Invasion Games Lesson Plans Reception

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Reception INVASION PE Sports Curriculum 6 weeks


Class: Reception PROGRESSION 1 Topic: Invasion Learning Objective: To explore throwing with a variety of equipment increasing new skills of control and accuracy Introduction to the activity. Children spend another 5 minutes working on various speeds of travel within the marked area. Discuss with children the different sporting equipment which you can throw and show examples of these. Tasks

Warm Up. Children move around the playground/hall walking jogging and sprinting. Listen to teachers command of FREEZE (Stop) and Go (Go). Also incorporate static and dynamic stretches. Children get used to focusing on staying within a certain area.

Teaching Points

Success Criteria

Children individually explore a variety of balls moving and throwing them to themselves. Explore the different ways of throwing the equipment, underarm throw, one hand/two hands etc demonstrate the correct technique to throw the variety of balls in different ways. A number of obstacle targets are set out around the playing area and children have to aim to throw the different equipment in different ways, into different targets whilst standing still and if children complete this effectively then also whilst moving around the obstacle area. Which equipment/throw was easier? Which is harder? Why? Targets can be moved closer or further away depending on ability levels.

Vary how you ask pupils questions. Individual, paired and group work important for pupils to discuss ideas. Individual activity, work children to own capabilities. When throwing up and exploring the equipment to themselves let the less able children bounce and catch the equipment whilst making the more able children catch it first time. Increase/decrease distance of throw, appropriate obstacles/barriers. Different sized targets areas of obstacles.

Cool down tasks

Warming up should involve activity which is going to raise the pulse rate and prepare the body for physical activity. Encourage children not to run round in a circle but explore all different directions looking for space and avoiding others. Are the pupils aware of the correct names for the types of equipment used and various sports related to the activity? Encourage children to move freely in different directions and discourage moving around in a circle. Ensure the safety of throwing and handling a variety of throwing equipment. Emphasise the importance of hand eye coordination, opposite arm opposite leg when throwing. Vocab/Resources

Lie on the floor doing a number of static and dynamic stretches and review the lesson and what has been learnt

Encourage use of sports specific terms i.e. when describing technique

Vary how you question the children i.e. open/closed questions

Learning Outcomes

Most children will be able to -

Some children will not have progressed as far -

Some children will have progressed further -

Use basic throwing actions with a variety of equipment with some level of consistency. Show awareness and space.

Use basic throwing actions with help and awareness of the teacher.

Use basic throwing actions with a variety of equipment whilst showing great consistency. Show good awareness of space and their movements.

Class: Reception PROGRESSION 2 Topic: Invasion Learning Objective: To develop the skills of catching a ball To improve our hand-eye co-ordination. Introduction to the activity. Ask children to explore throwing and catching different size, shapes and weights of balls i.e. tennis ball, bean bag, dodge ball and soft netball. Which is easier? Harder? Why? Can children start to move around the hall/playground whilst throwing and catching? Children to move when seen to be at the appropriate level to do so.

Warm Up. Children travel around a marked area working on staying within the marked area. Children perform small steps, big steps, quiet steps, loud steps. Children do this working on moving in different directions and not in a circle.


Teaching Points

Success Criteria

Children drop their ball enough for the ball then to bounce up and catch. Floor spots can be used as a target to keep the area of bouncing controlled. Demonstrate using children how to make a target with their hands to help partner who is throwing the ball. Increase distance and decrease the distance to make it harder/easier. Competition, how many times can you throw and catch the ball between you and your partner in one minute, 30seconds and 10 seconds. How different are the scores and does it become more difficult in competition. Set out a number of hoops around the playing area, pupils are split into pairs with one partner stood in a hoop. Partners explore throwing and catching staying in a specific area and then introduce partners who aren’t in a hoop to be able to throw and catch between any of the partners in hoops. Start to explore throwing and catching at different levels. Make a target low, medium and high.

Warming up should involve activity which is going to raise the pulse rate and prepare the body for physical activity. Encourage children not to run round in a circle but explore all different directions looking for space and avoiding others. What ways can we throw and catch a ball? Change the ball which you are using to explore a variety of balls. Cup your hands to receive the ball. Keep your eyes focused on your partner, knees bent, on your toes ready to receive the ball. Keep technique when applying competition to the session. Throwing has to be in correct direction because partner cannot leave the hoop. Is the throw going to the target the child has made? Watch the flight of the ball.

