2 minute read

Zebra Duiker

The Zebra duiker can be found in areas around West Africa. They reside mainly in heavily forested areas. However due to deforestation their population has been declining. The zebra duiker is a small type of antelope. They mainly operate as a solitary animal unless when it is mating season. Their skulls are tuff which allows them to crack open hard-shelled fruits that other herbivores are not able to access.


Fun Facts

• They live to around 13 years in the wild • Both male and female have horns • Their stripes act as a defense mechanism to throw off predators • They can weigh around 20 to 44 pounds


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Be Wilder

the book that explores the bizarre world

There are plenty of animals in the world and most of us have seen the fastest land animal and the biggest animal in the ocean, but how many of us have seen the weirder animals in the world. With this book I hope to show a small portion of them and to get your curiosity going again like when you were a kid.

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