Prive Sauna Akwa Akwa Beauty & Wellness
Super Food: Spirulina Did you know:
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- One tablespoon of Spirulina contains 9.8 grams of protein, 1.5 grams of fat and 3.8 grams of complex carbohydrates? - Spirulina contains up to 13% essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, vitamin B complex and antioxidants? - Spirulina contains more beta-carotene than any other food, as much as 25 times more than carrots? - Spirulina contains 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and 18 amino acids? - Spirulina is composed of more than 60% protein? Compare this with meat (27%) or soy (34%) - Spirulina contains 12 times more bioavailable protein than steak? Proteins from Spirulina are therefore much better absorbed than proteins from steak - Spirulina is a rich source of antioxidants? Important for good health and long life. - Spirulina contains phycocyanin, a rare blue pigment unique to Spirulina? Phycocyanin stimulates the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant. - Spirulina is the only food that contains 96 trace minerals in a natural, synergistic balance? And there are more points to write down, but I think this is enough to convince you Chances are quite high that you have never heard of spirulina. It's a very exotic superfood and therefore not found in the regular supermarket. Not yet, anyway. Because it is considered by the experts to be the superfood of all superfoods and truly food of the Gods. Spirulina is a superfood made from algae, a so-called blue-green algae. It is a singlecelled organism called cyanobacteria and is technically not actually an alga but a bacterium. But this is an unimportant detail, all you need to know is that Spirulina is incredibly good for you. Spirulina is rich in vitamins, minerals and protein and contains all the essential amino acids unlike what you usually hear about plant-based protein sources. These properties are very important for your immune system, general health and even muscle building. Aztec Of course, the fact that spirulina is still so unknown here in our country doesn't mean that it itself has only been known for a short time. In fact, the opposite is true! Indigenous peoples from all over the world have known for centuries that it is a superfood. The Aztecs of Central America gave their warriors spirulina before going into battle. It gave them extra stamina and strength so they could go on longer and defeat the enemy. Oldest life form If we look at the biology, spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on our planet. The alga originated about 3.6 billion years ago at a time when the only life forms on Earth were single-celled organisms such as bacteria. Spirulina, however, remains highly related to a plant-like organism which is why researchers have determined that it was one of the first plant forms on our earth. Spirulina has always adapted well through evolution and is very common in certain areas. Spirulina grows naturally in mineral-rich lakes such as those found on the various continents. The greatest concentrations of naturally occurring spirulina today are found in Lake Texcoco in Mexico, around Lake Chad in Central Africa and along the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. However, most commercial spirulina today is grown in special outdoor tanks in parts of North America and Asia. What makes Spirulina so healthy? Spirulina contains as many as eleven different vitamins, making it a real vitamin bomb. Here is a list of which vitamins it contains: