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Blackpool Sixth Form Expects…
...you to fulfil the terms of your student agreement
Our Values:
Inspiring learning, developing mind and character, building your future. The core values underpin everything we do as a Sixth Form: Respect - for ourselves, for others, for the environment Excellence and High Aspirations - being the best we can be, by striving to be more Support - helping everyone to succeed Inclusion - valuing everyone equally and striving to overcome any barriers to success Integrity - acting according to our values and promises Global Citizenship - being active in improving our world and broadening horizons Enthusiasm - learning because we love to learn, teaching because we love to teach
RESPECT We will • Treat everyone with respect, courtesy and fairness. • Recognise and respect the rights and beliefs of others • Listen to your views and communicate with you effectively • Provide you with a safe and attractive learning environment You will • Treat other students, staff and visitors with respect and courtesy • Be tolerant of people’s views and act without prejudice • Take care of your college and local environment, place all litter in the bins provided and return borrowed items in good condition • Work together with fellow students and staff and be mutually supportive EXCELLENCE AND HIGH ASPIRATIONS We will • Provide the best learning and assessment so you can achieve your full potential • Provide both written and verbal feedback that identifies the strengths of your submitted work and gives clear guidance on how to improve • Help you to organise your work so that it is completed on time and to a good standard
• Offer high quality careers advice and guidance on career options after Blackpool Sixth to enable you to make informed choices and be successful in your future You will • Have high expectations of yourself and of your college, completing work to the best of your ability • Attend all timetabled lessons on time and plan for holidays outside term time • Prepare for lessons by completing all directed study tasks to a high standard and submit work to agreed deadlines • Ask for help and advice whenever you feel you need it and respond to help and support in a proactive way SUPPORT We will • Guide you through the enrolment process so you choose the most appropriate courses • Make your success our first priority and provide support in order to meet your needs • Give you appropriate information, advice and guidance about options after college, including opportunities to develop essential employability skills and support with applications to higher education, employment and further training • Ensure that you aware of all the support available in Blackpool Sixth
01253 394911 You will • Share responsibility for your own learning and access support when needed to help you achieve your personal best • Value other students and staff in their learning and teaching, and support them to achieve their goals • Contribute fully to group work and be mutually supportive • Ensure that you do not distract other students from their learning in lessons and in other areas of Blackpool Sixth INCLUSION We will • Value the diversity of staff and students • Recognise that we are all individuals and seek to understand differences • Reduce barriers to learning for all students and ensure that support is put in place to meet individual needs • Challenge prejudice, discrimination and harassment wherever it occurs You will • Recognise and acknowledge other students’ differences and varying needs • Value diversity and treat people without discrimination • Choose not to engage in or accept bullying, intimidation or harassment • Report any prejudice, discrimination or harassment INTEGRITY We will • Act according to the core values described in this document • Have open and honest communication to help you improve
• Make fair and transparent decisions based on values, standards and principles • Challenge behaviour that fails to meet the core values and expectations You will • Act according to the core values described in this document • Give honest and open feedback to help Blackpool Sixth improve its provision • Challenge behaviour that fails to meet the core values and expectations • Expect behaviour that fails to meet the core values and expectations to be challenged GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP We will • Create opportunities for you to develop your citizenship skills so you can play a full and active part in Blackpool Sixth • Involve you in the decision making processes within college and create student leadership roles • Promote greater understanding of local and global issues throughout the curriculum • Provide enrichment activities that will allow you to make a contribution to the local, national and global community You will • Act as an Ambassador for your college at all times • Play a full part in Blackpool Sixth life, making the most of the opportunities given to you • Prepare fully for your life after Blackpool Sixth so you can be a responsible and active citizen • Recognise your own worth and the contribution that you make
ENTHUSIASM We will • Show a commitment and interest to all students • Be passionate about helping you succeed • Make fun and enjoyment an essential part of the learning process • Recognise and celebrate your achievements You will • Be passionate about your own learning • Display a positive attitude • Make a full contribution and participate in all learning/enrichment activities • Help others to enjoy and succeed at Blackpool Sixth
Blackpool Old Road, Blackpool, FY3 7LR Telephone: 01253 394911 Fax: 01253 300459 E-mail: enquiries@blackpoolsixth.ac.uk Website: www.blackpoolsixth.ac.uk