Children must work on own capabilities for the warm up. Can children throw higher and shorter to make it easier or harder to catch the ball? Can children start to think about changing speeds when moving around the hall to also make it easier or harder to catch? Make it easier/harder by making the balls specific to the individual ability. Access the ability when throwing and catching the ball and change some pairs around so partners are of same ability.

Cool down tasks


Learning Outcomes

Teacher Say’s. Children take part in a number of movements copying the teacher e.g. Star Jumps, Joggings, Laying Down Bicycle, Jumping.

Encourage use of sports specific terms i.e. when describing technique

Vary how you question the children i.e. open/closed questions

Most children will be able to -

Some children will not have progressed as far -

Some children will have progressed further -

Perform the basic skills and throwing and catching with more confidence

Need to work at performing the basic skills of catching and gathering

Perform the basic skills of throwing and catching with a good level of confidence as well applying movement in applying throwing and catching.

Class: Reception PROGRESSION 3 Topic: Invasion consistency and in a game situation. Show awareness and space.

within a game situation. Show some awareness of space.

and great consistency within a game situation. Show good awareness of space and their movements.

Class: Reception PROGRESSION 4 Topic: Invasion Learning Objective: To explore different ways of rolling objects Introduction to the activity. Provide pupils with a number of different balls. Ask children to find a space and try and roll the equipment up/down their body. What ways can the children hold their equipment? Children then roll their equipment slowly in front of them and chase it down and pick it up. Can the equipment be thrown and rolled in different way?

Warm Up. Children are instructed to move around the hall running, jogging and sprinting. Inside the area each of the corners of the hall/playground are labelled with a name e.g. North, South, East and West. On the call of the teacher pupils must get to the called corner as fast as possible. Last one to make it to the corner loses a life. Pupils then move around the hall/playground with a ball keeping control of it at all times.


Teaching Points

Success Criteria

The next section of the lesson will be split into three 10minute rolling activities. The first activity children will get into groups of three’s. Two of the three will be facing each other with the other member of the three will be placed in-between each of them with his or her legs open. The two facing each other have to roll the ball to each other whilst aiming their equipment throw the third member’s legs. Change positions every couple of minutes. The next activity the class get into small groups, line up behind a cone whilst placing another cone in front of them 10 yards apart. Individually the pupil has to roll the ball aiming for the cone, collect their rolling equipment and run back giving it to the next person who does the same. The next activity is called bowling alley where children have to get into pairs and roll their equipment to each other without touching there bowling alley lanes. This can also be done whereby the children aim to knock over a skittle or tall cone.

Run on the balls or your feet. Prepare all pupils body for activity in raising the pulse rates of the children. Avoid other children and think about looking for space when travelling around the hall/playground. Use fingers to control the equipment. Encourage look, roll and go. Remind children of collisions. Do children know any of the correct names for the equipment? Demonstrate good technique and individually indentify all children are applying the correct technique. What is the best way to roll certain equipment? Opposite foot to arm when rolling with one hand.

Cool down tasks


Children must work on own capabilities for the warm up. Ensure that all children are warming up properly and effectively so they are ready for the lesson. Children who are finding it easy are given harder equipment to roll. Children who find it harder are then provided with easier equipment to roll. Different types and sizes of equipment. Pair children with similar ability. Increase distance between pairs when in the first activity or decrease the distance. Increase/decrease the distance between the cones depending on success. Increase/decrease the width of the alleys depending on the success of pupil. Learning Outcomes

Circle cool down. Children stand in a circle copying movements in a circle led by the teacher.

Encourage use of sports specific terms i.e. when describing technique

Vary how you question the children i.e. open/closed questions

Most children will be able to -

Some children will not have progressed as far -

Some children will have progressed further -

Use a basic rolling action with some consistency. Show awareness of space.

Use a basic rolling action with help. Show some awareness of space.

Use a basic rolling action with great consistency. Show good awareness of space and their movements.

Class: Reception PROGRESSION 5 Topic: Invasion Learning Objective: To explore objects with increased accuracy and control. To receive a ball with control Introduction to the activity. Class is split up into pairs all in a line. In front on each pair is a target area which is split up into different colours. Different colours means different amount of points.

Warm Up. Treasure chest. The class is split up into 4 teams and all members of each line up in a line behind each other in different corners of the playground/hall. In the middle of the hall there is a chest full of balls and bean bags. First person must collect one item from the chest and bring it back to their team and then the next person goes. Winning team is the team with the most items back with their team.


