Cranmore School Prospectus

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Cranmore School Independent Preparatory School for girls and boys 2 ½ - 13

Excellent pastoral care

is a strong contributory factor to the pupils’

extremely good personal development

- Independent Schools Inspectorate

Welcome from the


At Cranmore we care passionately about education in its fullest sense. We want children to have a positive school experience in which they develop a love for learning as well as developing strong friendships. We are a Catholic preparatory school that welcomes children from all religious denominations and none. Cranmore’s Christian ethos is central in supporting a child’s spiritual, personal and social development. Values such as trust, tolerance, care and concern for others really matter in this community. A preparatory school is a foundation for senior school and also for future life. This is our prime role and the journey that our children make through Cranmore is planned

meticulously in order to provide an excellent foundation and to foster a positive attitude towards learning. We cultivate at least one special talent or interest where a child can shine. This could be in academic prowess, disciplines such as sport, music or the arts, or in one of our many extra-curricular activities. Finally, it is my pleasure to invite you to visit us. Our beautiful country setting and splendid facilities are only part of the story; come and witness the happy, stimulating, challenging and fulfilling environment that Cranmore provides for our pupils. You will be most welcome.

A deep respect and genuine

consideration for others

is the basis for the whole school community.

Our Guiding Vision & Values At Cranmore we believe fervently in our responsibility to assist each child acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude which will provide a secure foundation in their education. We appreciate fully our shared responsibility with you in developing your child’s academic, physical, creative and emotional needs. We provide a stimulating, happy and fulfilling environment; the ability to be tolerant of others, to find great friendships in life and to take one’s rightful place in the world. Cranmore understands how children learn. This understanding shapes our approach and has significant impact on all aspects of school life. We are fully committed to providing a strong co-educational environment in which girls and boys can work co-operatively and learn effectively together. Cranmore School’s mission is to be a Catholic school committed to the teachings of the Gospel with the aim to help all children fulfil their potential, by fostering their individual talents and providing for their needs within its caring Christian community.

- Independent Schools Inspectorate


Nursery Years Our fantastic Nursery, Bright Stars at Cranmore, gives children the perfect introduction to our school. We welcome girls and boys from 2½ years and, naturally, we expect them to make a smooth transition into the main school. The play-based ethos incorporates an emphasis on developing understanding, skills and attitudes through a warm and caring teaching style. Bright Stars recognises that your child is unique and so we tailor the daily schedule to optimise the needs and development of each individual. Our outstanding professional staff provide a positive, creative and nurturing atmosphere that enables each child to make the best of early education with a substantially improved chance of future success.

The environment is so welcoming,

friendly and stimulating. - Parent

When is

Bright Stars open?

Bright Stars is open from 8.00am to 6.00pm on Monday to Friday throughout the year. Children may attend part-time or full-time for either school terms only or to include holiday sessions if required.

Where is


Bright Stars located?

Bright Stars Nursery is a completely self-contained and secure area within the grounds of Cranmore School

For details, please see

What facilities are provided?

Bright Stars is exceptionally well-equipped. In addition, our children have access, under full supervision, to the school’s outstanding facilities including the Adventure Playgrounds, Sports Fields, Sports Hall, Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Junior Computer Room and Music Rooms.

fortunate to have had such a

nurturing and


start to our child’s education

- Parent

Forest School

We also have a dedicated Forest School, including a bespoke log cabin and landscaped woodland area, which is a remarkable resource for outdoor education.

Life at the

Top (age 11-13)

The transition from pre-adolescent to teenager is an extremely important and often very sensitive stage in a child’s development. At Cranmore, we firmly believe that our supportive and child-centred environment offers the ideal encouraging yet challenging setting for individual development.

In their two valuable senior years, our pupils have extensive scope for leadership and service which encourages the development of skills and confidence without fear of judgement or criticism. They are encouraged to care for the younger children and to lead by example. They also benefit from additional curriculum breadth, privileges and opportunities that culminate in an exceptional post-Common Entrance activities programme.

