The Tree of Life
The almighty coconut! The “Tree of Life” (coconut tree) has benefits for basically every cell in our body. The milk and oil improves beauty from the inside out – and the outside in.
Ingest it! The fat is mono-saturated, so feel free to incorporate it into your diet. When ingested, coconut oil provides the following benefits: Metabolic increaser Energy provider Endurance booster Promotes digestion Lowers blood pressure Reduces blood clotting Use as a hair treatment or bathe in it! Pour as much as desired into your tub – it will soften your skin noticeably, instantly! Create a fragrant and nourishing milk bath. (If you can get your hands on fresh plumerias or gardenias, throw them in.) Rinse hair in coconut milk to add shine and stimulate growth; massage gently into scalp and rinse away with cold water. When used topically, coconut oil provides the following benefits: Stimulates hair growth Skin softener Anti-viral Anti-fungal Antioxidant Wrinkle prevention Anti-aging Anti-sagging (skin) TIP: You can create coconut oil by simmering coconut milk for an hour and separating the oil with a layer of fine mesh. Pascale Loveniers Akwa Beauty & Wellness 1/2
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