This Timeline celebrates 25 years of research and scholarship in the Global Urban Research Unit (GURU). Building on previous research strengths in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (APL) at Newcastle University, GURU was founded under a different name in 1993. Today, GURU, through collaboration with other research centres from across the University and beyond, is internationally recognised for its theoretical contributions to planning, governance and urban studies, and its engagement with public policy, community development and professional practices. Over the past 25 years, it has consistently promoted academic excellence and creativity to enable progressive urban policy and practice. Since 1993, GURU members have supervised about 400 international Doctoral students who have contributed significantly to the Centre’s vibrant research environment. Current research focuses on five distinct but interrelated themes: • People, Place & Politics • Infrastructure & Digital Technologies • Identity, Culture & Heritage • Urban Design & Human Flourishing • Environmental Planning & Management Year by year, the Timeline showcases selected examples of our research projects funded by a wide range of local, national and international organisations - and publications, some of which have been highly influential in shaping the debate in the field. It highlights some of GURU’s key achievements and contributions to academic and practice communities, indicating a long standing determination to generate lasting and visible impacts. The Timeline is the product of our collective efforts and especially the generous time and support given by Loes Veldpaus, Ruth Raynor, Jennifer Manuel and Sarah Delap. Professor Simin Davoudi Director of GURU
School of Architecture Planning & Landscape
GURU’s predecessor, the Centre for Research in European Urban Environment (CREUE) was formally approved by the University, with Patsy Healey as its founding Director. Patsy joined Newcastle University in 1989 as the Head of Department of Town and Country Planning. The centre was launched following a keynote lecture by Professor David Harvey of Johns Hopkins University. CREUE worked in collaboration with the Centre for Architectural Research and Development Overseas (CARDO) that had existed since 1971 and was formally established in 1985 in the Department of Architecture with two key members: Graham Tipple and Peter Kellett. Richard Williams completed his term of office as the third Secretary General of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).
1993 saw the flourishing of the Journal of Environmental Planning & Management that was established by John Benson and Ken Willis in 1992 and replaced Planning Outlook, published since 1948. The 6th Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by John Bridge.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Blackhall, C. 1993-1996, Plan-Track, Guardian Royal Exchange (Properties) Ltd. Cameron, S. & Davoudi, S. 1993-1996, Independent Monitoring and evaluation of North Tyneside City Challenge, NTCC Partnership. Cameron, S. 1993-1995, Housing Property Maintenance System, North Tyneside Council. Healey, P. 1993-1994, Movement and mobility in the post-Fordist city, ESRC. Tipple, G. 1993-1995, Housing the poor majority in Ghana: evidence from current activity, Leverhulme Trust.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Davoudi, S. 1993. Women and Part Time Employment Training, Local Economy, 8(1), 33-43. Davoudi, S. et al. 1993. The Longer Term Effects of Tyne and Wear Metro, Transport Research Laboratory, Newcastle University. Healey, P. 1993. The communicative work of Development Plans, Environment & Planning B, 20(1), 83-194 Healey, P. & Williams, R.H. 1993. European Planning Systems: Diversity and Convergence, Urban Studies, 30(4/5), 201-220. Healey, P. & Shaw, T. 1993. Planners, plans and sustainable development, Regional Studies, 27(8), 769-776. Tipple, A.G. 1993. Housing in Algeria: recent research at CARDO, Third World Planning Review, 15(1), 55-62.
Patsy Healey became the 4th President of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). The ESRC-funded Seminar on Challenges in Urban Management led to the Managing Cities book in 1995. The photograph overleaf, taken at the end of the seminar, shows some of the speakers and participants.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Powe, N.A, Benson, J., Shaw, T. & Willis, K. 1994, Holy Island Management Plan Visitor Research Survey, Northumberland County Council. Cameron, S. 1994-1995, Black Housing Needs Research, Banks of the Wear Community Projects. Dorling, D. 1994, Atlas of social change, British Academy. Gilroy, R. 1994-1996, A Comparative Study of Anti-Racist Initiatives in Education & Training in Canada, Canadian High Commission. Marvin, S. 1994-1995, Demand Side Management and Urban Infrastructure Provision, ESRC.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Cameron, S. & Doling, J. 1994. Housing Neighbourhoods and Urban Regeneration, Urban Studies, 31(7), 1211-1223. Dorling, D. et al. 1994. Negative equity in 1990s Britain, Urban Studies, 31(2), 181-199. Graham, S. 1994. Networking Cities: Telematics in Urban Policy, a Critical Review, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 18(3), 416-432. Graham, S. & Marvin, S. 1994. Telemetric and the convergence of urban infrastructure, Town Planning Review, 65(3), 227-242. Healey, P. 1994. Development Plans: New Approaches to Making Frameworks for Land Use Regulation, European Planning Studies, 2(1), 39-57.
Healey, P. 1994. Urban policy and property development, Environment and Planning A, 26, 177-198. Healey, P. & Shaw, T. 1994. The changing meanings of ‘environment’ in the British planning system, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 19(4), 425-438. Tipple, A.G. 1994. The need for new urban housing in Sub-Saharan Africa: problem or opportunity, African Affairs, 93(373), 587-608. Tipple, A.G. 1994. Employment from housing: a resource for rapidly growing urban Populations, Cities, 11(6), 372-376. Tipple, A.G. 1994. A matter of interface: the need for a shift in targeting housing interventions, Habitat International, 18(4), 1-15.
Two new research centres were established: Centre for Urban Technology (CUT) by Simon Marvin, Steve Graham and Simon Guy, and Centre for Research in Environmental Appraisal and Management (CREAM) by Ken Willis and John Benson. Both centres continued to work collaboratively with CREUE which by then had significantly expanded its multidisciplinary and international collaboration.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Graham, S. April 1995. Urban & Technological Futures, ESRC-funded seminar. Guy, S. & Marvin, S. 1995-1998, Demand Side Management of Urban Resources: Fine Grain Modelling for Sustainable Strategies, EPSRC. Healey, P., Davoudi, S., Hull A., Shaw, T. & Vigar, G. 19951997, Development Plans and the Regulatory Forms of the Planning System, ESRC. Speak, S., Cameron, S. & Gilroy, R. 1995-1997, Young Single Fathers: The Barriers to Participation in Fatherhood, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Tipple, G., Kellett, P. & Willis, K.G. 1995-1996, Mixed Uses in Residential Areas: A Pilot Study, Department for International Development. Tipple, G. et al. 1995-1997, Integration & Urbanisation of Existing Townships in South Africa, Department for International Development.
CREUE hosted a seminar on social cohesion in collaboration with the newly established Institute for Urban and Rural Research (directed by John Goddard) with a keynote speech by Alain Lipietz, Director of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by Edward Cullinan.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Davoudi, S. 1995. City Challenge: the Three-Way Partnership, Planning Practice and Research, 10(3/4), 333-345. Davoudi, S. & Healey, P. 1995. City Challenge: Sustainable Process or Temporary Gesture, Environment and Planning C, 13(1), 79-95. Graham, S. 1995. Cities, nations and communications in the global era, European Planning Studies, 3(3), 357-380. Graham, S. 1995. From urban competition to urban collaboration? The development of interurban telematics networks, Environment and Planning C, 13(4), 503-524.
The Department of Town and Country Planning celebrated the 50th Anniversary of its establishment of the first undergraduate planning degree in the UK with 31 full time students and a growing number of international students from India, Egypt and West Indies. Jo Allen became the first Chair of Town and Country Planning. The 50th anniversary was marked by the publication of a book edited by Cameron Blackhall, the acting Head of Department in 1986, with contributions from staff and alumni.
Centre for Architectural Research and Development Overseas (CARDO) celebrated its 25th anniversary.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Benson, J., Roe, M. & Porter, G. 1996-1997, Northumberland Coast Recreation Strategy, English Nature, Environment Agency, National Trust, Sports Council and multiple local councils. Cameron, S., Healey P., et al. 1996-1997, Social Exclusion and the Neighbourhood, ESRCfunded seminar. Davoudi, S. 1996, Evaluation of the Swan Hunter Training Project, Report to the North Tyneside City Challenge Company. Guy, S. 1996-1998, Developing Alternatives: Environmental Innovation & the Property Business, ESRC. Guy, S. & Marvin, S. 1996-1997, Smart Metering & Sustainable Cities, EPSRC. Guy, S. & Marvin, S. 1996-1998, Technical Networks as Instruments of Sustainable Flow Management: A Comparative Analysis of Infrastructure Policy & Planning I, European Commission. Healey, P., Roe, M., Hull, A., Gilroy, R., Cameron, S. & Tomaney, J. 1996-1997, State of the District Report, Sedgefield District Council. Healey, P., Cameron, S. & Davoudi, S. 19961997, Medium-sized Cities and Environmental and Socio-Economic Developments in the Regions of the EU, European Foundation for Improvement of Living & Working Conditions.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Davoudi, S., Hull, A. & Healey P. 1996. Environmental concerns and economic imperatives in strategic plan making, Town Planning Review, 67(4), 421-435. Graham, S. 1996. Cities, nations and communications in the global era, European Planning Studies, 3(3), 357-380. Guy, S., Graham, S. & Marvin, S. 1996. Privatized utilities and regional governance: The new regional managers?, Regional Studies, 30(8), 733-739. Healey, P. 1996. The Communicative Turn in Planning Theory and its Implications for Spatial Strategy Formation, Environment and Planning B, 23(2), 217-234.
