St Margaret's Academy - Action Plan for Our School Grounds

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St Margaret’s Academy School Grounds Action Plan December 2010

Contents 1.0 - Participation process and context

pg 1

2.0 - St Margaret’s Academy aerial view plan

pg 2

3.0 - Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing potential locations for short-term projects

pg 3

3.1 – Short-term changes – next steps and recommendations

pg 4

4.0 - Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing potential locations for short and medium-term projects

pg 7

4.1 – Medium-term changes – next steps and recommendations

pg 8

5.0 - Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing potential locations for short, medium and long-term projects

pg 12

5.1 – Long-term changes – next steps and recommendations

pg 13

Appendix A – All priorities from the group sessions

pg 16

Appendix B – Useful contacts and resources

pg 20

1.0 Participation process and context The process Students and staff at St Margaret’s Academy engaged in a number of participation workshops run by Architecture + Design Scotland’s (A+DS) Schools Programme in partnership with Grounds for Learning (GfL) throughout September and October 2010. The purpose of these workshops was to engage students and staff in activities, which would enable them to think about and generate ideas for potential improvements to their school grounds. The workshops looked at four themes within the context of school grounds; nature spaces, healthy spaces, social spaces and learning + teaching spaces. Groups representing each of the four themes took part in separate workshops and generated a wealth of ideas for improvements to each type of space. Groups then voted for their top 5 priorities, which were presented back to the larger group at a feedback workshop. Priorities and timescales The feedback workshop involved participants in thinking about and recording the next steps and proposed timescales for each of their priorities (see sections 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1). This report details each group’s thoughts for the next steps for their ideas and categorises them into short, medium and long-term timescales, as shown below.

Many of the shorter-term ideas can be initiated and carried out by the school themselves, with relatively few resources. The medium and longer timescale ideas need further consideration and consultation with the wider school community. West Lothian Council architects involved in the project will be working alongside the school to help and support the implementation of the medium and longer timescale ideas. Additional recommendations The additional recommendations (in sections 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1) provide supplementary advice from A+DS and GfL, regarding each project’s next steps. This was included to ensure that the staff and students of St Margaret’s Academy have as much information and as many resources as possible to begin making improvements to their school grounds. 1

2.0 Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing external areas considered by participants for development

Area above grass pitch Area behind grass pitch

Area behind astro pitch

Sloping grass area behind PE

Wooded area 3


Wooded area 1 School front 2

Wooded area 2

Bus park shelter

3.0 Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing potential locations for short-term project ideas

Short Term Priorities 1

Natural bench/shelter area

2 Bug hotels 3 Replant hedgerow/ plant native species to attract wildlife 4 Improved access to woodland (area to be identified)

5 Construction area

(area to be identified)

6 Benches at front of school



6 1

3 3

3.1 Short-term changes - next steps and recommendations Project idea

Natural bench area and natural shelter in woodland – at front of school (social) – see green no. 1 on map How can we take • Consult the management team and ensure that they are this forward? happy with the proposed plan • Decide on a suitable location for the benches • Decide on the style/size/cost the school is willing to consider What challenges • Access for all pupils around the school and barriers • Problems with colonies of year groups taking over might we face? • Weather conditions – benches may not be suitable in all weather conditions Estimated • Short term – we already have benches in storage – it’s just a timescale case of finding a suitable place to situate them Next steps • Liaising with management and consulting PE to ensure they are happy with the proposed location. • Final benches to be put in place sometime soon Additional • Raise idea at next pupil council meeting recommendations • Confirm access to proposed area is allowed, with school management • Consider how shelter might work alongside the seating area • Think about the potential conflict between this area and the badger set • Consider synergies between this idea and the ‘shelter and seating area for learning + teaching’ (yellow no.6) Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps

Bug Hotels (nature) – see green no. 2 on map • Build it yourself using dead wood and just test out where you put it and see the best place and materials to use to make a bug hotel • People may accidentally destroy them thinking its rubbish

• • Additional • recommendations • •

Short timescale – easy to make and set up Make more to put in more places Contact Hugh, the ranger at Beecraigs Raise idea at next eco-committee meeting Consult with science teachers about how bug hotels could be used in lessons Carry out further research into how bug hotels can be created, what materials are needed and the best locations to situate them – see Appendix B for more ideas


Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps

Replant hedgerow and plant native species to attract wildlife (nature) – see green no. 3 on map • Find out who cuts it and stop spraying pesticides underneath it • Fill up some gaps using native plants • Who would look after it and take care of it? • Looks shouldn’t matter • •

• Additional • recommendations • • •

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps

All timescales – because if you stop cutting and spraying it, it will already look different Speak to the people who own it and try and get funding (help). Mr Docherty to see about grant/funding Raise idea at next eco-committee meeting Confirm hedgerow is on school grounds – contact West Lothian Council Think about timescale – short to implement but will require ongoing maintenance Speak to the janitor or whoever currently maintains the hedge to talk about changing their practices and to see if this is realistic Contact someone with expertise in native hedgerow and tree species - Beecraigs ranger service (contact details in Appendix B)

Improved access to woodland area (learning + teaching) – see green no. 4 on map • Identify areas that require access • Talk to Senior Leadership Team (SLT)/Designers/Contractors • Cost • SLT obstructions to using areas •

• • • Additional • recommendations •

• •

Short timescale Speak to SLT Work out costs Speak to designers/contractors Confirm access to this area of woodland has been granted Think about the opportunity to develop this project alongside the ‘shelter and seating area for learning + teaching’ (yellow no.6) and ‘seating area in the woodland’ (yellow no.2) ideas Think about timescale – project may take longer depending on decision regarding access to the area Consider access for all 5

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps

Construction area (learning + teaching) – see green no. 5 on map • Identify area • Find out who could/would use it • Identify features required – trenches, hills, flat area? • Cost • Available space •

Short timescale

Identify area and requirements then liaise with contractors in order to use heavy machinery if required. Consult wider staff group - bring up at the next staff meeting to gauge response and need for type of area – think about synergies between departments, who else could use an area like this? Think about access from the inside to the construction area and how easy it will be to move equipment and materials

Additional • recommendations

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps Additional recommendations

Benches at front of school (health) – see green no. 6 on map • SLT • Could be constructed within CDT • Ideal monoblock terrain outside of school • As discussed at presentation – SLT keen on idea

Short term – cheap and easy, some benches already available

• • •

Check on progress with SLT Bring idea up at next pupil council meeting Speak to Mr Campbell about potential of constructing benches within CDT curriculum Consider new locations for existing benches – could trial different areas Think about the positioning of the benches in relation to one another

• •


4.0 Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing potential locations for short and medium-term project ideas

Short Term Priorities 1

Natural bench/shelter area

2 Bug hotels

Medium Term Priorities

3 Replant hedgerow/ plant native species to attract wildlife 4 Improved access to woodland (area to be identified)

1 Trenches 2

Seating in woodland

3 Bird facilities 4

Wildflower meadow

(area to be identified)


Growing area (area to

6 Benches at front of school


Shelter + seating in woodland for teaching Outdoor storage (area

5 Construction area


be identified)

to be identified)

Nature walk/ bike track (area to be



1 4


3 2

2 2



6 1

7 3

4.1 Medium-term changes - next steps and recommendations Project idea How can we take this forward?

Trenches (social) – see yellow no. 1 on map • Students may be happy to become involved in the school ‘digging process’ • The SLT would need to be consulted and included in plans • We already have a natural ditch which may be used to base the idea upon –giving us a starting point • We would need a plan to follow for the structure of the overall idea What challenges • Health and safety issues and barriers • Weather may halt proceedings might we face? • Mobility for all pupils/access • Having any pupils/staff willing to take part in construction Estimated • Medium term – we already have a starting point from which timescale to begin, however access is an issue Next steps • Consulting management to come up with a plan which we would use to carry out the construction • Management could advise on the best route/boundaries to follow Additional • Discuss idea at the next staff meeting and identify who else recommendations would use this resource and what for? • Area identified is well forested – how would this area need to be adapted to enable a class of students to use it? Project idea

Seating in the woodland (social) – see yellow no. 2 on map How can we take • Investigate possible suppliers for decking this forward? • Speak to Mrs Hughes for finance • Possible areas to adapt the tree stumps • Plant new trees so old ones can be cut down for tree stumps and natural seats What challenges • Health and safety and barriers • Possibly disturb wildlife? might we face? • Tree stumps for seats will mean cutting the trees down Estimated • This would have a medium to long timescale as the access to timescale the seating would have to be considered e.g. paths Next steps • Considering a pathway into all the wood areas Additional • Discuss at next pupil council meeting recommendations • Obtain formal permission to access proposed area from SLT • Think about the strong links between this idea, the ‘shelter and seating area for learning + teaching’ (yellow no.6) and the ‘improved access to woodland’ (green no.4) idea, as they should be considered alongside one another. • Get advice and possibly obtain materials from Beecraigs park • It’s important to consider the badger set – should people be able to access this area? • Think about out of hours use of this type of area and potential vandalism 8

Project idea How can we take this forward?

