New Ideas for Old Buildings: Darroch

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James Gi at Darroc

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Context The City of Edinburgh Council are replacing James Gillespie’s High School as part of Scotland’s Schools for the Future programme. During the construction phase of the new high school 600 senior students will decant to Darroch.

Darroch is a Victorian C listed school building which will be refurbished to deliver the Curriculum for Excellence for the decanted pupils. Second year students from James Gillespie’s High School have been participating in workshops to design the space. So far they have created a brief 1 for the space and interrogated a number of potential settings 2 that could be be included.

Further participation will take place over the next few months with staff and students across the school. This will inform the final visual brief. Interventions are intended for the mezzanine area on the first floor, creating new settings for learning. The intention is for this work to inform the solutions for the new building and also for trials during the decant. Lessons learnt from this project inform the design of the new James Gillespie’s High School and its internal spaces & settings. It also illustrates the possibilities for interventions in existing buildings for the wider school estate in Scotland.


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2 Mezzanine Option 1

2 Mezzanine Option 2

2 Mezzanine Alternative Settings

2 Settings Group Study

2 Settings Group Study

2 Settings Paired Study

2 Settings Project Work

2 Settings BeanBags

2 Settings Group Study 4

2 Settings Group Study 1

2 Settings Group Study 2

2 Settings Group Study 3

2 Settings Individual Study 1

2 Settings Individual Study 2

2 Settings Presentation

2 Settings Project Tables 1

2 Settings Touchdown 2

2 Settings Touchdown 1

2 Settings Project Tables 2

2 Settings Group Study 5

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