Patsy Healey’s influential book Collaborative Planning was published. The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by David Lock.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Gilroy, R., Cameron, S. & Healey, P. 1997-2000, Evaluation of York Regeneration Initiative Policy Development Programme, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Guy, S. & Marvin, S. 1997-1998, Unlocking the Potential of New Metering Technology, EPSRC. Hull, A., Baker, M., Williams, R., Bevan M. & Cameron, S. 1997-1998, Regionalism and Social Housing in the UK Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Speak, S. & Graham, S. 1997-1999, Marginalised Neighbourhoods and Business Disinvestment in Essential Services, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Speak, S. 1997, Young Men & Women from Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Vigar, G., Healey, P. & Nelson J. 1997-1998, The Institutional Structure of Transport, Rees Jeffreys Road Fund. Wood, B. & Healey, P. 1997, Vacant Urban Land in Europe, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Amin, A. & Graham, S. 1997. The ordinary city, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 22(4), 411-429. Graham, S. 1997. Cities in the real-time age, Environment and Planning A, 29(1), 105-127. Graham, S. 1997. Liberalized utilities, new technologies and urban social polarization: the UK experience, European Urban and Regional Studies, 4(2), 135-150. Graham, S. 1997. Telecommunications and the future of cities: Debunking the myths, Cities, 14(1), 21-29. Guy, S., Graham, S. & Marvin, S. 1997. Splintering networks: Cities and technical networks in 1990s Britain, Urban Studies, 34(2), 191-216. Kellett, P. 1997. City profile: Santa Marta, Cities, 14(6), 393-402. Pendlebury, J. 1997. The Statutory Protection of Historic Parks and Gardens, Journal of Urban Design, 2(3), 241-258. Tipple, A.G., Korboe, D. & Garrod, G.D. 1997. Income and wealth in house ownership studies in urban Ghana, Housing Studies, 12(1), 111-26. Townshend, T. 1997. Safer City Centres: The Role of Public Lighting, in: Oc, T. & Tiesdell, S. (eds.) Safer city Centres: Reviving the Public Realm, 119-129.
Angela Hull became AESOP’s Secretary General.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Gilroy, R. 1998-1999, Allocating Social Housing to Serious Offenders, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Guy, S. 1998-2000, Economic Structures, Urban Responses: Framing & Negotiating Urban Property Development, ESRC. Healey, P., Madanipour, A. & De Magalhaes, C. 1998-1999, Institutional Capacity, Partnerships and City Centres Regeneration, ESRC. Healey, P., De Magalhaes, C. & Rudden, M. 1998, Grainger Town - Ownership Database, Grainger Town Partnership Ltd. Healey, P., Williams, R.H. & Davoudi, S. 1998-2000, European Spatial Planning: Study Programme, Department of Environment Transport & Regions. Madanipour, A. 1998-1999, Social Exclusion in European Neighbourhoods - Processes Experiences & Responses, EU FP4. Marvin, S. 1998-2001, New Technology New Urbanism, British Telecommunications Plc. Tipple, A.G., Kellet, P., Coulson, J. & Laurie, N. 1998-2001, Environmental Effects of Home-Based Enterprises, Department for International Development.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Healey, P. 1998. The Place of ‘Europe’ in Contemporary Spatial Strategy Making, European Urban and Regional Studies, 5(2), 139-153. Graham, S. 1998. Spaces of surveillant simulation: new technologies, digital representations, and material geographies, Environment and Planning D, 16(4), 483-504. Graham, S. 1998. The end of geography or the explosion of place? Conceptualizing space, place and information technology, Progress in Human Geography, 22(2), 165-185. Hull, A. & Vigar, G. 1998. The changing role of the development plan in managing spatial change, Environment and planning C, 16(4), 379-394. Tipple, A.G., Korboe, D., Willis K.G. & Garrod, G.D. 1998. Who is building what in urban Ghana, Cities, 15(6), 399-416. Tipple, A.G. & Korboe, D. 1998, Housing Policy in Ghana: towards a supply-oriented approach, Habitat International, 22(3), 245-57.
Department of Town and Country School of Architecture Planning and Department of Architecture merged into Planning & Landscape the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape. John Wiltshire became the first Head of School. Patsy Healey was awarded an OBE for her services to town and country planning. Her paper with Steve Graham won the AESOP prize for best paper in European Planning Studies. The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by Rodney Beaumont.
Cameron S. 1999-2000, The Role of Social Housing in Rural Areas, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Cameron, S., Healey, P. & De Magalhaes, C. 1999-2001, Co-ordination of Area-Base Initiatives in Six Areas, Department of Environment, Transport & Regions. Gilroy, R. & Bevan, M. 1999-2000, Community Involvement and Modernising Local Government: The Potential of New Urban Parish Councils, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Guy, S. 1999-2001, Pathways into the Home: Smart Meters and Changing Modes of Engagement in the Information Society, Accuread Ltd. Guy, S. 1999-2000, Towards Continuous Strategic Asset Management in the Northumbrian Water Group, NLTRC. Hull, A. & Wood B. 1999-2000, Transferrable Lessons from Housing Action Trusts, Department of Environment, Transport & Regions. Speak, S. 1999-2001, Planning for a Health Environment: Children’s Participation Project, Kings Fund. Vigar, G. 1999-2002, Regional Strategy Development and the Role of Integrated Spatial Planning, Royal Town Planning Institute.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Cameron, S. 1999. Housing: The essential foundations, Journal of the American Planning Association, 65(3), 343-343. Gilroy, R. & Booth, C. 1999. Building an Infrastructure for Everyday Lives, European Planning Studies, 7(3), 307324. Gilroy, R., Cowen, D. & Pantazis, C. 1999. Risking Housing Need, Journal of Law & Society, 26(4), 403-426. Graham, S. & Healey, P. 1999. Relational concepts of space and place: Issues for planning theory and practice, European Planning Studies, 7(5), 623-646. Graham, S. & Marvin, S. 1999. Planning cybercities? Integrating telecommunications into urban planning, Town Planning Review, 70(1), 89-114. Graham, S. 1999. Global grids of glass: On global cities, telecommunications and planetary urban networks, Urban Studies, 36(5/6), 929-949. Guy, S. & Marvin, S. 1999. Understanding sustainable cities: Competing urban futures, European Urban and Regional Studies, 6(3), 268-275. Healey, P. 1999. Towards cosmopolis: Planning for multi-cultural cities, Urban Studies, 36(8), 1410-1412. Healey, P. & Sandercock, L. 1999. Expanding the language of planning, European Planning Studies, 7(5), 545-548. Kellett, P. 1999. Cultural values and housing behaviour in spontaneous settlements, Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 16(3), 205-224. Madanipour, A. 1999. City profile - Tehran, Cities, 16(1), 57-65. Madanipour, A. 1999. Planning for urban quality: urban design in towns and cities, Environment and Planning B, 26(1), 151-152.
Madanipour, A. 1999. Why are the design and development of public spaces significant for cities?, Environment and Planning B, 26(6), 879-891. Marvin, S., Graham, S. & Guy, S. 1999. Cities, regions and privatised utilities, Progress in Planning, 51(2), 91169. Marvin, S., Chappells, H. & Guy, S. 1999. Pathways of smart metering development: shaping environmental innovation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 23(2), 109-126. Pendlebury, J. 1999. The conservation of historic areas in the UK: A case study of ‘Grainger Town’, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cities, 16(6), 423-433. Pendlebury, J. 1999. The place of historic parks and gardens in the English planning system: Towards statutory controls?, Town Planning Review, 70(4), 479500. Speak, S. & Graham, S. 1999. Service not included: Private services restructuring, neighbourhoods, and social marginalisation, Environment and Planning A, 31(11), 1985-2001. Tipple, A.G. & Ameen, M.S. 1999. User initiated extension activity in Bangladesh: “building slums” or area improvement?, Environment and Urbanization, 11(1), 165-183. Townshend, T. & Pendlebury, J. 1999. Public Participation in the Conservation of Historic Areas: Case-studies from North-east England, Journal of Urban Design, 4(3), 313-331. Townshend, T. & Pendlebury, J. 1999. The Conservation of Historic Areas and Public Participation, Journal of Architectural Conservation, 5(2), 72-87. Vigar, G. & Healey, P. 1999. Territorial Integration and ‘Plan-Led’ Planning, Planning Practice and Research, 14(2), 153-169.
Steve Graham became consultant to the UN Centre for Human Settlements on cities and new technologies for their Cities in a Globalizing World report and became a joint founder of the journal Surveillance and Society.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Cameron, S., Healey, P. & Coaffee J. 2000-2001, Going for Growth - Reurba Project, Newcastle University. Coaffee, J., Cameron, S., Gilroy, R. & Speak, S. 2000, Scoping Social Inclusion, One North East. Hull, A.D. 2000-2003, Neighbourhood Housing Models, NEHOM CEC. Powe, N.A. & Willis, K.G. 2000, Providing a Profile of the Agricultural and Rural Economy in the NY Moors, NP Land Management Initiative Area Countryside Agency. Healey, P. 2000-2001, Establishment of a database and associated information resource, Department of Environment, Transport & Regions. Speak, S. 2000-2002, Evaluation of “Fit for Work�, Kings Fund. Speak, S. 2000-2001, Evaluation of the Standards Fund Teenage Pregnancy Grant, Department for Education & Employment.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Cameron, S. 2000. Ethnic minority housing needs and diversity in an area of low housing demand, Environment and Planning A, 32(8), 1427-1444. Cameron, S. 2000. European integration and housing policy (Book review), European Planning Studies, 8(4), 540. Cameron, S. & Field, A. 2000. Community, ethnicity and neighbourhood, Housing Studies, 15(6), 827-843. Gilroy, R. & Booth, C. 2000. The role of a Toolkit in mobilising women in local and regional development, Local Economy, 15(1), 9-17. Graham, S. 2000. Constructing premium network spaces: Reflections on infrastructure networks and contemporary urban development, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(1), 183-200. Kellett, P. & Tipple, A.G. 2000. The home as workplace: A study of income-generating activities within the domestic setting, Environment and Urbanization, 12(1), 203-213. Kellett, P. 2000. Voices from the barrio: Oral testimony
and informal housing processes, Third World Planning Review, 22(2), 189-205. Madanipour, A. 2000. Urban design downtown: poetics and politics of form (Book review), International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 24(4), 943-944. Pendlebury, J. 2000. Conservation, Conservatives and consensus: the success of conservation under the Thatcher and Major Governments, 1979-1997, Planning Theory and Practice, 1(1), 31-52. Roe, M. 2000. Coastal landscape ecology: Involving the community, Landscape Research, 25(3), 377-382. Roe, M. 2000. Landscape planning for sustainability: Community participation in estuary management plans, Landscape Research, 25(2), 157-181. Speak, S. 2000. Back to the well: the transactional costs of consumption for disadvantaged people, Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics. Vigar, G. 2000. Local ‘Barriers’ to environmentally sustainable transport planning, Local Environment, 5(1), 19-32.