Bird Facilities (nature) – see yellow no. 3 on map • We need to work with CDT, they make bird boxes – put web cams in them • Buy young plants and trees • Research good plants/trees that are bird friendly • Bird fountain • Bird feeders – different types for different birds What challenges • Plants/trees – getting looked after and barriers • Maintaining bird boxes might we face? • Putting feed in feeder regularly Estimated • Medium timescale – there are many aspects to bird facilities, timescale some will take longer than others Next steps • Find suitable places for plants/trees and quiet/peaceful areas as well Additional • This could be driven by the eco-committee recommendations • Consider other subject areas which could contribute towards creating the bird facilities and approach the relevant teachers to talk about your ideas • Think about monitoring and maintenance of facilities • Carry out further research about where bird boxes/feeders/tables should be located – see Appendix B for further info

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps

Wild flower meadow (nature) – see yellow no. 4 on map • Janitor/council might take this forward, we would need to talk to them • Speak to council • Not likely to be expensive •

• • Additional • recommendations •

Medium timescale Leaving it to grow Plant wild flowers This could be driven by the eco-committee Carry out further research about how to create a wildflower meadow e.g. what to grow and when – see Appendix B for further information Consider the potential conflict between this project idea and the ‘decking beside pitch’ (red no.5) – how might this be resolved? Can the two projects work together to provide improved human enjoyment of wildlife areas? Consider the idea that a wildflower meadow doesn’t need to be a large area but would need to be open and sunny.


Project idea How can we take this forward?

Growing area/market garden (learning + teaching) – see yellow no. 5 on map • Identify area • Find out how much space/growing area is required • Who would benefit from it? • Cost • Upkeep – someone to maintain, with garden/growing experience • Medium timescale

What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps • Additional • recommendations •

• • •

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face?

Find interested/experienced parties Raise idea at next staff/SLT meeting Think about how members of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) might be able to help or have expertise in this area which they could share – contact the PTA teaching rep for more info (see Appendix B) Consider the different subject areas which could be involved in developing and using a growing space In the short-term, consider how departments might be able to start growing using the greenhouse area in the courtyard Students raised concerns about potential vandalism to an area similar to this if it went ahead – would need consider how this might be overcome See Appendix B for more help and resources on garden growing areas

Shelter and seating area for teaching (learning + teaching) – see yellow no. 6 on map • Identify areas to use • Mr Campbell to speak to SLT • Encourage teachers to take lessons outside • This will help identify what is required for each session • Negative response from teachers/management • Cost • Maintenance • Vandalism • Medium timescale

Estimated timescale Next steps • Additional • recommendations •

Encourage more lessons outside Raise idea at next staff/SLT meeting – speak to other teachers about how they might be able to use such a resource Consider developing this project alongside the ‘seating in the woodland’ (yellow no.2) idea as well as the ‘improving access to the woodland’ (green no.4) idea Have a look at Appendix B for information about ‘CPD Partnership opportunities in Outdoor Learning for Teachers Across Scotland’ run by LTS 10

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps Additional recommendations

Outdoor storage (learning + teaching) – see yellow no. 7 on map • What needs to be stored? • Who would use it? • Identify areas for storage • Cost • Maintenance • Security • Key holder/responsibility • Short to long timescale (depending on where) • • •

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face?

