1 minute read
Booked as a set of two tutorials
Set 1 2nd November 2023
25th January 2024
Set 2 14th March 2024
19th June 2024
Number of places: 4 places available
Venue: Binsted Studio
Cost: £320 per set
WALES FIELD TRIP (stand alone course)
Date: 20th to 27th April 2024
Please note that this course is full
Date: 10th to 12th May 2024
Venue: Binsted Studio
Cost: £580
'In art there are two modes by which men aim at dis�nc�on. In the one, by a careful applica�on to what others have accomplished, the ar�st imitates their works or selects and combines their various beau�es; in the other, he seeks excellence at its primi�ve source - nature. In the first he forms a style upon the study of pictures and produces either imita�ve or eclec�c art; in the second, by a close observa�on of nature, he discovers quali�es exis�ng in her which have never been portrayed before, and thus forms a style which is original. The results of the one mode, as they repeat that with which the eye is already familiar, are soon recognized and es�mated while the advances of the ar�st in a new path must necessarily be slow, for few are able to judge of that which deviates from the usual course or are qualified to appreciate original studies.'
Ruskin- Modern Painters.
'Such is always the mode in which the highest imagina�ve faculty seizes its materials. It never stops at crusts or ashes, or outward images of any kind; it ploughs them all aside, and plunges into the very central fiery heart; nothing else will content its spirituality; whatever semblances and various outward shows and phases its subject may possess go for nothing; it gets within all fences, cuts down to the root, and drinks the very vital sap of that it deals with: once therein, it is at liberty to throw up what new shoots it will, so always that the true juice and sap be in them, and to prune and twist them at its pleasure, and bring them to fairer fruit than grew on the old tree; but all this pruning and twis�ng is work that it likes not, and o�en does ill; its func�on and gi� are the ge�ng at the root, its nature and dignity depend on its holding things always by the heart. Take its hand from off the bea�ng of that, and it will prophesy no longer; it looks not in the eyes, it judges not by the voice, it describes not by outward features; all that it affirms, judges, or describes, it affirms from within.'
This was writen over hundred fi�y years ago 1846.