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Book design
Colors for the book were inspired by the title of the book. For the Secret Garden the green color was used and A Little Princess the light pink was used. The texts are white color to give a feeling of cleanliness and simplicity in the minimalist, modernist cover. The book is a dust book cover to include information about the series and the author in each flap. The hardcovers are reversed. White and colored text, simple without images. Since it is underneath the dust cover, I wanted the hard cover to be simple.
First cover design for The Secret Garden book idea with simple flower illustration.
Frances Hodgson Burnett Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett was a British-born American novelist and playwright. She is best known for the three children’s novels Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess, and The Secret Garden. Frances Eliza Hodgson was born in Cheetham, Manchester, England.
A Little Princess
First cover design for A Little Princess book idea with simple character.
Final cover design for The Secret Garden book with simple pin illustartion to indcate the use of phone map to locate the garden in the story.
Fianl cover design for A Little Princess book chatting bubbles illustartions to show the use of messaging between the main charactors.
Final design for The Secret Garden book.
Final design for A Little Princess book.
Final dust cover design for The Secret Garden book.
Final dust cover design for A Little Princess book.
Final hard cover design for The Secret Garden book.
Final hard cover design for A Little Princess book.
Final hard cover design for both book The Secret Garden and A Little Princess.