Assess storage requirements Cost options Develop this in conjunction with the ‘shelter and seating area for teaching’ (yellow no.6) idea to ensure the two are complimentary Raise idea at next staff/SLT meeting – speak to other teachers about how they might be able to use such a resource

Nature walk/bike track (health) – see yellow no. 8 on map • SLT and pupil council (or health group if possible) • Outside agency required • Circumference of school grounds are ideal • Health and safety concerns • Change current spaces • External help needed • Likely to be expensive • Medium to long term

Estimated timescale Next steps • Additional • recommendations • • •

Raise in pupil council Confirm which area of land the school/West Lothian council own and the trail route Potential barriers regarding students leaving the school grounds and related health and safety concerns Contractors already on site could potentially help to create route Contact Active Schools Coordinator for West Lothian to seek advice – see Appendix B for contact details.


5.0 Plan of St Margaret’s Academy showing potential locations for short and medium-term project ideas

Short Term Priorities 1 2

Natural bench/shelter area

2 Bug hotels

Medium Term Priorities

3 Replant hedgerow/ plant native species to attract wildlife 4 Improved access to woodland (area to be identified)


3 Bird facilities Wildflower meadow

(area to be identified)


Growing area (area to

6 Benches at front of school


Shelter + seating in woodland for teaching Outdoor storage (area


be identified)

to be identified)



Basketball half-court


Football stand


Bus park shelter


Amphitheatre style seating/ decking


Decking beside pitch + new 3G pitch

Seating in woodland


5 Construction area 1

1 Trenches

Long Term Priorities

Nature walk/ bike track (area to be identified)


4 4

1 2

3 2

2 2




6 1

12 3

5.1 Long-term changes - next steps and recommendations Project idea

Basketball half court (social and health) – see red no. 1 on map How can we take • We would use the open spaces beside the Astroturf. this forward? • It is likely to be expensive but it would be worth it. • Pupil discussion to lead to senior management • Possible benefits to PE curriculum • Agree proposals What challenges • Different opinions from groups on what space could be used and barriers for might we face? • Time-consuming • Health and safety concerns • Environmental damage • Vandalism • Design process necessary from external contractor • Budgetable (within reason) Estimated • It would be a long timescale because it would take planning timescale and finding a company to do it and because of potential budgeting problems, school extension/planning Next steps • Implemented as soon as possible, within and out with school timetable • To bring it to the attention of West Lothian Council. Additional • Raise idea at next pupil council or health group meeting recommendations • Consider access to court and its proximity to school – would you have time to use this area in your break and lunch times if it was beyond where the current Astroturf is? • Contact your Active Schools Coordinator for advice – see Appendix B for contact info • Think about potential funding streams – see Appendix B for further info Project idea How can we take this forward?

Football stand (social) – see red no. 2 on map • We could use the space behind the Astroturf to build a stand for pupils to enjoy the school football matches • Also it can be used for shelter for those who forget their PE kits • Need to consult with staff (especially PE) to get permission What challenges • It will be quite expensive and barriers • It will take some time to build might we face? • Weather conditions Estimated • This will be long term because it will take a lot of planning timescale and a long time to build Next steps • Consult with PE and management Additional • Raise idea at next pupil council meeting recommendations • Think about different ways to secure funds for this project, e.g. PTA, grants, fundraising – see Appendix B for further info 13

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps Additional recommendations

Bus Park Shelter (social) – see red no. 3 on map • Find the possible area for shelter • Measure the length of the bus park • Show how the pupils are wet and unhappy on rainy days • Cost of making the shelter the whole length of the bus park

• • • • •

Project idea How can we take this forward? What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale

The project would be long term as planning and construction would have to take place Plan whether it is possible Raise idea at next pupil council meeting Consult with the wider school community – is this something that other students think would be beneficial too? Consider how the bus park shelter could be designed to allow it to be used for a variety of other activities

Amphitheatre style seating + decking (health) – see red no. 4 on map • Pupil council discussion to lead onto SLT • Designed by Graphic Communication and Art and partly constructed by CDT • Ideally located at PE side entrance • Major budgeting issue • Easily accessible area both teaching staff and pupils • Constructed by company and West Lothian Council would have to be involve • Long term timescale – budgeting, school extension and planning problems

Next steps • Additional • recommendations •

Discussion with SLT Raise idea at next pupil council/health meeting Consider the potential conflicts with the ‘wildflower meadow’ (yellow no.4) project and how these might be resolved – they might not have to be mutually exclusive and could co-exist alongside one another?


Project idea How can we take this forward?