I can truthfully say that my

final two years at Cranmore

have been more enjoyable

than all my previous years put together. - Toby

and funexciting.

Teachers make lessons

- Harry

Teachers here will push

you to achieve your best no matter what your level is

- Charlie

our child is so happy, secure and thriving‌

all that Cranmore

has given academically,

emotionally and spiritually ... - Parent


Aspirations The academic life of Cranmore is its central core. Learning is designed to be stimulating, challenging and enjoyable; to encourage self-belief and to allow each individual child to attain the highest standard possible. To maintain and build upon our proven record of success, we provide an exceptional team of highly-qualified, committed and enthusiastic teachers, who understand and appreciate how children learn best. We use a combination of traditional teaching methods, small classes and new technology including tablets, interactive Smart Screens and 3D printers. Cranmore’s talented staff are perfectly positioned not only to provide the level of education that your child deserves, but also to deliver it in a way that is both engaging and stimulating.

pupils’ achievements are are

excellent across a broad and

academic curriculum - Independent Schools Inspectorate


Aspirations Learning is enhanced by our outstanding facilities: a 25-acre site with a dedicated nursery, modern classrooms equipped with the latest technology, modern science laboratories, ICT laboratories, a music school with auditorium and practice rooms, a design and technology workshop, an art studio, and two well-stocked libraries. We have a deserved reputation for achieving academic excellence and this is demonstrated by our outstanding record of success in both Scholarship and Common Entrance exams and by the positive feedback from senior schools. We operate a broad and balanced curriculum with specialist teachers preparing children for 11+, Common Entrance at 13+ as well as numerous Scholarship Exams. The core subjects are English, Maths and Science which is taught as Physics, Chemistry and Biology for older pupils. We teach both modern and classical languages: French, Spanish, Mandarin, Latin and Greek. Of course, our curriculum contains a great deal more: Religious Education, History, Geography, Music, Art, Computing, Design and Technology, Drama and Philosophy. We have a strong reputation for Sport which is also integrated into the timetable.

Our children have

absolutely thrived at Cranmore and are emerging as well rounded,

confident and independent. - Parent


Individual Needs


Cranmore has high aspirations for each child’s achievements. We set high standards and many children are successful in being awarded scholarships to senior schools. Some pupils may require specific learning support which is given by our Progress Department in order that they attain their best performance. Academic, Music and Sport Scholarships and a limited number of financially assisted places are offered for 7+ entry to Cranmore. The Registrar can provide full details. Cranmore has an excellent reputation with senior schools and successfully places children locally and in boarding schools further afield.




The creative arts are an integral part of Cranmore life and these opportunities are particularly important for developing self-esteem during the formative years.

My favourite was

Music Technology Club. The teachers were

really friendly and helpful

and taught me how to apply my love of technology. - Ronan


Cranmore actively promotes an enjoyment and love of music throughout the school for every level of ability. Our pupils benefit from lessons with a specialist teacher and most children learn at least one instrument. Playing in an instrumental ensemble or singing in a choir is important here; we have numerous musical clubs, vocal groups, choirs, bands and orchestras giving constant opportunities to perform whether in class, assembly or in instrumental and vocal concerts. Two large teaching rooms, seven practice rooms and a magnificent auditorium equipped with a grand piano and organ

provide outstanding facilities for lessons, rehearsals and performances. Cranmore hosts Associated Board practical exams with an impressive number of pupils taking exams up to and including Grade 8. Every child learns to read and write music and take external theory exams. The school competes in local music festivals, participates in external senior school music days and welcomes professional musicians to entertain and inspire.

Music is strong, valued and

highly praised by parents.

- Good Schools Guide

An all-round school


high standards

and impressive results

- Good Schools Guide


& Design Cranmore is proud of the high standards the children achieve. As they mature, we encourage them to explore different media and extend their abilities in additional areas. Regular art events, visiting artists and trips to galleries stimulate appreciation and passion for art in all its forms. In addition, our artists have a natural outlet in supporting school productions with scenery and props. The Design & Technology workshop offers alternative materials, electronics, robotics and computer-aided projects.

incredibly satisfying to see my child

develop as an individual

in confidence and self-belief

- Parent


Drama and the performing arts are a wonderful way to develop self-expression and imagination. It can often help inspire confidence in those who are naturally more retiring. We have a magnificent auditorium in which we can enjoy first-class performances throughout the year. We also have an outstanding track record in achieving high-standard certificates in Trinity Guildhall and English Speaking Board exams and we participate in local drama festivals every year.




We believe we can find at least one aspect in which your child can truly excel. Cranmore provides more than 40 extra-curricular clubs, many of them unusual in a prep school; from Cookery to Rowing, Chess to Skiing, Lego Technic to Squash, Golf to Gardening - your child is sure to find an activity to enjoy. There are out-of-school activities including visits to museums, galleries, concerts, the theatre and PGL residential visits which support a dynamic approach to learning as well as encouraging socialisation and team building.

I loved Cookery Club on Wednesdays.

Every single thing we cooked

was delicious.

- Michael


Sport at Every Level Cranmore operates a strong ‘sport for all’ ethos. We instil a love of sport in all our girls and boys by promoting a healthy enjoyment of competition at all levels and an understanding of life-long health benefits. Our teachers are highly qualified and we also use visiting professional staff to strengthen and develop training. Our extensive 25-acre site offers outstanding sports facilities including tennis courts, squash courts, a six hole par-3 golf course, sports hall, gymnasium, outdoor pitches including two all-weather surfaces and a 25m swimming pool. No single sport dominates and many No

things that have stood out are

the breadth of sports

that Cranmore offers

both in the curriculum and as

extra-curricular clubs

- Parent

Sport is the wow factor.

- Good Schools Guide


Sport at Every Level No single sport dominates and many are highly unusual for a prep school; we offer 25 different options, encompassing the traditional sports along with many other individual, team and adventure-based activities. Each year we take part in hundreds of external fixtures. Interschool and inter-house matches, county and national events and tournaments provide opportunities to harness children’s competitive instincts and to allow for life lessons in winning and losing. We believe it is important that girls and boys of all abilities enjoy the experience of playing in organised competitive matches.


Cranmore Community

We understand that you know your child best and we seek to work with you so that the caring, secure atmosphere which you provide at home is maintained throughout the time spent within the Cranmore family. We are deeply passionate about the welfare of our girls and boys and we are committed to encouraging your child to flourish as an individual. We believe that this provides the best possible foundation for social development and for future schooling.

We use a number of important initiatives and strategies to foster and grow the Cranmore community and this begins with the warm and welcoming atmosphere present from your child’s first day. The House system introduces the fun of lively competition and develops bonds across the age ranges. The ‘Buddy’ system allows older pupils to support the younger ones.

the life lessons that Cranmore instils are


and really support

our own family beliefs and principles - Parent

The pupils’ personal development is supported by

excellent pastoral care, based on the teachers’

good knowledge of individuals,

and caring relationships. - Independent Schools Inspectorate


Cranmore Community

Each child has a Form Tutor who monitors progress and provides encouragement for all aspects of school life. Older pupils are encouraged to take positions of responsibility (including the pupilelected School Council) which assist in the day-to-day running of Cranmore and help them learn important life skills. Throughout their time at Cranmore, girls and boys are encouraged to establish, strengthen and value friendships and to support and help each other. This support of others extends to the numerous charitable activities and fund-raisers that increase a sense of social responsibility and an awareness of the challenges that many people face.

Tel: 01483 280340 Fax: 01483 280341 E-mail: Cranmore School Epsom Road, West Horsley Surrey KT24 6AT

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