Patsy Healey was awarded the 2000 Chester Rapkin Award (by Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) for the best article in volume 19 for her article on Institutionalist analysis, communicative planning and shaping places published in Journal of Planning Education and Research. Steve Graham and Simon Marvin’s influential book Splintering Urbanism was published. Maggie Roe won the Landscape Institute’s Award for Research on Landscape and Community.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Gilroy, R., Coaffee, J. & Dargan, L. 2001, New Deal for Communities - National Evaluation, Department for Transport, Local Government & Regions. Moulaert, F., Madanipour, A. & Healey, P. 2001-2004, Social Innovation, Governance and Community Building (SINGOCOM), Commission of the European Communities. Madanipour, A. 2001-2002, Cities’ Actions to Combat Social Exclusion (CASE), Eurocities. Madanipour, A. 2001-2004, Neighbourhood Governance, Commission of the European Communities. Speak, S. & Tipple, G. 2001-2003, Homelessness in Developing Countries, Department for International Development. Tipple, G. 2001-2003, Enabled Environments: Reducing Barriers for Low-Income Disabled People.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Booth, C. & Gilroy, R. 2001. Gender aware approaches to local and regional development: better practice lessons from across Europe, Town Planning Review, 27(2), 217-242. Gough, K.V. & Kellett, P. 2001. Housing consolidation and home-based income generation: Evidence from self-help settletments in two Colombian cities, Cities, 18(4), 235-247. Healey, P. 2001. City region 2020: integrated planning for a sustainable environment, Environment and Planning B, 28(4), 626-627. Roe, M. & Benson, J. 2001. Planning for Conflict Resolution: Jet-Ski Use on the Northumberland Coast, Coastal Management, 29, 9-39. Pendlebury, J. 2001. Alas Smith and Burns? Conservation in Newcastle upon Tyne city centre 1959-1968, Planning Perspectives, 16(2), 115-141. Vigar, G. 2001. Implementing transport’s ‘new realism’?, Town Planning Review, 72(4), 423-443. Vigar, G. 2001. Reappraising UK transport policy 1950–99: the myth of’mono-modality’and the nature of ‘paradigm shifts’, Planning Perspectives, 16(3), 269-291.
The three research centres CUT, CREUE and CARDO merged to form GURU as a University-recognised research centre.
Stuart Cameron became Director of GURU. Patsy Healey was awarded Doctor of Technology Honoris causa, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. Steve Graham won 2nd International Bauhaus Award, Dessau.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Coaffee, J. 2002-2003, Going for Growth: West End Regeneration and Renewal, Newcastle City Council. Coaffee, J., Dargan, L. & Gilroy, R. 2002-2005, Evaluation of New Deal for Communities, Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions. Coaffee, J. & Healey, P. 2002-2005, My Voice: My Place: Widening Citizen-Council Interactions, Newcastle City Council. Guy, S. 2002-2004, The New Intermediaries, Institutional Innovation and the Reconfiguration of Urban Water and Wastewater Networks CEC. Kellett, P. 2002-2004, Designing for Health: Architecture, Art and Design at the James Cook University Hospital, NHS Estates. Powe, N.A. & Willis, K.G. 2002, Bewl to Darwell Transfer - Environmental Economics Study, Jacobs Babtie Group. Thompson, I., Ballantyne, A., Menin, & Townshend, T. 2002, Preparation of casestudy material for the CABE online digial library, Commission for Architecture & the Built Environment. Pendlebury, J., Townshend, T. 2002-2005, Whose Heritage? The Construction of Cultural Built Heritage in a Pluralist, Multi-Cultural England, Historic England. Speak, S. 2002-2004, Education for pregnant young women and young mothers, Dept of Health.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Benson, J., Jackson, S., Roe, M. & Thompson, I.H. 2002. Response: Redressing the balance on The Unsustainability of Sustainability and Other Green Myths, Landscape Design, 310, 11-12. Graham, S. 2002. Bulldozers and bombs: The latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict as asymmetric urbicide, Antipode, 34(4), 642-649. Graham, S. 2002. FlowCity: Networked mobilities and the contemporary metropolis, Journal of Urban Technology, 9(1), 1-20. Graham, S. & Guy, S. 2002. Digital space meets urban place: Sociotechnologies of urban restructuring in downtown San Francisco, City, 6(3), 369-382. Kellett, P., Mothwa, M. & Napier, N. 2002. No Place Like Home: Recording the Struggle for Housing and Work Under Apartheid, Oral History, 30(2), 35-48. Pain, R. & Townshend, T. 2002. A safer city centre for all? Senses of ‘community safety’ in Newcastle upon Tyne, Geoforum, 33(1), 105-119. Pendlebury, J. 2002. Conservation and regeneration: Complementary or conflicting processes? The case of Grainger Town, Newcastle upon Tyne, Planning Practice and Research, 17(2), 145-158. Vigar, G. & Healey, P. 2002. Developing environmentally respectful policy programmes: five key principles, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 45(4), 517-532.
Jean Hillier joined GURU as Professor of Town and Country Planning. Frank Moulaert joined GURU as Professor of European Planning and Development.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Benson, J. 2003-2004, Tilting at Windmills? The AttitudeBehaviour Gap in Renewable Energy Conflicts, ESRC. Benson, J. 2003-2004, An Assessment of the Sensitivity and Capacity of the Scottish Seascape in Relation to Offshore Windfarms, Scottish Natural Heritage. Cameron, S. 2003, Influencing UK Regeneration Policy, North East Regional Assembly. Gilroy, R. & Dargan, L. 2003-2004, Planning Diversity: Research into Policies and Procedures, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Graham, S. 2003-2005, The Software-Sorted Society: Rethinking the Digital Divide, British Academy. Graham, S. 2003-2004, Multispeed Cities and the Logistics of Living in an Information Age, ESRC. Gunn, S. 2003-2005, ESRC Postdocoral Fellowship Award. Powe, N.A. & Willis, K.G. 2003, Valuation of Amenity and Community Benefits of Street Lighting, Department for Transport London. Roe, M. 2003-2009, ECLAS ‘Le:Notre’ Thematic Network Project, EU Erasmus-Socrates Programme. Roe, M., Speak, S. & Tipple, G. 2003-2009, Sustainable Land Use Planning and Environmental Management for Salinity Affected Coastal Regions of Bangladesh: A Study on Rupsh, British Council.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Gilroy, R. 2003. Why can’t more people have a say? Learning to work with older people, Ageing and Society, 23(5), 659-674. Graham, S. 2003. Lessons in Urbicide, New Left Review, 19, 63-77. Healey, P. 2003. Shadows of power: an allegory of prudence in land-use planning, Progress in Human Geography, 27(6), 806-807. Kellett, P. & Moore, J. 2003. Routes to home: Homelessness and home-making in contrasting societies, Habitat International, 27(1), 123-141. Moulaert, F. & Sekia, F. 2003. Territorial Innovation Models: a Critical Survey, Regional Studies, 37(3), 289–302. Pendlebury, J. 2003. Planning the Historic City: 1940s Reconstruction Plans in Britain, Town Planning Review, 74(4), 371-393. Powe, N.A. & Shaw, T. 2003. Market towns: Investigating the service role through visitor surveys, Planning Practice and Research, 18(1), 37-50. Porter, G. & Vigar, G. 2003. Governance, accountability and responsibility in constructing strategic transport policy, a case study from North East England, Northern Economic Review. Roe, M. 2003. On the Seashore, Landscape Design, 325, 18-20.
Jean Hillier became Director of GURU. Patsy Healey was awarded Honorary Fellow of AESOP. Maggie Roe became Deputy Editor of Landscape Research and Managing Editor in 2009. The Landscape Research Group joined GURU and continued its collaboration with McCord Centre for Landscape.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Cameron, S., Healey, P. & Moulaert, F. 20042007, DEMOLOGOS - Development Models and Logics of Socio-Economic Organisation in Space, EU FP6. Coaffee, J. 2004-2005, Going for Growth, Newcastle City Council. Guy, S. 2004-2005, Carbon Reduction in Buildings: A Socio-technical, Longitudinal Study of Carbon Use in Buildings, EPSRC. Shaw, T. 2004-2005, Strategic Planning and Regeneration Through Sport and Recreation, County Surveyors Society. Shucksmith, M. 2004-2006, CORASON: A Cognitive Approach to Rural Sustainable Development - The Dynamics of Expert and Lay Knowledges, EU FP6. Townshend, T. 2004, NE1 Want to Live Here? Shaping attitudes to urban living and housing options in Newcastle Gateshead, Newcastle City Council. Willis, K.G. & Powe, N.A. 2004-2007, ITAES: Integrated Tools to Design and Implement Agro Environmental Schemes, EU FP6.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Graham, S. 2004. Vertical geopolitics: Baghdad and after, Antipode, 36(1) 12-23. Healey, P. 2004. Creativity and urban governance, Policy Studies, 25(2), 87-102. Healey, P. 2004. The treatment of space and place in the new strategic spatial planning in Europe, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 28(1), 45-67. Introna, L. & Wood, D. 2004. Picturing Algorithmic Surveillance: The Politics of Facial Recognition Systems, Surveillance & Society, 2(2/3) 177-198. Law, A. 2004. English Townscape as Cultural and Symbolic Capital, in: Ballantyne, A. (ed.) Architectures: Modernism and After, Blackwell, 202-226. Madanipour, A. 2004. Marginal public spaces in European cities, Journal of Urban Design, 9(3), 267-286. Pendlebury, J. 2004. Reconciling history with modernity: 1940s plans for Durham and Warwick, Environment and Planning B, 31(3), 331–348. Powe, N.A. et al. 2004. Putting action into biodiversity planning: Assessing preferences towards funding, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 47(2), 287-301. Powe, N.A. & Shaw, T. 2004. Exploring the current and future role of market towns in servicing their hinterlands: A case study of Alnwick in the North East of England, Journal of Rural Studies, 20(4), 405-418. Shucksmith, M. 2004. Young People and Social Exclusion in Rural Areas, Sociologia Ruralis, 44(1), 43-59. Speak, S. 2004. Degrees of destitution: A typology of homelessness in developing countries, Housing Studies, 19(3) 465-482. Pendlebury, J., Townshend, T. & Gilroy, R. 2004. The conservation of English cultural built heritage: a force for social inclusion?, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 10(1) 11-31.
Mark Shucksmith joined GURU as Professor of Spatial Planning and was appointed Board Member of the Commission for Rural Communities.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Gunn, S. 2005, Intra-regional co-ordination: Through the lens of housing strategy-making, ESRC. Pendlebury, J. 2005-2008, Town and Townscape: The Work and Life of Thomas Sharp and AHRC. Powe, N.A. & Willis, K.G. 2005-2009, SEAMLESS - System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society, EU Commission. Roe, M., Macfarlane, R. & Davies, C. 2005-2006, Green Infrastructure in the City Regions, Countryside Agency. Shucksmith, M. 2005-2008, Planning and Affordable Rural Housing: the social and micro-spatial effects in rural England of new planning policies, Countryside Agency. Shucksmith, M. 2005, Action in rural areas programme: Rural Housing Policy Forum, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Shucksmith, M. 2005-2006, A research agenda for new rural economies: Building research-user alliances across the devolved administrations, ESRC. Townshend, T. 2005, The Sustainable Housing Challenge: a view from providers, Bridging Newcastle Gateshead. Townshend, T. & Madanipour, A. 2005, Public Space Vitality in the NE Region, OneNE and CultureNE. Vigar, G. 2005-2007, Integrated spatial planning, multi-level governance and state rescaling, ESRC. Wood, D.M. 2005-2006, The Everyday Resilience of the City, ESRC. Wood, D.M. 2005, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveillance in Japan and the UK: A Preliminary comparative study, Daiwa Foundation.
GURU members co-organised the 13th Waseda University Machizukuri Symposium in Tokyo and Sendai.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Gilroy, R. 2005. Meeting the information needs of older people: A challenge for local governance, Local Government Studies, 31(1), 39-51. Lee, J., Arnason, A., Nightingale, A. & Shucksmith. M. 2005. Networking: Social capital and identities in European rural development, Sociologia Ruralis, 45(4), 269-283. Moulaert, F. 2005. Institutional Economics and Planning Theory: A Partnership between Ostriches?, Planning Theory, 4(1), 21–32. Moulaert, F., Martinelli, F. & Swyngedouw, E. 2005. Social Innovation and Local Development, Urban Studies, 42(11). Pendlebury, J. 2005. The modern historic city: evolving ideas in mid-20th-century Britain, Journal of Urban Design, 10(2), 253-273. Speak, S. 2005. Relationship between children’s homelessness in developing countries and the failure of women’s rights legislation, Housing, Theory and Society, 22(3), 129-146. Tipple, G. & Speak, S. 2005. Definitions of homelessness in developing countries, Habitat International, 29(2), 337-352. Tipple, G. 2005. Pollution and waste production in home-based enterprises in developing countries: Perceptions and realities, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 48(2), 275-298. Vigar, G., Graham, S. & Healey, P. 2005. In search of the city in spatial strategies: Past legacies, future imaginings, Urban Studies, 42(8), 1391-1410. Willis, K.G., Powe, N.A. & Garrod, G.D. 2005. Estimating the value of improved street lighting: A factor analytical discrete choice approach, Urban Studies, 42(12), 2289-2303.
Geoff Vigar became Director of GURU and initiated the refurbishment of GURU Space. Simin Davoudi joined GURU as Professor of Environment and Planning, and Co-Director of Institute for Research in Environment & Sustainability. She completed her term as the 9th President of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). Patsy Healey was awarded the Royal Town Planning Institute’s Gold Medal for her outstanding achievement in the field of town and country planning. David Murakami-Wood led the Report on the Surveillance Society for the UK Information Commissioner. Mark Shucksmith appointed to the Government’s Affordable Rural Housing Commission.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S. 2006, Planning Research Network, Office of Deputy Prime Minister. Pendlebury J. 2006-2007, Valuing the historic environment, RCUK & English Heritage Pendlebury, J. 2006-2009, Characterising the Post-Industrial City: A Case Study of Housing in Newcastle, AHRC. Moulaert, F. 2006-2007, Social Innovation: A strategy for scientific research and human development, The Leverhulme Trust Fellowship. Moulaert, F., Hillier J., et al. 2006-2009, Growing Inequality and Social Innovation: Alternative Knowledge and Practice in Overcoming Social Exclusion in Europe. (KATARSIS), EU FP6.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Davoudi, S. 2006. The evidence-policy interface in strategic waste planning for urban environments: The ‘technical’ and the ‘social’ dimensions, Environment and Planning C, 24(5), 681-700. Fischer, T.B. & Gazzola, P. 2006. SEA effectiveness criteria - equally valid in all countries? The case of Italy, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 26(4), 396-409. Gilroy, R. 2006. Taking a capabilities approach to evaluating supportive environments for older people, Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1(3-4), 343-356. Gunn, S. 2006. The changing meaning of urban capacity, Town Planning Review, 77(4), 403-422. Kellett, P. & Yildiz, H.T. 2006. Understanding and researching traditional environments, Open House International, 31(4), 4-5. Lake, A.A. & Townshend, T. 2006. Obesogenic environments: exploring the built and food environments, Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 126(6), 262-267.
Madanipour, A. 2006. Roles and challenges of urban design, Journal of Urban Design, 11(2), 173-193. Powe, N.A. 2006. Understanding urban attitudes towards country towns, Journal of Retail & Leisure Property, 5(4), 255-269. Roe, M. 2006. ‘Making a wish’: Children and the local landscape, Local Environment, 11(2), 163-181. Shucksmith, M., et al. 2006. Rurality and social inclusion: A case of preschool education, Social Policy and Administration, 40(6), 678-691. Speak, S. & Tipple, G. 2006. Perceptions, persecution and pity: The limitations of interventions for homelessness in developing countries, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30(1), 172-188. Townshend, T. 2006. From Inner City to Inner Suburbs? Housing Studies, 21(4), 501-521. Vigar, G. 2006. Deliberation, participation and learning in the development of regional strategies: Transport policy making in North East England, Planning Theory and Practice, 7(3), 267-287. Wood, D.M., et al. 2006. Office of the Information Commissioner.
Patsy Healey’s Gold Medal was presented to her in a ceremony hosted by Newcastle University, following a seminar on Strategic Spatial Planning. Simin Davoudi was appointed member of the Department of Communities and Local Government’s Expert Panel on Housing Markets and Planning Analysis and Wibaut Visiting Professor at University of Amsterdam. Mark Shucksmith was appointed Chair of the Scottish Government’s Committee of Inquiry into Crofting, 2007-2008, which led to the Crofting Reform Act 2010. The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by Richard Simmons.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S. 2007-2008, Supporting the Development of a Social Science Strategy for DEFRA and Environment Agency Research Programme on Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management, DEFRA. Gilroy, R. 2007-2009, UK-Japanese City Region Research Programme, Waseda University. Moulaert, F., Cameron, S., Hillier, J., Vigar, G., Gilroy, R. & Wood D.M. 2007-2010, Social Polis, European Commission. Pendlebury, J. 2007, The development of Townscape as an Urban Design and Conservation Pedagogy, British Academy. Pugh, J. 2007-2009, The Space of Democracy and the Democracy of Space, ESRC. Roe, M. 2007-2008, Research to Support the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention in England, Natural England. Wood D.M. 2007-2009, ESRC Seminar Series on Surveillance as Everyday Life.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Fischer, T.B. & Gazzola, P. 2007. Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Town Planning Review, 78(4), 531537. Gunn, S.C. 2007. Green belts: A review of the regions’ responses to a changing housing agenda, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50(5), 595-616. Midgley, J.L. & Stirling, S. 2007. An audit of public sector reform in the North East, London: Institute for Public Policy Research. Roe, M. 2007. British Landscape Architecture: History and Education, Urban Space Design, 20(05), 109-117. Roe, M.H. 2007. Feeling ‘Secrety’: Children’s views on involvement in landscape decisions, Environmental Education Research, 13(4), 467-485. Shucksmith, M. 2007. Housing, the Countryside and Social Justice, Crucible, 46(4), 5-12. Townshend, T. 2007. Why aren’t we building more sustainable residential neighbourhoods in the UK?, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2(2), 222-238.
GURU hosted the meeting of the UN Global Research Network on Human Settlements (followed by a Newcastle Lord Mayor’s reception) to discuss the 2009 UN Habitat Global Report: Planning for Sustainable Cities with a chapter by Davoudi, Healey & Vigar. The Report was launched in the House of Commons in 2009. Simin Davoudi appointed advisor to: Swedish School of Planning at BTH; Irish Social Science Platform; and EU Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. Andrew Donaldson awarded the 2008 Ashby Prize for the most innovative paper in Environment and Planning A. Peter Kellett appointed advisor to the UK Government’s Foresight Programme.