Teaching Points

Success Criteria

Children get in to pairs. When in pairs they stand five yards apart and create a goal a couple of yards apart. One of the pairs stands in a coned goal (defender) 4-5 yards apart. The other partner facing the goal (attacker) tries to roll the ball at one of the cones to score a point. Defender tries to intercept the ball. Change positions. Then instead of aiming for the goal, aim for the entire goal and set up two goals facing each other. 1v1 both players acting as attackers and defenders. Class is split up into pairs all in a line. In front on each pair is a target area which is split up into different colours. Different colours means different amount of points. Children get in to pairs. When in pairs they stand five yards apart and create a goal a couple of yards apart. One of the pairs stands in a coned goal (defender) 4-5 yards apart. The other partner facing the goal (attacker) tries to roll the ball at one of the cones to score a point. Defender tries to intercept the ball. Change positions. Then instead of aiming for the goal, aim for the entire goal and set up two goals facing each other. 1v1 both players acting as attackers and defenders.

Discuss technique of collecting items from the chest. Which ways can we control the equipment when rolling? How can we roll accurately? Can you roll the ball quickly? Which ways can we control the equipment when rolling? How can we roll accurately? Can you roll the ball quickly? Can you defend the cones and intercept the ball? Can you roll your ball past the defender to hit a cone?

Change the way the children pass the items back to the next team members. Throwing, rolling and direct passing. Set individual challenges depending on the individual’s capability. Children work towards their own capabilities but pushed to achieve the most possible. Set individual challenges depending on the individual’s capability. Children work towards their own capabilities but pushed to achieve the most possible

Cool down tasks


Learning Outcomes

Bean Game. Children perform a number of movements related to beans. Jumping, Runner, Broad, Baked, Jelly.

Encourage use of sports specific terms i.e. when describing technique

To show some basic control and accuracy when rolling and receiving a ball.

Most children will be able to -

Some children will not have progressed as far -

Some children will have progressed further -

Use a basic rolling action with some consistency. Intercept, retrieve and stop a medium-sized ball with some consistency. Show awareness of space.

Use a basic rolling action with help. Use a small range of collecting and receiving skills. Show some awareness of space.

Use a basic rolling action with great consistency. Track, intercept, stop and catch balls consistency. Show good awareness of space and their movements.

Class: Reception PROGRESSION 6 Topic: Invasion Learning Objective: To improve throwing, catching and rolling skills in a game situation. To chose and use simple tactics. Introduction to the activity. Children are split into groups of 4 in a 5m by 5m area. 3 of the 4 children are attackers keeping the ball of the 1 defender. Children can roll, throw and catch to each other but not use their feet to move and pass the ball around the area. Defenders cannot tackle but only intercept the ball. Tasks

Warm Up. A number of hoops are set out around the hall/playground. Children play a modified game of tag whereby if children are stood in a hoop he/she cannot be tug. Change the people who are on every couple of minutes.

Teaching Points

Success Criteria

The hall/playground is split up into two pitches. The class is then split up into 4 equal teams and placed on a pitch. At either end of the pitches there are different types of goals at either end. Some goals are coned where by children must roll the ball through the cones to score a point and other goals are cone areas where children must throw the ball into the specific area and a member of their team catch the ball successfully in that area to score a point. Children cannot move when the ball is in their hands.

Run on the balls or your feet. Prepare all pupils body for activity in raising the pulse rates of the children. Avoid other children and think about looking for space and spare hoops when travelling around the hall/playground. Ensure safe area. Move after you have made a pass. Make a target to receive pass. Ensure attackers are looking at you before throwing the ball. Defender will be changed every couple of shots. Explain simple tactics that they could use to outwit the defending teams. Explain the importance of communication. Explain the importance of finding space. Vocab/Resources

Change the amount of time you can spend inside a hoop. Can’t go back to the same hoop, but find a different one.

Cool down tasks

Different types of equipment. Select groups of similar ability. Select members of the class to be with children of similar ability. Children work towards their own capabilities but pushed to achieve the most possible.

Learning Outcomes

Children do some light movements around the allocated area and then sit and Encourage use of sports specific terms i.e. when Vary how you question the children i.e. discuss the games and previous lessons and what they haven’t learnt within the describing technique open/closed questions term. Most children will be able to Some children will not have progressed as far Some children will have progressed further Apply the basic skills of throwing, catching and rolling with confidence in a game situation. Work well with a partner to improve their skills.

Need to work at performing the basic skills of throwing, catching and rolling. Watch others and focus on the specific actions.

Perform the basic skills of throwing, catching and rolling with a good level of consistency and begin to use these skills thoughtfully in simple game situations. Practise to improve their skills, knowing what they need to achieve.

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