Decking beside pitch + new 3G pitch (health) – see red no. 5 on map • Pupil council discussion to lead to SLT • No school opportunities to construct and design projects • Ideally located at PE side entrance • Major budgeting restraints • Easily accessible area • No health and safety concerns • Long term timescale – budgeting restrictions

What challenges and barriers might we face? Estimated timescale Next steps • Additional • recommendations • • •

Once in use - area can be easily used within curriculum Raise idea at next pupil council/health group meeting Consult with the wider school community – is this something people feel strongly about and would like to have? Talk to PE staff about how they feel about this Extensive funds need to be raised – see Appendix B for further information


Appendix A - All priorities from group sessions Each themed group generated many ideas and priorities for the type of space they were focusing on. This section details all the ideas that each group came up with, including those which made it into their top 5 priorities. Although not all the ideas finished in the top 5 priorities there is still scope for them to be taken forward by the school. Ideas shown in bold are those that made it into the group’s top 5 priorities.

1. Nature Spaces Priorities Grassland Group • Garden at the back of P.E. (5 votes) • Pond – refurbish/clean up courtyard pond (0 votes) • Bird facilities – houses/feeders – use planting to encourage birds (12 votes) • Create a meadow for wild flowers – don’t cut the grass! (6 votes) • More trees (1 vote) Woodland group • Keep and use dead wood piles in woodland for spiders and bugs (3 votes) • Grow plants that encourage butterflies and native wild flowers (3 votes) • Birdhouses up trees – maybe with a webcam! (3 votes) • Hedgehog homes for hibernation – can be made using twigs and cardboard (4 votes) • Colourful bird feeders and birdhouses in trees (1 vote) Urban/tarmac group • Plant native plants to attract insects/birds e.g. willow trees (7 votes) • Bird baths in courtyard (1 vote) • Bug hotels made from dead wood, using leaves/twigs inside (9 votes) • Replant hedgerow and grow different types of plants at the edge/bottom (9 votes) • Bat boxes hung in courtyard or out front (2 votes) Human enjoyment of nature • Benches and tables/seating or social area in grassland (2 votes) • After school nature club/group (0 votes) • Use nature more in biology lessons (0 votes) • Bird hide/hiding shelter/box to view nature (1 vote) • Webcam in bird houses (5 votes) • Wildlife course/blindfold rope course through woodland (0 votes)


2. Social Spaces Priorities Front, Sides and Woodland Group • Natural bench area and natural shelter area in woodland - remove fence at bottom (8 votes) • Trenches in the side woodland area – natural ditch already in place (Curriculum links – history, drama and CDT) (7 votes) • Bus park shelter around the wall – perhaps decked to make it more weatherproof (8 votes) • Wooded area at Bus Park could be used as lunch area (not after school) and social area (snaked seating) designed by the pupils? (1 vote) • Sand pit and mini-diggers/tractors (like Beecraigs) (1 vote) • Spanish steps – area for people to get to easily for shelter, benches and natural areas (flowers etc). Use as amphitheatre for drama (0 votes) • Treehouse for social area (2 votes) • Courtyard – outdoor all weather games centre (snooker, bowling). Concrete over fish (0 votes) • Keep the old hill (by the grassy pitch) hilled! Amphitheatre for drama (3 votes) Area behind P.E. • Seating area in woodland – tree stumps, possible decking (long term)(12 votes) • Nature trail behind football pitches (medium term) (5 votes) • Basketball court behind the pitches or grassy area basketball court – beside PE/swimming (long term (7 votes) • Flower/art decorations at PE or behind pitches – dependant on where basketball court is (long term) (4 votes) • Football stand behind pitch (7 votes)


3. Healthy Spaces Priorities Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing • Nature walk – emotional, peaceful (2 votes) • Mini roundabout with flowers (bus area) (1 vote) • Plant area (fire exit route) (0 votes) • School front – benches and shelter (5 votes) • Walk way by PE - Art project/collage project or art path (2 votes) • PE side entrance – grass to decking/3G grass pitch (4 votes) • Astroturf – benches and shelter (3 votes) Physical Health • Paths from front down to natural seating (0 votes) • Seats at the front of school (0 votes) • Allotments (2 votes) • Picnic benches at front of school (5 votes) • Nature trail/bike track (woods) (4 votes) • Seating in woods by PE (1 vote) • Amphitheatre style seating/decking beside PE (9 votes) • Basketball half court/tarmac target practice area round back of pitches (7 votes) • Seating area overlooking grass pitch- rows of sheltered graduated seats (3 votes) • Hard surface path by PE – so you don’t have to go through car park (2 votes)