Davoudi, S., Gunn, S., Madanipour, A. & Sturzaker, J. 2008-2011, SUME: Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe, EU FP6. Roe, M. 2008-2009, Establishment of baseline for, and monitoring of the impact of, the European Landscape Convention in the UK, DEFRA. Shucksmith, M. 2008-2011, EDORA Energy transition, ESPON. Shucksmith, M. 2008-2011, In-migrant Networks and Knowledge Economies in Rural England, One North East. Wood D.M. 2008-2009, Cultures of Urban Surveillance: Assessing the Intensity and Character of Surveillance in Global Cities, ESRC.
garnished’, Space and Polity, 12(2), 157-181.
Dargan, L. & Shucksmith, M. 2008. LEADER and innovation, Sociologia Ruralis, 48(3), 274-291.
Kim, Y.G. & Roe, M. 2008. The Role of Friends Groups in the Development and Management of Parks, Landscape Review, 12(2), 32-49.
Davoudi, S. 2008. Conceptions of the city region: A critical review, Journal of Urban Design and Planning, (DP2), 51-60. Davoudi, S., Hall, P. & Power, A. 2008. Key issues for planning futures and the way forward, Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 3(3), 229-247. Dayaratne, R. & Kellett, P. 2008. Housing and homemaking in low-income urban settlements: Sri Lanka and Colombia, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 23(1), 53-70. Gazzola, P. 2008. Effective SEA in Italy and in the UK, Environmental Assessment Policy & Management, 10(1), 1-24. Gazzola, P. 2008. Trends in EA education: a comparative analysis, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 26(2), 148-158. Gonzalez, S. & Vigar, G. 2008. Community influence and the contemporary local state: potentials and contradictions in the neo-liberal city, City, 12(1), 64-78. Gilroy, R. 2008. Places that support human flourishing: lessons from later life, Planning Theory & Practice, 9(2), 145-163. Gunder, M & Hillier, J. 2008. Problematising Responsibility in Planning Theory and Practice, Progress in Planning, 68(1), 57-96. Haughton, G., Counsell, D. & Vigar, G. 2008. Sustainable Development in Post-Devolution UK and Ireland, Regional Studies, 42(9), 1223-1236. Healey, P. 2008. Knowledge flows, spatial strategy making and the roles of academics, Environment and Planning C, 26(5), 861-881. Hillier, J. 2008. Plan(E) speaking: A multiplanar theory of spatial planning, Planning Theory, 7(1), 24-50. Hillier, J. & Van Wezemael, J. 2008. ‘Empty, swept and
Larkham, P.J. & Pendlebury, J. 2008. Reconstruction planning and the small town in early post-war Britain, Planning Perspectives, 23(3), 291-321. Madanipour, A. 2008. Urban design in the global age, Journal of Urban Design and Planning, 161(1), 29-30. Powe, N.A. & Gunn, S. 2008. Housing development in market towns: Making a success of ‘local service centres’?, Town Planning Review, 79(1), 125-148. Powe, N.A. & Hart, T. 2008. Market towns: Understanding and maintaining functionality, Town Planning Review, 79(4), 347-370. Townshend, T.G. & Madanipour, A. 2008. Public space and local diversity: The case of north east England, Journal of Urban Design, 13(3), 317-328.
GURU hosted the annual UKIreland Planning Research Conference, Unequal places: planning and territorial cohesion, 1-4 April. Patsy Healey became Fellow of the British Academy. Mark Shucksmith was awarded an OBE for services to crofting and rural development. Simin Davoudi joined the editorial team of the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (JEPM).
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S. 2009-2011, ARCADIA: Adaptation and Resilience in Cities, EPSRC. Davoudi, S. 2009-2011, Climate Change and territorial effects on European regions, EU ESPON. Gilroy, R. 2009, Elder count: developing the agenda, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Roe, M. 2009, Establishment of baseline for, and monitoring of the impact of, the European Landscape Convention in the UK, DEFRA. Roe, M. & Vigar, G. 2009-2010, Green Infrastructure, Environmental Perception and Spatial Behaviour, ESRC. Townshend, T. 2009-2013, Exploring the relationship between prevalence of overweight and obesity in 10-11 year olds, North East Public Health Observatory.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Davoudi, S. 2009. Scalar Tensions in the Governance of Waste: The resilience of state spatial Keynesianism, Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 52(2): 137-157 Kellett P, Collins P. 2009. At Home in Hospital? Competing Constructions of Hospital Environments. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 3(1), 101-115. Midgley, J.L. 2009. Just desserts: Securing global food futures. London: Institute for Public Policy Research. Murakami, K., Gilroy, R. & Atterton, J. 2009. The benefits of an ageing population: case studies from rural Hokkaido, Japan, Local Economy, 24(6-7), 555-567. James, P. et al, Roe, M. et al. 2009. Towards an integrated understanding of green space in the European built environment, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 8(2), 65-75. Townshend T.G. & Lake A.A. 2009. Exploring obesogenic urban form, theory, policy and practice, Health and Place, 15(4), 909-916. Vigar, G. 2009. Towards an Integrated Spatial Planning? European Planning Studies, 17(11), 1571-1590.
Steve Graham re-joined GURU as Professor of City and Society. Simin Davoudi was appointed member of ESRC Grant Assessment Panel C, 2010-2014, and Alexander von Humboldt Visiting Professor at University of Nijmegen. Maggie Roe became Editor of Landscape Research. Tim Townshend made Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Ali Madanipour appointed as City of Vienna Senior Visiting Professor at Technical University of Vienna. Neil Powe became the Managing Editor of JEPM. The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by Rob Cowan.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Donaldson, A. 2010-2012, Managing Borderlands: adaptive decision making amongst specialists and nonspecialists, ESRC. Hillier, J., Madanipour, A. & Vigar, G. 2010-2012, ‘SPINDUS’ spatial innovation planning, design and user involvement, Flemish Research Council. Roe, M. 2010, Development of an approach to facilitate judgement on landscape change options, Natural England. Shucksmith, M. 2010-2012, Reindeer herding and commodification of the outfields and commons in Southern Sami areas, Norwegian Research Council.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Davoudi, S. & Pendlebury, J. 2010. Evolution of planning as an academic discipline, Town Planning Review, Centenary Paper, 81(6), 613-644. Davoudi, S., Wishardt, M. & Strange, I. 2010. The ageing of Europe: Demographic scenarios of Europe’s futures, Futures, 42(8), 794-803. Donaldson, A., Ward, N. & Bradley, S. 2010. Mess Among Disciplines: Interdisciplinarity in environmental research, Environment and Planning A, 42(7), 1521-1536. Grisola, J.M., Willis, K.G., Wymer, C. & Law, A. 2010. Social engagement and regional theatre: patterns of theatre attendance, Cultural Trends, 19(3), 225-244. Madanipour, A. 2010. Connectivity and contingency in planning, Planning Theory, 9(4), 351-368. Madanipour, A. 2010. The limits of scientific planning: Doxiadis & Tehran Action Plan, Planning Perspectives, 25(4), 485-504. Midgley, J.L. 2010. Exploring food policy developments in the UK, Environment & Planning C, 28(6), 1028-1044. Shucksmith, M. 2010. Disintegrated Rural Development? Neo-endogenous Rural Development, Sociologia Ruralis, 50(1), 1-14. Speak, S. 2010. Point of no return: homelessness in the city, International Development Planning Review, 32(3-4), 225-243. Webb, D. 2010. Rethinking the role of markets in urban renewal in England, Housing, Theory and Society, 27(4), 313-331. Webb, D. 2010. Coping with the politics of renewal, Open House International, 35(4), 58-65. Wilkinson, K., Lowe, P. & Donaldson, A. 2010. Beyond Policy Networks: the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Crisis, Public Administration, 88(2), 331-345.
A new research centre: Architecture Research Collaborative (ARC) was established in the School with Mark Dorrian as its first Director. Simin Davoudi and Maggie Roe were appointed members of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework Sub-Panel on Built Environment. Ali Madanipour appointed as the Wits-Claude Leon Distinguished Scholar at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S., Brooks, E. & Cowie, P. 2011-2015, ARCH: Architecture and roadmap to manage multiple pressures on lagoons, EU FP7. Davoudi, S., Madanipour, A., Vigar, G. & Cowie, P. 20112013, TANGO Territorial Governance, EU EPSON. Davoudi, S. & Crawford, J. 2011-2012, Bridging the Gap, Retrofitting Sustainability, EPSRC. Davoudi, S. & Brooks, E. 2011-2012, Environmental Justice and the City, funded by the Institute for Local Government & Newcastle City Council. Graham, S. 2011-2013, Staging and Performing ‘Emergency Situations’ in UK, ESRC Seminar series. Shucksmith, M. 2011-2012, In-migrant Networks and Knowledge Economies in Rural England, One North East. Townshend, T. 2011, From Park to Club: Youth, Alcohol and Place, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Gazzola, P. 2011. Can environmental appraisal be truly interdisciplinary?, Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 54(9), 1189-1208. Enticott, G., Donaldson, A., Lowe, P., Power, M., Proctor, A. & Wilkinson, K. 2011. The changing role of veterinary expertise in the food chain, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 366(1573), 1955-1965.
Shucksmith, M. 2011. Exclusive Rurality: Planners as Agents of Gentrification, Planning Theory and Practice, 12(4), 605-611. Shucksmith, M. & Rottingen, K. 2011. The Uplands after neoliberalism?, Journal of Rural Studies, 27(3), 275-287. Sturzaker, J. & Shucksmith, M. 2011. Planning for housing in rural England, Town Planning Review, 82(2), 169-104.
Law, A. 2011. Weighty histories and the industrial city: New creative economic spaces in the production of alternative heritage and identity, Intertrade, 8(356), 55-62.
