–20:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London theatre Room 246

London theatre seminar Cu

Friday 19 October 2012 16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243


Redefining the Sifnians Erica Morais Angliker (Zurich) C

October 2012–January 2013 17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Women’s history Court Room

Events calendar

The whites, a disease very troublesome and spending: the presentation and implications of non-menstrual vaginal discharges in early modern England Sara Read (Loughborough) H

Saturday 20 October 2012 20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Ruth First: a revolutionary life - exhibition

20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Senate House Libraries Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Campaigning for independence, equality and freedom - exhibition

20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study Human Rights Consortium Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: My Story premiere film screening

20–21 October 2012 11:00–17:00 (Sat) 11:00–16:00 (Sun) School of Advanced Study University of London Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Secrets of Senate House - exhibition

09:30–18:00 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

The book in Africa: a day symposium

For more information see p.7 Hu, Po

For more information see p.7 H, Po

For more information see p.8 Hu, Cu

For more information see p.8 H

For more information see p.13 Cu


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

11:00–12:00 15:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Senate House Libraries Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Tour of the tower - an insight into Senate House Library

12:00–13:00 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: New writing from Faber & Faber

13:30–14:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: How to get published

14:00–16:00 Institute of Historical Research Seminar Room 102

Educational metaphors in 18th-century conduct books

For more information see p.8 H, Po

For more information see p.8 Cu

For more information see p.8 Cu

H 14:30–15:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Physical imprints, virtual impressions: 1

15:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Imagining Bloomsbury’s streets

15:30–16:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Physical imprints, virtual impressions: 2

16:30–17:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: The adaptable writer


For more information see p.8 Cu

For more information see p.9 Cu

For more information see p.9 Cu

For more information see p.9 Cu

October 2012–January 2013 19:00–21:00 School of Advanced Study Institute of English Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Events calendar

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: The literary cabaret For more information see p.9 Cu

Sunday 21 October 2012 11:00–11:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Ruth First: a revolutionary life - talk

11:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Human Rights Consortium Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Bloomsbury Doves

11:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Human Rights Consortium Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: The great book of signatures

12:00–13:30 (workshop) 14:00–15:30 (performance) School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Poetry activism

14:00–14:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Introduction to Ruth First archive - talk

15:00–15:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Ruth First and Bloomsbury - talk

For more information see p.9 Hu, Po

For more information see p.9 Cu

For more information see p.9 Cu

For more information see p.10 Cu

For more information see p.10 Hu, Po

For more information see p.10 Hu, Po


Events calendar 16:00–17:30 School of Advanced Study Institute of Commonwealth Studies Bloomsbury Festival 2012 Senate House

October 2012–January 2013 Bloomsbury Festival 2012: Rhyme & reason For more information see p.10 Cu

Monday 22 October 2012 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

Two sides of the same coin? Frescoes and icons from Venetian-dominated Crete Angeliki Lymberopoulou (Open) Cu

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Senate Room

Re-dressing Salome and Elektra Daniel Snowman Chair: t.b.c. M

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Voluntary action history Room 102

The new leisure, voluntarism and well-being in inter-war Britain

18:00–19:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

The politics of coalition: how the Conservative Liberal Democrat government works


Bob Snape (Bolton) H

Robert Hazell (UCL), Ben Yong (UCL) Chair: Stephen Laws L

Tuesday 23 October 2012 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Archives and society Room 102


Exploring participatory approaches to archives Andrew Flinn (UCL) H

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Lecture Room G22/26

Accordia lectures

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University contemporary cultures of writing Room 246

Life writing: fact and fiction

18:00–19:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Modern banking: negligence and how courts approach evidence



Stephen Mason, barrister and Associate Research Fellow (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies); general Editor, Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review L

Wednesday 24 October 2012 12:30–14:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Woburn Room (G22)

The 2012 US elections: the state of the race and the stakes in the race Walter Russell Mead (Bard College) Po

14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Director’s work in progress seminar

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Room G21a

Comments on Richard Dumbrill’s ‘Modality in Question’ presentation from the perspective of Marvel Lauss’s notion of Total Fact

Valentina Prosperi C

Bruno de Florence M 17:00–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Classical archaeology Room G22/26

Classical archaeology seminar

17:30–17:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Modern German Room G35

Scapegoats for change: the radical right in Vienna and the construction of an ‘enemy within’ in the late 19th and early 20th centuries


Michael Carter-Sinclair (King’s London) H


Events calendar 18:00–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies Room G34

October 2012–January 2013 “Better to die fighting than live and feel forever a victim.” How political refugees from Nazism and their children in the UK view themselves and their lives Merilyn Moos (London) Cu

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Literary and critical theory Room 261

Literary and critical theory seminar Cu

Thursday 25 October 2012 11:00–18:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies ICwS and OSPA witness seminar Senate Room

Localisation of the Civil Service in colonial territories before and immediately after independence For more information see p.13 H, Cu, Po

12:30–14:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar Room 243

Some philosophical problems of food perception

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room G22/26

Ancient history seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: American history Room 102

“I didn’t think rape”: gendered expectations and memories of the Leesburg Stockade Jail-in, 1963

István Aranyosi (Bilkent) P

C, H

Althea Legal-Miller (King’s London) H

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: European history 1150-1550 STB8 (Stewart House, basement)

In search of Scottish origins in the 12th and 13th centuries

18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

The autonomous interpretation method in international law: with particular reference to the proposed European Sales Law

Dauvit Broun (Glasgow) Chair: Alice Taylor H

Maren Heidemann (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Visiting Fellow 2012) L


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

18:00–21:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London screenwriting Room 246

London screenwriting seminar

19:00–21:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Other events Room G21a

Austrian sci-fi classics: ‘1 April 2000’


Film screening of the 1952 film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner. Introduced by Heide Kunzelmann (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies; Kent) Cu

Friday 26 October 2012 26–27 October 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Institute of English Studies

Cosmopolitan animals

26–27 October 2012 10:00–19:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 349

Saperi, emblemi e simboli tra Bologna e l’Europa nel Rinascimento

10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Workshop Room G35

Mothering and work: employment trends and rights

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Epistemologies at war: popular knowledge, elite power and the struggle for control at Pydna

17:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Psychoanalysis, literature and practice Room 264

Psychoanalysis, literature and practice

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Finnegans Wake research Room 234

Finnegans Wake research seminar

For more information see p.14 Cu

For more information see p.14 Cu

For more information see p.14 Cu

Bob Taylor (Birkbeck) C

Cu, P



Events calendar 18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies John Coffin memorial lecture Beveridge Hall

October 2012–January 2013 Staying with the trouble: recuperating Terrapolis For more information see p.5 Cu, S

Saturday 27 October 2012 10:30–12:30 Institute of Musical Research Lacan reading group Room G34

Lacan reading group M

Monday 29 October 2012 13:00–14:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Lunchtime research Room G21a

Lunchtime research seminars

15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

The romantic-revolutionary Gnosis of Geist der Utopie


Convenor: Johan Siebers (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) To register email: Cu

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

“Like an inspired Baedeker”: William Rothenstein as art writer Samuel Shaw (York) Cu

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient philosophy Room 243

Ancient philosophy seminar

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Room G22

Cautionary dynamics in early 19th-century instrumental music

Fritz-Gregor Herrmann (Swansea) C, P


Thomas Schmidt-Beste (Manchester) Chair: Cliff Eisen (King’s, London) M


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England

18:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing Spanish reading group King’s College London, The Strand

Carmen Laforet, La mujer nueva


Kate Prosser (Royal Holloway) Cu

Tuesday 30 October 2012 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

15:00–17:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Cultural memory Court Room