4. Learning and Teaching Space Priorities 1. Shelter and seating for outdoor classes – creative writing space with log benches in natural areas, could be used as social seating (12 votes) 2. Growing area – market garden area for enterprise/selling (6 votes) 3. Construction area – space in which to build larger scale projects e.g. bridge building (4 votes) 4. Improved access to wooded area so pupils/staff can get into these areas easily (2 votes) 5. Outdoor storage – secure place for mats, fold-up chairs and clipboards for outdoor lessons (1 vote)


Appendix B – Useful contacts and resources West Lothian contacts • Hugh Ilgunas, Livingston Ranger Service ( • Becky Plunkett, Community Greenspace Officer, West Lothian Council ( • Monika Wilkinson, Active Schools Coordinator, West Lothian Council ( • Beecraigs Sawmill, 01506 848945 – ( • Charlie Swan, Teacher’s Rep, St Margaret’s Academy Parent Teacher Association Funding and grants general info • Big Lottery Fund Scotland – ( • Eco-Schools webpage on financial help for school grounds – ( • Eco-Schools webpage on financial help for biodiversity on school grounds – ( • Growing Schools funding webpage – ( • Awards for All - gives grants of between £500 and £10,000 for people to take part in art, sport and community activities, and projects that promote education, the environment and health in the local community – ( • Sport Scotland – funding for sport ( • Royal Horticultural Funding webpage – ( aspa) Bug hotels resources • Growing Schools Garden webpage – click on ‘Wildlife Stations’ to download and fact sheet about how to create a bug hotel ( • Cornwall Wildlife Trust – Activities for School Grounds – click on ‘How to build a hibernation hotel for invertebrates’ for a download sheet ( • Cheshire Wildlife Trust – download a booklet on how to ‘Build and Invertebrate habitat’ – ( • Wild About garden’s page on how to ‘Build a bug mansion’ – ( • Wild About Garden’s Resource webpage – click on ‘Creature Features’ to download a sheet about creating lodgings for wildlife – (


Native tree and plant species and hedges • Wild About Garden’s Resources webpage – download ‘Hedges for Wildlife’ – ( • Woodlands Trust – Hedge and Copse Tree planting instructions – click on ‘Planting Guide’ under Scotland for your how to guide – ( • Woodlands Trust – free Hedgerow planting pack – ( Bird facilities resources • Cheshire Wildlife Trust – download a booklet on ‘Homes for Birds’ – ( • Wild About Garden’s Resources page – click on ‘Making and installing nest boxes for garden birds’ to download a fact sheet ( Wild flower meadow resources • Information on wild flower species and meadows ( • BBC guide to creating a wildflower meadow – • ( • Cheshire Wildlife Trust – download a booklet on how to ‘Plant a wildflower meadow’ – ( • Wild About Garden’s Resources webpage – download ‘Wildflower Meadows’ – ( • Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust – Wildflower Meadow Factsheet ( Growing area/market garden resources • Garden Organic School resources webpage – ( • Growing Schools Support Organisations Database – ( Learning and teaching resources • CPD programme for outdoor learning - series of free events from November 2010 to April 2011 for teachers and early years practitioners ( oorlearning/supportmaterials/resources/cpdevents.asp) • LTS’s outdoor learning page – ( oorlearning/) • Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor Learning publication – ( oorlearning/about/cfethroughoutdoorlearning.asp)


Other useful resources • LTS webpage of useful organisations for outdoor learning – ( oorlearning/supportmaterials/resources/organisations.asp) • LTS webpage on resources for outdoor learning – ( oorlearning/supportmaterials/resources/index.asp) • Eco-Schools webpage of practical help for school grounds – ( • Eco-Schools webpage for advice and information for school grounds – ( • Eco-Schools webpage on practical help for biodiversity in school grounds – ( • Eco-Schools webpage for advice and information for biodiversity in school grounds – ( • Growing School’s Resource Library – ( • Wild About Gardens provides lots of ideas for things to do and make outside – ( • Wild About Garden’s Resources page – ( • The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges Biodiversity Guide – Part 2 Practical Management (


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