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English at School Classroom Activities

Vocabulary Review I spy

1. Start by giving an example: Teacher: “I spy with my little eye something beginning with … F.” 2. The pupils then have to look at the English at School poster and guess what object the teacher has ‘spied’. 3. The first pupil to guess correctly chooses another object and the game begins again. Pupil: “I spy with my little eye something beginning with … ” Tip: Larger classes can be split into groups to play this game together and additional copies of the English at School posters can be printed from the Cambridge ESOL website: www.CambridgeESOl.org/teach/yle2007/activities/

What am I?

Preparation: Write a description of an animal or object. Put up pictures of several animals / objects so that all pupils can see them. There are pictures on the Cambridge ESOL website that you can print: www.CambridgeESOL.org/teach/yle2007/activities/ 1. Read the description and ask the pupils to guess what you are, for example: Teacher: “You can play with me. I can be big or small. You can throw me and catch me. In a game of football you can kick me. What am I?” (I’m a ball.) 2. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and tell them to take it in turns choosing objects from the English at School posters to describe. The others in the group try to guess what is being described.


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

English at School Classroom Activities

Counting Word chain

1. Select one of the classrooms from the English at School poster and make a short sentence about what you can see, for example: Teacher: “I can see five computers in the computer room.” 2. Select a pupil to make a second sentence about the classroom, for example: Pupil: “I can see four chairs in the computer room.” 3. Then ask the pupil to link the two sentences together: Pupil: “I can see five computers and four chairs in the computer room.” 4. Start building the chain with pupils adding to the sentence: Pupil: “I can see five computers, four chairs and a poster in the computer room.”

Tip: In small classes, this can work with pupils sitting in a circle, adding to the sentence and trying to remember what has been said previously. In larger classes, once a pupil has added to the sentence everyone in the class can repeat the whole sentence together.

How much can you remember?

1. Tell the pupils to look at one of the English at School posters for two minutes and to remember as much as they can. For larger classes, try to provide more than one copy of the poster so that everyone can see it. 2. After two minutes, remove the poster(s) and divide the class into small groups. 3. Pupils must then tell each other what they can remember about the poster, for example: Pupils: “There is one football.” “There are nine trees.” “One boy is skipping.” 4. Tell each group to write down as many sentences as they can. The group that writes the most (correct) sentences wins.


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

English at School Classroom Activities

Describing What People Are Doing Predict the content

1. Put up one of the English at School posters, showing the blank side of the sheet. 2. Set the context by telling your pupils that the poster shows a school (or sports field), for example: Teacher: “Look at the poster. On the other side it shows a school / sports field. What are the children and teachers doing? You have to guess!” 3. Ask the pupils to predict what is on the poster, for example: Pupils: “Some children are writing.” “Some children are swimming.” “One girl is reading a book.” 4. After a couple of minutes of predicting, turn the poster over. Tell your pupils to stand up and have a closer look. They can talk about the differences from what they’ve predicted.

Tell the teacher

1. Display the English at School classrooms poster and set the context for the pupils, for example: Teacher: “You can’t study in the library because it’s too untidy and some of the children are being noisy. Tell the head teacher what’s happening.” 2. The pupils then describe what is happening in the library, for example: Pupils: “There’s a boy climbing up the bookcase!” “A boy is listening to very loud music!” Tip: Pupils could work in pairs, taking turns to ‘tell the teacher’. Or they could be given time to write their sentences, before telling the teacher.


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

English at School Classroom Activities

Asking Questions and Giving Instructions In the canteen

1. Display the English at School classrooms poster and ask the pupils some questions about the school canteen, for example: Teacher: “What time do you have lunch? Where? Who with? What’s your favourite food? What food can you see in the picture?” 2. Divide the pupils into pairs. 3. Ask the pupils to think of five questions to ask a classmate about food. Some vocabulary and question structures can be given if necessary, for example: Where …? What time …? Who … with? What is … favourite …? How often …?

Tip: For extra support, pupils could be given complete questions to ask. They could also use the same structures to ask each other about another topic such as sports or hobbies.


Preparation: Visit www.CambridgeESOL.org Print some pictures from the YLE ‘Picture Bank’ and cut them out. 1. Divide the pupils into pairs. 2. Tell the pupils they have to invent funny or impossible situations and instruct their partners to recreate them on one of the English at School posters, for example: Pupil: “Find the lizard. Put the lizard on the teacher’s head.” “Now, find the banana. Put the banana between the teacher’s desk and the bookcase.”


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

English at School Classroom Activities

Writing Practice Creative writing

1. Using one of the English at School posters, elicit ten words from the pupils, preferably a mix of nouns, verbs and adjectives, for example: library, carrot, talking, happy, angry, etc. 2. Write the words where all of the pupils can see them. 3. Tell pupils to select two (or more) words and to write some short sentences, for example: I don’t like carrots. I was happy yesterday. Tip: Higher level pupils could write a short story using some or all of the words.

The school sports field

1. Set the context by asking the pupils some questions about the English at School sports field poster, for example: Teacher: “What sports / games are the children playing?” “What sports / games do you play at school?” 2. Tell pupils to work on their own and write some must / mustn’t sentences about a sport they like, or a sport they can see on the poster, for example: BASKETBALL You mustn’t kick the ball. You must bounce the ball. Tip: As a follow-up activity, pupils could ask each other about their favourite sport at school.


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

English at School Classroom Activities


Correct the teacher

1. Using some of the vocabulary you would like the pupils to revise, think of some false statements about the people and activities in the English at School posters, for example: Teacher: “This boy is playing badminton.” “There are three children on skateboards.” 2. The pupils must correct the teacher, for example: Pupils: “No, he’s playing rugby!” “No, there are two children on skateboards!” Tip: Remember, full sentences are not always expected when mistakes are being corrected. Pupils should be encouraged to communicate clearly but naturally.

Spot the mistake

1. Tell the pupils to look at one of the English at School posters. Say three things about it, changing one piece of information to make it false, for example: Teacher: “In the library, two children are reading, two children are listening to music and one girl is writing.” (Deliberate mistake: only one child is listening to music.) 2. Ask the pupils to spot the mistake. 3. Now tell the pupils to write three sentences of their own, one of which must be false. 4. Divide the pupils into pairs. 5. Tell the pupils to read their partners’ sentences and to spot the deliberate mistake.


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

English at School Classroom Activities

Comparing Pictures Let’s make it different!

Preparation: Photocopy a section of the English at School classrooms poster, for example the library. 1. Ask pupils to look at the library in the classrooms poster and describe what they can see, for example: Pupil: “I can see a teacher, a mouse, some DVDs and a computer.” 2. Give each pupil a photocopy of the library picture and tell them to make some changes, such as changing the colours, adding some objects, etc. 3. Divide the pupils into pairs and tell them to compare their pictures with the poster, for example: Pupil: “In the poster there is one mouse, but in my picture there are three mice.”

Compare the sports

1. Ask the pupils to look at the English at School sports field poster and elicit some vocabulary related to sports, for example: basketball hoop, hockey stick, rugby ball, play tennis, ride a bike, etc. 2. Divide the class into pairs and tell the pupils to take it in turns comparing sports that they can see on the poster, for example: Pupil: “We play tennis with a racket, but we play hockey with a stick.”


© UCLES 2009 EMC | 5910 | 9Y05

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