Liquid lands, solid seas: travels, exchanges and dislocations across the Adriatic frontier

17:15–17:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: VCH locality and region Court Room

Artisan art: domestic wall paintings in the early modern period

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Latin American history Room 349

Rent versus production: political economy and economic culture in Venezuela, 1830-2010

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University contemporary cultures of writing Room 246

Life writing: fact and fiction

Emilio Cocco (Teramo) Cu

Kathryn Davies (English Heritage) H

Sarah Washbrook (Manchester) H



Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

Wednesday 31 October 2012 14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

The influence of Renaissance commentaries and vernacular humanist literature on the artist – the case of Botticelli Angela Dressen (Biblioteca Berenson, Villa I Tatti, Florence) C

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

The brain as Parnassus and neurons as muses: the biology of artistic inspiration John Onians (East Anglia) Cu, P

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Parliaments, politics and people Room 102

How to make friends and corrupt people: the Confederate infiltration of parliament during the American Civil War, 1861-1865 Amanda Foreman H

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of political ideas Room G37

From a world without history to the cradle of culture and commerce: William Robertson, between America and India Silvia Sebastiani (EHESS) H

Thursday 1 November 2012 1–2 November 2012 10:00–17:30 Institute of Philosophy Workshop Room 264

Philosophy of action

14:00–19:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Conference Stewart House

Celebrating the Day of the Dead. A showcase of community approaches

Maria Alvarez (King’s, London) Please note this workshop is not open to public registration. P

For more information see p.14 H

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 349

Ancient history seminar

17:15–19:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Lecture Room G35

English Goethe Society


C, H


October 2012–January 2013 17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of education Room G34

Events calendar

The origins, rise and crisis of scientific rationalism in English education Bernard Barker (Leicester) H

19:00–21:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room 103

What’s love got to do with it? Self-representation in fin-de-siècle Vienna Raymond Coffer Cu

Friday 2 November 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Forbisher Suite, Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS

Oliver Knussen at 60

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Religious discourses in Herodotus’ Histories

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Women’s history Court Room

Vampires of Slough: women in the Second World War blood transfusion service, especially in the depot serving North West London

For more information see p.14 M

Anthony Ellis (Edinburgh) C

Sheena Evans (Independent Researcher) H 18:00–20:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar Room G22/26

Sociology of rights journal launch

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: The Charles Peake Ulysses Room 234

The Charles Peake Ulysses seminar

Chetan Bhatt (London School of Economics), Virginia Morrow and Kirrily Pells, (Oxford), Matthew Waites (Glasgow), Darren O’Byrne (Roehampton) Hu


Saturday 3 November 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

South-Asian fiction: contemporary transformations For more information see p.15 Cu


Events calendar Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference/Symposium Room 261

October 2012–January 2013 Inaugural day conference of the Centre for Quebec and French-Canadian studies For more information see p.15 Cu

11:00–13:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Modernism research Room 261

Modernism research seminar series

14:00–16:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: EMPHASIS Room 261

Early modern philosophy and the scientific imagination (EMPHASIS)


Cu 14:30–16:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing Room STB9

Contemporary women’s writing in French seminar Nancy Huston Organiser Kate Averis Cu

Monday 5 November 2012 17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Chancellor’s Hall

Virtuosity and the redesign of an instrument Christopher Redgate (Royal Academy of Music) Chair: Paul Archbold (Institute of Musical Research) M

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Gender and history in the Americas Room 103

Gender and history in the America seminar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England



Nadja Janssen (independent scholar) H


October 2012–January 2013 18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Events calendar

More about post-divorce financial arrangements: the Law Commission’s supplementary consultation on property and needs Elizabeth Cooke (The Law Commission, Reading) L

Tuesday 6 November 2012 16:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Archives and society Room G34

Computer-assisted review

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Parliaments, politics and people Room 103

The day Parliament burned down

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of libraries Jessell Room

‘I can’t resist sending you the book’: private libraries, elite women, and shared reading practices in Georgian Scotland

Kirsten Ferguson-Boucher (Aberystwyth) Chair: Valerie Johnson H

Caroline Shenton (Parliamentary Archives) H

Mark Towsey (Liverpool) H 17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: History of libraries Jessell Room

History of libraries research seminar

18:00–19:30 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Psychology and refugee protection Room 349

Decision-makers and psychological evidence

18:00–20:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Black Britain Senate Room

Black history on the streets of London: a virtual walk through 5 different parts of the city, bringing the past to your doorstep


Anthony Good and Jane Herlihy, Judge Mark Ockelton and David James Cantor Hu, L

Tony Walker (founder of Black History Walks UK) H


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

Wednesday 7 November 2012 10:00–18:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Workshop Chancellor’s Hall

Religion and belief, discrimination and equality practitioner workshops

12:30–14:00 School of Advanced Study Seminar series: Dean’s Seminars Senate House

Dean’s seminar

16:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room 104

PhDs and early career cultural memory, affect and trauma working group

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: London aesthetics forum Room G37

London aesthetics forum seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Modern German history Room STB 6, Senate House, basement

Glad to be gay behind the wall: gay and lesbian activism in 1970s East Germany

19:00–21:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room 349

Boredom is poison. The life of Eugenie Schwarzwald

For more information see p.15 Hu

For more information see p.6


Mikael Petterson P

Josie McLellan (Bristol) H

Deborah Holmes (Kent) Cu

Thursday 8 November 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

The marginalised mainstream: literature, culture & popularity For more information see p.15 Cu

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: CenSes Room 243


Synaesthesia Roi Cohen-Kadosh (Oxford) P

October 2012–January 2013 17:00–18:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

Events calendar

Portolan charts (1300–1600): how newly revealed details deepen our understanding of their purpose Tony Campbell (formerly Map Librarian, British Library) Cu, H, S

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: European history 1150-1550 STB7 (Stewart House, basement)


17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: American history STB5 (Stewart House, basement)

“Patriotism is the Last Refuse of a Scoundrel”: un-Americans and The American Legion

Chris Sparks (Queen Mary) H

George Lewis (Leicester) H

17:30–19:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Room G22/26

Republicans, Liberals and constitutions in 19thcentury Latin America Jeremy Adelman (Princeton) H

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London seminar in digital text and scholarship Room 234

London seminar in digital text and scholarship

18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Regulating (private) financial market gatekeepers - the case of credit rating agencies in the European Union


Gudula Deipenbrock (Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft [HTW], Berlin) L

18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Lecture Beveridge Hall

Byron Society Lecture by Jonathan Bate Cu

Friday 9 November 2012 16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Embodying psychological organs in Homer Siobhan Privitera (Edinburgh) C


Events calendar 17:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Psychoanalysis, literature and practice Room 261

October 2012–January 2013 Psychoanalysis, literature and practice Cu, P

Monday 12 November 2012 09:00–18:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute for the Study of the Americas Conference / Symposium Beveridge Hall

Mining in Colombia and Latin America: will the UN guiding principles on business and human rights improve accountability? For more information see p.16 Hu

15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

The romantic-revolutionary Gnosis of Geist der Utopie Convenor: Johan Siebers (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) To register email: Cu

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

Lapis lazuli and the Virgin’s robe

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 243

Pythagorean ontology

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar series: Directions in musical research Chancellor’s Hall

Music, media, and monopoly capitalism

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:30–19:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies; Human Rights Consortium Seminar series: Human rights in Britain Room G22

Unions and the defence of basic human rights: case studies of the experience of black educators in the post-16 sector


Spike Bucklow (Cambridge) Cu

Malcolm Schofield (Cambridge) C, P

Frederic Rzewski Chair: Bob Gilmore (Brunel) M


W.A. Gulam Hu, H

October 2012–January 2013 18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Events calendar