Townshend, T.G. & Lake, A.A. 2011. Relationships between ‘Wellness Centre’ use, the surrounding built environment and obesogenic behaviours, Journal of Urban Design, 16(3), 351-367.
Powe, N.A. & Hart, T. 2011. Housing development and small town residential desirability, Town Planning Review, 82(3), 317-340.
Vigar, G., Shaw, A. & Swann, R. 2011. Selling sustainable mobility, Transport Policy, 18(2), 468-479.
Pendlebury, J. & Strange, I. 2011. Urban conservation and the shaping of the English city, Town Planning Review, 82(4), 361-392. Shehayeb, D. & Kellett, P. 2011. Towards Affordability: maximising use value in low-income housing, Open House International, 36(3), 85-96.
Webb, D. 2011. The Limits of Associative Democracy, Planning Theory, 10(3), 272-281. Willis, K., Scarpa, R., Gilroy, R. & Hamza, N. 2011. Renewable energy adoption in an ageing population, Energy Policy, 39(10), 6021-6029.
Ali Madanipour became GURU Director. GURU celebrated the 10th anniversary of the merger of CREUE, CUT and CARDO in an Urban Symposium on Justice and the City. Mark Tewdwr-Jones joined GURU as Professor of Town and Country Planning. Simin Davoudi was appointed Member of the Social Science Expert Panel for the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Department of Energy & Climate Change. Mark Shucksmith appointed Director of Newcastle University Institute for Social Renewal. Maggie Roe appointed member of Scientific Advisory Committee for Scottish Natural Heritage. The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by Gillian Darley.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S. & Pendlebury, J. 2012-2013, SECURE: Building Global Engagements in Sustainable Energy, China-UK Research, EPSRC. Davoudi, S. & Brooks, E. 2012, Environmental Justice and the City, Institute of Local Government. Madanipour, A. & Shucksmith, M. 2012-2014, TIPSE: Territorial Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe, EU EPSON. Pendlebury, J. & several GURU members. 2010-2016, PUMAH: Planning, Urban Management and Heritage, FP7 Marie Curie IRSES. Pendlebury, J. 2012, Research for Community Heritage, AHRC. Shucksmith, M. 2012, Rural Development: Five Years on from the Commission for Rural Community Development, Carnegie UK Trust.
Brooks, E. 2012. Social Isolation as it Affects Older People in Rural Areas, Comm. for Rural Communities. Davoudi, S. 2012. Resilience: a bridging concept or a dead end?, Planning Theory and Practice, 13(2), 299-307. Davoudi, S. 2012. The legacy of positivism and the emergence of interpretive tradition in spatial planning, Regional Studies, 46(4), 429-441. Gilroy, R. 2012. Physical threats to older people’s social worlds: findings from a pilot study in Wuhan, Environment and Planning A, 44(2), 458-476. Graham, S. 2012. Digital Medieval, Surveillance and Society, 9(3), 321-327. Gunn, S. & Hillier, J. 2012. Processes of Innovation: reformation of the English strategic spatial planning system, Planning Theory & Practice, 13(3), 359-381. Healey, P. 2012. The universal and the contingent: The transnational flow of planning ideas and practices, Planning Theory, 11(2), 188-207. Law, A. 2012. Balancing Development and Heritage Scapes: Lilongs of Shanghai, Intertrade, 11(371), 4-13. Miciukiewicz, K. & Vigar, G. 2012. Mobility and Social Cohesion in the Splintered City, Urban Studies, 49(9), 1941-1957. Llausas, A. & Roe, M. 2012. Green Infrastructure Planning: North East of England & Catalonia, European Planning Studies, 20(4), 641-663. Powe, N.A. 2012. Small town vitality and viability, Environment and Planning A, 44(9), 2225-2239. Proctor, A., Donaldson, A., Phillipson, J. & Lowe, P. 2012. Field expertise in rural land management, Environment and Planning A, 44(7), 1696-1711. Speak, S. 2012. Planning for the needs of urban poor: a feminist approach, Planning Theory, 11(4), 343-360. Webb, D. 2012. Conceptualising the bounded agency of housing researchers: housing market renewal in England, International Journal of Housing Policy, 12(3), 315-330.
Simin Davoudi served as Vice Chair of the ESRC Research Seminar Assessment Panel, became member of the International Advisory Committee of Dutch Research Council’s Urbanising Deltas of the World programme (2013-2019). Peter Kellett appointed Visiting Professor at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Gilroy, R. & Speak, S. 2013, PHFI - UK Consortium Wellcome Trust Capacity Building Programme Faculty Exchange Visit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Gilroy, R. & Sharr, A. 2013-2016, Planning Research, Churchill Retirement Living. Pendlebury, J. 2013-2015, A Sustainable Future for the Historic Urban Core, AHRC. Vigar, G. & Healey, P. 2013-2014, Great planning successes: Innovative transformation in place governance, RTPI.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Button, C., Mias-Mamonong, M.A.A., Barth, B. & Rigg, J. 2013. Vulnerability and resilience to climate change in Sorsogon City, International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 18(6), 705-722. Donaldson, A., Lane, S.L., Ward, N. & Whatmore, S.J. 2013. Overflowing with issues: following the political trajectories of flooding, Environment and Planning C, 31(4), 603-618. Gazzola, P. 2013. Reflecting on mainstreaming through environmental appraisal in times of financial crisis, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 41, 21-28. Gilroy, R. 2013. Changing landscapes of support in the lives of Chinese urban elders: voices from Wuhan neighbourhoods, Environment and Planning C, 31(3), 428-443. Graham, S. & Hewitt, L. 2013. Getting off the ground: On the politics of urban verticality, Progress in Human Geography, 37(1), 72-92. Gunn, S. & Hillier, J. 2013. When Uncertainty is Interpreted as Risk: An Analysis of Tensions Relating to Spatial Planning Reform in England, Planning Practice and Research, 29(1), 56.74. Healey, P. 2013. Circuits of Knowledge and Techniques, International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 37(5), 1510-1526. Kellett, P. 2013. Original Copies? Imitative Design Practices in Informal Settlements, International Journal of Architectural Research, 7(1), 151-161. Law, A., Brace, C. & John-Putra, A. 2013. Process, Landscape and Text, Landscape Research, 38(1), 154-156. Madanipour, A. 2013. Researching space, transgressing epistemic boundaries, International Planning Studies, 18(34), 372-388. Midgley, J.L. 2013. Problematizing the Emergence of Household Food Security in England, International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 20(3), 293-311. Pendlebury, J. 2013. Conservation values, the authorised
heritage discourse and the conservation-planning assemblage, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 19(7), 709-727. Roe, M. 2013. Policy Change and ELC Implementation: Establishment of a baseline for understanding the impact on UK national policy of the European Landscape Convention, Landscape Research, 38(6), 768-798. Roe, M. & Mell I. 2013. Negotiating Value and Priorities: Evaluating the demands of Green Infrastructure development, JEPM, 56(5), 650-673. Speak, S. 2013. ‘Values’ as a tool for conceptualising homelessness in the global south, Habitat International, 38, 143-149. Townshend T.G. & Roberts M. 2013. Affordances, Young People, Parks and Alcohol Consumption, Journal of Urban Design, 18(4), 494-516. Townshend, T.G. 2013. Youth, alcohol and place-based leisure behaviours: A study of two locations in England, Social Science and Medicine, 91, 153-161.
The Thomas Sharp Lecture was delivered by Sir Peter Hall who also launched Newcastle City Future exhibition in Newcastle Guildhall, curated by Mark Tewdwr-Jones. Simin Davoudi appointed member of the commissioning panel for the Europe-China research on the Green Economy, Beijing. Mark Shucksmith became Trustee of Action with Communities in Rural England.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Gilroy, R. 2014-2017, Co-design of the Built Environment for Mobility in Later Life, EPSRC. Gilroy, R. & Townshend, T. 2014-2017, MyPLACE: Mobility & Place for the Age-friendly City Environment, EPSRC. Donaldson, A. & Midgley J. 2014-2017, Making Provisions, ESRC. Law A. 2014-2016, Reconstructing Han Identities: The Hanfu Movement in Contemporary China, Leverhulme Trust. Roe, M. 2014-2017, Towards Hydrocitizenship, Connecting Communities with and through responses to independent multiple water issues, AHRC. Shucksmith, M. 2014-2015, Bridging the gap between academic research and the third sector, Bussey & Armstrong Ltd. Vigar, G., Healey, P. & Cowie, P. 2014. Success and Innovation in Planning: Creating Public Value, RTPI.
Banks, S. et al. & Gilroy, R. 2014. Using Co-Inquiry to Study Co-Inquiry: Community-University Perspectives on Research, Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 7(1), 37-47. Button, C. 2014. Local Water Issues Reframe Responses to Environmental Change, UEGC Viewpoints, 10, 36-39. Brooks, E. & Davoudi, S. 2014. Climate justice and retrofitting for energy efficiency, disP: The Planning Review, 50(3):101-110 Brooks, E., Law, A. & Huang, L.J. 2014. A Comparative Study on Historic Building Regeneration Between the UK and China, Urban Planning International, 2(139), 29-35. Davoudi, S. 2014. Climate change, securitisation of nature, and resilient urbanism, Environment and Planning C, 32(2), 360-375. Davoudi, S. & Brooks, E. 2014. When does unequal become unfair? Judging claims of environmental injustice, Environment and Planning A, 46(11), 2686-2702. Davoudi, S., Crawford, J. & Dilley, L. 2014. Energy consumption behaviour, rational or habitual? disP The Planning Review, 50(3):11-19 Garrod, G.D., Ruto, E.S.K., Willis, K.G. & Powe, N.A. 2014. Investigating Preferences for the Local Delivery of Agri-environment Benefits, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67(1), 177-190. Midgley, J.L. 2014. The logics of surplus food redistribution, Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 57(12), 1872-1892. Tardiveau, A. & Mallo, D. 2014. Unpacking and challenging habitus: An approach to temporary urbanism as a socially engaged practice, Journal of Urban Design, 19(4), 456-472. Walsh, K., O’Shea, E., Scharf, T. & Shucksmith, M. 2014. Exploring the Impact of Informal Practices on Social Exclusion in Rural Communities, Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 24(1), 37-49.
