Make the Most of Your Massage
Make the Most of Your Massage There are many types of massages, and there are many reasons to get a massage. Stress reduction, physical therapy, and general relaxation are three benefits of regular massage therapy. Your body is private and delicate and you only want the very best for it... so trust and professionalism is 100% necessary when allowing somebody to perform your body work. This article covers basic points of scheduling and obtaining the best massage experience possible.
Booking an appointment When scheduling your massage appointment, ask questions about the staff. If you are particularly fussy (we all have our moments) – ask to see the *most senior* massage therapist. Verify the gender of the therapist when booking and book according to your preference. There will likely be specialists in various techniques, (such as deep tissue, maternity, etc). If you are unsure of the type of massage you desire, let them know when booking. You can book the amount of time you wish, then customize the service to fit your needs once you arrive.
Take in your surroundings You are spending money for a special service to treat yourself. Before the service begins, take a few extra moments to inhale the aromatherapy, listen to the calming music, to disrobe. A license to practice should always be displayed.
Speak up If you are uncomfortable with any part of the massage, speak up immediately. A trained professional will customize pressure to your wishes, but if you don’t ask, they will never 1/2
Drink water Some feel like they could go straight to sleep after a massage – others feel they could climb a mountain. Drink at least ounces of water following your massage. Let’s get real. Usually a massage is a treat for a special occasion. Special occasions usually include dinner plans, which often include wine or a couple of cocktails. Enjoy yourself, just be sure to drink plenty of water. Toxins are circulating throughout your body following a massage and when alcohol is added it is a recipe for sore muscles the following day.
General etiquette: Undergarments can be worn at all times if preferred – either way is appropriate. They do constrict fluid motion if having a full body massage. Do what makes you the most comfortable. You do not need to talk during your massage. Some people feel like they need to speak during a service to alleviate “nervous silence” – this takes away from the experience. A good massage therapist knows that it is their job to create a relaxing experience. Save the chattering for your cutting designer. Pascale Loveniers Akwa Beauty & Wellness Prive Sauna Akwa All rights reserved