European defence cooperation in EU law and international relations theory Theodore Konstadinides (Surrey, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Visiting Fellow) L

18:30 Institute of Philosophy Workshop Room G37

LEOS workshop Special experimental oenology seminar on wines of Burgundy P

Tuesday 13 November 2012 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Jewish history Room 103

Voluntary arrests? The Holocaust in Norwegian historiography Kjersti Dybvig (UCL) H

17:15–17:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: VCH locality and region Court Room

Memorial tales: stories behind the creation of the English war memorials of Sir Edwin Lutyens

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Latin American history Room G34

Social dissolution: a history of Article 145 of the Mexican Penal Code, 1941-1970

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University contemporary cultures of writing Room 246

Life writing: fact and fiction

18:00–19:30 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Ethics, sustainability and eradicating ecocide

Tim Skelton (independent scholar) H

Halbert Jones (Oxford) H


Polly Higgins and Sue Willman Hu, L


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

18:00–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Book collecting Court Room

Book collecting seminar

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Contemporary innovative poetry Room 234

Contemporary innovative poetry research seminar

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Lecture Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies

Senate House Library Friends AGM and lecture: Catherine Grout

18:30–20:00 Institute of Historical Research Creighton lecture Logan Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

John Milton as a theorist of liberty




For more information see p.5 Cu

Wednesday 14 November 2012 14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Director’s work in progress seminar

15:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Mycenaean seminar series Room G22/26

It’s about time: temporality in the texts and archaeology of Linear B Knossos


Angeliki Karagianni (Heidelberg) C

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

Dante’s picture theory and the shadow

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar Room G22

The passions in Hobbes’s political philosophy


Hans Belting (College of Design Karlsruhe) Cu, H, P

Raffaella Santi (Urbino) H

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:30–19:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series:The challenge of change: confronting asylum law and practice in the UK and Canada Room 264

Asylum processes: UK and Canadian perspectives

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University Romantic period Room 234

Open University Romantic period seminar

18:00–19:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Freedom of expression and the internet

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Contemporary fiction Room G37

Contemporary fiction research seminar

Barbara Jackman (Jackman, Nazami & Associates) and Mark Symes (Garden Court Chambers) In collaboration with York University, Toronto Hu


Lorna Woods (City) L


Thursday 15 November 2012 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

Florence and Baghdad. Renaissance art and Arab science Hans Belting (College of Design Karlsruhe) Organised in association with the Centre for the History of Arabic Studies in Europe Cu, H, P

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 349

Ancient history seminar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University postcolonial literatures Room 234

Resources in anti-colonial thought

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Medieval manuscripts Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies Senate House

Medieval manuscripts seminar

C, H




Events calendar 18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar Charles Clore House

October 2012–January 2013 Private desires and public law: Sir Edward Coke and official corruption (1594-1606) David Smith Chair: Michael Lobban L

18:30–20:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London theatre Room 246

London theatre seminar Cu

Friday 16 November 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room 264

Il friulano e i suoi contesti

10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Antiquities and local identities in Southern Italy: art, architecture and literature between 1300 and 1700

For more information see p.16 Cu

For more information see p.17 C, Cu, H, P

11:00–19:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Workshop Senate Room

Decolonization workshop

13:45–17:20 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar Charles Clore House

Conflicts of interest: the ethical thin red line between conflict and crime

For more information see p.17 H, Cu, Po

Chair: Rosalind Wright and Fraud Advisory Panel: William Dinan (ALTER-EU), Monica Macovei (MEP), Philippa Foster Back (Institute of Business Ethics), Jean-Bernard Auby (Sciences Po, Paris; Mutations de l’Action Publique et du Droit Public) L

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Dancing for Ares

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Women’s history Room 103

Between charity and Enlightenment: Southwest German convent pharmacies in the long 18th century and their role in rural welfare

Alexander Millington (UCL) C

Janine Maegraith (Cambridge) H 54

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

Saturday 17 November 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

Schubert & Goethe For more information see p.18 M

10:15–15:45 Institute for the Study of the Americas Institute of Musical Research Seminar series: Latin American music Charles Clore House

Latin American music seminar The Latin American Music Seminar is a British forum for Latin American music research that meets twice yearly. Fee: £5.00 Contact: M, Cu

10:30–12:30 Institute of Musical Research Lacan reading group Room 102

Lacan reading group

14:00–16:00 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Education in the long 18th century Room 102

School books for girls in secondary education in late 19th-century France and England


Sophie Defrance (Cambridge) H

Monday 19 November 2012 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

History of art seminar

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Senate Room

The trouble with wind: issues in writing for symphonic wind band

Libby Sheldon (UCL) Cu

Philip Grange (Manchester) Chair: Paul Archbold (Institute of Musical Research) M

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:15–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London Shakespeare Chancellor’s Hall

London Shakespeare seminar




Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Voluntary action history Room 102

Advertising war: the visual imagery of charity campaigns in the First World War

18:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies 4th Biennial Ingeborg Bachmann Centre lecture Court Room

A farewell to words. Zu den Übersetzungen von Ingeborg Bachmanns Abschied von England

18:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Tertúlia reading group STB5 (Stewart House, basement)

A god strolling in the cool of the evening

18:30–20:30 Human Rights Consortium Seminar Room 261

“The strongest possible terms”? The evolving role of parliamentary condemnations of atrocities past and present

Leanne Green (Manchester Metropolitan) H

Konstanze Fliedl (Vienna) Register by 12 November: Cu


A Parliament Week panel discussion to mark the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Persecution of the Jews Hu

Tuesday 20 November 2012 09:00–18:30 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Conference Room 261

Human rights research students’ conference

13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia

For more information see p.18 Hu

Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

14:00–18:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar Charles Clore House

‘Civis Europeus sum’ (Case 168/91 Konstantinidis, Opinion of AG Francis Jacobs, paragraph 46.) L


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:00–21:00 Institute of Historical Research Other events Senate House

IHR film evening - Great expectations

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Parliaments, politics and people Room 102

The problem of privilege in early Stuart parliaments

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Archives and society Room G34

Unique and distinctive collections within university libraries: current RLUK initiatives and related matter


Keith Stapylton (UCL) H

Alison Cullingford (Bradford) H 17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Literary London reading group Room 234

Literary London reading group

18:00–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Other events Austrian Cultural Forum, 28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ

Celebrating 10 Years of the Ingeborg Bachmann Centre at the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies


Reception and presentation of the bilingual anthology Zwei Wochen England (Sonderzahl, 2012) with music by Philipp Troestl (Vienna) Register by 12 November: Cu

Wednesday 21 November 2012 14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Director’s work in progress seminar

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: London aesthetics forum Room G37

Hand and mind

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

Word and image in the philosophy of Hobbes

Laura Popoviciu (The Warburg Institute) C

Colin McGinn P

Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary) Cu, H, P


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:00–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Classical archaeology Room G22/26

Classical archaeology seminar

18:00–18:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies lecture


Title tbc Mark O’Regan (Court of Appeal, New Zealand; Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) L

18:00–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Research centre for German and Austrian exile studies Room G34

German and Austrian dance in exile in the world 1933-1945 Laure Guilbert (Paris) Cu

Thursday 22 November 2012 22–24 November 2012 Institute of Musical Research ICONEA conference Chancellor’s Hall

Aerophones in the ancient world: near and Middle East, Egypt and the Mediterranean For more information see p.18 M

22–23 November 2012 09:30–17:00 Institute for the Study of the Americas Conference / Symposium Court Room

Recasting commodity and spectacle in the indigenous Americas

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: CenSes Room 243

CenSes seminar

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 349

Ancient history seminar

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Late medieval and early modern Italy Room G37

Identity and the self in late-Renaissance Italy: exploring Jesuit lives in the society’s first century

For more information see p.18 H


C, H

Camilla Russell (Newcastle, Australia) H


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:30–20:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: International refugee law Macmillan Hall

Country guidance in the United Kingdom’s upper tribunal

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar Room 102

Profits for Panthers: The Black Panther Party’s publishing strategies and the financial underpinnings of activism, 1968-1975

Nicholas Blake QC, President, Upper Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber L, Hu

Andrew Fearnley (Edge Hill) H 17:30–19:30 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Talk / Book launch Room STB6

The overseas territories in focus Alan Huckle (former governor of Anguilla and the Falkland Islands, and ex-head of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Overseas Territories Directorate) Book launch of The non-independent territories of the Caribbean and Pacific: Continuity or change? by Peter Clegg and David Killingray In collaboration with the FCO and The University of the West of England Contact: Po

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: European history 1150-1550 Room G26

The Gothic cathedral in medieval culture

18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Sir William Dale annual memorial lecture: The Law Commission and the implementation of law reform

Paul Crossley (The Courtauld Institute of Art) Chair: Sophie Page H

David Lloyd Jones L

Friday 23 November 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

The British monarchy on screen For more information see p.19 Cu

10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference / Symposium Room G22/26

BASTA! Patterns of protest in modern Italy: history, agents and representation (ASMI 2012 Conference) For more information see p.19 Cu


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Stesichorean footsteps in the Parodos of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon

18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies John Coffin memorial lecture Beveridge Hall

“The Queen in Australia”: rebranding the British Commonwealth in the Pacific’

Thomas Coward (King’s, London) C

For more information see p.5 Cu

Saturday 24 November 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Annual George Eliot conference: Romola For more information see p.19 Cu

Monday 26 November 2012 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Through a glass darkly: transposing EU drafting into English statutes - choices, teleology and true meaning Eleanor Sharpston (Court of Justice of the European Union) Annual Lord Renton Lecture L

13:00–14:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Lunchtime research Room G21a

Heidegger’s reading of the Anaximander fragment and its relevance for contemporary queer theory Laurence Hemming (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) Cu

15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

Translating and commenting Ernst Jünger’s Die Arbeiter (5)

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

Creating and re-creating cassoni

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient philosophy Room 243

Democritus on sensible qualities


Laurence Hemming (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) Cu

Caroline Campbell (National Gallery, London) Cu

Kelli Rudolph (Oxford) C, P

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research IMR/CMPCP performance/research seminar Chancellor’s Hall

Working with composers - an illustrated talk

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England

17:30–20:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Talk/Book launch Room G22/26

Songs and secrets: South Africa from liberation to governance

Madeleine Mitchell (Royal College of Music) Chair: Eric Clarke (Oxford) M



Barry Gilder (Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection) . In collaboration with Hurst Publishers H, Po, Cu, Hu

18:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing reading group King’s College London, The Strand

Belén Copegui, Lo Real Maite Usoz de la Fuente (King’s, London) Cu

Tuesday 27 November 2012 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

16:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room 264

Collecting curiosities in the Andes. The cabinet of Ana María Centeno in Cuzco, 1832–1874

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Jewish history Room 103

Redrawing boundaries in the Jewish world: French Jews and Balkan Jews in the 19th century

Stefanie Gänger (Constance) Cu

Nomie Duhaut (UCL) H


Events calendar 17:15–17:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: VCH locality and region Court Room

October 2012–January 2013 Visions of the metropolis: the diocese of London and its urban environment in the years preceding the First World War Chris Fountain H

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Latin American history Room G26

Conceiving freedom: women and the abolition of slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University contemporary cultures of writing Room 246

Life writing: fact and fiction

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Contemporary innovative poetry Room 234

Contemporary innovative poetry research seminar

Camillia Cowling (Edinburgh) H



Wednesday 28 November 2012 14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Director’s work in progress seminar

17:15–18:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

Fiction and the cosmos

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: LOMERS Room 264

London old and middle English research seminar (LOMERS)

Details TBC C

Isabelle Moreau (UCL) and Frédérique Aït-Touati (St John’s College, Oxford) Cu, H, P, S


Thursday 29 November 2012 16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room G22/26


Ancient history seminar C, H

October 2012–January 2013 17:00–18:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

Events calendar

Authorship and readership in the production of British school atlases (1870–1930) Julie McDougall (Edinburgh) Cu, H, S

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University postcolonial literatures Room 234

Resources in anti-colonial thought

17:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Lecture Room G34

Prior commitments: what Meister Eckhart, Heidegger and forms of the past tense have to tell us about the structure of modern identities


Ben Morgan (Worcester College, Oxford) Cu

18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Lecture Beveridge Hall

The annual Wordsworth lecture by Seamus Perry

18:30–20:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London theatre Room 246

London theatre seminar



Friday 30 November 2012 30 November–1 December 2012 Institute of English Studies Conference / Symposium Senate House

Wyndham Lewis: networks, dialogues and communities For more information see p.19 Cu

15:00–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Classical studies MA session

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Women’s history Room G34

Bygones: women, gender, and the beginnings of social history in museums, 1880-1939


Kate Hill (Lincoln) H


Events calendar 18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Finnegans Wake Room 234

October 2012–January 2013 Finnegans Wake research seminar Cu

Saturday 1 December 2012 10:00–17:30 Institute for the Study of the Americas Seminar Institute of Archaeology

South American archaeology seminar The South American Archaeology Seminar takes place twice a year. There are usually 7 presentations on topics relating to recent fieldwork, artefact analysis, ethnohistorical research and heritage studies in South America and the Caribbean. There is always time for discussion of individual papers and more general chat. Fee: £7.50 (incl. lunch and tea) To give a presentation or if you are interested in attending please email:’ H, Cu

11:00–16:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Modernism Room 261

Modernism research seminar series Cu

Monday 3 December 2012 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: History of art The Warburg Institute

A primordial tomorrow: Primitivism and the Italian primitives through futurist eyes Rosalind McKever (Kingston) Cu

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Lecture Beveridge Hall

Sir Peter Maxwell Davies lecture, followed by concert and reception Peter Maxwell Davies, Master of the Queen’s Music Chair: Nicholas Kenyon (Barbican Centre) M

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Voluntary action history Room G21a

Citizen scout: the historical geographies of scouting in Britain



Sarah Mills (Loughborough) H

October 2012–January 2013 17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Gender and history in the Americas STB5 (Stewart House, basement)

Events calendar

Ladies, legislation and letters to Lester Pearson: policy and debates about married women’s right to work in Canada, 1945-1970 Helen Glew (Westminster) H

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England Cu

Tuesday 4 December 2012 4–7 December 2012 16:30 Institute of Philosophy Conference/Symposium Senate House

Aristotle transformed, 200-600 CE, the first 100 volumes: a missing link in the history of philosophy For more information see p.20 P

13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

16:30–18:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Room G21a

Film and exile in Latin America

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Parliaments, politics and people Room 103

The rhetorical culture of the House of Commons in the interwar years

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Archives and society Court Room

The Public Records (Scotland) Act, 2011: creating a culture that values public records


Richard Toye (Exeter) Po, H

Bruno Longmore (National Records of Scotland) H

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of libraries Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies

”How Hard a task you Lay vpon Mee you doe not Knowe”: editing the libraries of the first and second Viscounts Conway, 1610-1645 Daniel Starza Smith (UCL) H, Cu


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Lecture Room G22/26

Accordia lecture

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: History of libraries Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies

History of libraries research seminar

18:00–20:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Black Britain Room 261

African Americans in Britain 1850-1865

18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Senate House

Hamlyn Lecture 2012: Judicial appointments



Jeff Green H

Jack Straw L

Wednesday 5 December 2012 12:30–14:00 School of Advanced Study Seminar series: Dean’s Seminars Senate House

Dean’s seminar

14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Director’s work in progress seminar

15:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Mycenaean seminar series Room G22/26

Constructing communities from clay: new evidence from Akrotiri

For more information see p.6

Anna Corrias (The Warburg Institute) C

Jill Hilditch (Amsterdam) C

16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

“To rescue German honour” – Arabic studies and Qur’an translations in 18th-century Germany Alastair Hamilton (The Warburg Institute) Organised in association with the Centre for the History of Arabic Studies in Europe Cu, H, P


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University romantic period Room 234

Open University Romantic period seminar

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Contemporary fiction Room 261

Contemporary fiction research seminar

18:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Lecture Chancellor’s Hall

Inaugural Arden Shakespeare lecture by René Weis




Thursday 6 December 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Room G22/26

Middle East and Central Asia music forum For more information see p.20 M

16:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: CenSes Room 243

Noetic fellings

16:00–21:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar Court Room

Women, language and grammar: Italy 1500-1900

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 349

Ancient history seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: American history Room 102

Revisiting sixties historiography: the links between student activism and the Civil Rights Movement in 1960s Chicago

Joelle Proust (IJN Paris) P

Helena Sanson (Cambridge) will introduce her book (OUP/British Academy, 2012) Cu

C, H

Caroline Rolland-Diamond (Paris) H 17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: European history 1150-1550 Room 264

13th-century English chronicles Cristian Ispir and Ian Stone (King’s, London) H


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Modern German history German Historical Institute

The passion to perform. Meritocracy and the self in Germany around 1900

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of education STB5 (Stewart House, basement)

The origins of the traditional school curriculum

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University postcolonial literatures Room 234

Resources in anti-colonial thought

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Medieval manuscripts Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies

Medieval manuscripts seminar

18:00–19:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Lecture Charles Clore House

Privacy law (tbc)

18:00–21:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London screenwriting Room 246

London screenwriting seminar

18:30–20:30 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Psychology and refugee protection Chancellor’s Hall

Trauma and refugee integration

Nina Verheyen (Cologne) H

John White (Institute of Education) H



James Michael L


Mary Robertson, Kate Thompson, Ben Gidley, Paresh Kathrani Hu

Friday 7 December 2012 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

The instrument in performance: chamber ensemble contexts For more information see p.20 M


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Preparing and equipping the Roman fleets from Republic to Empire

17:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Psychoanalysis, literature and practice Room 264

Psychoanalysis, literature and practice

17:00–19:30 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar Court Room

J.C Byrne, entrepreneurial imperialism, and the question of indigenous rights

Lloyd Hopkins and Simon Day (Oxford) C

Cu, P

Shino Konishi (Institute for Commonwealth Studies) Contact: H, Po, Hu

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Charles Peake Ulysses Room 234

The Charles Peake Ulysses seminar Cu

Saturday 8 December 2012 10:30–12:30 Institute of Musical Research Lacan reading group Room 102

Lacan reading group

14:00–16:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: EMPHASIS Room 261

Early modern philosophy and the scientific imagination (EMPHASIS)


Cu, P

Monday 10 December 2012 14:00–18:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar Charles Clore House

The great 2014 opt out - what would we lose and what would we replace these losses with? L

15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

The romantic-revolutionary Gnosis of Geist der Utopie Convenor: Johan Siebers (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) Cu


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient philosophy Room 243

Xenophanean scepticism revisited

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar Room G22

Singing for your supper: after-dinner song and poetic performances in late 19th-century France

David Lee (Oxford) C, P

Helen Abbott (Sheffield) Chair: Richard Langham-Smith M

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Greek literature Room 349

Greek literature seminar

17:15–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London Shakespeare Chancellor’s Hall

London Shakespeare seminar



Tuesday 11 December 2012 17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Jewish history Room 103

Panic migration and the role of refugee agencies

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: VCH locality and region Room G34

The impact of dairy exports from the Tees to London on vernacular architecture in the North Riding of Yorkshire 1450-1750

Joanna Newman (Universities UK) H

Barry Harrison H

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Latin American history Room G21a

How (and why) Brazilians developed dependency theory and how they have come to disprove it

18:00–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Book collecting Court Room

Book collecting seminar


Steve Topik (UC Irvine) H


October 2012–January 2013 18:00–19:45 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

Events calendar

Levinus Warner and his local network among Muslims In Istanbul, 1645-1665 Arnoud Vrolijik (University of Leiden Library) Organised in association with the Centre for the History of Arabic Studies in Europe C

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Contemporary innovative poetry Room 234

Contemporary innovative poetry research seminar

19:00–21:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Lecture Other venue

The architecture of modern culture. Hermann Broch reads James Joyce


Wolfgang Müller-Funk (Vienna) The event will include a presentation of the speaker’s latest book, The Architecture of Modern Culture – Towards a Narrative Cultural Theory (De Gruyter, 2012) Cu

Wednesday 12 December 2012 14:15–15:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar series: Director’s work in progress The Warburg Institute

Pagan idols and Christian images: debates on douleía and latreía in the early modern Catholic missions of South India Paolo Aranha (The Warburg Institute) C

17:00–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Classical archaeology Room G22/26

Classical archaeology seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of political ideas Room 104

On trade and teleology: the role of commercial relations in Kant’s Philosophy of History

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Literary and critical theory Room G35

Literary and critical theory seminar


Lea Ypi (LSE) H



Events calendar 18:30 Institute of Philosophy Workshop Room G37

October 2012–January 2013 LEOS workshop P

Thursday 13 December 2012 16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 349

Ancient history seminar

17:15–19:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Lecture Room G35

English Goethe Society

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London seminar in digital text and scholarship Room 234

London seminar in digital text and scholarship

18:00–19:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Seminar Charles Clore House

US cybercrime extraditions

C, H



Michel O’Floinn (Queen Mary); Neil Boister (Canterbury and Waikato, New Zealand) Chair: Ian Walden (Queen Mary) L

18:30–20:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London theatre Room 246

London theatre seminar Cu

Friday 14 December 2012 14–15 December 2012 Institute of English Studies Human Rights Consortium Conference / Symposium Senate House

Captivity and culpability: the disciplining subject in the literary and cultural imagination

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Counterfactuals in the Aeneid


For more information see p.20 Hu, Cu

Anita Frizzarian (Royal Holloway) C

October 2012–January 2013 18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Finnegans Wake Room 234

Events calendar

Finnegans Wake research seminar Cu

Saturday 15 December 2012 10:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference Room 349

Philosophy without intuitions For more information see p.20 P

Monday 17 December 2012 17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research Seminar series: Directions in musical research Room 104

Patricia Alessandrini will talk about her music Patricia Alessandrini (Bangor) Chair: Christopher Fox (Brunel) M

Monday 7 January 2013 13:00–14:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Lunchtime research Room G21a

Lunchtime research seminars

15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

German philosophy seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Gender and history in the Americas Room 104

Mistreated and molested: jailhouse violence and the Civil Rights Movement

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England


Convenor/Advance registration: Cu

Althea Legal-Miller (independent scholar) H


Tuesday 8 January 2013 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu


Events calendar 17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Jewish history Room G34

October 2012–January 2013 Rediscovered theatrical scripts from the Theresienstadt ghetto Lisa Peschel (York) H

17:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Lecture Room G22/26

Accordia lecture C

Friday 11 January 2013 Institute of Musical Research Conference / Symposium Senate House

Expressions of Britishness: music and the arts in the 20th century For more information see p.21 M

10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Ernst Kitzinger and the making of Byzantine Art History For more information see p.21 C, Cu, H, P

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

The myth of Scylla and Charybdis: symbolic landscapes, actual geographies, and mythical imagination Marco Benoit (UCL) C

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Charles Peake Ulysses Room 234

The Charles Peake Ulysses seminar Cu

Saturday 12 January 2013 14:00–16:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: EMPHASIS Room 264

Early modern philosophy and the scientific imagination (EMPHASIS) Cu, P

Monday 14 January 2013 16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient philosophy Room 243

Pythagoras, politics and the business of numbers Catherine Rowett (East Anglia) C, P


October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Latin literature Room 349

Latin literature seminar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England



Tuesday 15 January 2013 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Literary London reading group Room 234

Literary London reading group

18:00–20:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Black Britain Room G26

“A wall of anti-slavery fire” - Frederick Douglass in Britain


Hannah Murray H

Wednesday 16 January 2013 Institute of Musical Reserach Institute of English Studies Conference Senate House

Poetry, music, drama

12:30–14:00 School of Advanced Study Seminar series: Dean’s Seminars Senate House

Dean’s seminar

15:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Mycenaean seminar series Room G22/26

A tale of system reform: the genesis of the ‘Mycenaean’ literate administration

M, Cu

For more information see p.6

Vassilis Petrakis (Athens) C


Events calendar 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

October 2012–January 2013 The laurel and the axe: execution poetry in late Renaissance Italy Virginia Cox (New York) Cu, H, P

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: LOMERS Room 246

London old and middle English research seminar (LOMERS) Cu

18:00–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies Room G34

Narratives of reassurance. Quaker humanitarian photographs from Basque children to the kindertransport Rose Holmes (Sussex) Cu

Thursday 17 January 2013 09:30–18:00 Institute of Historical Research Conference / Symposium Chancellor’s Hall

Going underground: travel beneath the metropolis 1863-2013 For more information see p.21 H

16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room G22/26

Ancient history seminar

17:00–18:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

Terrestrial mapping in a time of maritime expansion: Portuguese cartographies of Persia and Armenia in the 16th and 17th centuries

C, H

Zoltan Biedermann (Birkbeck) Cu, H, S 17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: American history Room 102

Ethnic power! The politics of white ethnicity 1964-84 Joe Merton (Nottingham) H

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Medieval manuscripts Dr Seng T Lee Centre for Manuscript and Book Studies


Medieval manuscripts seminar Cu

October 2012–January 2013 17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London seminar in digital text and scholarship Room 234

Events calendar

London seminar in digital text and scholarship Cu

Friday 18 January 2013 18–19 January 2013 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Alliterativa Causa

10:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Workshop Room G35

Changing models of motherhood

10:00–18:00 Institute of Philosophy Conference Room G22/26

Literature, actions, agents

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

The gender specific vocabulary in Euripides’ Tragedies

18:00–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies University Trust Fund reading Court Room

Changing models of motherhood: a reading by Valeria Parrella and Karine Reysset

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Finnegans Wake Room 234

Finnegans Wake research seminar

For more information see p.21 Cu

For more information see p.22 Cu

For more information see p.22 P

Marc Vandermissen (Liège) C

For more information see p.6 Cu


Monday 21 January 2013 15:30–17:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: German philosophy Room G21a

German philosophy seminars Convenor/advance registration: Cu


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Latin literature Room G37

Latin literature seminar

17:30–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Documents of Shakespearean performance Room 234

Stage, page, and manuscript in early modern England



Tuesday 22 January 2013 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Jewish history Room 103

Moses, Solomon, and Susanna: locating Handel’s lost librettist Andrew Pink (independent scholar) H

17:30–20:00 Institute of Commonwealth Studies Human Rights Consortium Seminar series: International refugee law Charles Clore House

Humanity and legality - rights of refugees and legal mobilisation Colin Harvey (Queen’s, Belfast) Hu, L

Wednesday 23 January 2013 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

The Warburg Institute lecture Title tbc Horst Bredekamp (Humboldt, Berlin) Cu, H, P

17:15–19:15 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: History of political ideas Room G22

The state of the virgin: representing the body politic through metaphors of marital status

18:00–20:30 Institute of Classical Studies Lecture Room G22/26

Gresham lecture


Thomas Maissen (Heidelberg) H, Po

Stephen Harrison (Oxford) C

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

Thursday 24 January 2013 16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room G22/26

Ancient history seminar

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: European history 1150-1550 Room G21a

Death and burial of German emperors, c. 9501250

C, H

Immo Warntjes (Greifswald) H

Friday 25 January 2013 25–26 January 2013 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Conference Charles Clore House

Oceans: concepts and cultures

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Conference Charles Clore House

6th annual Avoir Fiscal EU tax conference

For more information see p.22 Cu

For more information see p.22 L

10:00–18:00 The Warburg Institute Colloquium The Warburg Institute

Picture act and embodiment: the Bild Akt Project of the Humboldt University Berlin For more information see p.22 Cu, H, P

16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Postgraduate work in progress Room 243

Liberator rei publicae: Magnentius and Constantius II

17:00–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Psychoanalysis, literature and practice Room 261

Psychoanalysis, literature and practice

Rebecca Usherwood (Nottingham) C

Cu, P

Saturday 26 January 2013 14:00–16:00 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Education in the long 18th century Room 102

Journals, diaries and commonplace books: French language acquisition and the 18thcentury gentlewoman Gillian Dow (Southampton and Chawton) H


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

Monday 28 January 2013 16:30–19:00 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient philosophy Room 243

Aristotle on Pythagorean number-substance

17:00–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Latin literature Room G22

Latin literature seminar

17:15–19:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: London Shakespeare Room 349

London Shakespeare seminar

18:30–20:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Tertúlia reading group STB5 (Stewart House, basement)

Tertúlia reading group

Phillip Horky (Durham) C, P




Tuesday 29 January 2013 13:00–14:30 The Warburg Institute Seminar The Warburg Institute

From devilry to divinity: readings in the Divina Commedia Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute) and John Took (UCL) Cu

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Archives and society Room G34

The digital library

17:30–19:30 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Open University contemporary cultures of writing Room 246

Translation and creativity

18:00–20:30 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar series: Psychology and refugee protection Charles Clore House

Psychology and asylum-seeking children


Sue Donnelly and Ed Fay (LSE) H


William Yule, Kim Ehntholt, Nadine Finch, Tim Dalgleish Hu, L

October 2012–January 2013

Events calendar

Wednesday 30 January 2013 16:30–18:00 The Warburg Institute Lecture The Warburg Institute

The Pandects of the Jews: Renaissance scholars and the path to the Talmud Anthony T. Grafton (Princeton) Cu, H, P

17:00–18:30 Institute of Musical Research ICONEA seminar Room G21a

ICONEA seminar

17:30–17:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar series: Modern German history Room G34

Elusive security in the GDR: remigrants from the West at the faculty of journalism in Leipzig, 19451961


Daniel Siemens (UCL) H

18:00–20:00 Institute of English Studies Seminar series: Literary and critical theory Room G35

Literary and critical theory seminar

18:30–20:30 Institute of Philosophy Seminar series: London gastronomy

Scotch whisky


Andrew Jefford Sponsored by Deageo P

Thursday 31 January 2013 16:30–19:30 Institute of Classical Studies Seminar series: Ancient history Room 349

Ancient history seminar

17:15–19:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Seminar series: English Goethe Society Room G35

English Goethe Society

17:30–19:00 Human Rights Consortium Institute of Commonwealth Studies Seminar

Deterrence through detention: the implications for asylum in Canada and the UK



Janet Cleveland In collaboration with York University, Toronto H


Events calendar

October 2012–January 2013

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar Room 102

War, money, and the American state, 1783-1867

17:30–19:30 Institute of Historical Research Seminar Room G21a

Religious diversity in central European medieval Jewish communities of the late middle ages

Max Edling (King’s, London) H

Milan Zonca (Queen Mary) H


Research training

Research training Our discipline-specific and generic research training programme draws on the research and teaching expertise of our institutes and the University of London. Most of our research training is available to postgraduate students and early-career researchers across the UK, much of it free-of-charge. 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 22–26, 29–31 October 2012 10:30–12:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Charles Clore House

Introduction to Lexis and Westlaw: hands-on session Electronic information training session for postgraduate law students. How to login and find different databases, and how to search and browse effectively for legislation, case law and journal articles on the computer. Contact: / 020 7862 5790

2, 8 October 2012 10:30–12:00 4 October 2012 14:30–16:00 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Charles Clore House

Introduction to IALS electronic resources

5 October 2012 14:00–17:00 Institute of Musical Research Room 261

Classic texts in music and culture

A demonstration of different databases available in the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Electronic Law Library for postgraduate law students: how to login, how to search and browse for legislation, case law and journal articles, and how to find help with databases when you need it. Contact: / 020 7862 5790

Convenor: Anahid Kassabian (Liverpool) Discussion of Alien Phenomenology, or What it’s Like to be a Thing, Ch. 1, Alien Phenomenology by Ian Bogost Contact:

9 October 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of Historical Research

Medieval and Renaissance Latin for historians This course will provide an introduction to Latin grammar and vocabulary, together with practical experience in translating typical post-classical Latin documents. It is intended for absolute beginners, or for those with a smattering of the language but who wish to acquire more confidence. Students will emerge at the end with not just a strong grounding in the mechanics of Latin, but also an understanding of the changes that it underwent, and the new ways in which it was used in medieval and early modern Europe. The course is open to all who are interested in using Latin for their research. An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Latin I (9 October – 11 December 2012) Intermediate Medieval and Renaissance Latin (9 January - 13 March 2013) Further Medieval and Renaissance Latin (24 April - 26 June 2013) It may be taken either as a whole, over a year for a fee of £500 or alternatively, any of the three term-long courses may be taken for £225 each. Contact:


Research training 18 October 2012 18:00–20:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Room G21a

IGRS graduate forum and launch of Postgraduate Online Research Training (PORT)

20 October 2012 11:00–17:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Room G34

Research projects in the modern lanuages

22 October 2012 10:00–16:00 Institute of Musical Research Room 102

Embarking on a PhD


Speakers: Katia Pizzi, Edward Hughes, Jana Buresova, Federica Signoriello Contact:

Laudan Nooshin (City), Rachel Cowgill (Cardiff) and Paul Archbold (Institute of Musical Research) A training seminar for all postgraduate students. Topics to include: ethics for musicians, getting published, the PhD viva Contact:

24 October 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of Historical Research Venue tbc

Citations for historians Correct referencing is a complex but fundamental skill for historians. In this one-day workshop, participants will learn when and how to reference, with detailed exploration of the citation systems in use and explanation of when each is appropriate. The day will conclude with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of computer referencing software such as EndNote or Zotero. Fee: £60 Contact:

25 October 2012 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 264

Applying for research funding Linda Newson (Institute for the Study of the Americas) This session will explore funding options for research students. Presentations will include where to find information, how to pitch your research project, writing a research proposal, preparing a proposal budget. Contact:


Research training 27 October 2012 10:00–17:00 Institute of English Studies Venue tbc

Screen studies group postgraduate training day Starting with the Senses This Screen Studies Grouptraining day aims to explore the way the senses have been theorized, historicized, with regard to screen media past and present. While this covers a lot of ground, one impetus for this is what we might call the recent neurological turn in screen and many other studies, which finds much creative value in getting a better understanding of the many ways in which we perceive, and how that relates to what we feel. The morning keynote will feature a speaker from neuroscience on the perception of moving images. The topics will include: - Colour and the senses - The differences with regard to the senses in varying media: individuation v synesthesia in gaming; big screen film viewing, computer, television, installation work - Affect and its critiques - Haptic spectatorship/ theories of embodiment - The evolution of the cinematic body/gesture and mimesis - The present moment (Daniel Stern’s idea of rare, genuine presence and its relationship to film viewing) - Mapping the senses Contact: / 020 7664 4859

27 October 2012 10:30–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies St John’s College, University of Cambridge

52nd national postgraduate colloquium in German studies

29 October 2012 10:00–16:00 Institute of Musical Research Room 104

Professional practice: recording and producing music for CD and broadcast


David Lefeber (Metier productions) and Ann McKay (Chief Producer BBC Symphony Orchestra) This seminar is aimed at all musicians. Topics to include: a century of audio recording and editing techniques; sound for CD, sound for radio, sound for picture; preparing the score, the recording session and post-production Contact:


Research training 1 November 2012 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 261

Project organisation and management This workshop is designed to help students complete their PhD successfully by planning and organising their research and time using project management techniques to take them from research idea to delivery of the thesis. The session will look at defining the project and its goals, timetabling, milestones, resources, responsibilities, risks, and how to review the plan when the project changes. Basic use of the software MS Project will be touched on. The session will allow students the opportunity to start putting together their own project plan; consider the structure and processes that are essential for a successful project, and discuss issues such as estimating inputs, quality management, working with others, and identifying the critical path to delivering the PhD within schedule. Contact:

5–9 November 2012 09:00–17:00 Institute of Historical Research Venue to be confirmed

Archival research skills A week-long introduction to finding and gaining access to primary sources for historical research in archives, museums and online through an intensive programme of lectures and archival visits. Repositories to be visited will include the British Library, the National Archives, the Parliamentary Archives and the Wellcome Library amongst many others. Fee: £225 Contact:

8 November 2012 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 264

Basic skills for thesis preparation Conor Wyer (Institute of English Studies) This session explores the techniques involved in drafting and revising research questions; chapter planning and developing the thesis proposal; organising research material, reading and note-taking; drafting and writing up the thesis. Contact:

9 November 2012 14:00–17:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies The Wiener Library, 29 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DP

Memory of the Holocaust

13–16 November 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of Historical Research

Information technology courses


Theory and practice of constructing and using databases. No previous specialist knowledge apart from an understanding of historical analysis is needed. The software used is MS Access, but the techniques demonstrated can easily be adapted to any package. Fee: £225 Contact:


Research training 15 November 2012 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 264

Conducting interviews: oral history

22 November 2012 10:00–12:00 School of Advanced Study Room STB3

Working in archives

Sue Onslow (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) and Matthew Hill (Institute for the Study of the Americas) Contact:

Elizabeth Danbury (UCL) and Richard Temple (Senate House Libraries) The session is for those who have recently begun, or are about to begin, to use archives in their research. An overriding aim is to help researchers develop effective strategies for exploring their subjects. Archives are not simply passive repositories of information but bear the imprint of historical process and accident. Thinking about the nature of the archive itself can throw light on the cultural and historical context of the topic being investigated. A number of questions can be explored. What is an ‘archive’? How does it differ from ‘records’ or ‘documents’? Is there a wider view of materials from the past which might be comprehended by the term ‘archive’? Why were certain archives created? How have they survived? How do you formulate a strategy for finding the information that you think you need? What role can random exploration play? Participants are encouraged to come to the session prepared to talk and raise questions about their own experiences. Contact:

22 November 2012 13 December 2012 18:00–19:30 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Room G21a

IGRS graduate forum

24 November 2012 11:00–18:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies University of London and British Library

Modern languages archives and libraries


Speakers: Andrea Mayer Ludowisy, Richard Espley, Katya Rogatchevskaia, Helen Abbott, Katia Pizzi, Colette Wilson Contact:


Research training 29 November 2012 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room STB3

Ethics in research Avrom Sherr (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) The session explores ethical issues arising in research, the rules and guidelines laid down by government and funding councils. It looks at ethical issues in different types of research, for instance in qualitative research; principles on the conduct of information storage and use; confidentiality; reconciling scientific and ethical concerns; the role that considerations of justice might play in research; research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism). The session also explores inter-personal responsibility (for instance, supervisor-student; working in teams); professional responsibility and the norms of peer review. Contact:

30 November 2012 10:00–16:30 Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Charles Clore House

How to get a PhD in law: meeting the challenges of the early years MPhil/PhD law students from across the UK are warmly invited to attend this specially tailored day of presentations and networking opportunities at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. - The challenges of researching a PhD in the first year: where to start? (Helen Xanthaki, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) - Handling the supervision relationship (Avrom Sherr, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) - Free law e-resources available from IALS including the BAILLI gateway (Steve Whittle, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) - Student led discussion (Chair: Helen Xanthaki) - IALS Global Law Library, making the most of electronic resources (Hester Swift, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) - The particular challenges of being an overseas PhD student (Rachel Stickland, School of Advanced Study) -Tours of the IALS Library led by senior library staff Online booking and payments Contact:

30 November 2012 12:00–17:00 Institute of Musical Research Room 261

Classic texts in music and culture Convenor: Anahid Kassabian (Liverpool) Discussion of Free Labor by Tiziana Terranova, Social Text 63, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Summer, 2000) Recommended: Affective Labor by Michael Hardt, boundary 2, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer, 1999), pp.89-100 Contact:


Research training 3 December 2012 10:00–16:00 Institute of Musical Research Room 104

Publishing music, promoting music, curating music Elaine Gould (Faber Music), Sally Grove (Schott Music Publishers), Graham McKenzie (Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival) This seminar is aimed at all musicians. Topics to include: preparing a score for publication; marketing and publicity; presenting yourself to a music festival. Contact:

4 December 2012 09:30–17:30 Institute of Historical Research Venue tbc

Internet sources for historical research Intensive introduction to use of the internet as a tool for serious historical research. It includes sessions on academic mailing lists, usage of gateways, search engines and other finding aids, and on effective searching using Boolean operators and compound search terms, together with advice on winnowing the useful matter from the vast mass of unsorted data available, and on the proper caution to be applied in making use of online information. Fee: £100 Contact:

8 December 2012 11:00–17:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Room G21a

Digital languages

14 January– 31 March 2013 14:00–17:30 Institute of Historical Research Room 264

An introduction to oral history

Colin Homiski, Lucia Rinaldi

This 11-week course on Monday afternoons introduces all the practical and technical skills necessary to conduct interviews for historical research, showing how to get the most out of participants while also providing a complete grounding in theoretical and ethical questions. Fee: £225. Contact:

17 January 2013 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 264

Organizing a conference Speakers: Arnhilt Hoefle and Bianca Zaininger (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies) Organizing a conference on a particular topic, perhaps in collaboration, presents students with career-changing opportunities and can be rewarding and enjoyable. This session runs through the key areas of conference organisation (types of conference, timing, venue, calls for papers, speakers, finance, team-working, technical support, hospitality, programming, on the day and afterwards).


Research training 19 January 2013 11:00–17:00 Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies Room G34


21–25 January 2013 09:00–17:00 Institute of Historical Research Venue tbc

Archival research skills

Speakers: Johan Siebers, William Marshall, James Williams, Michael Witt Contact:

A week-long introduction to finding and gaining access to primary sources for historical research in archives, museums and online through an intensive programme of lectures and archival visits. Repositories to be visited will include the British Library, the National Archives, the Parliamentary Archives and the Wellcome Library amongst many others. Contact:

24 January 2013 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 264

The PhD viva Philip Murphy (Institute of Commonwealth Studies) and Peter Mack (The Warburg Institute) The session is intended to help students prepare for the viva examination. It will look at a range of practical matters including choosing the external examiners, and the roles and strategies of the student, the supervisors, and the examiners. It will review the regulations and guidelines for examiners and candidates, and discuss common practice. It will also discuss practical questions such as what to bring to the examination, and what happens after the examination. Contact:

31 January 2013 14:00–16:00 School of Advanced Study Room 264

Getting research published Jane Winters (Institute of Historical Research) This session will address the process of publication in a variety of academic/ professional outlets including digital publication; preparing articles for submission to academic journals, the process of editing, writing book proposals, and (from the perspective of the publisher) turning a thesis into a non-academic book. Contact:


Calls for papers

Calls for papers Democracy promotion: hegemony, resistance and the shifting discourses of democracy in international relations 1 February 2013 Institute for the Study of the Americas CFP deadline: 16 November 2012 This conference critically examines contemporary conceptions of democracy in discourses and practices of major international actors and examines shifts and continuities in the rationalities as well as modalities of its promotion. It wishes to explore what current and historical perspectives on foreign-induced democratization reveal about world order, state-society relations and the exercise of power in international relations. Website: Please send proposals of 350 words to Matthew Alan Hill at and Jessica Schmidt at

ELISION ensemble workshop and concert 6 February 2013 Institute of Musical Research CFP deadline: 1 December 2012 Early-career composers of any age or nationality are invited to submit scores for workshop and performance by the following members of ELISION: Benjamin Marks (trombone), Peter Neville (percussion), Tristram Williams (trumpet). Website: Please send a bound copy of the score and a cv to: Dr Paul Archbold, Institute of Musical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

AfroEurope@ns IV:Black cultures and identities in Europe. Continental shifts, shifts in perception 1–4 October 2013 Institute of English Studies CFP deadline: 1 March 2013 We encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines. These may cover not only literature, history or sociology, but also music, the visual arts, popular culture(s), sports, religion, film etc. We welcome submissions dealing with topics that are cross-genre in nature and use different expressive media. We require an abstract of 400 words, which must be written in the language of the presentation. Website: Please send proposals to:


How to find us

How to find us Venue Unless otherwise stated, all events are held in the School of Advanced Study which is located within the central University of London precinct in Bloomsbury, central London. Most events take place in or around Senate House or Stewart House which are adjacent. The School of Advanced Study is part of the University of London and takes its responsibility to visitors with special needs very seriously and will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments to facilities to accommodate such needs. If you have a particular requirement, please discuss it confidentially with the event organiser ahead of the event taking place. Rooms listed in the events brochure are located as follows: Beveridge Hall Chancellor’s Hall Charles Clore House Court Room Crush Hall Deller Hall Durning-Lawrence Room Jessell Room Macmillan Hall Room 102/103/104 Room 254, Library Training Suite Room 261,264, 265 Room 349 Room G22/24/26 Room G32/34/35/37 Room STB2/3/5/6/7 Senate Room The Warburg Institute

Senate House, ground floor Senate House, first floor Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square Senate House, first floor Senate House, ground floor Senate House, basement Senate House Library Senate House, first floor Senate House, ground floor Senate House, first floor Senate House Library Senate House, second floor Senate House, third floor Senate House, ground floor Senate House, ground floor Stewart House, basement Senate House, first floor The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square

A number of events will be held at external venues. Please see for details.


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