Paul Cowie received RTPI Research Excellence Awards for wider engagement for his work on The Town Meeting, in collaboration with Cap-a-Pie Theatre Company. Simin Davoudi appointed Visiting Professor at Virginia Tech and RMIT Melbourne. Patsy Healey awarded Doctor of Civil Law, Honoris Causa, by Newcastle University. Peter Kellett’s exhibition on everyday life in Ethiopia opened in the University’s Long Gallery. Maggie Roe appointed member of Natural England’s Landscape Advisory Group. GURU members (Hart, Davoudi, Pendlebury, Vigar, Webb and Townshend) co-authored the 15th edition of Town and Country Planning in the UK, the highly cited text book known as the ‘Bible of Planning’. Ali Madanipour appointed as Professor at Milan Polytechnic.
MADE IN ETHIOPIA material culture of everyday life
An exhibition exploring everyday life in Ethiopia through collections of objects and images. It aims to provoke questions, challenge stereotypes and to offer insights into the rich cultural traditions of this ancient land - at a time of rapid socio-economic change and ongoing development challenges. The Long Gallery (adjacent to Hatton Gallery), Fine Art Building, Newcastle University 13th – 24th April 2015 10:00am to 5:00pm daily (except Sunday) Opening 13th April at 5:30pm. Entry is free and open to the public. Children welcome. Dr Peter Kellett is an architect and anthropologist based in the Global Urban Research Unit in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at Newcastle University. In 2013 he worked in Ethiopia as a VSO volunteer at Addis Ababa University. All the objects and images on display were collected during his time in Ethiopia. University, Addis Ababa University and The exhibition is a collaboration between Newcastle Universit Voluntary Service Overseas. It is funded by an award from NiCAP – Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice.
KEY PUBLICATIONS MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Cowie, P. 2015-2016, The Town Hall Meeting, ESRC IAA. Davoudi, S. & Cowie, P. 2015-2017, Seminar Series on Ways of Knowing & Neighbourhood Planning, ESRC. Pendlebury, J., Vigar, G. & Veldpaus, L. 20152018. PICH: The impact of urban planning and governance reform on the historic built environment and intangible cultural heritage, Norway Research Council. Powe, N.A. 2015-2017, Millom, The Street Foundation. Vigar, G., Tewdwr-Jones, M. & Weise, S. with Open Lab, 2015-2020, Digital Local Democracy theme for Digital Civics, EPSRC.
An K. & Powe N.A. 2015. Enhancing “boundary work” through the use of virtual reality: exploring the potential within landscape and visual impact assessment, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 17(5), 673-690. Davoudi S. 2015. Planning as Practice of Knowing, Planning Theory, 14(3) 316–331 Davoudi, S., Harper, G., Petts, J. & Whatmore, S. 2015. Judging research quality to support evidenceinformed environmental policy, Environmental Evidence, 4(9). Desai, R., McFarlane, C. & Graham, S. 2015. The Politics of Open Defecation: Informality, Body, and Infrastructure in Mumbai, Antipode, 47(1), 98-120. Forrester, J., Cook, B., Bracken, L., Cinderby, S. & Donaldson, A. 2015. Combining participatory mapping with Q-methodology to map stakeholder perceptions of complex environmental problems, Applied Geography, 56, 199-208. Gazzola, P., Roe, M. & Cowie, P. 2015. Marine spatial planning and terrestrial spatial planning: reflecting on new agendas, Environment & Planning C, 33(5), 1156-1172. Graham S. 2015. Life-support: The political ecology of urban air, City, 19(2-3) 192-215. Healey, P. & Vigar, G. 2015. Creating a special place: The Ouseburn Valley and Trust in Newcastle, Planning Theory and Practice, 16(4), 565-568. Powe, N.A., Pringle, R. & Hart, T. 2015. Matching the process to the challenge within small town regeneration, Town Planning Review, 86(2), 177-202. Townshend, T.G. 2015. Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces, Landscape Research, 40(8), 1018-1019.
Simin Davoudi became Director of GURU. She was appointed member of Social Science Expert Group for Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, and the Advisory Board of Urban Academy, setup by the City of Helsinki and Universities of Helsinki and Aalto. Roger Burrows joined GURU as Professor of Cities and appointed Trustee of Sociological Review Foundation Ltd. Steve Graham’s book ‘Vertical’ became Guardian book of the week and one of the Financial Times and Observer books of the year. Ruth Raynor and Ruth Machen joined as the first GURU Research Fellows. Mark Shucksmith appointed Trustee of Carnegie UK Trust. Dave Webb won AHRC Best Research Film Award for his work on You Can’t Move History. He organised the co-operative neighbourhoods, regional conference at Newcastle University. Tim Townshend was awarded the Royal Society prize for Public Health. The Thomas Sharp Lecture presented by Michael Hebbert.
Button, C. 2016-2017, REMATCH: Building Resilience to Multisource Flooding in South/Southeast Asia Techinformed Community-based approach, NERC GCRF. Cowie, P. 2016-2018, ESRC/Future Cities Catapult Mid-Career Fellowship. Davoudi, S. & Madanipour, A. 20162019, BeMiNE: Integrative envisioning, Academy of Finland. Davoudi, S., Gazzola, P. & Cowie, P. 2016-2017, Locate: Territories and Low Carbon Economies, EU ESPON. Hamza, N., Pendlebury, J. & Speak, S. 2016-2018, Sustainable Green Markets, regenerating the urban historic core to sustain Socio-Cultural heritage and economic activities, AHRC. Madanipour, A. & Shucksmith, M. 2016-2020, RELOCAL: Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development, EU H202o. Shucksmith, M. & Tewdwr-Jones, M. 2016-2019, ACCOMPLISSH: Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multiactor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities, EU. Tewdwr-Jones, M., Gilroy, R., et. al. 2016-2018, Urban Living Partnership – Newcastle, EPSRC.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Bracken, L.J., Oughton, E.A., Donaldson, A. et al. 2016. Flood risk management, an approach to managing crossborder hazards, Natural Hazards, 82(2), 217-240. Burrows, R., Webber, R. & Atkinson, R. 2016. Welcome to ‘Pikettyville’? Mapping London’s Alpha Territories, Sociological Review, 65(2), 184-201. Button, C. 2016. The co-production of a constant water supply in Mumbai’s middle-class apartments, Urban Research and Practice, 10(1), 102-119. Davoudi, S., Zaucha, J. & Brooks, E. 2016. Evolutionary resilience and management of lagoons’ socio-ecological systems, Integrated Environmental Assessment & Management, 12(4): 711-718. Gazzola, P. & Rinaldi, A. 2016. Reflecting on SEA’s usefulness. A case-study on Italy, Environmental Assessment Policy & Management, 18(4), 1650021. García Mejuto, D. 2016. A Europe of multiple flows: Contested discursive integration in trans-European transport infrastructure policy-making, European Urban and Regional Studies, 1-17. Glucksberg, L. & Burrows, R. 2016. Family Offices and the Contemporary Infrastructures of Dynastic Wealth, Sociologica, 2/2016, 1-23. Graham, S. 2016. Vertical noir: Histories of the future in urban science fiction, City, 20(3), 389-406. Li, Y., Ye, Y., Xiao, L., Xu, W., Law, A. & Wang, D. 2016. Classifying Community Space at a Historic Tourism Site through Cognitive Mapping and GPS Tracking: The Case of Gulangyu, Urban Design International, 22(3), 127-149. Midgley, J.L. 2016. Perspectives on responsibility in practice as revealed through food provisioning offers for rough sleepers, Critical Social Policy, 36(4), 610-629. Roe, M., Sarlov Herlin, I. & Speak, S. 2016. Identity, food and landscape character in the urban context, Landscape Research, 41(7), 757-772. Sinniah, G.K., Shah, M.Z., Vigar, G. & Aditjandra, P.T. 2016. Residential Location Preferences: New Perspective, Transportation Research Procedia, 17, 369-383. Tyrrell, R.L., Townshend, T.G. et al. 2016. ‘I’m not trusted in the kitchen’, Journal of Public Health, 38(2), 289-299.
GURU research was reorganised under five new themes that were launched at the GURU Symposium at The Core with invited speakers and panel discussions by GURU members. GURU SYMPOSIUM With themed discussions on:
25th- 26th May
12-5.30pm and 9am-3.30pm
Digital Infrastructures with Prof. Louise Amoore (Durham University)
People Place and Politics with Dr. Gareth Millington (University of York)
Environment and Planning with Prof. Richard Cowell (Cardiff University)
Urban Design and Human Flourishing with Prof. Catharine Ward Thompson (University of Edinburgh)
Identities Culture and Heritage
Simin Davoudi appointed Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Andy Law organised Confucius Institute’s conference Risks to life, heritage, and community on the Yangtze River, Newcastle University Loes Veldpaus and John Pendlebury organised a Workshop on Brexit & Heritage, ESRC IAA in Newcastle University’s London Campus. with Prof. Mike Crang (Durham University)
The Core, Science Central Newcastle All welcome
for catering purposes please register at
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S., Steel, M. & Bell, D. 2017-2019, Social Renewal in the North East. Gilroy, R. & Aitken, D. 2017-2018, Establishing Best Practice for Housing Development for Older People, North Tyneside Council. Mallo, D. & Tardiveau, A. 2017-2018, Scotswood Natural Community Garden: evaluating human and non-human assets for the co-production of a new facility, ESRC IAA. Roe, M. & Lyons, A. 2017, Public exhibition on Undercurrents: A Bricolage at Newcastle’s Great North Museum, EU Horizon 2020 Vigar, G., Gunn, S. & Schoneboom, A. 2017-2020, Working in the Public interest: Spatial planning and the future of public service professional labour, ESRC.
KEY PUBLICATIONS Aitken, D. 2017. The Influence Fallacy: Resident Motivations for Participation in an English Housing Regeneration Project, Planning Theory & Practice, 18(4), 549-565. Atkinson, R., Parker, S. & Burrows, R. 2017. Elite Formation, Power and Space in Contemporary London, Theory, Culture & Society, 34(5-6), 179-200. Brown, D.L. & Shucksmith, M. 2017. Reconsidering Territorial Governance to Account for Enhanced Rural-Urban Interdependence in America, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 672(1), 282-301. Button, C. 2017. Domesticating water supplies through rainwater harvesting in Mumbai, Gender & Development, 25(2), 269-282. Davoudi, S. & Sturzaker, J. 2017. Urban form, policy packaging and sustainable urban metabolism, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 120, 54-66. Hameed, M., Fairbairn, D. & Speak, S. 2017. Experiences with CitizenSourced VGI in Challenging Circumstances. International Journal of Geographic Information, 6(12), 385. Madanipour, A. 2017. Temporary use of space: Urban processes between flexibility, opportunity and precarity, Urban Studies, 55(5), 1093-1110. Midgley, J.L. 2017. ‘You Were a Lifesaver’: Encountering the Potentials of Vulnerability and Self-care in a Community Café, Ethics & Social Welfare, 12(1), 49-64. Raynor, R. 2017. Dramatising austerity: holding a story together (and why it falls apart…), Cultural Geographies, 24(2), 193-212. Townshend, T. & Lake, A.A. 2017. Obesogenic environments: current evidence of the built and food environments, Perspectives in Public Health, 137(1), 39-43. Townshend, T. 2017. Toxic High Streets, Journal of Urban Design, 22(2), 167-186. Vigar, G., Gunn, S. & Brooks, E. 2017. Governing Our Neighbours: participation and conflict in neighbourhood planning, Town Planning Review, 88(4), 423-442. Weise, S., Coulton, P. & Chiasson, M. 2017. Designing in between local government and the public - using institutional analysis in interventions on civic infrastructures, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 26(4-6), 927- 958.
Jeremy Crampton joined GURU as Professor of Urban Data Analytics and one of 4 SAM@Newcastle Chairs for interdisciplinary research on cities. Roger Burrows and Maggie Roe appointed members of the REF2021 sub-panels. Simin Davoudi appointed member of the UK Research and Innovation Future Leaders Fellowships Panel College. Mark Shucksmith appointed as Specialist Advisor to House of Lords Select Committee on the Rural Economy, 2018-2019. Mark Tewdwr-Jones appointed chair of the Regional Studies Association. Maggie Roe was elected Academic Fellow of the Landscape Institute. Loes Veldpaus and John Pendlebury organised Crossing Borders: Heritage and Brexit in the North of England and Scotland workshop, funded by NISR. The Thomas Sharp Lecture was presented by Marion Roberts.
MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECTS Davoudi, S. & Gunn S. 2018-2019, Great North Plan, People and Place Strategy, Royal Town Planning Institute. Gilroy, R. 2018, Hanover Housing Association, Innovate UK. Jeffries, J. & Gilroy, R. 2018, Reinvigorating the policy and practice arena by facilitating workshops between disabled users with mobility needs and city place makers, ESRC IAA. Midgley, J. 2018-2020, Recipe for Success, ESRC IAA. Pendlebury, J. & Veldpaus, L. 2018-2020, Open Heritage (Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment), H2020. Raynor, R. 2018, Imagine Sunderland/Imagine Gateshead: Creating futures in uncertain times, ESRC IAA. Tewdwr-Jones, M. 2018, Ensuring a Policy Impact Legacy from the Newcastle City Futures (NCF) Urban Living Partnership Pilot, ESRC IAA. Townshend, T. 2018, How can behavioural science be utilised to alter the lived/built environment to improve health, Public Health England.
Davoudi, S., Raynor, R., et al. 2018. Spatial imaginaries: Tyrannies or transformations?, Town Planning Review, 89(2) 97-124. Healey, P. 2018. Creating public value through caring for place, Policy and Politics, 46(1), 65-79. Jeffries, J.M., Gilroy, R. & Townshend, T. 2018. Challenging the visual: Learning from the mobility narratives of visually impaired persons, Journal of Urban Design. Machen, R. 2018. Towards a critical politics of translation: (Re)Producing hegemonic climate governance, Environment and Planning E, 1(4), 494-515. Midgley, J.L. 2018. Anticipatory practice and the making of surplus food, Geoforum, 99, 181-189. Parsons, R. & Vigar, G. 2018. ‘Resistance was futile!’ Cycling’s discourses of resistance to UK automobile modernism 1950-1970, Planning Perspectives, 33(2), 163-183. Powe, N.A. 2018. Non-amenity business growth and small town revival, Journal of Rural Studies, 62, 125-133. Pendlebury, J. & Veldpaus, L. 2018. Heritage and Brexit, Planning Theory & Practice, 19(3), 448-453. Raynor, R. 2018. Speaking, feeling, mattering: Theatre as method and model for practice-based, collaborative, research, Progress in Human Geography. Shucksmith, M. 2018. Re-imagining the rural: from rural idyll to good countryside, Journal of Rural Studies, 59, 163-172. Townshend, T.G., Roe, M., Davies, C. & Qin, Q. 2018. Urban National Parks = Salutogenic Cities?, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 217, 203-213 Varna, G., Adams, D. & Docherty, I. 2018. Development Networks and Urban Growth in Small Cities, European Urban and Regional Studies. Webb, D. 2018. Tactical urbanism: delineating a critical praxis, Planning Theory and Practice, 19(1) 58-73.
2018 marked the 25th anniversary of GURU. We launched our celebratory activities by becoming the first planning school in the UK to host AESOP’s 13th Heads of Schools Conference on 20th April. About 100 delegates, representing over 45 universities from across Europe and beyond, participated in the conference, held in Newcastle University Urban Sciences Building. Speakers reflected on the past, present and future of planning research and education with a keynote speech by Patsy Healey. The conference was followed by a series of celebratory events throughout 2018:
• 25 April, Planning: A Participatory Sport? Seminar organised by Maggie Roe • May-October, Canny Planners Workshops organised by Teresa Strachan • 21 May, Planning For Healthier Diets Seminar organised by Tim Townshend • 13 June, Interrogating Form: Creative and Cultural Participatory Practice Workshop organised by Ruth Raynor • 17 October, From Epistemologies to Ontologies: Changing Trajectories of Environmental Research Workshop with a guest lecture by Jenifer Gabrys (Cambridge University) organised by Ruth Machen • 30 October, Changes in Planning Systems, Workshop with a guest lecture by Panu Lehtovuori (Tampere University) organised by Georgiana Varna • 12 December, GURU: A Photo Exhibition organised by Cat Button
Dr Raymond Abdulai
Senior Lecturer in Real Estate & Urban Development
Dr Cat Button
Lecturer and Degree Programme Director
Dr Andrew Donaldson
Senior Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Research
Dr Paola Gazzola
Senior Lecturer in Planning and Director of Learning & Teaching
Dr Dominic Aitken Research Associate
Prof. Jeremy Crampton
Professor of Urban Data Analysis
Prof. Rose Gilroy
Professor of Ageing, Policy & Planning
Dr Elizabeth Brooks Research Associate
Clive Davies
Visiting Fellow
Prof. Stephen Graham
Professor of Cities and Society
Prof. Roger Burrows Professor of Cities
Prof. Simin Davoudi
Professor of Environment & Planning and Director of GURU
Dr Susannah Gunn
Director of Planning and Senior Lecturer in Planning
Dr Andrew Law
Senior Lecturer in Town Planning
Dr Diego Garcia Mejuto
Teaching Fellow and Degree Programme Director
Dr Jane Midgley
Senior Lecturer in Planning
Dr Ruth Machen Emeritus Prof. Patsy Healey OBE Emeritus Professor of Town & Country Planning
Research Fellow in Spatial Planning
Aidan Oswell
Teaching Fellow
Prof. Ali Madanipour
Professor of Urban Design
Dr Peter Kellett
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
Dr Brian Peel
Teaching Fellow
Daniel Mallo
Lecturer in Architecture
Prof. John Pendlebury
Professor of Urban Conservation
Maggie Roe
Reader in Landscape Planning and Faculty Dean of Postgraduate Studies
Professor of Planning
Dr Harrison Smith
Dr Neil Powe
Senior Lecturer in Planning
Prof. Mark Shucksmith OBE
Dr Abigail Schoneboom Research Associate
Research Associate
Dr Suzanne Speak
Senior Lecturer in Planning
Dr Ruth Raynor
Research Fellow in Spatial Planning
Dr Moozhan Shakeri Research Associate
Teresa Strachan
Lecturer in Planning and Degree Programme Director
Armelle Tardiveau
Lecturer in Architecture
Dr Georgiana Varna
Dr David Webb
Lecturer in Planning and Urbanism
Senior Lecturer in Town Planning and Degree Programme Director
Dr Loes Veldpaus
Dr Sebastian Weise
Prof. Geoff Vigar
Emeritus Prof. Ken Willis
Prof. Mark Tewdwr-Jones
Professor of Town Planning and Director of Newcastle City Futures
Prof. Tim Townshend
Professor of Urban Design for Health
Research Associate
Professor of Urban Planning and Deputy Head of School
Lecturer in Digital Civics
Emeritus Professor of Economics of the Environment
Global Urban Research Unit School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UK Tel: +44 191 208 5831 Email: